...... ? 7!f? ?? ? ? ? . V ? ' ? ? ' . ' . / " ? . ' Ti? . ; K?vt?EF?as i ? The Franklin Times A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THM STATE, THE UNION. ' * \ ,-,**?Subscription $1.50 Per Year JTY, THE STATE, THE UNION , N. C., 1 BlUVV, SEPTEMBER 14, 1M7. COLUMN XJLVI. . LOUISBEBG, N. C., lt?I?A?, SEPTEMBER 14, 1917. NUMBER 81. PRICES ARESTILL HIGH. ON LOCISBUnO TOBACCO JLVKKET Sales Good the Past Week lor the Sea sou?AH Growers Express Great Satisfaction at Prices Beceived. The sales at the-aeveral warehouses on the Loulsburg tobacco market l.ave been very satisfactory the past week, both In quantity and price, ulte a lot of the weed baa oeen mar keted and the prices have shown to be much higher than has been known t.ore in many years. It has been no uncommon thing to bear the many growers who have visited the market express great satisfaction at the pri ces received. Tobacco has been bringing 12 and 15 -cents?a pound' that we have seen Bold time and again for 2 and cents. The high pi ices .are mostly on the commoner grades, although the prices paid for the better grades Is much advanced. The buyers all seem anxious for the weed and bid lively on each pile of fered. Loulsburg Invites you tocome and vifit its market and try It with a load of the golden weed. The ware housemen, the merchants, and the cit izens all will give you a hearty wel come. Come. From Co. D. Co. D, 3rd N. C. Infy , Camp Sevier,e Greenville, S. C., Sept. 8, 1917. Dear Air. Johnson: We are enclosing & Ust of calls ob (? rved dally which, shows that we do not have time to write to all ol our friends, so we are asking for a little space in your valued paper for a letter to the folks at home Our departure from our home town although sad was brightened by the p rsence of so many interested friends, who showed their Interest and love to the last, by gathering at the station to bid us farewell. Leaving home folks and friends nat u ? lly made us sad but we were great . -i> reaching Franklin ton to And that the ladles of the Red Crrsa Society had prepared for us a bountiful spread of many good thinaJ pleasing to a soldier's appetite. The good people of Franklinton will al ways be kindly remembered by the boys of Co. D. for such a rar trat and royal hospitality. Several weeks of hard thinking could not have planned a mor accptabl rpast. Not only did we appreciate the good things to eat but the spirit of patriotism which ptevalled. After an uneventful and pleasant trip wr reached our destination,Camp Stvier, Greenville, S. C., August 31st. Our welcome was a shower of rain similar to the one we encountered up. on our departure. After marching ever a mile in the rain and South Carolina red mud to our Company street it was too late to pitch tents for the night. Then supper composed of sandwich of corned "willie,"' we then spread our blankets on tlio floor of the mess hall and soon were l03t in the restful sleep that only a- tired soldier can enjoy. The remainder of our time has been Bpont in cleaning up and otherwise u aklng our camp presentable and as lwme-like as possible, for it Is the only home we have the privilege of enjoying. The entire Company Is In excellent spirits especially at mail time. Soup tall also Is welcomed by the entire Company So far there has been no sickness among us Our newlyweds have been a little Ml e, but letters from their "better fci 'ves" and a few smiles from Green ville's pretty girls are making life worth while. The old song 'Ain't It hard to love a married man," does not seem to apply to the Greenville girls. This city is situated at the foot tills of the Blue Ridge with a good s.ipply of pure mountain water (which is the only beverage) we are permitted to drink. It Is an exten sive manufacturing center, having twelve cotton mills, three shirt fac tories, and numerous other large en terprises, running full time, giving employment to thousands of men anM women. As call to quarters has soundel we must break up this meeting and close this letter, for we havo only a few minutes to pull off our shoes, \ tJio only article of clothing removed (it night and get to our bunks by taps.. " Wishing you an d the Franklin Times much success, we remain, Yours truly, * "The Big Four." From Co. F. About One Mile Northwest of Paris, September 10, 1917. Dear Asher: 1 am sure you are saying "He lied" if you have just read the heading of tills letter, but I can assure you I am in dead earnest and have not lied. We are quartered one mile Northwest of Paris. I think I read before leav ing home, In the papers, that the filit American army to march through the streets of Paris was kissed by the French ladles, hat when we marched through the streets of Paris, I did not see a lady, not even a "colored lady." so the girls need not get Jealous.. Now 1 have not aaicl we marched through the streets of Paris, Franoe It was Paris, S. C., a llttlo town a-, bout 4 miles west of ?Irecnville" See The general sentimcru here among the officers Is that we will not be'hero three months at the longest, though notwithstanding that, I don't bejleve 1 have seen a jollier bunch of boys Not a man has taken a drink since leaving home and every one Beems perfectly contented. Lieut A. A. Harvey of Radford, Va has een assigned as Seconr Lieuten ant of the Company He seems to be a nice fellow 23 years old and just out of training at Fort Myer, Va. Private H. H. Alley had 'cold feet" end was discharged Wednesday. Ila left for home on that date. John Morris says the ladies of Fiankllnton Red Cross "kidded" him when they put the tooth brush in his comfort bag. John has a mouth about the size of a hippopotamus and the brush looks like a toy near It. He says a "hair brush would suit him better however he is not kicking Letters Intended for us should be addressed to us "Sevier Branch, Co. F 3r N. C. Inf., Greenville, S. C," Nothing less than this will brinng them to us. Our old Mess Sergeant D. B. Kear ney visited us the latter part of the week. The boys were glad to see Durward. "We expect to get to drilling tomor row as yet the new men I guess have imagined we use picks and shovels instead of rifles. Sergeant Bullard left Tuesday to attend the burial of his father at Wake Forest. The camp will get electric lights in the Mess Hall and tents this week I gue3s. We are expecting the con scripts this week, then something will be doing. Will write next week if I get time. m Yours, etc. E. ",y. Edwards Red Cross Society. The return of $180.41 of Wr.r Fund from Washington headquarters to the Ilcd Cross Society here, for the pur chase of war relief supplies is great aid to the society with its constant demand for material. This amount is twenty-five per cent of the Louisburg war fund, $721.6 i. already collected and deposited to credit of War Fund at Washington. As the remainer of the Pledge fund is collected, the privilege is ours now, to sustract 25 per cent, of the amount for the benefit of Louisburg Red Cross Society War Relief Work. On Thursday morning seven of our county draft boys left Louisburg for Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. A committee from the Red Cross Society with other friends and rel a ttves were at the stattion to tell them good-by. Due to a misunderstanding comfort bags hod not been provided for all, so they were parcel posted later. It Is an important point to stress that all the drafted boys receive these bags before leaving our midst. A visiting army boy here from Colum bia this week tells us that these com fort bags are the greatest pleasure and comfort to the boys. Louisburg can't afford to give these bags to all theboys, but since the boyB mobilize here and leave here In a body,'we wish very much we could present them the comfort baprs as they were presented to the Co P boys. It Is un.lersiood that Prankllnton has given the bags to her * toys. The ladles of the Red Cross) Society of Louisburg are offering to make all the comfort bags for the other townships, fit them up and see them presented if each township 'will obligate Itself to defray the expense of the comfort bags. The bags ara n ude regulation size and we hav? se cured all articles at cost. This tribute of love and reBpect to our county boys we know lq, the de< stre ofall. The bags cost $2.00 each, fitted up. They contain a pair of scissors, a good knife, tooth brush, tooth paste,- cake of soap, knitted wash rag, paper, en velopes, pencil, 2 postals, 2handker chiefs, comb, needle case with 3 packages of needles, safety pins, da-nlng cotton, heavy black and white thvead, button bag with buttons, bas "oTYeTvet tobacco andcigarette papers. It was by general consent the tobac co was pot la. The boys expressed great appreciation of It.. A writer In "Medical Journal" says: "Whilf .the boys are necessarily under a hard, nervous strain. It Is a poor time t? begin a reform In the trenche# by taking away tobacco." ??' List of Jurors. The following Is a list of Jurors drawn for the October term of Frank lin Superior Court, a criminal term of one week. Dunn?C. H. Mullln, G. P. Alford, W. H. Horton, J. C. Brantley, L.] 9. Bilker. 