Practiced Economy Baking powders made from alum or phosphate may be bought for a trifle less than Royal Baking Powder, which is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Alum powders are not only cheap, but they differ greatly in leavening power. If a cHfeap baking powder is used for a fine cake and the cake turns out a failure there is a waste of costly materials worth more than a whole ean of the cheap bak ing powder. ^oyal Baking Powder produces the finest food, and its use therefore, results in an actual saving. ? ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, New York Corns Loosen. Lift Right Off Bathing Bat "GETS-IT* WW So TMs to Cora* and CaHiuea. If you've ?vw had corn* you've tried lota of thlpgs to get rid of them ?? ealvea that eat your , toe and leave the corn remaining:, cotton rings that make your corn# bulge out like pop You Can't Hid? Corn Misery. Stop Fooling Around I Um "GETS- IT** To nig hi and See the Corn* Vanish. eyes, scissors and knives that make corns bleed and Bore, harnesses and bandages that All up your shoe, press on the cbrn and make your foot feel like a paving: block. What's tlW use? Why not do what millions are doing, take 8 seconds off and apply "GETS IT." It drleB, you put your stocking on right away, ana wear your regu lar shoes. Your corn loosens from the toe, it lifts right off. It's pain less. It's the common-sense way, the simplest, easiest, most effective way in the world. It's the national corn cure. Never falls. ?"GETS -IT" Is sold and recommend ed by druggrlsts everywhere. 26c a bottle, or sent cm receipt of price, by B. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Complete Line of Jewelry. I have just received a most complete line of jewelry, including all the new1 designs in "both serviceable and fan cy articles, and am in a position to save my many friends and customers many dollars on their purchases. Call in and see my line before buying. I also do repairing at most reasonable nrlrAR 10-13- tf. L. W. PARRISH. $500,000 worth of corn cob pipes are made in the U. S., each year. Croup Relieved in I Fifteen Minutes Ko need to dose delicate little stomachs With nauseous drugs or alooholio syrups. Bimpty'rub a little Vick's "Vap-O-Rub" Balve over the throat and chest. Tho va pors inhaled loosen the tough, choking phlegm and easo the difficult breathing. One application at bedtime insures a sound night's sleep #25o, 60c, or $1.00. ? vkksv^salve Notice. By virtue of the power contained 1b an order of the Superior Court ol Franklin County ^ made In the Peti tion of C. W. Perry, et als, Ex-Parte, I' shall on Monday the 4th day of De cember 1916, sell at public auction at the court house door In the town of Loulsburg, N. C., to the highest bid der for cash, the following described parcel or lot of land, lying and being in the county of Franklin, Harris township, adjoining the lands of F. W. Justice and others, and bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake cor ner for No. 3, thence N 25d E 32 1-2 poles to a stake corner of No. 5; thence S 86d W 116 poles to a stake, and Persimmon and Poplar pointers, corner of the Wheeler land and Jus tice corner; thence about S 2 3-4d W 29 poles to a stake corner for No. 3; thence N 86d E 104 poles to the be ginning, containing twenty acres, (less one acre for burial ground re served In common) being lot No. 4 In the Division of the Wheeler land. Time of sale -12 o'clock M. Sr. J. PERRY, Commissioner. W. M. PERSON, Atty. ll-3-6t. ~ Sale of Heal Estate. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Franklin County made in the special proceedings enti tled Handy Perry et als vs. Amy Per son, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday the 4th day of Decem ber, 1916, at the hour of noon, at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. sell at public auction, to ttie highest bidder for cash, the following descrl I bed real estate : 1st. Five lots situated &ear the I town of Frankllnton between the Sea board Air Line Railway and the pub lic road, adjoining the lots of George Long and others, and being a part of the lot of land which was conveyed to I Robert Perry, deceased, by W. P. Clegg by deed recorded In the office of Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 68, page 398, These ' lots lie immediately South of that part of the lot which was allotted to Amy Person for her dower and will each I front eighteen and two-thirds (18 2-S) ! yards on the public road and run back | seventy (70) yards to the railroad. 2nd. The reversion in the- lot of land allotted to Amy Person for her dower, containing two-thirds of an acre and lying just North of the lots above described. This the 3rd day of November, 1916. W. H. YARBOROUGH, ll-3-5t. Commissioner. Farms Wanted. I want to buy several farms; large farms preferred. If you have any thing to offer for sale would be glad to see or hear from you. 11-3-tf . S. A. NEWELL. Taken IJp. A brlndle colored milk cow, on Mon ! day morning. