-v v* xwr?' AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAfr BRINGS RESULTS he Franklin Times .c . ' ' - - . * ' ' ' '/X?< * '* ~T A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. Subscription $1.50 Per YMr >OtU3IN X1VI. . LOUISBUKG, H. C., FBIDAY, OCTOBKB V, 1#17. . MMBEli 80 ?:b a, i?i7. ACCIDENTLY SHOT AT FAIR QBUONDS THURSDAY SIGHT OF LAST WEEK l'resldent B?n T. Holden, of the Frankllu County Fair Association, Received Wound In Hip?Now Re covering lu Hospital. ? -A* the result of a pistol shot In tended for TEhother party missing Its murk at the F^iir grounds on Thurs day ' night ot last week, President Hen T. Holden, of .the Franklin Coun ty Fair Association, is In the Rex Hospital, Ralelgl), suffering from a wound In his hip. From what we can learn there wore seteral lif the Secretary's office rais ing a disturbance and Dr. A. H. Flem ing, Secretary, after being unable to culet them sent for Chief of Police High.^ Chief High and one of hlB as sistants went to the scene and upon tlielr arrival Mr. R. C. Beck came out of the office and was arrested by the Ct^ef, who called to .someone* "to take hold." Constable R. W. Hudson being near took hold or Mr. Beck. Mr. Sterling Brickel, a brother-in-law of Mr.- Beck came up and words and blows between he aad Mr. Hudson topk place which resulted in Mr. Hud-' sonflrlng at Mr. Brickel. The 1*11 rmssed the mark and passed through the side of the Secretary's office tak ing effect in Pres. Holden's hip. The last reports from Prep. Holden la IV at he is recovering nicely and e*. pectcd to return home soon. Woman's Liberty Loan Work In every city, town and village, and at every crossroad and country school -house in the . United States bonfires will be lighted on the night of Tues day. Oct-. 2S? by direction of the local oii.cers of the Woman's "Liberty Loan Committee, for the double purpose of calling attention to the fact that the? Second Liberty Loan of 1917 will clue on Saturday, OcT 27, and of s.'c bolizlng thetruth that America ts keeping alight the fires of liberty. "The fires of St. John, those bea cons. of faith which have burned on - the hills of Europe for twenty cen tu) ies, have been trampled to ashes by the tread of the armies of invasion end devastation. For the first time lu the history of Christianity the em ber; from which on St John's Eve the peasant "women of the world took living coals to their own hearthstones failed to glow lest they bring down the shells from the enemy's aircraft. For the women overseas the fires may not be kindled till the war is done. But the women of America bold the duty of blazoning to the world the truth of Liberty, of keeping alight the fires of freedom. That" we may not forget Jhat duty and that we may the better understand that the Liberty Loan is not merely" a good investment but a sacred obligation of patriot ism and a promise to those who fight for us and with us In the struggle of right againBt might, we women of the- United States will set upon the hills of our country on the eve of Liberty Day beacons which will flame out our hallef ill the righteousness of our cause; and from the embers we vili take to our homes the coals of courage and of determination to make sacrifice; for that liberty which our landis keeping alight for the guidance of a darkened world." ?Torchlight processions, barbecues, speeches and various other local cel ebrations have been planned already by the local committee to take place in connection with the "Liberty Fir es," More than one hundred thou- i er.nd County Chairmen of the Wom an's Liberty Loan Committee have al rtady begun plans for the celebra tions which every -man. woman and cMld In the county may participate as signals of the closing of the Sec ond Liberty Loan. Attention I We' appreciate fully the assistance that ha? been given us by the few 1a Franklin county who have con tributed to the Woman's compalttee ot the Council of Defense work. We cannot understand why ao tew have answered oar appeal. We should hove hajl a response from, half the . people in th* county "before, this titpe. ? Will you try to bear this nreed in rolnfl and send your contribution to Mrs. W. E. Usile at ^Uaplerille ' as soon as possible? We wompn of Franklin are giving our service wil lingly, but we cannot do the work re quired of us