STATI M' NORTH CKA0LI5A P?pMift of State CERTIFICATE Or DISSOLUTION "'o all to Whom These Presents May Come?Greeting: Whereaa, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record t the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous .ofisent of all the stockhol.Vr-5. d?* pcjited in ijjjr office, that the Youngs-, vQe Hosiery Mills Company, a cor pdhatiou of this State, whose pr!nci pal offioe is situated at the town of Ydungsrille. Cminty of Franklin S&t? of North Carolina (John F Mfehell being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom the process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1105, ?jntltled "Corpora tions". preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolaton: Now. Therefore. I. J. Bryan Grimes. Secretary of the State of North Caro na do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 1? 'ay of Oc ober 1M7. lile in my office a duly vriting to the dissolution or 5aid cor ??oration. executed by all ;!io stock, holders thereof, w'-.ich *ald consent and the record of the proceedings are now on li!e in my said office as pro vide*: 1 y law. In Testimony Whereof. 1 lave here lo set i::y hanrt an?T affixed r:y <j:':'icial seal a* r.aUitfh. t'iis. I:1;'.; day of Oc tober. A. D. 1*?17. J. rilYAN CtKIMES. S ;.rv of State. o 1 ol. NEW TOWN ORDINATE Vt ir.c.'li:!!? o( the Town sinner* hold tm t'rldjij- iiT-rlit. Fctmi iirj' 1Mb. 191$ the following row or dinance was passed. "Be it Ordaiaril, Tliut on nnil ?fter date it shall lie oiibvtul lor any p r>on to <kate in the town of l.onii*)n:i: en Main st? or within the tire distrht of'said town'r a penally ?>. lit e dollar* tor caeh offense." By order of the Board of Town Com missioners. L. L. JOYXER, Mayor. A. W?-4LSTO>, Clerk. I 22 5t. _ WASTED TO BUT All the old oat sacks you have. Highest Prices paid. JOHN W. KING. 3 1 tf. A in full evening dress escaped from a show in New York. .When found he was mingling with the guests at a swell lobster palace We are not informed in tne dispatch kow his keepers distinguished him from the other guests. The government is in a fair way to -account for the shortage of pork. Most of the hogs seem to have been attr&cl ed to Hog Island. TUCKERS LIVERY ?7?Nash Street Loulsburg, N. t. I have equipped a most up-to date Livery Stabie for the ac commodation of the people of I^uisbnrK and ^'rank+m County and especially the traveling pub lic. My outfits aie fhe best to be had and your every convenience will be given prompt attention. Sly?drivers are all polita and know their *ork. Give me opportunity to show my appre ciation of your Datronape. Prices reasonable. Special equipment for special occasions. 25c for tie in and yrc for feed. J1:11^1: Tu'cfc^j Louisburg1, N. C. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy Ml over the civilized world for more than half a century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the general ly depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food palpita tion of heart, and many other wynr ptoms. A few doses of August Flow er Will relieve you. It is a gentle lax ative. Sold by Aycock Drug Co. 30 and 90c. bottles. TT? QoMm That Dots Not Affect the He?d BtetQM of It? tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININR la better tb?n ordinary Quinine and doe? not cause nertoainen nor HulMr In bend. Remember the fall tnrrae asd look for the nteonture of R w. O&OVB. 30c. Whenever You Need t General Toole Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QU1NINK and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. , A Chicago man is reported to have paid $10.000 for a pig. That's nothing astonishing. Thare are any number* of hogs that have cost this country many times that amount each. And they can't be usad for pork, either. They're just hogs, without any red eeming traits whatever. "A SPLENDID TONIC " Say* Hixson Lady Wbo, On Doc tar'* Advice, Took Cardui And Is Now Well. Hixson, Tenn.?"About 10 years ago I was..." says Mrs. J. B. ? Gadd, of this^lace. "I suffered .with a rain Is my loft side, could not sleep at nlcht with this paiu, always in the left side... My doctor told me" to use Cardui. I tool; one bottle, ?which*!: el red me r.r.d. .aft r my baby cam?, I was s'.rcur-:" and better, but ths pain was s:-l? t her?. I at first let it ?0, but began to y:t weal; aad in a run-down ccnditi r1.. bo I ci^ced to try some more Cardui. whi :>. 1 did. This last Cardui wh!:*a I took ma ', ae much, better, in fact, cured mo. It has b:ea a number., of years, still 1 have r.o return cf this trouble. I feel ic wis Carcui that cur?.l r*.: I reornftaen'.! it as a splcmlld fv male tonic." D-?n't allow yourself to becom* we-;and rur.-drvn from woman!: trc" Talie Cardui. It should v:r^ ly Vel p vou. as it has so many thou sands of other wotr^a in the A yesrs. I??adache, ba^iacV.o, ?i?i?ac!:.A nervousness. sleeplessness, t;r?d-->u' feeling, pre all signs of woxan'.y tro". tie. 0:h* r women get relief by taklr:. Cardui. V?