AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT BRINGS RESULTS $1.50 PER-! IN ADVANt A F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. _ Subscription 11 ==a?c= ? , ^== , . . . J LOUI8BW2?' H. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1*17. 1 1 THIRD ANNUAL FAIR OPENED TUESDAY Opening Address by Hon. 0. Max Gardner, Lieu tenant Governor of North Carolina. BIG CROWDS, GOOD SHOWS, FINE EXHIBITS rarades Very Creditable?Bad Weath er Interfered With School Children'? Parade?Saturday H Day for Col ored Peoftob Although Tuesday was a cold rainy day and only a small crowd ventured out, the third annual (air tor Franklin County was formally opened by addresses from Hon. O. Max Gardner, Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina and Hon. Ben T. Holden, President of the Fair Asso ciation. The Midway Is full and at tractive and the whip, ferrls wheel and merry-go-round are attracting many. The shows are of a gqod quality and furnish much amuse ment to all. In the exhibit hall the most real Interest la shown. Besides.the Indi vidual exhibits there are a number of s community exhibits and fll are more than creditable both to the communi ty and thoBe who took part in mak ing them up. ^ The live stock exhibit Is fine and 1 l.i the strongest evidence of what the ptcple of Franklin County~are doing to improve the agricultural condi tions of the county. The poultry exhibit is great and contains some very fine birds. Taking it all as a whole the fair this year is a great success. The cumber of exhibits, over former fairs, steadily increases both In vol rme and quality, and the people are showing their appreciations by liber ally patronizing It Yesterday was Agricultural Day and the parade and exhibits special for the day were great and did much credlti to the organization. Today will be Fraternal Day, when one thousand or more members of different fraternal orders will Join in a big parade. The day is expected to be one of the biggest events of the fair. Saturday has been set aside as a special day for colored people, at which time the collored school chil dren will parade. Mr.' Thomas W. Ruffln, Chief Mar shal and his clever assistants have mode quite a success of the different parades and have won the admira tion of all who attended the fair. Dr. A. H. Fleming, who has so suc cessfully conducted the fairs as the" Official Secretary, deserves much cre dit for the success of the present fair. Wl.en everything looked as If it would be impossible to put on the fair, this year he got especially busy and succeeded ,ln getting the railroads to consent to move the amusement cimpanies, and It Is to his untiring efforts the people owe their appreci ation for the week of pleasure that Is now going on in Louisburg. Coroner's Inquest Upon the finding of a dead baby In the home ot John Green, colored, on Thursday evening of last week, and being unable to get any Information as to why It was there a coroner's Inquest was held to ascertain If any foul play had been the Cause of the death and to place the crime If pos slto. After hearing all the evidence available the Jury which was com posed of Messrs. W. H. Mann, R. P. Taylor, J. W. King, J. C .Tucker, J. K. Southall and F. W. Hicks, the Jury failed to And that the baby had been killed. later a warrant was secured by oAcer Hudson for John Oren. his wife and daughter, and a trial had on Monday, which resulted In the par ties being held under bond for an Investigation before the graad Jury. Sparing tka Save the snake 1s the latest slogan, or perhaps 1? an old ono plucked cut of the scrap heap and burnished up to meet new conditions. Save the snakes, no-not to eat bnt that they may eat the pests that affect the farmer. < An article In tho Scientific Ameri can says that harmless snakes ?hould be protected and that most makes are of the h ampera variety. The United States Department ot Agriculture calculate? that hundreds ot milTlon dollars worth of cereals aro destroyed by rodents in the ti nned States every year. The article In the Scientific American suggests the wisdom of sparing the snakes" so that they will reduce the ravages by r< dents. The writer admonishes farmers to encourage the preaenee~of bull-snakes, king snaka, chicken snake, garter snake, gophen snake, black snake, and the blue racer. He says they ar? the natural enemies of ether peats. Many . people think that the aver sion to the snake is eo dew