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement and costs of keeping. 11-3-tf. A. F. JOHNSON. Henderson Granite and Marble Works Henderson, N. C. Monuments, Tombstones and Qprbing made of any Granite or marble desired. See our big assortment of designs,' cor rect lettering and best polish finish on all our work. All jobB delived and set up. Prices, workmanship and quality guaranteed. Agents for iron fence. Henderson Granite and Marble Works ' ^ J, L. McElwce, Prop. Henderson. K. C. Donjt Have.Gatarrh One efficient way to remova nasal catarrh is to treat itscause which in most cases is physical - weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested liauid-food, and you should take a spoonful of / SCOTI'S EMULSION after each meal to enrich your blood and help heal the sensi* five membranes with its pure oil-food properties. The results of this Scott'* Emalaion treatment will surprise those who have used irritating snuffs and vapors. Get the Genuine SCOTT'S Trustee's Sale of ls?*. Under and by virtue of the power contained In a certain Deed of Trust, executed to the undersigned by Mrs. Luella Perry and E. Q. Perry, On thB 17th day of May, 1915 and duly recor ded In the office of the Register ot Deeds of Franklin County, In Book 184, at page 185, said Deed of Trust having been executed to secure the payment of said bonds and demand having been made by the holders ot said bonds for the foreclosure of said Deed of Trust, I will on Monday the 18th day of Dec. 1916, at or about the hour of Noon, at the courthouse dooi In Loulsburg, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the real estate In said Deed of Trust conveyed, and there described as follows? A certain tract of land lying and being in Cy press Creek township, Franklin coun ty, Stale of North Carolina, and more particularly described, and defined as follows Being Itoe same tract ot land le$ to the said Luella Perry and E. G. Perry, In fee simple by the late Calvin Benton by his last will and testament, which will Is duly record ed In the office of The CHerk of Super ior Court of Franklin County, aod be ing a portion of the Calvin Benton tract of land upon which the said pai - ties of the first part now reside, boun ded on the East by Loulsburg road; on the West by Tar River; and on the North and South by W . A. Benton, be Ing One Hundred and Ten (110) acres, more or less. This the 16th day of November, 1910. F. W. WHELESS. ll-17-6t. , Trustee. Trustee's Sale of Farm Lands. ? By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Mrs. Ida M. Allison, to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated Jan.* 15tn, 1915, and recorded In the Registry of FVanklin County In Book 199, page 518, default having been made In' the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the un signed will on Monday, Dec, 11th, 1916, at about the hour of noon at tho court house door In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the property in said deed of trust described as fol lows : All that tract or parcel of land lying, situate and being In the County of Franklin and State of North Caro lina, near the town of Loulsburg, and being farm No. 3 on plat of land for merly Owned by M. E. Joyner and known as the Joyner land, plot ot which Is on record In Franklin Coun ty, Register of Deeds office in Book of Plats page 12, to which plat for a more perfect description reference is here made. Tract No. 3 contains 96.65 acres, more or less. This November 10th, 1916. WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. FIBIT INSURANCE. When yon want Insurance take it with T. W. WATSON. He knows how. 7-21-ff. The age of a Japanese woman Is in dicated by the character of her hair pins. Help Nature Do It Don't you see how she is working: to get rid of your colds and catarrh? The effort con ^ues^ aU ^tho Jtirne, but in hot ?e%ryledayOUor "sc^ add to ?the catarrh in your system, and' soon it is chronio ? systemic. Your digestion suffers, you have trouble with stomach and bowels. Get at the real disease. Clear up catarrh, and the other trojibles will disappear. Aid With Peruna F00(J tonic, with SftTo'n'i *258?/ JPJSSKSA, "1 8arTi0 time the catarrh. Supply nature with V??i* v'*?r, Vive your hody a chance to #r*?t T*eil, and lummer will r?i,*nn?y you. The healthy man defies the weather. Peruna has helped make countless thou sands well in the last 44 years. Use It yourself. Tablet form Is very convenient for regu lar administration. the FERUNA CO. coiirava, okxo CHOICE SMALL FARMS t I The Harris Leavister and the Bunk Woods Farms Sub-Divided Into Ideal Farms EASY TERMS^ V Brass Band Good Music Meet us on the grounds. We will serve a Free Dinner Sale Agents Atlantic Coast Realty Company - . * The Premier Auction People. * OFFICES Greenville, N. C. Petersburg, Va.