4 VoungsvlUe?C. C. Cheatham, S. F. ?Hclden, B. L. Pearce, T. P. Wllliamf Franklinton?F. E. Layton, W. 9. Mitchlher, M. D. Wilder, W. H. Pearoe G R, Allen, W. H. Byrum, M. L. Rans dell, Hayesvllle?E. L. Fuller, G. O. Ay escue, Jr., J. S, Wilson, W. D. Mltch e.l. Sandy Creek?Peter Carroll, W. 0. Faulkner, W. F. Leonard, J. E. Col lins, C. S. Merrltt. Gold Mine?W. F. Parrish, W..D. Vpchurch. Cypress Creek?J. M. Lamm, Af-. tl ur.Strickland. . -? ? Louisburg?S. T. Wilcer, A. A. Clifton, N. M. Perry,- J. P. Timber lake, J. A Spencer. ( Marriage Licenses. The following is a list of marriage licenses issued by Register of Deeds Yarborough during the month of Au rust: White?Wiley Brown and Mrs. Mae Norman, Frank Bell and Sallie Jeans, John Smith and Bertha Tay loe, Chas. D. Macpn and Annie J. Johnson. Colored?Jlmmie Lyon and Caroline Hawkins, Geo. Gnrner?and Rosa Lew is, June Yarboro and Lessie Fuller, Jnrris Jones and Blonnte Robertson, Pcbert Taylor and Patsie Davis, Richard Stokes and Dilly Mitchell. B L. Arrington and Willie L. Haw k.'ns, Alfrod Coppedge and Addie Per ry, W. F. Branch and ^.ucy Marrow, George Alston and Genio Alston, Nat to;i Lewis and Queen Ester Egcrton, Will Jackson and Mary Jeffreys. Hickory Rock School. The fall session of Hickory Rock Academy begins Sept. 17.. It is the earnest desire of the teachers to make this the most succcssful school year Hickory Rock has over known. To make this possible we must have the hoarty cooperation ofeach and every patron. We want you to visit our school, see what wo a re doing and if it does not suit you tell us about It We are always glad to know wherein we fail so that we may make our selves better and more efficient teach ers. fctrat your children the flrht day. Sept. 7, and lot them continue to go to the end of the sescion. You can't expect your child to progress as rap idly as your neighbor's If you send him about one-fourth of tthe time. Lot all of us rally around our school and make it the best in Franklin Co. Ernestine Hayes, Principal. Runaway Const.. R. W. Hudson returned from Durham, N. C., Wednesday morning after having caught Mr Tommle Vaughan and Miss "Bessie Moye. who had run away to be married. The boy is 17 years of age while the girl Is only 16. After they were arrested the parents gave their consent to the union and the ceremony wai per formed in Durham Wednesday even ing. THE MOVING PEOPLE. SOME TOO KNOW, SOME YOC DO NOT KNOW. Many on Business, Many on Pleasure, Others to be Going, Bat All Going 01 Coming. Mrs. A. M. Hall Is in New York. Mrs. J. B. Thomas visited Raleigh the past week. MIbs Lydla Inscoe left Monday for New York to take art. . | Mr. J. .L McBlwee, of Henderson, was in Loulshurg the past week., Misses Julia Barrow and Minnie Brickell spent Tuesday In Raleigh. , Messrs. Ben T. Holden and S. C. Holden spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mr. C. C. Hudson left tor Baltimore j Tuesday to purchase nls fall stock. Mr. J. M. Allen left Tuesday for New York to purchase the fall stock for the Allen Bros. Co. . Mrs. R. G. McGrady, of Raleigh, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. High the past week , Mrs C. C. Hudson and little daugh ter, Luclle, are on a visit to Mr Jrhn Taylor, of Nash county. Mr. Will X. Coley passed through Loulshurg the past week en route to Raleigh from Rocky Mount. Miss Mary Belle Macon, left Sat urday for Rocky Mount, N. C., where she will teach again this session. Mrs. W. P. Neal and Mrs Al lfn visited Mrs. T. W.BIcicett at tthe 'en vialtecKMr/i. T. W. Blckett at the tfast week. * 9 Miss LUlle "faae Aycocke return ed the past week from the Western part of the State, where she spent the entire summer. Miss Kathleen Hamlin, of Durham, returned to her home the past week, after a week's visit with her slstter, Mrs. E. S. Swindell. Misses Elizabeth and Sallle Char les Cheatham, of Henderson, former ly of this city, visited Miss Sallle