seated that he will never be tolerated no matter how useful he may be ai a pest destroyer. On the other hand, facta are tremendously effective as argumenta and if a scientific study of the snake and his habits showa that the production of certain varieties ought to be encouraged the prejudice against the reptile will slowly fade, hu- the. emphasis will be on the word slowly. Person?Ay cock At the home of the bride's moth er, Mrs. M. H. Ayrock, on Nash St. Miss Nole Maxlne Aycock and Mr. William T. Person were united in the holy bonds of wedlock Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock, Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, of the Methodist church, per forming the ceremony, Immediately alter which they motored to Rich mond and other northern cities where they will spend their honeymoon. The parlor was very artistically decorated. Mrs. A. R. Edwards played the wedding march, playing very softly Traumerl during the cer emony. The bride, who is one of Loulsburg's most beautiful young women, wore a handsome rose taupe suit with accessories to match,' and carried a very handsome shower bouquet Mr. Person is one of Loulaburg's coat prosperous young men, and it is a source of regTet to his Loujs burg friends tkat he will make his future home in FarmvlUe, Va. Mrs Person is a very popular young lady" TEc many friends at the happy young couple will wish them bon voyage. Minstrel at Justice The Justice High School will give" a burnt-cork entertainment on the evening of October 17. Much pleas ure Is anticipated from It, as thef e will be music and vaudeville features. An eepectajjy interesting Item Is a farce debate: "Resolved, That stealln' chickens ain't no crime." Everybody la Invited. The admission will be twenty-five cents, proceeds for ben efit of Justice High School. "List of Letters The following la a list of letters re | n:alnlng in the Postofllce at LOuls | bui'g, N. C., not called for Oct 12,1917. Mr. W. A .Allen Mr. Ralph Baker Jim Blanton Mr. A. L. Flamming Mr. Luther Hagwood Mr. Irrin Hale Miss Bular Hlght Mrs. Georgia McNeal Mrs. Leatha Mantel Mr. W. . Rearce Mrs. John Perry Harry Robinson' Mr. W. B. Smith Mra, Roaa Walker Mr. Bam Weeks r-' - Persons calling for any of the tWv? I letters will. please state that they | saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS, Pestmaatar Planning Bi? Drive The Federal Food Administration under the direction of Mr. Herbert Hoover Is planning a "big drive" |n food conservation, for Ootober JO-IS, and la accordance with their plane the County Executive Committee ter Franklin^ Coun ty met tn 8upt Beat's ftffice Saturday and appointed a com mittee for each of the schdbl districts 1st Franklin County. | The plan of the campaign is as fol " j>? lews: Each of the district commlt tiffc la provided with sufllclent pledg es, home and window cards tor ev ery home in their district, then on Saturday, Oct 20, every housewife, or tue ones who dispenses food in the ccunty Is requested to be at the school house In her district. , The District Committee win be pre si ni at the school house with the ctfcessafy pledge, home an<^ window cards, and every woman present will bi expected to sign the pledge cards, wnlch Is only her promise to be eco nomical in the use of Sour, meat, su gar and dairy products, and Is no binding pledge on her part to use none of these . The following week Oct. 22-28 the c .nominees will visit every hotne In the- County,, both white and colored that was not represented at the school house Saturday and get the lady of the house to sign the pledge card. All who sign the pledge cards will be given a window card which enti tles tbme to membership In the Fed eral Food Administration. Ail of us are not premitted to serve In the campaign In France against Oermany, bnt we can iprve la the' campaign here against her, and the v.indow cards hanging In our windows Will be proof that we are doing our bit back here to help the "boys" in Frbnce, so let therq be no home in the county, white or clrea with out one of these cards in their win dow showing ' that they have enlist ed In the fight against German fight ing lines. because of the demand for the men at front, And the Inability of the women to do man's work'efficiently In the fields and factories the supply n; food for our Allies Is low, and the denland for it urgent. It Is only by economizing now that vre can meet the demand, and unless