without financial as sistance form thu people of the coun- , tjv We are at- work for food produc tion, food conservation, women In In dustry, child welfare, public health, education, social service^ liberty loan, home and foreign relief, and tiie safeguarding of the moral and spiritual forces In our county, all df vhich are necessary things required by the government at (his time. As stated before in this paper we do not want to have to make person al appeal, or resort to ice cream and oyster suppers for the necessary money to carry on these lines of work. But we shall unless you re spond at one?; Nothing can live without some means of subsistence. The nimeB given below are those who have already contributed. Mr. John R. Earl $1.00 Mrs. J. E. Malone $1.00 Mrs. R. F. Yarborough $1.00 Mr J. A. Turner ? $1.00 Mrs. Mary E. Perry * $1.00 Mrs. Q. M. Raynor $1.00 ' At Hajres School If you want to have a good time and help a good cause, be sure to go to Hayes School, Oct. 31st at 7.SO o'clock. There will be a big hallow'een par ty. Yob can buy anything you want from boxes down and up. A STEADY ADVANCE IN TOBACCO PRICES ON LOCAL MARKET Uood Sales the Past Week With Av erages for Entire Break Around $84 to ?8.,. The conditions on the local tobacco market the past week have been es pecially encouraging and satisfactory both to the growers and warehouse men alike. The prices have been the highest that have ever been paid on the local market and the tendency for further advances seems especially en couraging. The buyers are all eager to get the weed and are willing to pav their limits for it. During the post week the several sales have made averages on entire breaks of around $34 to $35 per hundred. Loulsburg Is naturally situated for one of the best tobacco markets In the State and It is living up to this advantage this year. Come to Louleburg With your next load. Two German Torpedo Boats Sunk 1'ctrograd, Oct. 16.?Two German t'ipedo boats we? sunk, two others were damaged and one Russian tor pedo boat went to the bottom in an engagement Sunday In Soelc Sound, north of Oesel Island, the Russian of ficial statement announces . The Russian craft sunk was the Grom, (destroyer of 1,100 tons, built lu 1914-15, speed 34 knots, comple ment 93 men). More than a dozen Gorman torpedo boats had forced their way through Soela Sound, supported by a German battleship, when they were met by the Russians and turned buck. _ Birthday Party at Seven Paths At their home Mr. Arthur and Miss Fula Wilder gavo a birthday party Tuesday night, Oct. 10. At an early hour the gallant young folks begam to gather In the parlor which had been very beautifully decorated for the occasion. Plum and yellow be ing the color scheme. Punch of the most appetizing kind ves served In the ball. For peveral hours the guests very abundantly a it'used themselves with dllterent games. At a late hour tha guests were ush ered to the dining room, where cake and slllabule were served. It was declared that the cow that ghve such milk was wanted. As the guests wera departing ap and sillabub were served. Those presept from a distance were; Messrs. Howell Q. Jones, of fcMesvllle,^ Medley of Bunn, Miss Llllie Jones ot SpnogHope All departing declared It a pleas ant evening . - ? ' Thrift Is one of the corner atone? on which manhood must be construct ed ?>. ' FRANKLIN SUPERIOR COURT HON. C. C. LYON JUDGE PRE SIDING _ . Many Submissions?No Cases of Par ticular Importance Tried so far This Term. The-regular October term of Frank lin Superior Court for criminal cases convened on Monday with His Honor Judge C. C. Lyon presiding. After drawing the grand Jury Judge Lyon delivered a very Intelligent and In teresting charge which was very clear and to the point, showing the Im portance of the dutj of the grand Jurors" properly performing their du t<*. The grand Jury Is composed of the following gentlemen: S. F. Hol <lan, Foreman, G. F. Altord, C. H. Mullen, L. S. Baker, Q. R. Allen, M. L. Ransdell, J. M. Lamm, Arthur Strickland, W. H. Byrum, J. E. Col lins, A. A. Clifton, T. -P. Williams, M. D. Wilder, C. S. Merrltt, J. S. Wilson, G. T. Ayescue, Jr., W. Q. Faulkner, J. A. Spencer, John B. Smith, was chosen as officer to tho grand jury. Hon. H. E. Norrls, ~ Solicitor, was present and ably represented the \ State In the prosecution of