CONSTIPATION |W Soar Stomach Caused Tki? Lady Modi Suffering. Black Draught Relieved. Meadoravllle, Ky.?Mrs. Pearl Pat rick, of this place, write?: "I wu Tery constipated. I had sour stomach and was eo uncomfortable. I went to the doctor. He gave me some pills. They weakened me and seemed to tear up my digestion. They would Erfpe me and afterwards It seemed I was more constipated than before. I heard of Black-Draught and de elded to try It I found It Just what I needed. It was an easy luxatire, and -not ba<^Jp swallow. My digestion soon Improved. I got well of the sour stom ach, my bowels soon seemed normal. Bo more griping, and I would take a oose now ana then, and was in cooa ahape. I cannot say too much for Black? Draught for It la the finest laxatlT? one can us?." Thedford's Black-Draught has for many years been found of great value la the treatment of stomach, llrer and boirel troubles. Easy to take, gentle and reliable In Its action, leaving no bad after-effects, It has won the praise mt thousands of people who have used tt NO-ltS J. O. NEWELL, JL D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Aycock Drug Company. Will be at Loulsburg regularly. OIL W. B. HOBTOK Bye Specialist Office In Hotel Building ' Loulsburg. North Carolina 8. 4TW00D HEWELL. Attorney-At-Low. Loulaborg Franklin ton Offices over Aycock Drug Co. General Prastlce DB. AHTHtJK HTTTE8 FLEKDICI Surgeon Veatist Loulsburg, North Carolina OBee orer P. S. & K. K. Allen'* Store. DB. H. G. PEKKI Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina '<31 3 Next Door to Aycock Drug Co. Phone Connections 287. DB. J. E. MAL05E. Loulsburg, North Carolina ?flee In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DB. D. T. SMITHWICX. Dentist. Uaiikatf, H. C. Office In the First National Bank BUlIdlngon Main and Nash Sjta. W. X. PEBSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina Praetloe In all courts. Office oa ?lain Street. M. F. HOC?. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER trading agents for all kin da ol kntiding supplies, artistic Mantle? and Wiles, Architectural designs sub Bitted K. B. White E. H. Malone WBtTTr k KAION* ?? LAWTER8 Loulsburg. North Carolina Seneral practice, settlement of M kaJM funds Infested. One member of snejflrm always In the ofllee. - ?? H. Ruflin, Tlios. W. Ruffln WM. H. STUOS. W. RCFFIX Attorneys-at-Law Ijnlsburg, : North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun ties, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank ?? Building. ? DB. J. B. DAVIS physician and Surgeon I.nuisliurg, H. C. formerly interne St Agnes Hospital Office next door to Durrell Davis "Blacksmith Shop Phone Connections 84. SANITARY BARBER SHOP ?r Court Street Loulsburg, . North Carolina Well Equipped. Four well exper ienced barbers. Hot towels, sharp ranors. Polite and painstaking ser ~ THeeT 1 Cfif'l S(i fi FIRE INSURANCE. When yoo want Insurance take It wtth T. W. WATSOJI. H? knows how. WANTED T? BI T. All the old oat sack*- you have. | Blghest Prices paid. JOHN W. KING. S 1 tf. FIRE INSURANCE. When yon want Insurance take It wttk T. W. WATSON. Be knows fcew. 7-il-U. It would seem there Is nothing too Improbable to happen. A Kentucklan lias died from too much whiskey. Ortrc* Oat Malaria, Builds Up System ShaOld Standard ilm|tlinlnf tonic. r* TAaTSLBSa chill TONIC, drWeaout i.enricbea thr blood.and bullda up the ?y? ? tn?? ionic. Por adult* and children. 60c LIVERY STABLES MOVED I herewith announce to my customers and all others wish ing the services of a first class livery stable, that I have moved my business from the stables on Nash Street to accommoda tion at the rear of my residence on Main Street, where I will be blad to serve you at all times ?with the best personal service. J. C. Tucker Louisburg, N. C. We Carry in stock at all times a (oil stock of single and double iragon harness. HARNESS SINGLE SET $5.00 up to $15.00 DOUBLE SET Cp to $50.00 BUGGY HARNESS $15.00 A SET BEST O N EARTH We carry the best bicy cle on earth for $30.00 We can save you money on your automobile tires. Don't fay to see our line before you buy. All sizes from a Jitney to a Cadillac. LOUISBURG REPAIR SHOP J. Lehman, Prop'r. Loalsborg, North Carollaa GREEN'S ATiiUST FLOWER ha? been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half troubles, torpid liver and the general ly depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headartie, coming up of food palplta tion of heart, and many other sym. 1 ptoms. A few dosaaof August FToW er Will relieve you. It is a gentle lax ative. Sold ?y AycocK Drug Co. 30 and 90c. bottles. Parisians are now closely scanning all German prisoners for fear Hln denburg may attempt to reach Paris via that rout?. Tlw QuMm TM Dm Not Altect tte Hud Bmium of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE ia better than ordinary Quinine and does not canae ntrvouintai nor ringing in head. Remember the (nil nant and look for the signature of K. w GROVB. JOc. This Com Will Peel Right Off! "Ovte-It" lUku Cora* Come Ofl Th? "B&n&nm-Feei" Way I Why h?LT? to flop on th? floor. numm yours?If up lik? th? lettar . and with bulfiof ?jei draw yqur faco up Into a wrinkly knot 2??V*7?