I. J. DHTZ CO. Has their big store chocked full of Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Wool Goods, Silks, Notions, Sweat ers, Underwear, Ladies' Coat Suits, Skirts, Dresses and Ready-Made Goods of all kinds for children. The greater part of these goods was purchased 6 to 8 months ago, at prices far below today's market and in many instances far less than we' can buy them back on today's market. We want your dol lar to have its full purchasing power, and we are sure of it doing its full duty when spent here. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Sunday Shoes, Fine Shoes, Coarse, Everyday Shoes (or any member ot the family. You can find them here and the prices we quote here are be low the lowest. 75c value Chllds Button shoes . . . . 59c Chllds black button shoes 59c Infants' soft sole shoes 25c Child's famous walking Bhoes,.. 75c Chllds walking button shoes, with heel 39c $1.25 vfclue Chllda black button shoes at . ' SKc Chllds button shoes, slzeB up to 3, priced 98c Extra heavy kid blucher shoes . . -1.10 Chllds Hoge Montgomery solid leatn er Shoes at $1.10 Chllds heavy kid shoes, priced. .$1.24 $2 value Misses shoes, priced. .$1.48 Misses solid leather heavy shoes, pri ced^ $1.4S Misses heavy everyday shoes,. .$1.4& Misses Sunday button shoes ... .$1.43 LADIES' SHOES 98c UP Big value Ladles' cloth top shoes. 9Sc Old Ladles comfort shoes ....... 98c Ladles solid leather cloth top shoes. priced $lr4S ?* Solid leather Hoge Montgomery siio^ss priced , . .$1.7!> $2 val. solid leather but. shoes. .$1.6h $2 val. Ladies low heel shoes.. $1.69 $2 val. Ladies blucher shoes ? $1.73 LADIES BETTER SHOES Our stock of better shoes is com plete. Many new styles came In dur ing the past week: _ Cloth top button shoes $1.9S Low heel button shoes $1.98 Gunmetal shoes $1.93 Patent button or lace shoes . , $1.98 Solid leather shoes, priced ... $2.48 Patent button shoes, big value.. $2. 43 BOYS' and ME ITS SHOES For Street, Sunday and Rough Wear Men's kid blucher shoes $1.63 Men's gunmetal shoes $1.93 Men's fine shoes $1.98 Our Special shoes $1.98 Fairfield shoes for m$n $2.48 Men's gunmetal shoes . .. $2.48 Big value Men's shoes .... .. $3.25 W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes at Old Prices W. L. Douglas gunmetal lace.. $3. 49 W. L. Douglas gunmetal but... $.40 W. L. Douglas patent lace ... $3.49 W. L. Douglas patent but. .. $3.49 MEN'S HEAVY SHOES, $1.68 TP Men's heavy shoes $1.63 Men's heavy brogan shoes .... $1.05 Men's champion brogans $1.98 Men's heavy tan shoes $2.49 Men's Kangaroo shoes $1.98 Men's solid leather work shoes $1.93 Men's black work shoes $2.48 Men's tan blucher work shoes.. $2.48 Men's shoes, all sizes $2.48 Big line Weyenbey solid leather work shoes, priced at.. $298, $3.48, $3.85 Boys' heavy work shoes $1.48 Boy's better work Bhoes.. $198-$2. 48 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING At Last Year's Prices Big val. Men's fancy serge suits $6. Kb Men's all wool suits .... .... (8.9b $8.50 value Men's serge suits ..$6.95 Men's blue serge suits $7.49 $12.50 value Men's fancy worsted suits .... 1 $8.95 $12.50 Men's all wool serge suits $9.0B $12.50 value all wool blue fancy suits $9.95 $12.50 Men's all wool grey suits $9.93 $12.60 Men's all wool brown worsted suits $9.95 Big val. young men's suits .... $7.49 $15 to $16.50 values all wool suits priced $12.45 Special values Men's all wool suits priced ". ???/( $14.98 We are headquarters for Men's Suits of all kinds BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, 98c UP Boys' school suits .-. 38e Boys special value suits $1.4? Good value Boys school suits.. $1.98 Boys wool school suits $2.4S Boys Bulgarian suits $2 98 Boys all wool suits .. $2.98 to $3. 