r : . * -Vi Vw ? ^ V 9k# H 1 _ M* AH ^ - ? * ? ? Q?#. *. ? ??** U|V-- ?rv. ??c$-.? ? -v _ , V '.??????. ? ? .." '\ : - ? v ^;v^. Our Mr. D F. McKinne is now in the West purchasing a load of choice stock to I / - % 0 u~ ** 1 ve us a call and we will show you the nic t car of stock ever shipped to Louisburg. Co ?f We have sold our old stable on Nash Street and fitted up a stable in the rear of our store, and have no connection whatever with any other live stock business. Magnolia Balm UQLHp FACE PO&DEK. ? secret of mow how 5 of the com Cannot be Heala Sun Soothing, Samp!? l?itW color) tor 2c. Stamp. LraMfs.Ce, to Sooth Fifth Sc. Brooklyn.N. Y. * Wood's Seeds Rosen Rye The most vigorous crow ing and productiv/ of Seed RyeA, Stools oubbetter, su perior quality of grain, and destined, in ouw opinion, to take th\plac/ of all other Rye. Wood's frll Catalog GItm full dcf^rtpapn and Infonna >t the beat SEED WHEATVOATS, RYE, and Othe* Seeds for Fall Sowing. .... Write for Catalog and prtcca of any Seeda required. T. W. WOOD Ct SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Rlchmoad, Tl Haling ftnalifUA as Executor of the ??tate Of MM. SallleMoot, deceased, lete of *"ranl?Wn county, thm la to no- | dff-lll 1 the saM estate td^esent the same to the undersigned o\or before the 2Ut day of Sept. 1?1J 3t this notice will l>e plead la bar pi tKWlr recovery. Ml Indebufl to ?|id estate will make lm ntiiiU i ThU 8ept.2lBt>S17. ?-21-St T. H. Dickens, Extr. DKLCO-UOHt~U * oot only the Ve.it lighting Pfadt, lou can have wa ter works with nflrfl cost. No extra lau than 10c Fire insurance Sold by Co., Ox ?-li-tf "Your self-control Is remarkable. You have been trying to get that tel ephone number for about 20 minutes, ret you have not lost your temper." "Don't glYB me credit for being pa tient until you know the facts In this care. Ive been trying to call up my dentist and tell him 1 would be down la a few minutes." LKX03S KAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT CLEAB Hake this beauty lotion/for a few cents and see for yourself I What girl oKwoman hain't heard of 1 lemon juice to\ remove/ complexion blemishes; to wWen ty skin and to bring out the rose^thfreshness .and the hlditen beautjA Kht lemon Juice alone lyaclf, there??* irritating, and stu aid'beyfelxed jflM^)rchard white tills way.' Straliy'thipljgiy,afide cloth the Juice of 1196 frishVljpfbns Into a bottle containing pouA three ounces of orchard white, /hen ihke well and you have a whore quarter pint of skic and completion lotlip at about the cost one uslally pays lor a small Jar of ordinary cold crean\ Be sure | to strain the lemon Juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion ?in remain pure and fresh for months When applied dally to the face, neck, arms and hands It should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any drugglBt will supply yon three ounces of orchard white at very little cos* and the grocer has the lemons. Dttfereat Cariosity We wonder as stars come into riew. If them art any souls up there; Toe men all woader what they to? > wonder what they wear CENTS DESTROYS UtUB OAK DBUTF AHD STOPS f AXJLIH6 Save your hair K Sake/it thick, wary Thin, brittle, col hair Is mate ?rlded?e of a neglected seal?; of dandrul%t\bat awful scurf. There Is nothing sk destructive to the hair as dan^uff. A robe the hair of tts lustre, Ity.trengA and it? rery life; eventual l/ produclA a fererlah nees and ItcMng of the tealp, which If not rtn^M causes tha hair roots to shrink, loosen and dk>V-th?B the hair falls oat teat A Uttls tonight ?now ?anytime?will ?artljt. save your lialr. Get a 25-Oent botfle of Knowlton's Danderlne from ayVdrM store or toi let counter, ana atttye first applica tion- jo/r ^lr yjlyfykej?6 that life luFtra^fejr luxunBujceSrfMilch Is so beauttftiT It alKbaume wavy and fluffy and hav/ thVappearance of a. bundance, an /ncom parable gloss and softness; but what wfU please you c.ost will hp after Just\ few week's use when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair?new hair?grow ing all over the scalp. Whenever Yap Need ? General Tonic lute Grove's. The Old S tsijlard/Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Is Vraplly valuable as a General Tonic bemuse it contains the well known tonic ofcperties of QUININE and IRON. It *ts\>n the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Bnricl?s the Blood and Builds np the Whole System. 