the sev eral cases. The Court then disposed of busl t.ess as follows: State vs Tom Davis, affray, defend ant appeared and discharged. State vs Ed Hudson, breaking In store, nol pros with leave. State ys Kern Bryant, C. C. W? capias and continued. State vs Jesse J. Clarke, seduction, continued. * State vs Govan Cheek, abondon ment, two years on roadB. State vs William Bailey, A D. W., C C. W., A D. W., continued. State vs B. T. Bailer. A. D. W., C C. W., continued. State vs Manse Ruffin, murder, ca pias and continued. State vs Pete' Anderson and Wash Anderson, A. D. W., pleads guilty, after having paid prosecuting wit ness damages judgment was 'sus pended upon payment of costs. State vs Perry Wright and B. J. l.oyd, A .D. W., assault and C. C. W. defendants plead guilty, Judgment Wright to pay a fine of $10 and costs, Loyd lined (5 and costs. The Judg ment In case for C. C. W. was sus pended upon payment of costs. State vs Alonzo Hartfleld, C.C. W., i leads guilty, judgment suspended up on payment of cost. State vs Eddie Porry and Willie Perry, retailing ,not guilty. . State vs Nick Cooke, larceny, pleads guilty, four months in jail, to be hir ed to Mr. R. P. Taylor. - State va Henry Luke Wllllr.nis. larceny, - pleads guilty, four months in jail with leave to hire out to Mr. R. P. Taylor to pay Costs. State va David Jeffrey^, Joe Kear ney, Thomas Debnam and Roy Yar boro, crap shooting, pleads guilty, fined $5 each and coets. State va Willie McGhee and Tom mle Mitchell, unlawful poasesalon of Mhlskey, pleads guilty, judgment sus pended upon payment of coat8. Statevs Major H. Alston, A. D. W.. pleads guilty, Judgment- suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Gertie Snead, cruelty to animals, defendant enters plea of nolo contendere, judgment suspend ed upon payment of c%U. ' - State va Ale* Moore, L and It rleads guilty, 12 moi.ai on ritfJs. State . va Tom F irrer, lari'.M'X, pleads guilty, ^ yenrs on road? * State vs John .J'arboro, larceny, \ P'eads guilty, 12 moithti In jail with) leave to hire ou. to G N.William* 3'ate vs John Moore, A. D. VV, pleads guilty, six months on roads. 8tate vs John Moore, C. C. W., pleads guilty, 6 months on roads. State vs Robert Harris, A. D. W? <^C. W., pleads guilty/fined *50.00 ahd costs inxease of C. C. W? judg ment suspended upon payment of costs in case of A. D. W. State vs Bennett Jones, deposing of mortgaged % property, continued ?nd to be lfrst case tried In January 1(18 term. State vs\ Peter Butlock, removing crops, nol prossed with leave. State rg F. N. Splvey, appeal, nol pros with leave. CLOSES SUCCESS FUL YEAR FKATKItXAL PABADK A IHtf'AF FAIK Saturday, the I>uy for the Colored People, Was Well Attended, and a Aery Creditable Parade Given. "with Saturday night the Franklin County Fair Association closed one of the most successful fairs in the his tory of the county. - The week has been one of much fun and Interest for large numbers of people each day and the exhibits were excellent. Each of me booths de serve eapsclal mention and the agri cultural and live stock exhibits were fine. % ? Friday was Fraternal Day and on$ of the largest fraternal parades ever seen in Louis burg was staged? ?It vas a beautiful sight to one who un derstands the meaning of membership in the grea)t and glorlouB orders re presented, to realize the existence of a "tie that binds" so"inany together In brotherly love. Saturday was the day set apart for the colored people and they made good use of the day. Large numbers were present and the parade was a credit to them. The amusement companies left on Slcnday mlrning for Raleigh where tiiey exhibited at the State Fair. \ State V8 Lee Baker, C. C. W., nol proa. f State vb Lee Baker and D. F. Mc Kinne. scl fa., discharged. State V8 M. A. Cohen, false pre tense, nol prossed. Court atUourned on Tuesday even ine untllThursday morning to allow t'uose connected therewith to attend the fair. It resumed work yesterday n.ornlng. Program for Franklin County Baraca Phllathea Union The following program has been arranged for the Franklin County Ba raca-Phllathea Union to beheld with the^Perry Chapel classes, Saturday und SundayT November 3rd and 4th. Saturday 2.00 P. M. A sermon; meeting of cflicers and. committees. ,7.30 P. i M. Devotional exercises, conducted by Miss Mamie Dickens. Piiper, What the convention should mean to our classes, Mrs. G. P .Har rlll. Paper, What it means to be a delegate to our conventions. Social meeting. "? Sunday 10.00 A. M. Devotional exercises by B. (W. Ballard. 