Stomach Trouble Mm. Sophie Bauer, 621 First Ave., Northi_Farlbault, Minnesota, writes: "I cannot praise your wonderful medicine, Peruna, enough. It has done much for me during the past ten years and I keep It in the house continuslly. I was In Bilch a condi tion that I could eat nothing but bread and milk, and even that was too heavy for me at times. Now, I can sat anything? I will recommend Pe runa to all my friends.** Those Ho object to liquid mecff^ oines can procure Peruna Tablets. 1 cannot Praise Your Wonderful Medicine Perona Enough Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist w' thi? embtan ?r* U.S. MARINES SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM I Am Overstocked With Hay, Oats and Provisions. also have a nice line of Shoes and Slippers that I am selling cheap. Come and and look them over, I wifl make the price right. Come to see me when in town and lets talk it over. J. W. PERRY D RtC SORE SUNDRIES In addition to a complete line of Drugs and Pro prietary Medicines, we carry a full supply of Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices, All kinds of toilet preparations. Pens, pencils, inks and stationery. We want to furnish you anything you need for an intelligent-care of the health and beauty of your person.' The Ryoook Drug Gompany Louisburg, N.'C. We carry in connection Kodac Supplies. Tombstones Monument Grave Markers It is our business to be posted on allithe latest Designs in marble work and we will gladly show you and explain the difference. Our customers are pleased with our work, etjtffluw jtu. ' ** A Henderon Marble and Granite Works J. L. McElwee, Proprietor, Henderson,? North Carolina. POINTS THE WAY. The Statement of Thjn Frankllnton Resident Will Interest Oar ' Reader?. Our neighboring town. Frankllnton points the way In the words of one of its most respected residents: Mrs. W. F. Crews. Mason St.. Frank Unton, N. C., says: "I had trouble from my kidneys nearly all my life. My back pained me severely and felt a? though It were broken. Awful twinges darted through my kidneys and I couldn't move until the pains let up. 1 had dizzy and nervous spella and passed gravel stones, the size of large peas. I finally began using Doan's ldney Pills and the first box helped me. A couple of boxes stren gthened my back and kidneys and re moved all the trouble. I don't have trouble from stones in my bladder any more." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Crews had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Tilfirrii Riiffnliii ^ Y The people will hail with satisfac tion the news that the interned Ger man prisoners in this country are to be put to work constructing roads. We may be very certain our boys who have fallen into German hands are paying for fheir keep, and then some, i WOULD YOU MARRY YOUNG LADY worth $75.000? Write Mrs. W. K. Hill. 14 E. Sixth St.. Jacksonville, Fla. 5-31-4t. Peanuts may be, as claimed, good food, but peanut politics is poor pab ulum for war times. TRAIN OF SCIENTISTS REACH COL LEGE TO STUDY METEOROLOGY. 31a Specially Selected Men, All Col lege Graduates, Are to Be siren Special Training Here. To learn the science of meteorology1 and thus be .prepared to ser re ttte United States army in France through forecasting the weather, 315 specially selected men from all sections of the country arrived at A. and M. College at 8:30 last night in a special train from Waco, where they had been as sembled by a special induction draft. AH of them are college graduates, cho sen by reason of their fltnese for this highly scientific work and they will be given expert Instruction by Dr. O. L. Fasslg and Dr. Brooks of the U. S. weather bureau at Washington. The men form a special unit of the L'lgncl corps service company scbo<^ for radio mechanics and will be under the command of Captain M. C. Fun ston, though their instruction will be furnished by the weather bureau rep resentatives, this being very different from the course of study and shop work mapped out for the radio me chanics. Pending the vacation of some of the other dormitories by the pupils Tues day night, the new men are being car ed fer with emergency cots in the old chapel and the college gymnasium, but by the middle of next week they will be domiciled in Leggett hall, one of the best dormitories on the campus. The men were pi ven a cordial recep tion by the student body as they mar ched upon the campus last night. While the college authorities are al ways glad to receive additional men for training they have an especial pride in the coming of these men for the rchool inasmuch as it Is the only one that has been estab lished by the army, so far, and It te understood it is the only one that will be established.?Bryan, Tex.. Daily County people to know that Mr. C. K. T'ooke, Jr.. who recently vmunu'mvt in the aviation service of the National Army, is among those designated to study this work. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because It contain g the well known tomic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Swat the arly fly, and then he will be the late fly, but not the lamented one. Cholera Morbus. This is a very painful and dangerous disease. In almost every neighbor hood someone has died from it before medlchie could be obtained or a physi cian summoned. The right way is to have a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house so as to bo prepared for it. Mrs. Char les Enyert, Huntington, Tnd., writes: During the summer of 1911 two of my children were ir.kcn s!cl? w:.h ?*bc.lera morbus. I used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and it gave them immediate relief." FOR SALE Desirable Town Lot* and Farms The Ellis Property. A lot and dwelling, corner Noble and Spring Streets, occupied by Mrs. Pearce. A small tenant house and lot oppo site the last named lot. A building on Bull Run Alley. Ifyou have property to sell see the undersigned. Will bo sold on easy terms. Ap ply to J. L. PALMER, Agent, or Wm. H. & THOS. W RUFFIN, Attorneys. 6-15-tf. For Indigestion, Constipation or w Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co.. manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic, W- Ma? M- T? and the more they think the better will they appreciate the Clothing sold at McBRAYER'S. Strouse and Bros., L. Gri^f Schwartz and Joffee represent the very best, not how cheap but how good and yet if you'll compare our prices with the others you'll find as have lots of Franklin county people that McBrayer keeps the quality up and the prices down. I COME AND SEE. The McBrayer Clothing Co., Inc. "Everything For Daddy And The Boys" L. KLINE & CO. "When Advertised or Seen Elsewhere Its Always Cheapest Here." L KLINE &C0. THIS has been our motto since our entry in Louisburg' and we have always tried up our low prices for the ___i2?aLiaialitX-IIiardl3adise_obtainable. Below we offer a few prices for your, eomparison A trial visit to our store will convince you of the exceptional bargains we have 50c val Corset covers nicely trimmed Special Hoc 75c val Camisoles dandy combination of silk and wide laco Special ,.4bc 50c value Ladies Drawers, good qual ity Special .. 39c 75c value Combination Suits for La dies Special 48c 89c value Ladies extra special ....75c $1.25 value Ladies Gowns trimmed with wide lace Special 98c $1.50 value Jap silk camisoles hand embroidered Special 98c $1.50 value Combination suits for La dies trimmed with lace and hand embroidered in white and pink spec ial 9&c $1.50 value Ladles white wash skirts I best quality twill special while they I last 96c $1.50 value Ladles Middy Blouses ex tra good quality special 98c K L I N E C O $1.50 value in Ladles waists includes voileo, organdies and all ower net newest styles Special .... ?rr#"Wc 75c value Ladies Middy Blouses collar and cuffs trimmed In red and white Special V***" * $2.50 valuo I-adies^Jap silk waists collars trimmed with wide lace good styles Special .... .... ?... $1.98 $1.00 value Boys wash suits assorted colors and sizes Special 7?>c $1.50 value Boys wash suits siaee 9 to 8 extra good quality Special ..98c Our millinery department has Just re ceived a new shipment of hats, new est styles includes chlldrens hats. Don't fail to visit this department wehen in town. Our Shoe department is now complete. We can fit the entire family for less Our line Includes the Famous H. C. Oodman shoes. L. Kline & Company Louisburg, No. Carolina. SUBSCRIBE TO THE FRANKLIN/TIMES, $1.50 a Year