wo do meet It Oermany whlpe us. The following letters from our Gov ernor and others show how anxious tr ey are that we realise the Impor tance of tha food campaign, and do all -hat w? can help. So let every housewife In the county be at the school house in her district Saturday, Cofe, 20. JOSEPH C. JONES > Federal Food Administrator For Franklin County October 6, 1917. Sr. Joseph C. Jones,, Food Administrator for Franklin Co.. Loulsburg, N. C. Dear Sir: """ I am deeply Interested in the move ment throughout the United States for food conservation. North Caro lina must not fall to fall In line, with energy and enthusiasm, In this great and altogether necessary work. I am delighted to know that the^campaign in Franklin County is going to be ac tive and comprehensive, and I urge the^"people of dear old Franklin to follow as closelly as posslbe the sug gestions made by the Food Adminis trator of the Nation, the State and the County, from time to time. Thanking you for your patriotic In terest In this work, I beg to remain Very truly yours, ?t. W. BICKETT. Loulsburg, N. C., Oct. 10, 1917. Mr. Joseph C. Jones, Loulsburg, N. C. Dear Sir: I congratulate you "upon your ap pointment, as Food Administrator for the County of Franklin, as I earnest ly believe, that this 1* a position, In which you can do a great service for your Country. With organized forc ea all over tha County, and with pro per Instruction to the house-wives, untold benefit will be derived, not-on ly for the present, but for time to come. I am heartily with yon In this movement, because I believe It Is a very necessary movement-to help IM Government In carrying on the ?if with Germany, by saving ?11 product* so that we will have something to spar* to send to the front for our soldier boys. Then the lessons I? s aria K by this movement will benefit future generations after the war la over. It la absolutely necessary now aa the feedlng of our troopv after drafting Into service, is as Important as to equip then} with the necessary . equipment for war. Islfeeerely trust that every house-wife In this County vrlll rally to your by meet*** with yonr Committers in the sevaqU Townships and pledging their loyal ty to their Country and to oar soldier bora at the front. With highest regards, I am Your friend, J. J. BARROW. ' Prices High But Sales Light On account-of the bad weather the past week the sales of tobacco here were light, but the older experienced tobacco men state that, the prfces here never been higher. It now seems that all grades are enjoying the Increased prices "and the fanners are reaping the benefits. y WBEBE NEG BO SELECTED ARM V MEN WILL TRAIN North Carolina Troops Will do To Camp Grant, Illinois Washington,Oct. 9.?Negro selected men from Alabama, Tennessee, Mis sissippi,, North Carolina, Oklahoma anil Florida will be trained in North era camps, and those from Louisiana at Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark., it was announced la a memorandum from the Adjutant General to the Provost Marshal General made public tciJght. Negroes from other South ern 8tates will be trained In their .re spective States. Asslgnmen ts ofSouthern drafted negroes to camps outside their own States were announced as follows: Tennessee to Camp Meade. Mary land; Mississippi to Camp Funston, Kansas; North Carolina, to Camp Grant, Illinois; Oklahoma, to Camp Sherman, Ohio; Florida, to Camp Dlx, New Jersey; and Louisiana, to Camp Pike, Arkansas. Georgia negroes will be trained at Camp Gordon, Ark.; negroes at Camp Flke, S. C., at Camp Jackson, Ken; tucky. at Camp Zaohary Taylor, Texas at Camp Travis, and Virginia at Camp Lee. Bunn High School Notes We have added five more names to our rapidly growing list In the high school. Miss Bettle Williams Tayloe spent | the wqek end In Middlesex Miss Grace Parker len for her home near Ahoakle Sunday on busi ?ceee. ??