10.30 A. M. Business , meeting. 11.00 A. M. Address, Dr. Love, President of Louisburg College. 12 Noon. Dinner. 1.00 P. M. Report of committees. 1.15 P. M. Presentation of. Banner to cIbbs reporting best work done since last convention, G. B. Cox. 1.30 P. M. Address, Rev. J. F. Mlt ? chlner. Perry's Chapel is five miles west of Louisbyrg. It is easily reached from every direction. The entertaining classes are anxious for this to be the W*?t convention yet. They wnnt to enlertaln representatives from every class in the. county. Every class should make an effort to have their delegates present Saturday afternoon rnd evening as well as Sunday. The program for Saturday evening was planned to be Instructive to delegates especially, therefore we ask that all clarBes have sgme one there to repre sent .them. The Secretary of the? Union is not sending report blanks for formal re ports this time. We desire every class to make a report in the form of a letter giving a description of all work done by the class since last Un ion meeting. These reports will then be given to a committee which will decide which clasB wins the honor of being the banner class. An attempt to secure a quartette from Wake Forest College is being mode. This feature ofHJie last con vention proving so very enjoyable. This must be the best contention in the# history of the County Union. To this end left every class work. ? - - AKNIIT'm. WILDER, Secretary " ? ? Franklin County Baraca P^llattjea Union Costa Rtca has 441,342 people. educational Sermon ut St. Paul's Chunch Sunday Mght, Oct. 21. Rev. Francis M. Osborne, Special Representative of the Board of Trus tees of St. llary's School, Raleigh, will preach an educational sermon at evening services in St.Paul's Cliurch at 7.30 o'clock. Every member of St. Paul's parish is urged to attend, and a cordial in vitation to the public is extended. The services will be of especial in terest. and visitors are always cor dially welcomed. List of Letters ...... The following is a list of letters remaining in the post office at Louis burg, N. C., not called for Oct. 19, MIT. ^ ~ =? Miss Lonie Ayscue. Bula Clements William P. Conyers Miss Annie Lee Eawards Miss Ora Holden Miss Lizzie Horton Sylvia Jenkins Miss Mamie Llies J." B. Flpyd Dock Medlin - - E. D. Oakley Twit Richardson Albert Richardson Mrs. Annie Roberson Mr. Willie Williams All persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they saw them advertised. R. H. DAVIS, Postmaster. THE WORLD WAR NO CESSATION IN GERMAN RAID ON ISLAND OF OESEL Forces of British and French Still Keep In Trenches While Big Guns Roar Apparently there has been no cessa tion in the rapid program ol the Ger mans to seize in its entirety the Rus sian Island of Oesel at the head ot the Gulf of Finland. But although their troops now have taken the greater por tions of the island, the aid they had expected from their fleet In putting down Russian opposition in adjacent waters is meeting with considerable resistance from the Russian warships. The Russians are disinclined to throw their naval vessels Into a gen eral engagement with the invaders, fearing that the superiority of the Germans would result in losses to them which would leave opan the rathway through the Gulf of Finland Jip to Petrograd. But in a small battle with torpedo craft and .possibly light cruisers, the Russians have sunk two German torpedo boats and damaged two others In Seela Sound, to the north of OeseJ Island, while the Russians themselves lost a tor-1 pcdo boat destroyer. The German I vessels which were accompanied by a j battleship put to sea after the en- | gagement. ~ The German land forces are now driving hard against the Svorb penin sula, on the south western portion of Jhe Island of Oesel, with the object of capturing the batteries at Serel, which dominate the eastern entrance t > the Gulf of Riga. According to the Berlin war office, the Russians in this region are Isolated, but are des perately resisting. Berllnreports also that Abro Island off the southern coast of Oesel and Runo Island, In the middle of the Gulf of Riga, have been occupied by Teutonic troops. It Is asserted that 2,400 prisoners. 