60 cents. DELCO*I<Jfcny-Mrs. Mary G. Tar it. TpwnesvirRJR.C. uses Delco-Light and 1b hlghly^^pued. 9-14-tt Wanted Young Ladies Between the/ages of 16 and IS to j6( TELEPH(W OPERATING Salary paidAwbile learning; permanent dbpioyinent with advancing/rmP* of salary. Ho lay-ofife evjr occur in thie work. ComfA-table, private surroundings/ Vacation with pay after on? yUr in ?ervice; sick and diaibilky benefits. Apply in pekon to. Miss Sac Al/ton, C^ief Operator Home Telephone & Tele Company. ' Louiabnrg, N. C. \ DELCOLIGHT-paild / by Home people. Wo sell airvyfe too. Delcu Li*ht service lsVjmqafn all over the world. Sold by FSJMl Home Electric Lighting Co., OxfaAT^C. 9-14-tf tfor Sale One seven roay cottage bouse, Nash street. exchange for gtod small [anr. 40-5-21 / O. Y.YARBORO r.ELO-LIGHT isWade by the same people who madj^Uie /famous Delco Lighting and StimnlMjTjtem for Cad illac, Packard, Bulcjk Overland and twenty other fuMbuV automobiles. Scld by Farm Hq*Je ETSctrlc Lighting Co., Oxford, N. C. * 9-14-tf for Hale. Handsome cHy broke, Jearless "bay horse, 1150 lbs., 11 yeaorold, Babcock rubber tire surrdr aaQ harness, Ty son ft Jones rubtwAlre open buggy and harness for at a bargain. All In good cond hXruffin, 8-24-tf / LouMrarg. N. 0. DELCO-Lioftr?Senator John T. Lewis, CtoxWyjVJo. Va., uses Delco Light andi he 1*Sb/o recommend It, M?J - W n DELCO-LIOHjAjMr. Joseph T. In co?, Castalla, / (JVaeB Delco-Llght and ispleased^lthlt 9-14-tf Notice! Having qualified as Administrator of the estate oVw. R. /vest, deceased, late of Frankih] Coibty, this Is to notify all pers\iny holding claims against his estateW present the same to Um underalgnaJ\on or before Sep tember 7, 1918, or (kis notice will be plead.- In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to (aid estate will please come forward awl make Imme diate settlement. This September 7,1917. MBS. ADA MOORE, Admr. MMeA Mi of Lu4 By TtrUuf of the power of aala contained in that certain mortgage d?ed made on Jan. 1,. 1908, by Sall^ Fuller to T. H. Dtcabns, mortgagee, end recorded in BooH 159 at page 197 Registry of \Frankllrf County, default having been \aade li the payment of ttft debt thereby ?/cured, the under signed will on ylaAday, Nobesnber 5, 1917, at about W hoar ofnoonatthe Court House do* In Loulsburg, N C.j offer for saAat auction, to the highest bidder /oAcash, a certain tract or parcel/of Htad lying and be ing la Franklm CouVty, North Caro lina, Cedar ribck ToVnxhlp and de scribed as to fowl, to-Vit: lands of W. 8. Brew er, Motile Ctflllns, A. D. Murpbey and others and containing fourteen acres more or leaab r.i This the Mb day of October, 1917. T. H. DICKENS, Mortgagee Wm. H. aad Thos. W. Ruffln, Attys. 10-Mt HlgheJKprlcea paid for hides. Hill's Markj?r\ Notice of Re-Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of 1 rc-eale made by the Superior Court ot Franklin county Jn that special proceeding entitled Prank Fogg," Admr. vs Maria Davis and others, the undersigned, commissioner will, on Monday7theY2nd day of October(1917, at 12 o'clock NKat die courthouse door of Franklin counts, or at the noon recess of the couruoder tor sale to the highest bidder fol cash that certain tract or parcel on land lying and be ing in Sandy Cr*el\ townaip, Frank lin county, Northfcarolina, bounded as fCtlows: On thf North by the lands of Miss Onnle Ttomas; <on the East by the lands of/Frank Fogg; on the S< uth by the Uuids of R.H. Strickland and others, and on the West by the lauds of R. H. Strickland, containing One Hundred Acres, more or less. The last and hlghes bidder will, under order of the Court, be requir ed to deposit 10 per cent of his bid as a guarantee of good, faith. This 19th day of September, 1917. BEN T. HOLDEN, 9-21-St - Commissioner. Trustees Sale of Land. By virtue of the power ot sale con tained in that certain deed ot trust made on the 17th day of March 1914, by J. P. Hill, to Wm.. H. Ruflln, and recorded in the Registry of Franklin County, In Book 199 page 282, default haying