*> fouit? and pull at th? quick*' o t a tender oorn? That's i the eld, B&T&RO way. "Gets-lt" to the modern, painless, simple way. Lean orer and put two drops of **Geta-It" on the corn, put your stocking and shoe right on again, and forget the corn. Pain is eased. ?"Gets-It* has revolutionized the treatment of corns. It never Irri tates the true flesh. You'll stop limping on the side of your shoe? and do away with greasy salves, bundling bandages, thick plasters and painful Methods. Use "Oets-If*. It's common sense. * ?^Gets-It" Is sold by all druggists (y?u need pay no more than 25 cents), or It will be sent direct by B. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Sold In Lonlsborgr and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by F R. Pleasants. a ar S Dna. Apt g. J h . F.w s 1W??. fiiiini. CaniM Ahrsn WorU Popes Items. On Friday March 22nd, Mrs. Ann Bragg passed to the great beyond. Mrs. Bragg was the wife of Mr. T. W, Brag?, who died about 20 years ago. Mrs. Bragg was over 70 years old, was a good Christian, a good woman, a good neighbor and was always glad tp have her friends with her. She leaves one son, two daughters. Mrs. T. B. Thomas. Mrs. J. H. Holden. Mr. H. G. Bragg, of Raleigh. Her grandsons and great grandsons were pall bearers... Popes school closed last Friday and the school has been a success. Our teacher Miss Maggie Poole will re turn to her home in Rangemont. Miss Poole has 'made many friends about Popes and we understand that she will return this fall to teach again. Quite"' a large crowd came out to Sunday school Sunday last. The Sup erintendent requested each member to bring as many pennies as they were years old. So you may guess the pen nies came by the handful. But no one ever knew how many the ladies put in the collection basket. G. H. P. ' IT SHOrLD MAKE A MILLION FOR HIM Cincinnati man discovers drug that loosens corns so they lift oot Good news spreads rapidly and drug gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone. the recent discovery of m Cincinnati man, which is said to loos en any corn so it lifts out with the fingers i -?? ?? A quarter df~~an ounce costs very little at any drug store which handles drugs, but this is said to be sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply just a few drops on. the tender, aching corn or toughened cal lus and instantly the soreness is re lieved. and soon the'corn or callus is so shriveled that it lifts out without pnin Tt ift a sticky substance which dries when applied and neverjjnflam es or even irritates the currqunding skin. This discovery will prevent thous ands of deaths annually from lock jaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting The Kaiser Is said to be a diligent student of the-*ai?eer - of Napoleon. There are a few Incidents toward the close of that career that are not cal culated to give William any great amount of satisfaction if tie would em ulate the little Corsican. EAT WITHOrT FFAK OF INDIGESTION OR 80IR ACID STOMA ( H TU?tant retteft "Fftpfc's IHapep?In^ ends your stomach distress. Try it! Wonder v.-hat upset your stomach? which portion of t ho fooeLdULAi*!?^ a rr, i I ' "" If your stomach is in a revolt; If sick, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate has fermented and turned sour; head dizzy and aches; belch gascr, and acids and eructates undigested food; breath foul, tongue coated?just take a little Pape's Dlapepsin to help neu tralize acid'ty and in five minutes you wonder what becamo of the indiges tion and distress. Millions of men and women today know that it is needless to hare dys epala. A little Dlapepnjlk occaalonally keep? the stomach sweetdhed an< they eat their favorte foods wjthout fear. If your stomach doesn't take care of your llberr.l limit without rebellion; if your food Is a damage Instead of a help, remember the quickest, surest, most harmless relief Is Pape's Dlapep sin, which coats only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wenderful?it stops fermentation and acidity and sets things straight, so geiutly and easily that It Is really as tonishing. FOR COMMISSIONER. To the Voters of Franklin County. I take this method of announcing to Ay friends and the voters of the coun ty generally that I will bq a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary In June, and will appreciate your support. 4-12-8t A. J. JOYNER^ FOR CONSTABLE. To the Voters of Sandy Creek Town ship: ?? # I hereby announce to my friends ;.nd the voters of Sandy Creek town ship that I will be a candidate for Constable of said township subject to the action of the Democratic primar ies in June, and will appreciate your support. 4-12-8t J. T. FINCH. 