*hy not you? All druz-ri-" NC-12C Mr. Bryan Is doubtless inclined t ? amend the old proverb that (ho pro phet is not without honor save in own country. He has recently been ir another country. It is so long a time since we hav had our eye, on Uncle Carranzza tha the old gink may be up to all sorts of devilment down there. Not "Bit" but utmost?the end is worth our All. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Under and by virtue of order of Su perior Court entered in that action and entitled I. H. Kearney vs Elea ; nora Fuller. Admrx. of M. A. Fuller. I deceased, arid'Elea nora Fuller, et al. th^--nnr^ri1ign0/j commlss ionerr will, on Monday, the 8th. day of April at or about the hour of noon, offer few sale at public auction for cash to t h t highest bidder, at he court hou^e door of Franklin county in Louisbur* N. the followirfg_described "prop, erty to-wit:: Lying in ' Franklinton township Franklin county, and state of Xortl; Carolina, adjoining the lands of S. C Yann and others and bounded 03 fol lows:?Uegip^ning at a stake, S. C Vann's corner in J. L Mitcliei^s lino thence with said Mitchell's line S. IS V-2 degrees '5. 6 cchains, and 32 link? 1 to a stake, thence with line of said Mitchell and Henderson Fuller X. "Segfrees-W. -28 chatns to a stake. S. C iV?nn';? * fjrngi iu fr'uiu-rV i line, tht nee with s. C. Vana'stirre-N^ a stake, S. ? C. Vann's .corner, thence 1 with ?. C. Vann's line to the begin ning. containing sixteen ? and one fourth (16l1_4) acres, more or less. I Thi* the Sth. day of ??!arch 1918. * - W. H. YARBOROUQDL r. -ErHTM.^TOXfi; Commissioners. 2 15 IF* W<- Carry In stock at all times a full stock of slntrle arid double natron harness. HARNESS DOUBLE SET Up to .... $50.00 BUGGY HARNESS $15.00 A SET BEST O N EARTH We carry the best bicy cle on earth for $30.00 We can save you money on your automobile tires. Don't fail to see our line before you buy. All sizes from a Jitney to a Cadillac. LOUISBURG REPAIR SHOP J. Lehman, Prop'r. I.oolsbnrg, ? Sorth Corolla* IDI A LIVING CHILD UNDER 8 IN POLAND ?ALL KAVK SUCCUMBED 9TAB? VATION, WHICH WE COULD KAVI ALLEVIATED. I cm FOB BREAD WE WASTE idllor Clarence Poe Seta Forth Need I of taformlrife Our Rural Popula tion of True Conditions. (Clarence Poe la Progressive Farmer) i She was a good woman and she * talked much about how good the Lord tin bi? m flgy m la'ieP mia ? But at the same time she said: "No meatlees and wheaUess days for me! I've got wheat enough and I've got meat enough laid up in my pantry, and my children like it. and they ard going to have it as often as they want it, and as much of it as they want." After hearing this well-meaning woman talk, the writer picked up that night a European paper that comes to the home and read this paragraph: It is said that there is. not a living j child in Poland under eight yeara of j age. "Not a living child in Poland under eight years of age!" With little bod ies unable to endure the hardships I ani starvation of a war-ruined land, i they hare died by thousands'and ten? of thousands. Thousands and tens of thousands of mothers as gocd as the 1 woman who made this thoughtless ro- , mark, mothers who loved ?heir chil- i dren as much as this mother loved i hers?they with heart-breaking help- | lessne?s have seen their children j slowly starvo before their eyes, whilo ' American mothers say," "No. I will not even vary my diet In a harmless way. I will not even make substitu tions to save meat and wheat, in order that part of it may save the lives of starving babies and little ones in Eu rope !*? No. wc don't mean that any Ameri can mother is saying this In words. Certainly the good woman of whom we write would not have said it or thought It?and yet by her acts, that was what she was saying. If someone could have shown her a photograph of one starring Polish child, with wan* pinched face and hollow eyes, crying to its mother for bread she did not have?oh, how quickly this American mother would have said: "Yes. I hAYe plenty of wheat and I have plenty of meat, and 111 gladly divide my last crust to ?are the live? of little ones like that!** With such * picture before her eyes, how quick ly would this American mother hare called to mind the Last Judgment'? awful curse on all the uncaring and hard of heart. "I was an-hungered ant ye gave me no meatl" ~ ?? ? But she didn't know. And thus again the Lord she tries to worship might Jam en t as of old over His peo ple. "Israel doth not know! my peo h pte^doth-not^conflider?^" Tojthis good woman the Hoover rules for meatless ( days and wheatleas days were -simply., Government regulations?simply offi cial red tape. She didn't know they ! were meant tojiave the ftm of Ihds ones once as fair, as merry, as bright eyed. as lovelnspirlng as her own. j dear boys and girls! i And today there are thousands of I others like this mother who do not knuw!?WGIl-lhlentionea people. good hearted people. God-fearing people! But they simply "do not know." T Friends and readers, it is our duty to help these people Tcnow! Let us give of our money, but let us also give of our time and effort for a campaign, of education In these matters?to showThe^need of food regulation. War Savings Stamps. Liberty Bonds. Jled Cross work, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.