TUCKERS LIVERY Main Street Louisburg, N." C. I have equipped a most up-to date Livery Stable ft* the ac commodation of the people of Louisburg and Franklin County and especially the traveling pub ic. My outfits ai e the beet to be bad and your every convenience will be Riven prompt attention. My drivers are all polite and know their work. Give me an >pportunity to show my appro bation of your Datronage. Prices reasonable. Special equipment for special occasions. ? J. O. Tucker Louisburg, N. C. Loony Limericks. Was named Carolina aa well, Was named Carolina as well. But she was so sweet. That whoever she'd meet. Would address her as Mloo Coro Meli A louchy old Tellow named Frost, Had a beard that was long and much tossed ; But though It seems queer. He combed It each year To find anything he had lost. IMMENSE SALE OF NATOL FINK APPLE pepsin in oub crrr There has just been received anoth er large consignment of Natnl Pineap ple Pepsin Compound. Its soothing, stimulating effects and the fact that chemically It resembles the digestive fluids of the stomach . makes It an ideal medicine for all forms of stom ach trouble, poor digestion, and bowel disorders. It is made from Pineapple Juice and Pepsin combined with other needful ingredients. 50c trial size bottles. All druggists and Aycocke Drug Co. * ?" ? TToMto. Having qualified a8 executor of the estate of Mrs. Maria Jane Yarbor ough, deceased, late of Franklin Conn ty, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent the same to the undersigned r. ;. or before. October 13th, 1917, or th notice will be plead in bar of their r covery. All persons owing said es tate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This October 13th, 1916. _ J. W. VALENTINE, Eltr. W. M. PERSON. Atty. 10-13-6t. ? Notice. By virtue of deed of trust executed to me by Sam T. Alston and wife, Laura Alston, which said instrument is on record in Book 177, page 194, in Register of Deeds office. Franklin County, default havlng-been made in payment of note therein secured, I will at request of holder of note, sell for cash at public auction at court house door In Louisburg, N. C., on the 17th day of Nov. 1916, at 12 o'clock M., following land, descrlSed as fol lows: On the north by lands of P. G. Alston, on the east by lands ot Henry Alston, on the south by landB of Peter Alston, on the wen by lands of Henry ,Radford, containing 19 2-3 acres more or less. Thl3 Oct. 18th, 1916. ' - JNO. A. DAMERON. JR., 10-20-4t. Trustee. , SAVES DAUGHTER Airici of Mother no Doobt Pr? tnb Daagbter's Untimely ExL to do write* THERE IS MUCH DIVERSITY IX THE AITIMX STYLES. Though Foil and Straight, Skirts May Illft'er Widely ? Sleeres and Pockets Are Interesting. New York. November 7. 1?16 It is especially Itue this outumn that variety* is one of the greatest charms of the styles . Although Jthose who have been looking for revolution ary changes in the fashions have, no doubt, been disappointed, they will certainly adaiit that the diversity in the present styles more than makos up for the absence of anything that might be called radically different. Fresh interest is always being arous ed by the clever variations of the pres ent straight, full silhouette that meets the eye at every turn. Afternoon Dress of Satin with Drape*] Skirt Although the general rule is full, straight-hanging skirts, there are doz ens and dozens of skirts of this type which differ widely one from the oth er. One of the most noticable fea tures which accounts for some of the differences is the uneven hem advo cated by many of the Parisian hous es . In some skirts the effect 4s ofc tained by a gradual lengthening at y*e back. In others, panels at the front and back or at the sides hang several inches below the hem of the ck!rt. When fur is used to ed?e >'? irts c J *l is type, it may be placed : :*-e panels or the sid vy r ? the fklr* not all around; ?' ? ' ? ? >U4 means uf varying the placing cf mr banding of skirts. Some of the French designers who lay particular stress on the uneven hem are Callot, Bulloz, Agnes and Beer. Not only skirts but coats, too, arc marked by the uneven hem. Not a few droop at the sides, while the from and back are even, and some coats with full, rippling peplums are a good deal longer in the back than in rhe front . , - Atfbther theme which has had nc end of variations is that of the pock et. Through the long life of the pocl: et, it has been truly amazing to watch the resources of the designers, who have never lacked in bringing out something novel in this direction. And, still, new treatments are seen every day, for large and small pock ets are still the vogue on garments ot every kind and for every occasion, from the simple, tailored waists and skirts to the most dressy frocks and suits. ' In afternoon frocks, a most charm ing effect is the soft side drapery on skirts, falling like a cascade. This style is exceedingly graceful in soft satins, silks, chiffon velvets and ev?n in the pliant serges and other soft .woolens. _ The dress shoWn here il lustrates this pretty mode. It is fashioned of soft satin with a collar of fur cloth and a banding of fur around the edge of the skirt. Tho, waist is in jumper effect outlined with braid, and there are extensions at the sides which end in little pockets. Plat br?ld~J a one of the new dress trimmings, and the lacquered braid la one the prettiest novelties In this ltne/ It has a dull polished finish. Some New Sleeves. There are several new fashions in sleeves, and among them the" most striking are those that are quite full at the elbow and fit snugly below lu The leg-o'-mutton is being brought forward again, and sleeves with deep cuffs are very popular. Quite a novel idea In sleeves was noticed in a blue serge dress trimmed with moleskin "fur at the collar, hem and pockets. It had tight-fitting hleeves. the uppor part of which was of fur and the de jp cuff of blue serge. There are few coats witnout poet# ets. All are very snog and comfort able, especially the all-enveloping top coats buttoned to the neck and cojrer ?