4s Boys Sunday suits $3. OS *7.50 value Bovs all wool blue serge suits . $4.98 $7.50 value Boys all wool suits $4.98 MEN'S UNDERWEAR AND GENT'S FURNISHINGS Men's heavy fleeced underwear ..45c Boys union sulta 25c-49c Men's heavy work box. .10c; 3 for 25c Mon's half wool box 2 for i;8c 5 fine Sunday shirts .... . . 48e 9 overalls and Jackets 85c lueua hats .... 49c to $1.43 No name Stetson Hats $2.38 MEN'S PANTS FOB LESS Men's everyday pants 98c $2 value Men's pants $1.48 Big value Men's pants $1.98 Men's heavy all wool everyday pants priced $2.48. Men's fine dress pants $2.4!) Big values In Men's pants .... $2 . 9S Speolal value blue serge pants $3.43 Boys school pants 48c Boys better pants, big values 75c-98c LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Including Coat Suits, Coats, Skirts, Silks and Serge Dresses, Middy Blouse Shirt Waists, Chlldron's Dresse3, etc. at prices below the lowest. - LADIES' COAT SUITS At Attractive Prices Ladles' wool serge suits ..I... $9 95 Ladies' navy and black rur-trlmmg: suits .... .. $9. to ladies' latest models in coat suits priced <9i.. $12.43 $18 value all wool Poplin *u!ts $14.93 SHIRT WAISTS, PETTICOATS, ETC. PRICED FOR LESS Big values In shirt waists 43c rnncely Special shirt 811k four-ln-hand ties Hpya i*?|? ,|, , Msn'a Caps 25c-43c 6Ec 24c 2Sc $1 value shirt waists 69c Big value shirt waists 3So $2.50 value Crepe de Chine waists priced $1.98 Many beautiful waists $2.SS Children's dresses .... 25c, 48c, 98c Outing skirts 25c, 48c Outing gowns (or children and ladles priced 25c, 496 LADIES' SPORT COATS AND OTH EB COATS AT BIG SAYING IN PBICE Ladles' sport coats $2.9S One lot sport coats $3.9S $7.50 value sport coats $4.98 Big lot sport coats $5.95 Children's coats priced $1.25 to $2.98 Big lot of Children's coats priced ?1 QS 49 AS $9 QQ COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS Priced at Lower Cotton Prices Best Apron checks 7 l-2c Surtain scrims . : 6 l-2c 10c Curtain scrim ..." 8 l-2c 12c Outing lCx 12 l-2c Dress Gingham 10c 29c Shepher Check Suiting 15c 15c Riverside Cheviots lou For Hose, Ribbons, Gloves, ^tfxtionB oi all kinds, we are headquarters. . fftTToy flnflmr 18c Striped percales, 3? inches wide, priced y:. 12 l-2c 36 in. blue storm s^rge ..5iic per yd. Yard wide French serge. . 59c per v<5 60 inch Storpi serge, SI. 25 value, priced . 98c per yd. FAMILY AVOIDS ' SERIOUS SICKNESS fly B?in| Constantly Supplied With Thedford'a Black-Draught. McDufl, Va.? "1 suffered for seven! ?ears," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, ol (his place, "with sick headache, and stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, which I did, snd I found it to be the best family medi cine for young and old. I keep Black- Draught on hand all the ttme now, and when mv children feel ? little bad, they ask me for a dose, and if does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught Is purely regetable, and has been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colle, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It has been In constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited mora than a million people. Your druggist sells and recommends Olack-Clraupht. Price only 25c. Get a "ickage to-day. N. C. in Wanted. A man with sufficient force to run a two-horse farm on shares. Will fur nish light party a good six roo/n dwel llug. -Apply to _____ H. H. HARRIS, ' 11-24-21 . Loufsburg, N. C. Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of O. R. Underhlll, deceased, late ot Franklin County, this Is to no tify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 27th da; of October 1917, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Imme diate settlement. This Oct. 27th, 1916. MRS. ANNIE C. UNDERHILL, . 