6-6-6 Gives Quick Belief for COLDS and LAGRIPPE Price 2ao and 50c per bottle The meat packers are urging Mr. Hoover to abolish the meatless days because the supplies are piling up. We would second that motion if the prices showed any inclination to "pile" down. Some Good Advice. "Don't think too much of your own methods. Watch other people's ways and learn from them." This is good advice, especially when bilious or con stipated. You will find many people who use Chamberlain's Tablets for these ailments with the best results, and will do well to follow their ex ample. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Sidney A. Alford, deceas ed. late of Franklin County,- N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or be fore the 12th day of April. 1919, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This April 12th, 1918. BERRY B. ALFORD. Administrator. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. 4-12-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Miss Emilie Inscoe, deceased, late of Frankin County, N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Loulsburg, N. C., R. 2 on or before the 12thvday of April, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of April, 1918. INSCOE, Adm'r. 4-12-6t. of Miss Emilie Inscoe, Dec'd. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of T. C. Wester, deceas. ed, late of Franklin county, all ? ir sons holding claims against said -.s tate are hereby notified to pro3ent the Bame to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of March 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This March ?Sth IftlS J. L. WESTER, Admr. 3 29 6t. NOTICE. Having .qualified as Executors of the estate of H. S. Guptoir, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice is here? I by given all persons holding claims j against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Ittarch, 29t!i, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to paid estate will ^ come forward and make immediate settlement. This March 28th, 1918. W. H. OUPTON, ?? L. L. GUPTON. 3-29-6t Executors. SALE OF LAM) 1 ?Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained the Deed at Trust executed by F. H. Cooke and' wife to the undersigned Trustee, which is duly registered in Book 210, at page 209, default having been made in the payment of the lndbetedness thereby secured- aud demand made upon?me by the holder thereof to foreclose in accordance with the terms of said in strument, I will on Saturday, 20th day of April, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door of Franklin highest bidder for cash two-thirds un divided interest in and to the follow ing described lot, situate In the town of Youngsvllle, namely: Beginning at a rock, Mrs. Lucy Winston's corner on the South side of Hillsboro Street and running nearly South 70 feet to Mrs. Lucy Winston's corner*rock; thence W. 50 feet to a rock; thence nearly North 70 feet to a rock on Hillsboro St; thence East along Hillsboro St., 50 feet to the be ginning. known as the Sarah Wiggins ffcme Place. This the 16th day of March 1918. BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. 3 29 4t. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove*s. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contain# the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drive* out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds np the Whole System. 60 cents. PURE as Southern Sunshine LIKE the son, beaming sunlight' of Dbrie ' land, Luzianne brings cheer to meal time?breakfast, dinner and sapper. Polks who try it onee have a genuine affection for it ever after. Luzianne comes to you in clean, sanitary, air-tight tins. Tha flavor Stays in?Impurities stay out: Buy a can of Luzianne. Use tho--rfhole can. If you don't honestly believe it is better than any other coffee you ever tasted, . tell the grocer to refund your money. Butj try iU ~~?? ^coffee "When It Pours, It Reigns' HORSES & MULES AT VOUNGSVILLE, IM. C. I wish to announce to the people of YoungSTlle Community that I haTe fed (lic J. It Fcurce Stables, the old Supplj Co's place, where I will haTe a lot oi fine youhg horses and males tor sale on and after February 1st-1 am in a position to glTe yon he best prices on good stock either for cash or on time, when secured by good note. Don't huy until yon see me. 'Will be glad to haTe yoo come and look whether you buy or not K. A PERRY YoungsTllle, N. C. 1 Subscribe, to THE FRANKLIN TIMES FURNITURE At this season when nature_i? doing so much to beautify on the outside. It would seem as we 'were not doing our 4PATM<?>T2<? 1UTY if we failed to try to make our home" more beautiful and at tractive. "A hint to the wise is sufficient." Let us help you in the selec tion of the extra p eces of Fur Triture you Will Heed in making your Spring arrangement. Our stock is complete. "Give Us A Calf J- S- Howell Louisburg, - - North Carolina.

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