Like v Father, L/ike Son They bo^lr like tlip ?4rfection Oil Heater. It makes t Rem-forget inajifiy how cold it\is outsiduc In five minutes the Perfection make/ the chilliest room comfortable. \t's easily carried upstairs or down, wheVev/r extra warmth is needed. Econoinical to buy and to use; durable and trouole-proof. Now used in over 3.000,000 homes. Aladdin Sepurity Oi| as fuel gives best results ei^nt hours bf comfort per gallon. / \ STANDARD OIL COMPANY ? (New Jersey) . V BALTIMORE \ i Nortott, Cb*rit?ton.W.V?. lUduaoad, V?. ? . A Ciiulraton. ?. C. TION EPS Christmas For Daddy and the Boys N. If you are in doubt as tc/what will be most suitable \for father, son, brother or sweetheart come in and l<-t uSyShow you the many pretty things that men and boj s want Neck Wear, Silk Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Bath RobeVsSii^oking Jackets, Walking Canes,Silk Shirts, Collar Bags, Military Brushes, etc. Our line oSsClotlilng, Hats. Shoes and Furnish!: gcods is complete afad our prices are low. We are offeringmtas and boys work shoes at special prices from now/untiltjhristmas. McBRAYER CLOTHING CO. "Everything For Daddy and the Boys" Nash Street Louisburg, N. C. Cleaning and Pressing Done in Rear of Onr Store Certain bibulous gentlemen of this town are reported to be greatly exer cised over the report that this country I? to send a large number of "tanks" to Trance. It is estimated that your Uncle Bamnel's total resources are 2BO bil lions ot dollars, and his debts three nnd ono-half billions. As another pointedly remark, "we haTen't begun to flghit yet" ' The country will wait with Interest to see It the "dryness" of the Nation's Capital will have any effect on the quality of the oratory In Concrete. Mary had allttle lamb, - It grew into a sheep, And how, to Mary's great delight. It's worth ten times Its keep. Tor thepaat year we have been learning how to save. Mow let's sare Up System _ strengthen in* tonic, chill TONIC, drier# out lood.*ndbti(k1^uptb?*y? r adults and children. 60c SUBAHCft. luvnico takt H 10H. H? tHn 7-tl tf '? . ' . \ ? The garbage can 1b probably the on ly article of commerce onwhlct the lncrmaed "demand" ha* not boosted the price J>euton. Strickland. . Jo.u ph IVi'on and Miss Maggie :>nukland \\ ere * united iu marriage Saturday morning at 10 o'clock trt the Baptist Pastorlum in this city. Rev. \V M. (3ilmo"v. t*f brides pastor, per i : .in'; tT:e voivii.ony. i?ir. Dculon is a prosperous farmer living in thu ncigliborhod of New Hope, and Is a young man of fine char actor.; Mrs. Denton is the daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. A. It. Strickland, of the Rock Springs church, aud is a young lady of splendid attainments. The ceremony was witnessed by a number of friends. CONSTIPATION kni Sour Stomach Caused This Lady Much Snfferiif. Black Draught Relieved. Meadorsville, Ky.?Mrs. Pearl Pat rick, of this place, writes: "I was very constipated. I had atmr stomach and was so undomfortabre. i went to the doctor. Be Ware me some pills. They weakened une apd seemed to tear up my dlgdatitfL They would (ripe me and aftenfeards It seemed I was more constituted than before. I I heard of Bla/^Draught and de elded to try It Iiotrcd It just what I needed. It was in easy laxative, and ; not bad to swaUow. Mjr digestion soon Improved. I goI well oAthe sour stom ach, my bowels soon sdemed normal, no more gjiplng, and I Would take a dose now and then, and Was In good shape. \ I cannot say too much Draught for It Is the one can use." i Thedford's Black-Di^ugtat has for many years been found of jreat value In the treatment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy to take, gentle and reliable in Its action, leaving no bad after-effects, it has won the praise ef thousands of people who have used ft. - NC-186 FOR SALE Desirable Tgwn Lot/ and'Farms The | " Property. That lot add several iwellings near | the College, \:alle$ the "Creekmore" lot'. A lot and 4we|llng, corner Noble | and Spring Stryefs, occupied by Mrs. Pearce. A Bmall tenadt house and lot oppo- | site the last nstated lot. A building op Bull Run Alley. Two houses/andUots on Reavls Row Ifyou have /ropery to sell see the | undersigned Will he rfold on Way terms. Ap ply to J. L,i PALMER, Agent, or Wm. i H. &. Ki OS. W. RUFF1N, Attorneys H 6-iB-tfr? AS OLD MAS'S STOMACH As we grow older and less active, lesB and lesB food Is required to meet the demands of our bodies. If too much Is habitually takenithe stomach will rebel. Wfifen a mat reaches the advanced age of s\or 99, you will find that he 16 a light eater Be as careful as you will, howoverJv>u will occas ionally eat more thaA ybu should and will feel the neod/of Cftunberlain's Tablets to correct/he disorder. These tablets do not contain pepstty but strengthen the /tomach and enable it to perform it* functions naturally. They also cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Whenever You Need a General Tonic | Take (jrovc*j The Old Standard Gfove'a Tasteless Chill Tonic ia aqnttfy valuable as a General Tonl<^MOu?e it contains the well known ttmirflroperties of QUININB and IRON/ If acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and BuUd? np th? Wh^le System. 60 cents. harness We kav? jolt received a new ?toek \f H kmeta in L\) atytea and prices ard can/ fit year bora? uA at a reman able low price. \ 1 {hoesWpaired Oar aho* fe??ir department 1? a) way? ?t jot* command. Give us a cal. We alio do all kiodi of TaKanizW and bar n*u rep?irfntr. \ LOT URO WEPAIR SHOP V J. J^hman, Prop'r. LomUburg, ' Nort* Cftroltau Tombstones Monument , Grave Markers it is our busji' A U>y . .-d on all th<; latest Designs in marble work and wo.wilV'Woo sdiow you and explain the difference. Our customers an/nileascd with our work. Let usshow you. Henderscn Marble and Granite Works J. L. McElwee, Proprietor, Henderson, North Carolina. . STATEMENT CITIZENS BANK OF HENDERSON HENDERSON, N. C September, 11, 1917 ?_ Besources Loans and discounts $833,749.00 Overdrafts 2,451.63 Liberty Bond Account 61,721.81 Stocks and bonds 51,305.00 1 Banking House and fixtures Insurance department Cash on hand and In other banks 309.07^45 Total 11,272X33.45 Liabilities Capital stock paid In 100,000.00 Surplus and profits 136,568.43 Dividends unpaid ??- (.00 Notes re-dlscounted 36,000.00 Cashier's checks out standing J ,271.90 Certified checks' 163.90 Deposits <* 1,008,933.22 Total *1,272,933.45 A Safe Place to Bank FOR TWENTYiEKjHT; years this bank has, BEEN JtJNDER THE SAME SAFE / MANAGEMENT And with a capital and surplus of $236,000.00, re sources of $1,272,000.00, offers supfeme safety for its old as well as new freiods. CITIZEN'S BANK Henderson, N. C., J. B. OWEN, Pres. W. A. HUNT, Cashier. Haven/t time to write new Advertisement this / \ v week. / Come to see us. J- S- Howell Loutaburg, - - North Carolina,

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