-campaigns! We must save food for the starving; we must give money to protect the wounded and to p rov 14? wholesome moral recreation for ^r soldiers instead of unwholesome and immoral dissipation. And if our farmers?as is so often charged?h ire I not supported thes? ?movements a? ( | they should, it Is not because they are more selfish, more hard-hearted, lest patriotic, than city people. It Is only I because they have not been Informed. ? all nT gt TTftP tfn rriit)lT lIH.Iwri stand must here ana now resolve to help Inform them. In evary school in every Sunday school, in every fsrm ers' club, in every farm woman's club, and even as a part of almost every ohurch service, our men and women of light and leading must do thst* part to arouse rural America. In Revolutionary war Jt was the "embat# tied farmers" at Lexington who "fired tke shot heard around the world!" Pn the CIV**War It was the stubborn I courage of oar farm men and 'he i ateadfastness of our country women I that won the world's applause Tor ; Confederate heroism! Because this war is a little far*he? from our doors is no reason why we j should play a less noble part. An# there is little time to lose. Many p*> pie think that twelve months h#nC* perae will be in eight. I>et us resolve therefore that during the coming yiar our rural people in every county wfll make a record of patriotism that r*w sons and grandsons will mention -witfc pride even as we take pride in th* plaits o? our ancestors of the 6<r*. What we do In the next twnVre ?eeths will fix our place in htstocy. 22 Million Families in the United Slates 4 CUPS OF WHEAT FLOUR TO THE POUND If each family used 4 cups of flour less per week, the saving would be 22 million pounds or 112,244 barret avary week. The greatest help housekeepers can give to win the war is to make this saving and it can be done by using this recipe in place of white flour bread. Corn Meal Biscuits C \ cup scalded milk \ teaapoon salt 1 cup corn meal % 1 cup white flour ? ??????i. i Tli I I ?fc?iHiini i Save V cup of the measured flour for board. Pour milk oyer corn meal, add shortening and salt When cold, add sifted flour and baking powder. Roll out lightly on floured board. Cut with biscuit cutter and bake in greased pan fifteen to twenty minuter - . Our new Refl, White and Blue booklet* nBcst War Time Recipes," containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed free?address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H., 135 Wi'.iiam Street. New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR "THL. v KI ^ 8se? LV6 And ' i te Care When Your Boy Is 21 It_May Be Too Late Save His Eyes Now W. B. Morton LouJsbnrg's Optometcrlst 9pm Again Louisburg Candy Kitchen a .in *i ' ' ??-' has been reopened nn -der entirely wcw mail. Hffpnient for the New Year and we are pre pared to serve the peo. pie of I.onlsbnrg and (ommnnlty the best ^^3fw?ttk-4ke market fUu ords at the eheapest possible prices. Tome to see us when In town. Louisbun* Candy Kitchen ELI.IS RAMEY, Prop. Lonlshurg, C. ?:mo>'s wiim.N ami BKATTIFY THE SKIN I I *Wake this beauty lotion cheaply for your faro, neck, arms and liands. At the cost of a small jar of ordi nary cold crcam one can prepare Ti full quarter pint of the most wonder M'l lemon skin softener and complex ion beauttfier by squeezing the Juice >f two fresh lemons Into a bottle con taining three ounrea of orchard white Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon oulp gets In. then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to blench and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is ?he Ideal skin softener, whltener and bcautffier. Just try It! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make ijp a quarter pint of this sweetly frag rant-lemon lotion and masnage It dal. ly into the face, neck, arms and hands. It Is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. AT YOUNGSVILLE, N. C. 1 nlsh. So announce to the people of Y o.|:i;:;> ile CoiuiuurJty that I have .<? .1. I". IVur're StaWiw. Ihe ni;I*? y (Vs ;.!aeo, where I will lia\c j a lot o.t line youne: horses and males far v.'.U' on ail I after t'elwuary 1st. I i am in a position to give yon he best prices on ?rood sinek either for eash or on time, v lie 11 secured by good note; Ifrm't buy until you see me. Will be triad to have you come and look whether yon buy*itr not. K. A. PERRY Youngsville, X. C. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES Rugs, Druggets And floor Coverings As the time has arrived for your Spring Cleaning you will nefed a TIP'W 9 some other floor covering. Our lines are full and complete and the prices will meet your appro val^ Come in and look them over. The designs are espec -4^1y pretty. Refrigerators We have just received a large shipment of Refrigerators and lie Duacs thai wb tan sell jruir at big money saving prices. Come in and see our lines of House Furnishings. We can be of much assistance to you in the rearrangement of your home this spring. J- S- Howell Louisburg, - North Carolina.

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