TAM1LY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS % Bdag Constantly Supplied Witfc Tbedfwd'i BUck-Dranffct. McDutt, Vi. ? "1 (uttered lor teveni MM," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, o< this place, "with tick headache, and ?tomach trouble. Ten year* ago a friend told me to try V Thedlord'* Black-Draught, which 1 dia, and I found it to be the best family medi cine for young and old. 1 keep Black-Draught on hand all the (line now, and when my children feel a #1116 bad, they ask me for a dose, and ft .does them more good thaa any medicine they ever tried. ? We never have a long spell of sick act* In our family, since we commenced ?tfasg Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught It purely vegetable, and ha* been found to regu Me weak stomach*, aid digestion, re ?eve Indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, uadache, tick stomach, and similar Symptoms. It has been In constant use for more tan 70 years, and hat benefited more tan a million people. Your druggist sellt and recommendt Black-Draught Price only 25c. Get a itckage to-day- N. C 12} Hickory Bock Items. Mr. Hugh Hayes and Mr.' Charlie Blacknall went to Raleigh on business "Wednesday. Mrs. H. "A. Newell, Misses Susie, Ernestine and El'lza Hayes went to Raleigh Wednesday to see the soldier boys pass through. Miss Eliza Hayes' from Henderson, Is flatting at Mr. Hugh Hayes. Ut-Nt, AM1M, Effect** Lsxittw 1 Unr Tonic Don Net trip* Mr Distort Am Stomach. la addition to other properties, Lax-Foe contains Cascara in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative and Tonic . Lax -Foe acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, arouses the lirer and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c. KISS SALLIE THOMAS WILLIAMS Teacher of Piano and Voice. Studio at the residence wf Mrs A. M. Hall. Telephone, Residence 19," Studio 339 9-l-4mo. DB. H. 0. PEKKX Practicing Physician ' WOODS, S. C. Prompt attention given to ail calls DB. W. B. MOHTON Eye Specialist Lonisburg, North Carolina Office over First National Bank. 8. ATWOOD 5EWELL. Attornej-At-Law. OfBces over Tar Blver Drug Co., Nash Street SCBeral Practice and Settlements of Estates) Practice in all Courts DB. ABTBUB HYNES FLEXING Surgeon Dentist. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store. E. M. PEJ1BY, ST. I). Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office Next Door to Aycock Drag Co. Phone Connectlona 287. DR. 1. E. MALONE. Louieburg, North Carolina Pfflce In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Ourgery KB. D. X. SMITH WICK. Dentist. Lonlsbnrg, N. C. Office in the Hill Live Stock Co., Building on Naih Street. W. M. PEB80N. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina Practice In all courts. Office on Main Street _ -e*=~ M. r. IIOUCK. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER leading agents for all kinds of building supplies, artistic Mantles add rues, Architectural designs sub mitted. - DR. E. R. YAB&>E2?BIFT. Vetepraarlan. LoulsDurg/ North Carolina At Fuller's Old Stabler. Phone No. 4. Night Phone No. 33). Treat all domestic animals. Free Examination of /mouth. B.W. Blekett, R.B. White, E.H. Halone BICIETT, WHITE * BALONI LAWYERS Lonlsharg, North Carolina Qeaeral practice, settlement of es tates funds lnrested. One member of tkl arm always In the offlce. Wb. haywood bcffdi ATTORNEY-AT-LAW WW practice In the courts of Frank lin ud adjoining counties, also Ip the Bapreme court and Circuit court. Of fice over the First National Bank. DB. *. C. HOBTOM. ? BaMffe, Hortu Carolina Practice Limited to Eye, Bar, Nose - and Throat Wm be tn Loulsburg the ?rst Moa lay of each month at offlce of Dr. B. M. Perry from 9 to 1S:S0. and at the of Drs. Harris and Henderson at BrankUnton, N. a, (ram 1:10 to 6 p. m. Will alio be tn Loulsburg at oflloe af Dr. B. M Perry the entire day of ?m UUrd Saturday ta aacb month. That seal, with all it means to the public, might well be put on every bottle that contains PERUNA No other remedy ever offered the American people baa more friend* after two feneration* of euooeM; do other remedy la more generally and la thehonea of the people; no other has been so enthusiastically endors ed by the thousands. JitemnlilndlgMiaMt. For Peruna may be obtained fail tablet fa * 1 IF THE Q. 0. P. ELEPHANT COULD SPEAK THE TRUTH < Voter* of the U. 8. A.? We, the Republican party, being at our wits' end and desperate, put it up to you: For nearly four years now a Demo cratic administration has been in power. Contrary to every law of rea son. every principle of progress, the I country is at peace and alive ? nay, humming with prosperity. Business is rushing. Wages are high. The only discontent is the discontent of ^ those who are reaching for bigger chunks of plenty. ^ We are flabbergasted. All this has happened during a period when the rest of the world h?fo-been a grog, when international crises were Impending on ail sides, when "we would have sworn only Republican statesmanship could pull the nation through. No war has engulfed us. No panic has paralyzed us. No nation has with impunity continued to Infringe upon our rights. ' We can't deny what has been done. Ail we can do is take our oath we oould have done it better. How^ve do mot know. If only we said It lofa and long enough we hoped the country would believe us. But the country Is busy, and our voices grow hoarse. We are having a hard time. Woodrow 'Wilson lias nothing to show us but what he has accomplished. -He has none of the glamour of the what-inight-be. We, on the Contrary, have our old promises and policies, mellowed by age. but still bearing the stamp of the nation's solid interests. Protection, privilege, government by influence ? surely the country has net given, them their last trial. Wall street is with us. Big business is with us. But, oh, voters, we confess it, wc ni?ed you. Don't keep looking at the peace and prosperity around you. Trr to get our point of view. What ever Wilson has done, the man Is s Democrat, and neither federal govern ment nor federal offices were faeant to be foreves in such hands Let's_? forget issue* and talk as friends. Tufli hius "out and give us a chance: Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as the administra tor c. t. a. of Mrs. Alice I. Boone, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this 1b to notify all .persons having claims against said es tate to present the same to the under signed on or before the 1st day of September, 1917, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery . All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. W. jj. UZZELL, Admr. c. t. a. of Mrs. Alice I. Boone. .. WM. H. RUFFIN, Attorney. ? ?