Taylor the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ruffin left the tast week for a n extended visit through Western North Carolina, Georgia and Louisianna. Miss Elizabeth Alston left Monday for Nashville ,Tenn., to spend the win ter with her uncle ,Mr. J. B Cheat ham. While there she will attend school at Peabodys College. Dlptherla. Editor "Franklin Times." Dear Mr. Editor: Th e North Car olina State Board of Health has taken ever the quarantine of Infectious and contageous diseases from the Town and counties and require me as quar antine officer to advertise all cases of these diseases, the names and ad dresses. There is a case of diptheria at Mr. E. S. Ford. Mr. L. E. Scoggln, Mr. N. H. D. Wilson, Mr. H. M. Sto vall and Mr. Catlette, near Four E-rldges The above cases have been reported to the State Board of Health and properly quarantined according to law. J. E. Malone, Quarantine Officer. Rev. F. S. love to Preach The opening sermon for the col lege year Louisburg Female College, will be preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning by Rev. P. S. love, the new President of the Col lege. We understand that there will be no services at the Baptist church at t hat hour, In order that that con gregation may unite with the Method ists In welcoming the young ladies to the college. Reported From District Board. The following If. a partial list of men selected for military service from local board for Fra'iklln coun ty reported by district board for Eas tern District of No*ib~Carollna. This llst.from thn date of its pontine at the offloo of the Local Board, con stitutes notice to t'lOHe whoso names i are listed thereon, that they have been selected for military service and charges them wfth an obligation to watch the bulletin of the Local Board end to hold themselves in readlnecss to report for military duty at the of fice of the Local Board at a date to be specified In a later notice to be posted at that office. Pate of posting this notice at office of this Ioc.ol L'>a\\ ?ept mbrr 4th,' Date of posting verified and certi lied correct. District Board (or Eastern District of North Carolina , September 1st, 1917. Ihe following list of men, called for military service by the Lo?al Board for Franklin county have been duly passed upon by the proper Local and District Board and are hereby certified as selected for military ser vice and not exempted or discharged. 1 258 Hubert Cannady, Franklin ton. R1 12 1858 Sol Williams. Jr., Louts burg. R3. 14 1117 Buddie Montague, Frank linton, . . 15 1748 Johnnie Thomas, Louls burg. 18 2036 Jack Yarboro, Spring Hope Hi. 3! 275 Bud Coppedge, Castalla,, Rl. K- 1185 Ross Moore, Loulsburg. 13 1762 William Henry, Thomas 28 1267 Clator Mltchlner, Louls burg. ."6 1732 Herbert E. Tharrlngton, ' Alert, Rl. 42 616 John Harvey Faulk,.Spring Hope. R2. ? 45 1266 Wm. Henry Strother Louisburg, Rl. 50 600 Jas. Robert G up ton, Young? vlllj. Rl. S3 1539 OSlvln Rose. Loulsburg, Rl 55 50fwilllam Henry Egerton Loulsburg, Rl. 57 437 Baldy Davis, Maplevllle. 48 486 James Edlor, Maplevllle. 9 1455 King SoWinon Perry. Louis burg, Rl. t5 924 James Iver Inscoe, Louls burg, R4. 14 1031 Elmas Van Kearney, Rid ley Park. Pa. 78 487 James Elmo Evans, Louls burg. September 7th, 1317. SO 1495 William Obadiah Pruitt, Franklinton. 34 1237 Willie Glenn Macon, Louls burg, R5. 39 1546 Cornelius Riddle, Youngs vHle. 6" ^1264 Tommy Murphy, Alert. So 1922 Lawrence Lionel Wilder, Franklinton. 97 601 Thomas Frailer, Youngs vllle. 10D 1099 Hubert Clarence Layton Castolia. Others Held For Service. The Local Board for the County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, hereby certifies to Diatrict Board for Eastern District of North Carolina tile following list of the names of per sons and addresses who have been duly and legally called for the mili taiy service of the United States, and who have not been exempted or dis charged, for Eastern District of North Carolina. 437 1192 Butler Macon. Kittreli, Rl. 405 1932 Jas. Pedlford Wheeler. Louisburg. 2?" 1179 Junius McKniglit. Louis burg, Rl. 39S 1857 Jamie Walker. Louisburg Rl. 349 1151 Buck Mitchell. Louisburg Rl. 350 1101 Joe Leoard, Castalla, Rl. 3 J 919 Robert Wooten Inscoe. Louisburg. ?71 848 Omega Harris, Mapleville, R1 363 814 Randle Jones Hicks, Louis burg, Rl. 344 736 Dallas A. Hawkins, Kittrell Rl. 350 ^.656 Leon Spencer Gay. Spring Hopft, R2. 