30 guns, 21 machine guns and several airplanes were cap tuied by the Germans In Oesel. The troops of the Entente Allies are still keeping to their trenches In Flanders, probably awaiting a better ment of soil conditions, which the re cent rains and flooded streams ren f'.?red almost Impassable for attacks Possibly Field Marshal Halg and the Fiench commander on his left have not yet sufficiently pounded the Ger man fines with their big guns to war rant the turning loose of the Infantry^ for further gains. Da y and night the British and French guns are Bhowering the German positions with the usual mass of steel which Is thrown upon them prior to an attack, v/hlle the Germans at various points,, especially, In the Important Calient pf tUo. Ypres Staden Railway, are reply ing vigorously. * T9 the south alon^tlie Alnse frontj THE MOVING PEOPLE. SOME roc KNOW, SOME YOC 00 NOT SNOW. Many on Business, Many on Pleasure, Others to be Going, But All Going 01 Coming. . . . * She Society Editor of the Frank ? * lln Times will appreclateL_Soctal ? / news and new? of Interest to the ? * women of Loulsburg, and asks ? * those who entertain or give so- ? clal functions to communicate ? * the facts to the Society Editor ? -? of the Franklin Times. will ? * also appreciate the news of the ? * going and coming of people of ? * Loulsburg. ~ . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McKinne return ed Tuesday from a visit to New York. Mr. James E. King of Petersburg. Va., visited friends here the past week. Mr atad Mrs. Woodall of Raleigh were among the attendants at the Franklin County Fair the past week. Mr. 3. ? R. Perry and family, of Washington city, are on a visit to their people in and near town. Mrs. Ous Cooke arrived Monday from Hunts vlile, Ala., to visit rel ative. and friends in and near town. Miss Lottie Harris of Hurdles Mill Is visiting Miss Elizabeth L. Alien I at the College. Mlsa Mildred Swain of Ralelga | visited Miss Mary Cooper the past I week. Mr. Graham Griffin of Raleigh visited his people ' here the past week. Miss Alleen Webb of Roxboro is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M Al len. Mrs. R. o. McGrady of Raleigh spent the past week here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Beam returned tho paat week from the western part of North Carolina, where they spent their honeymoon. Messrs. W. H. Ruffln, Jr., William Blckett, William Neal, Capt. J. s. Allen and Maury Cralle of Chapel Hill spent the week-end In Louls burg the past week , Mrs. B. T. Holdenand Mr. s. c. Holden went <over to Raleigh .Sun day to see Mr. B. T. Holder/ who Is In-the Rex Hospital. "i r Miss Ruth- Lee who has been vis iting Miss Florence Egerton has re turned to her home in Raleigh. Mr. Pel Mann ofNashvlile visit ! ed friends and relatives in town the rast week. Mr. William Andrews of Raleigb visited friends andrelatlves here the past week. Mr. Henry May of Lynchburg, Va., vas. a visitor to Loulsburg Monday. Messrs. C. C. Hudson and S. C I ? olden visited Raleigh tlio past week. Mr. Walter E. Daniel of Weldon was a visitor to Loulsburg the past week. Mr. W. B. Jones of Raleigh was iu attendance at Court Monday. Messrs. R. L. stokes and J. B Yarbqrough spent. Monday In Ral eigh. Mr. W. T. Slqdge, of Hickory,'vis ited his people in ana near Louls burg the past week. Mr. D. F. McKinne returned the past wk frotn a trip to the western horse markets. J- Allen, who has been on a visit to his people at Roanoke, Va., hat returned home.. Miss Louise Thomas is on a visit to relatives In Raleigh. the Germans, after a lively bombard ment, have again attacked the French and succeeded In penetrating their en trenchment*. As has been customary the French Immediately counter-at tacked and regained the lost ground. Little fighting, of great intensity, ex cept by the artillery wings of the op posing forces, la taking place In any of the war theatres, but ther#ls every ir d'eatlon that shortly along the Is onzo front In the Austro-Itallan tone another big hattle will begin. -x Aerial raids' In force have been re sumed by Brltsh naval aviator* on * -Gorman positions' In Belgium. The Bnig?? doikr and severa) atrdomea have been successfully bom'jed.

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