{? \ ' Curtis Weathqrs of Wake Forest College attended the Community Fair on last Friday. Mr. Ed. and Miss Laura Strickland of near Wilson spent Sunday with i-iss Zelma Holland. r Miss Oma White spent .Saturday and Sunday at Justice. Mr. Forest Wigga left Monday for Raleigh to attend & business college Messrs. Stephen Sykes and Charlie Wilder spent Sunday in Richmond. Mr. Jermie Tant of Spring Hope spent Sunday in our midst. Plans are being made for a garage for Bunn. Miss Faber Gay spent Sunday with Edna Seymore. Mr. Peyton Sykes has a new Ford. The school plck?d the Betterment cotton Monday morning. Mr. G. Medley returned from Rocky Mount last week. He reports a good time at the Fair. A number of our people attended the Community Fair at Seven Paths on last Thursday. Bernlce Baker spent the weik end with Eugenia Seymore. One of the most Important days that has happened in the history of Bunn w*s Friday, Oct 5, at 10.30. The school children assembled in front of Mr. D. T. HolUngsworth's. The band headed the parade, then the mar shal? and last the school children They marched to the school building where Hon. R. B. White of W(pke For est delivered an Inspiring address which was enjoyed by all.. Afterwards the exhibit rooms were opened. To My they were line would net give them justice. Plana for the Community Pair being made only 3 week* beforehand, these exhibits showed Bnnn high school and com munity could do something. Flower* canned products, farm products, nee dlework, domestic science and differ ent other things being on exhibit Everything good to eat Imaginable was sold by the Betterment In the afternoon a basket ball game was played between Wakelon and Bnnn. Forest Wiggs was referee. In the first half of the game Bunn came out ahead, at the end of the last half the score was 11 to 11. They decided to play off the tie, which resulted in s a score of 13 to 12 In favor of-Bunn. Band selections by the band from Fran kiln ton were rendered during the day. Thus ended one the best and brightest days in the hiMory of Bunn. Don't forget prayer meeting at the churoh every Sunday night at 7.16. Mr. Jlmmle White will conduct the ?efvlces for Sunday night . MJss Belle Wright of Justice (aid Funn a flying trip Sunday afternoon. Miss Martha Richardson of near New Hope spent Sunday with Miss Lee Atkins. , Mrs. Sam Nash of Loulsburg was in our midst Sunday. Mr. Brooks Williams baa accepted a position with Beddingfleld Bros. Fro? the I)osgh Boys at Camp Sevier The unmistakable touch of Fall is la the air, which calls for the Instal lation of the little conical sheet iron stores used' In the tents during the wihter months; the full uniform mi nus only the shoes -and in rare cases the legglns are taking the place of pajamas in the absence in many cases of sufficient blankets. This will has ten too the flooring and walling the tents. Electric lights have by now teen Installed throughout the Camp and the contractors are now busy putting In the apparatus for hot water In the bath houses and filling the Oiien space In the mess halls -with windows. When these improvements are completed our Camp should be fairly comfortable. This Camp Is Quite a contrast to the "frolic" we bsd on the border. When the bug lors march the length of the camp at 6.15 A. M. bllowing "You're In the army now. and not behind the plow, Sergt. H. C. Kearney and Bugler R 0. Jeffreys say they "get mad." They say they are fully aware of the fact auil don't like to )>e reminded fit It so often at this houj- of tue night. For over two weeks now It has been rumored here that instead of filling | the" Guard ranks with select men, that regiments would be consolidat ed and that two regiments from New Vork now stationed at Spartansburg, S. C? would be sent here to merge with the 119th and 120th. The sen ior ranking officers of the regiment tnus formed and surplus officers as signed to the National army. Proba bly before this Is published this ques tion will be solved, but It has caused a stir here. Moustaches are becom ing quite popular among the "Sam mies" here. Corporal R. B. Conway hts quite a. healthy growth. The Charlie Chaplin style seems to ? be | most in evidence, for as Dick explains Charlie is always in favor with the ladles and this one of his is expected to Increase his popularity. The boys are still maintaining their excellent record. Not a man has tagen a drink of Intoxicants since leaving home and with the'exception of two or threte seem perfectly consented, but always Impatiently waiting for the mall boy. When he arrives It U quite pathetic at times to see some receive half dozen letter; and some rone- at all. I have as a tent mate the best fellow in the world. Harvy has one girl who Bends two boxes a week of the best candy I ever ate. Of course I always help him eat It. Tae grub is still par excellent We have regular biscuits twice a week The grub is well cooked and always on time too. Furman and Wake Pur est colleges, the representative Bap tist colleges