310 1507 Otho Beasley Pettiford, Louisburg. 3?1 292 Walter Cleveland Collins. Louisburg, R4. T64 1175 Henderson Mitchell, Louis burg, (Vance Jail) . 12 16H2 Frank Sutton, Maplevvllle. Other Exemptions. The following list of persons ex empted or discharged from the ser vice of the United States. Local Board for the County of Franklin In the State of North Caroli na hereby certifies to District Board for the Eastern District of North Caiolina, Goldsboro, N. C., the follow ing I'st of names of persons ana tholr a* ;re-ice who l.ave bee.i luly and le-j va'ly railed by sn'd Loci i Board for j he military servlco of the United I States, and who have been, by said I^ocal Board, exempted or discharged within the meaning of the Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Pres ident under the Act of Congress ap proved May 18, 1917. Exempt?Physically Deficient Date of notice posted Sept. 7, 1917. 402 1996 Grover Wilson, Loulsburg. 96 1751 John Thomas, Loulsburg. Discharged. 397 1187 Otho Mitchell, Youngsville. 411 1188 Herman Pear Mitchell, Youngsville, Rl. 450 1077 Qeo. Lewis, Loulsburg. o?>6 221 Jimmle Jerman Bell, Rl, Youngsville. 38S 470 Eddie Dunston, Seaboard. And from the action of this Local Board in discharging each of the foregoing registrants from service Hon. W. H. Yarborough, Attorney lor the Government appealed to the Dis trict Board for the Eastern District o! North Carolina. Wm. H. Ruffln, Chairman. A. S. Joyner, Secretary. Loulsburg College Opens. Loulsburg Colleg^- had the most auspicious opening Wednesday morn ing It has had in many years. Judg inc by the number of new pupils en rolled, no one would suspect that tlere was a world war m progress. At this time, the enrollment gives promise of surpassing that of any previous year in the long history of the college. The new president, Dr. Frank Swendell Love, who has been hard at wcrk all the summer, Is elated, over tre prospect. Mrs. Ivey Allen, the former president, who will still be connected with the college a? dean, will have charge of all the internal government of the college. In addi tion to president Love, the following new teachers are in the faculty: Miss Vera Keller, of Pensacola, Fla., Miss Luclle Womble, of Goldston, Miss Elba Henninger, of Statesville and Miss Eleanor Yarborough, of Maple ville. At the opening of the morning ex ercises, Mr. F. B.... McKlnne. secre tary of the board of trustees, Rev. W. M. Gilmore, pastor of the Baptist caurch, and the President made wel coming addresses to the young ladies. Dr. Love, who formerly was pas tor of the Methodist church at Aber deen, will deliver the Inaugural ser mon Sunday morning at the Method ist church the other congregations ir. the city will unite in this service, The new President has made a most favorable impression on the communi ty. Lonlsbarg Baptist Church. In view of the special inaugural sermon at the Methodist church Sun day morning by President Love, there will <>e no sermon at the Bap tist church Sunday morning; but at n:ght, 7:30, Dr. Jack Ellis, pastor of the First Baptist church of Dunn, will preach. Dr. Ellin is one of tho most gifted young ministers in the State, and the people of Loulsburg and surrounding country havo a rare treat in store for them Sunday night. Sunday school at 9:45 and the usu al services during the week. Tlie RevTival at Rock Spring- Church. So much interest has been mani fested in the special evangelistic neetings now in progress "at Rock Spring church that it has been de cided to continue the meeting through Sunday.. It will be deter mined then whether or not th,e meet ings will continue another week. There will be a service Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, and one in the af ternoon. Dr. Jack Ellis, of Dunn, who is as sisting the pastor, is preaching the gorpel with great power, and the peo pl^ in this community are being a roused as they have not been in years. A genuine revival is in pro gress Beam?Allen. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Allen pmiounce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Louise, to Mr. Gaith-* er Mclntyre Beam. The wedding will take place at home, October, the t>ird 191?. There will be neither Tnvttat.ona nor rnnouncemcnt cards Issued.

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