--&??. v . v ? v ' lng the eiitlre dress. The coat in the illustration is of heavy velours with large bone buttons and very large. ga thered pockets. Few women will be satisfied without one of the practit&l coats, which may be used In 'air' kinds of weather. , v tJhfWre?,3 Fashlois>? 1 Children are not neglected by any means, by those who set the modes. A great deal of attention is given to their clothes, which to a certain degree fol low the 'fashions of Uielr elders. The Russian blouse style Is fse A Heavy Coat For All Kinds ol W ei ther. quently employed for youngsters, botli for school and afternoon frocks. Both plump and slender girls can wear this style becomingly. To vary the long coat, which Is al ways an essential item of the girl's wardrobe, smart little coat suits are now being worn as well. For dresay wear these are of velvet, wool yol ours and duvetyn, and for general use they are of serge, gabardine, checks and mixtures. Embroidet-y in colored silks. wdbM and beads is as populaf for yoaa^ girls a? for women. They also hava as wide a choice in dress materials and colors. Green, dark brown, deep red, and blue of all shades, are used for their -coats- r.nd frocks. Forget Tour Aches. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden" if ? you ? s?ff*i from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neu ralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment the universal remedy tqr pain. Eps> to apply; It penetrates without rub bing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than mus sy ointments or poultices. For strains or sprains, sore muscles or 'Trenched ligaments result'.n; f ron. strenuous e\ciclse, Sloan's TJa'meiit gl v.'s qul-k relief. Keep It on hand ft'.* emer Ccnc'es. At your Drug<l?i, 25c. Debating Society Organized at Boyn1. With the aid of cur efficient Supei intendent of Public Instructions Mr. E. L. Best, there was organized at the Royal school house on the night o: Oct. 26th, a debating society for the men of the Royal neighborhood. The following officers wei% elected: J. H. Cyrus, President; Joe R. Jon es, Vice-President; Sandy Hill, Secre tary; R. T. Harris, Treasurer. After organizing the query and de baters for the next meeting were se lected ... The query was resolved: "That corn Is of more value to the United States than cotton. The following were appointed (HHia terB: W. H. Frazler and J. C. Jon es, Affirmative; Joe R. Jones and A. D. Frazler, negative. The Society met again Nov. 2, at S o'clock P. M. The debates were good both sides debating with spirit, the at firmatlve being declared the wlnnei . The society meets twice a month, on Thursday nights before the second and fourth Sundays. Head-Off That All-Winter Cough . At the first sign of sore throat, tight chest or stuffed-op head take a dose of?Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. The healing plnetar, soothing boner and glycerine quickly relieve the congei tlos, loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Hon ey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a nine forest. It Is pleas ant to take ana antiseptic. The for mula on the bottle tells why It re lieves colds and coughs .N At your Druggist, 25c. f The Methodist Church. Revival services will begin next Sunday A. M, at the M. E. Church. The pastor will do the preaching nno the singing will be led by Mr. D. Ward Milam, of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Milam Is said to be an excellent lead er. He desires all of the singers in town to Join In a chorus choir. The meeting frill continue for two week?. Will There be a Piano in Your Home This If So What Kind? Let Your Selection be * * The Celebrated Starr Not alone in the beauty of Spanish 'Architecture, Landscape. Gardening and other exterior attractions does the "Exposition Beautiful" differ from the ^expositions of the past? interior decorations and exhibits have been selected and installed with the same measure of artistic diacrimination. Not more than three, and in many instances but two, exhibits of the same nature have been selected and these, ef necessity, must be of th'e best. It is not a competitive exhibition in the usual sense of the word; rather an Exposition into which en ter the fairest works of man and nature in complete and inspiring concord?in other words, it's a true presentation of progress and lite in this great "United States.'' \ It is significant, that before the jgreat opening on January, 1915, Starr Pianos or Playerpianos had been selected for practically every building and that they have, in every instance since, brought forth words of appreciation Watch This Space Next Week For home Testimony C. C. HUDSON CO S. STORE The Store That Undersells All LOUISBURG, ' - NORTH CAROLINA New Arrivals * . ? Among the many i^ew things we are receiving daily in our Furniture and House Furnish ings line is the very popular Davenport or Duofold This is a unique piece of Furniture and combines ^attractiveness "with usefulness. Come in and see ^it. Also a big lot of Parlor and Bed Room Suits. These are very attractive and moreso when you see the prices. We have just received a big lot of Mattresses All grades. v . ' ? . / , Come in and see them and let us save you money ? vf ? #. . / ' *' ? ?? - J. S. HOWELL Louisburg, N. 0. p. S. Don't Forget to Pay Your Account at Once.

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