Simply a\few pulls on its chain and the heaviest car is raised or lowered without danger and/without exertion. Every motorist has dreaded using thatordinary jack?an unpleasant opera tion, to say the least, anckconstantiy fraught with danger and much tiresome work. Now all the unpleasant, disagreeable features have been mntirmty eliminatedby the Weed Cnain-Jack/With it, whether raising or lowering the car, you are always out of harm'sApay? No knocking of head, or soiling of clothes against springs or otfeer pr^ections?No skinning of knuckle* or fly ing up of a "handle"?NodwMBf the car coming down, often resulting in serious bodily injury?Infinitely dasier to operate than any jack on the market To operate a Weed Chain-Jack Rii toot One? in plmcm you never have to touch i necessary to get down in a csmped. Weed Chain-Jack. You do not have to ?trained position and grovel In mudEWrease crawl underneath to either raise or Iommt or dust under a car to work a "hamdT that the car and after the car Is lowered, jfcu is apt to fly up. with unpleasagi rmults. haul the jack out from under the car by the To lift a car with the Weed Cftain-isck, chain. Mmek maperior in safety, economy, limply give a few pulls on its enBless ckaln utility, simplicity and construction. while you stand erect?clear fntn sprikgs. tire caviers and other projections. To Ya.i will n.?.r K- w4?k tower a car puM the chain/In opposite Yubbe\ tire open buggy and harnes^' for sale at a bargain. AU In g mo condltlon\ / WM. HARUFFIN, 8-24-tI' Loulsburg. N. C. WHAT HURT THE WORST Patient?Well, now you can give me gn s . Dentist?The tooth Is out, my dear sir. Patient?Yes; but It's paying the fee that hurts. ros saleVby / W1NST0N-HLANHB DRUG CO? Ytro ngsTlIle, C ?/ hcPHTyli Co ^ pnmkHnton, STERLING STORE CO, Prankltntoo. TINE RID?: VuPPLY CO, Fine Ridge, yC. \ W. H. H/ORTOJf,VlprIng Hope, N. C. 8C0GGIX DRC? SffORE, Loulsbnrg, I . P. HICKS, Lonlsbnrg, V. C. *AKD ALL GOOD D BALERS." "Ill Show You How* i Corns Peel Off! n Ever Peel a Banana Skin? That's It! "I should worry about those corns ?I just put some *Gets-It' on." Gprns used to pester the world into a frenzy, enduring pain, digging, slicing toes, tinkering with plasters w It Id "*l?o moment fa Is notB . ^TeTa-Il"?nothli lain?nb thing thlt yo\ on eo take oft a corn err time, jku! nttboot com np*e* aiM&r tkat ' net F?t. V/yflevhr lVrltateAthe Sash. Barer fnkJfee ygur toe ao\e. Juet tjro Oro??*spf "Bete-It" anApreetoJ tke oorn-p5*w' vanishes. "**?~,i"' you o?? peel the corn right your ii*ec ati'I there yo m on-free and happy with the too rff, sBioofh and cdrn-free aa yo?r whw Never happened before, dM ? OMu aot Get a bottle ef "Gete-Jt" today fc-oB any dreg store, you nee? par n* more than 2frc. or Beat oal re ol ?Mo? (r B. Lawrenee * Ctt MM la Leafifcuy and recommend M the worfcPi b?t eora remedy try P. B. PXEA8AWT8 FIRI^INSMUSCHT Wkea yen waayfasexaiue lake tt km 1. W. WVRSOJi. Re kaewa how. / ^ Notlee. Havlnf Qualified ay administrator of Aienzo 8. VJyd, deceased, late of Kraaklin coutaty, tfrls la to notify alf pt-esons holding cpariais againet the mid estate to Repent the same to the undersigned on ?r before Aug. 31at, 1918 or this noti/