of North and, South Carolina played an Interesting gamo of foot ball in Oreenvllle Saturday. Of course "F Co. was there In full force and rooted for - our neighbor with a big root. The score resulted 7 to 6 in Furman'e favor. Besides my other duties I am athletic officer of the Company. The Company Is hard at work practicing "the tug of war,"the centerpeed race," the relay r.tce, in which the whole Company tnkee part, and wrestling and boxing for Individuals. This Is all compulso ry ?nd t squires on? boor each day. The first field meet Is ordered for Oct. 14th. Will tel) yon more about this next week. We will try next week to give yon a rough account of trench warfare, how an advance is nade, etc. if you care for it. We have a full day's work every day before as. Corporal Sid High has Just written hie drl.that in Texaa he used to stag "1 hate to see the evening sun go down" but now ITI? "I hate to see the morning sun come up." The Company now *7 men here. L* ? ***"? "W r v.? THE MO SOME TOV JEN* HOT Many on ButteM*, lu; n 1 Others to to Going, But J ; Coming. Mr. E. 8. Ford spent Raleigh. Mr. Ben T. Holden visited tlilfc week. Messrs. W. H. Allen and W. H. ' borough visited Newton the week on business. , Messrs. Cheatham Alston and h Wilson are home on a furlough ( Camp Sevier, Greenville, 8. C. Miss Elisabeth M. Jones of Raleigh, N. C., Is visiting at the ! of Mrs. W. E. Uzzell near thts < Mrs. J T. Bolt and Mrs. C. son, ot Wilson's Mills, are at the home of Mr. B . N. Willi? Mrs. Willis .Dixon and Mies Pearl, of Snow Hlli, N. C/,, ltod at the home of the Edltorjhe ] week. Lieut. G. A. Ricks and wife and 1 John GiiUln, of Greenville, S. C., visiting friends and relatives in *$>4 near toifn. Rev. W. M. Gllmore and Mr. Ivy Allen are attending a meetlnfc of the Tar River Association In Warren county this weak. Mr.J. 8. Lancaster and son, John, of Newton are on a visit-to friends aud relative* here. His many friends aro glad to see him looking so welj. Attend' Funeral of Morrison Wilcox Mrs. I. Allen, Mlsa Elizabeth Allan, Rev. F. 8. Love, Mrs. D. F. McKlnne, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McKlnne attended the funeral of little Morrison Wilcox lu Qoldsboro the past week. The Bar vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. -Hurley s.nd Rev. F. 8. Love. Catches Robber Constable R. W. Hudson arrested and locked up Tom Farrer, colored, on Thursday of last week under a warrant charging him with robbing Mr. A1 Layton of $150.00. Mr. Lay ton had been to Henderson to sell some tobacco and on his return he was robbed. The ofllcers recovered $57.80 of the amount It Is said Far rer admits his guilt but says he was a i; Us ted in the crime by John Yar boro. Prosperity The dealera still sell rations high, ? Yet we see prosperity. ? , __ For now we have the pork and bean. We do not have to spend long green. The farmer brings his golden weed. Too high to save a plant for seed, The crier In foreign langnage spiels. Begging buyers for silver wheels. T'iree cheers for our little Bank, The pumping station at Its tank Shows no sign'of running dry, But always keeps a full supply. The socks from Banner Hosiery Mill, For those now routing Kaiser Bill, The seamlless toe and perfect fit Shows that they know how to knit. The drayman struck a streak of luck In buying a Smith form-a-truck, Hitching, a Henry Nancy Hanks That gives the horse laugh when be cranki. *_ When old Nance decides to go s The drayman's smile begins to' show. With advanced spark and throttle wide She will take two tons to ride. We stumble through the darkest nights * To yap about electric lights, Only to hear the leaders say The tax was spoilt for right or way. We are tired of the same old tune, The service from the silver moon Is efficient and sublime, If It was running on full time. ?Village Blacksmith cias King, Percy Pleasants, - Qeorge 4 Luckller, O. F. Shearln hare been transferred to Supply Company and Jake McLawhorn has deserted. Am article is this morning's News reaf firms our belief of an early departure for France by stating that the ab sence of the heavy guns for the artil lery, and the machine guns together with other signs pointed that way. .The filling of the ranks with eon scripted then doesnt signify that they' will be trained here, for M per oent of the men in Prance were recruits 80 days prior to their departure. Will try to write again next week. Yours, etc. E. M Edwards.