18-27-6t. - Extr'x. For Sale at Auction. On Wednesday morning, December 6th at 11 o'clock, at my home near Prospect Church, I will sell at public auction for cash the following arti cles: I horse, 2 cows, several hogs, household and kitchen furniture, bug gy and wagon, farming utensils, corn, pea hay, fodder, stover. He sure and jome If you want a bargain. U-24-2t. , W. D. WEATHERS. Hughes Sends Wilson Delayed Con gratulations . Lake wood, N. J., Nov. 22. ? Char les G. Hughes, Republican candidate for President in the recent election, tonight sent to President Wilson a tel egram congratulating him upon his re-election. In his telegram Mr. Hughes said: "Because of the closeness of the vote I have awaited the official count in California and now that it has been virtually completed, permit me to ex^ tend to you my congratulations upon your re-eection. I desire aso to ex press my best wishes for a successful administration." WIllcox Statement. New York, Nov. 22. ? William H. Willcox, chairman of the Republican National Committee tonight Issued the following statenjapt in reference to Mr. Hughes' telegram to President Wilson-: "Having conferred by telephone dur ing the day and late this afternQon with the Republican State committee and the Republican national commit tee in California I am informed that the official canvass of the vote has been so nearly completed that no .change will result from the few pre cincts not counted in the returns tliu.i far compiled. "This means that the majority for the Wilson electors in California ran ges from about 1,200 to ?,800 votes and that this is the final result of the can vass for which we have been waiting. So far as any recount is concerned. "tTTe national committed la not advised that there are sufficient grounds to call for such an application." ALL CHILDREN LOVE "SYBCP OF FIGS" FOB LITER AND BOWELS Give It When Feverish, Cross, Billons, For Bad Breath or Soar Stomach . Look at the tongue, Mother! It coat ed, It Is a sure sign that your llttlo one's stomach, liver and bowelB need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doeBn't eat or act natur ally, or la feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonfal of "California 8yrup^-?F Figs," and In a few hours all the ^oul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of lis little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child aga:n. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious t^ste, and it al ways makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup or Fltfft.'' which has directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Fig Syrup [ Company." Refuse any other kind ?with contempt. Danger Signal. * , If the fire bell should ring would ' you run and stop It or go and help to put out the fire? It is much the same way with a cough. A cough Is a dan ger signal as much as a fire bell. You should no more try to suppress It than to stop a fire bell when it Is ringingbut should cure the disease that cause** the coughing. This can nearly al-v ways be done by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ^lany hare used it with, the most beneficial results. It is especially valuable for the per3i3 tent cough that so often follows a bad cold or an attack of the grip. Mra. Thomas Beeching, Andrews, Ind., writes: "During the winter my hus band takes cold easily and coughs and coughs. Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy is the best medicine for breaking up these attacks and y*u cannot get hjm to take any other." OBTAIN ABLE EVERYWHERE. Jndge Bond Leaves. November 25, 1916. To the Editor: Having ended my lutles as Super ior Court Judge of tlfis County, prop er appreciation of tie courtesies re ceived, commands that I express thanks for same In taking my depar ture . I My treatment byVlie good people your historic Courtty, places me un "der obligations for ^ hlch I am graie hl. If the future hh3ll decree my re turn to Loutsburg, will esteem it a kind order of fatr? If that ploasuro be denied me. I shall cherish mo3t pleasant recollections of the acquain tances formed, an