been made In tSe payment ot the debt tlytreby secured, and de mand tor foreclosure / haying been made on sald\rustee 4>y the holder cf the said inlebtedaess the under signed will on>Monday, October 15, 11917, at about tVe lour ot-noon at the court house dV>rfln Loulsbnrg, N. C. offer for sale \ei auction to the highest bidder for Insh, the lands In scld dead of trust (Aaveyed and there described as Lot Ip\4 In the parti tion of the lands cf Am. Davis under Lis will as surveyed bA Joseph T. In cce, bounded as follow!: Beginning at a small dogwo?don tHe North aide of Ransoms Bridie road,Y corner of No. 5, thence N. it I. 133 lu poles to a stake In a patl, Isaac DaV|s' corner thence N. II Wait 120polee to a stake near a branch, Iskac-fiawis' corner and corner for No. 2, thence N. 76 1-2 West 93 poles to a stake, corner ot the Home Tract, called No. 3, thence 8outh 19 1-4 West 169 poles to the center of the Ransom's bridge road, a stake, corner for No. 8, thence along said road Southeastward about 186 poles to the beginning, containing 167 acres, more o r lees. V This the 14th of Sept, 1917. Wm. H. Ruflln, Trustee. 9-14-Ct ? ? '? . Notice of Sale?fLs id Lying In Frank Ua ad Ss k Counties Under and by vQ ot power rest ed in tee by ? eei slh--d?ed ot trust dated June II, 19U dati' executed by Book of Mortgages No. 182 at page 407 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin county and In Book ot Mortgagee No. 203 at page 538 In the office of the Register ot Deeds for Nosh county, I will on Monday, the 22nd day of October, 1917 at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In Nashville, North Carolina, sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder, tlve following described tract of land and property, to-wit: The following tract <jf land and property partly in the county of Franklin and partly in the county of Nash, State of North Carolina, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at a white oak,Thomas C. Arrington's corner on the South side of Big Fishing Creek, running thence South 17 1-2 degrees West 170 poles to a pine, Arrington's corner; thence South 28 1-2 degrees West 80 poles to the old road;thence South 88 degrees W. 48 poles to a red qftk; thence North 62 1-2 degrees West 73 poles to a stake and poihters;thenca South 24 poles to the Nashville road; thence nearly Southalonk said road 290 poles and 16 links to garrison's corner; thence West 176 \nolef to Denton's line; thence Nortft 3<f degrees East 122 poles to confer/post oak In Portia Line; thence \l>/orth 61 8.4 degrees East 123 polesuo a white oak; thence North 1 3-4 decrees East 72 poles to a sour wood tmsh; thence North 79 degrees West 10 poles to a dead pine; thence North/44 Voles to a stake In tUo old lMne/Brarab; thence down said branch /60 pojea to a stake in said branch ;/thenceV?rth 30 3-4 poles to an oak sftimp; thince North 49 de. giees WestAOl poles to a pile of rocka and pointers; thence North tl 1-2 de grees Ea/t 78 3-4 poles to a white oak; tbpnceNorth 44 degrees East 10 1-2 poles to a black gum on the North side of the Warrenton road; thence along said road North 22 de grees West 65 1-2 poles to a stake, the Portls corner; thence with the Por tia line along ? ditch North 20 1-4 degrees East 2* pole? to aetata; thence North 34 1-2 degrees Best 41 poles to Big Fishing Creek; the Por tia corner; thence down the varioua courses of said Creek to the begin ning. Containing four hundred and " fifty-Are acres, more or less, togeth er with the improvements and appurc tenances thereunto belonging. Includ ing the original plant now on the property, and all lmprovments each as maohinery and equipment now on the premises, being the same premise* conveyed to Edmund V. Woodruff by the North Carolina Dredging Com pany by deed dated April 34th, 1913. This sale Is made by order of the owner and holder of the Indebtedness mentioned in said deed of trust and by reason ot the failure of Emund D.-? Woodruff to pay off and discharge the lndebtednees secured by and describ ed in said deed ot trust Th)a 17th day of Sept., ?17. DANIEL E. LYNCH, Trustee W. B. Guthrie,Durham, N.'C Attorney for Trustee. 9-21.4t

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