-l-6t. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT. North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Franklin County, October Term, 191B. JAMIE WARD ; vs. MILDRED WARD. The defendant above named will take notice that on action entitled as above has been commended In the Superior Court Of Franklin County for a divorce from the bonds of matri mony between plaintiff and defend ant: and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she Is required to appear at the term of the Suprelor Court of said county to be held on the 6th Monday after the first Monday of September, 1916, It being the 19th day of October, 1916,. at the court house of said county In Loulsburg, N. C.papd answer or demur to the complaint IB said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in ?atd complaint. This 11th day of Sept. 1916. ? J. J. BARROW, rr-Ti Clerk of the Superior Court 9-15-tt. ? - ? j ',V MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, II Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism II IPmnmtratea and HtaU. H Stops Pain At Ones For Man and Beast II Z5c.S0c.t1. At All Dealers. LINIMENT Douglas B . Sterrett, United States -Geological Survey, Washington, D. <3!; Bennehan Cameron, , Stagville; W. W. Wetmore, Lumberton; Will D. Alexander, Charlotte; E. W. Meyers, Greensboro; Brent Drane, Charlotte; Gilbert White, Durham. ' llead-Oil That All-Winter Cough. At the first sign of Bore throat, tight chest or stuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. The healing plnetar, soothing honey and glycerine quickly relieve the conges tion, loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell's, Pine-Tar-Hon ey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine forest, it is pleas ant to take and antiseptic. The for mula on the bottle tells why tt re lieves colds and coughs. At your Druggist, 26c. i Help Wanted. A good white woman, without chil dren to live in small family and do house work . " Will pay a good price to the right person. Apply to H. P. SPEED. 9-29-4t Alert. N. C. FIBE INSURANCE. When yon want Insurance take it with T. W. WATSON. He knew* how. Constipation the Father of Many nil. Of the numerous Ills that affect hu manity a large share start with con stipation . Keep your bowels regular and they may be avoided. When a laxative is needed take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but Improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. OBTAIN ABLE EVERYWHERE. MONET TO LOAN On Improved Farm Property Several good FarmB for sale. It you wish to buy or sell farm lands see me. S. A. NEWELL 9-1-tf. The Model Laundry the best in the State. Special price for household work. Leave laundry at J. W. King Store, or call Phone 327. All laun dry CASH. JNO. W. KINO. Don't throw A way Old Auto- 1 mohileTires I We can make tliem as good gs new for you. We also do I hoes and harness bicycle i and Sewing Machin repair- I ng \ On and After July 1st 1916 j all repair work will be for I CASH only. Louisburg Rep. Shop | Julius Lehman, Prop. R.?E. L. Lancaster, Mgr. Naah Street. Under Forda Warehouse TUCKERS ' ' ;* ' / ? ? Main Street Louisburg, N. C I have equipped a moat up-to date Livery Stable for the ac commodation of the people of Louiaborg and Franklin County and especially the traveling pub lie. My outtfu at e the beat to be had and your every convenience will be Riven prompt. attention. My drivers are all polite and know their, work. Give me an opportunity to ahow my appre ciation of your patronage. Prices reaaonable. Special equipment for special occasions. J. C. Tucker Louitborg, N. C. We Sell You Wantio Cat, Wear or Use Cheaper Than Anyone Else Sugar 71 Cents Dunlop Flour $7.75 Triplet Flour $7.75 Car Load of Barb Wire ' Flour, Meal, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Oats, Corn Hay, Dry Goods, Motions, Shoes, Horses. Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Hardware or anything you want Large Line of Ladies Coats and Coat Suits. G. W. FORD & SON JUNIOR MAJESTIC FREE Not a 4ttake^Believe Range Regular Price $25 Regular Majestic HOW TO WIN THIS JUNIOR MAJESTIC WITHOUT ANY COST WHATEVER. Any girl age 14 years or under is eligible to this contest. \ ^ No money required ? all you do is get your friends and neighbors who need a new range to buy a Majestic and Vote^oi^.you. . Each range sold will entitle the pur chaser to One Thousand (1,000 J' Votes. Wa^-fll enter these vojes to your credit, and at the close of our _ ,. MAJESTIC SALE, OCTOBER 9th TO 14th, tJL916. the girl whose list showa-the most votes, will get this JUNIOR MAJESTIC Free. Comu and see this wonderful little range at our store ? it's jtist like the big ones, only half as large. It's not a make-believe range ? it bakes bread ? cake ? biscuits ? etc., brown top and bottom without turpi ng, with only a tiny bit of fuel ? just like the Big MAJESTIC RANGE. ' See your friends EARLY before some one else beats you to it. Then heelp us sell yoar prospects by telling them of our MAJESTIC RANGE SALE, OCT. 9 to 14, 1916, when we will" give $8.00 worth of ware with every Majestic Range sold. It's a great chance for every one needing a new range . . < x McKINNE BROTHERS CO., INC ."Satisfaction or Your Money Back." ' \ LOUISBURG, : : NORTH CAROLINA Exhibit will be held at FAIR GRO UNDS, Tuesday to Friday* inclusive,

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