Catarrh of Stomach Did Not Know It i Airs. Helena Tanner, Athens, Ohio, writes: "I cannot find words to ex press my thanks for your kind ad vice. I never once thought I had ca tarrh of the stomach. I commenced taking Peruna, as you directed. My stomach continued to burt me for about two weeks after I began the medicine, and then it stopped. I now have a good appetite, while before I was nearly starved." ? Those who object to liquid medi cines can procure Peruna Tablets. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money M PAZO OINTMENT (alia to Cure inycu? of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudinr Pile? In 6to 14 day*. Tbe flu ?t application gives Eaae and Real. 50c. Nearly' Starved PERUNA Made Me Well WOULD YOU MABRY YOUXG LADY worth ?75.000? Write Mrs. W. K. Hill, 14 E, Sixth St., Jacksonville, Fla. 5-31-4t. Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for USMarine Corps recruits. ??O CM MOICANI SOM CA Join Now! APPLY AT AtfY POST OFFICE fi>r SERVICE UNDER Ulit ?aibltm ar* US. MARINES THIS EMBLEM I Am Overstocked With Hay,!Oats and Provisions. also have a nice line of Shoes and Slippers that I am selling cheap. Come and and look them over, I will make the price right. Come to see me when in town and lets tallfit over. , J. W. PERRY MT^TOIT^tlNdRB In addition to a complete line of Drugs and Pro prietary Medicines, we carry a full supply of Combs and Brushes, all grades and prices, All kinds of toilet preparations. Pens, pencils, inks and stationery. We want to furbish you anything you need for an intelligent care of the health and beauty of your person. V The Rycock Drug Gompany Louisburg, N."C. We carry in connection Kodac Supplies. Tombstones Monument Grave Markers It is our business to be posted on all.the latest Designs in marble work and we will gladly show you and explain the difference. Our customers are pleased with our work. <-t ursHw jcu. Henderon Marble and Granite Works J. L McElwee, Proprietor, Henderson, . North Carolina. Y. Iff C. A. WORKERS ON ARMY TRANSPORTS V. M. C. A'. 8ecr?tarle? Now Accom pany Troop? From Home To The Camp And From Camp All , The Way To The Boche Trenches Y. M; C. A. secretaries have carried their work to the troops In transport, ?ays an announcement Just received from the National War Council of the Y. M. C. A*, and are now promoting a >nal. educational, social and religious progri soldier boys en route by^ea to France. With the sanction of the War Department each transport now car ries one or two such secretaries whose function It Is to do all that Is possible to make the voyage both comfortable and enjoyable for the fighting men abroad. "Games are provided, musical anU movie entertainments staged, maga> alnes and books are supplied and writ ing paper la Issued free to the men,' the statement continues. "A report of-* transport worker recently arrived shows that In his equipment there were such articles as a folding organ and song books, motion-picture equipment with 20 reels, pocket testaments, writ ing paper, boxing gloves, medicine ball, rope quoits, checkers, dominoes, Victrola and records and a Sonora ma chine. "The appointment of transport secre taries completes the link oC Y. M. C. A- work, which begins with the re cruits in camp, continues through the training period, comes overseas on th< transports and goes on In the camp? in France all the way from the posts to the front line trenches. Transport ? ecret&fies are assigned to ships, and remain on their ships as does th< TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOB NASTY CALOMEL Starts your llTer without making you t?lck and can not salivate. Every druggist in town?your drug gist and everybody's druggist has no ticed a great falling off in the sale oi calomel. They all give the same rea son. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone ie perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in ?very case of liver sluggish ness and co.nstipation. you have only to ask for your money bacic. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting. purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night i\nd wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head ache, acid stomach or constipated bo wels. It doesn't gripe or cause In convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calo mel today and tomorrow you will feel JjtfjK illflf ?Mil mi i in n * W" work$ Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vi gor and ambition. me poorer classes In '1 urkeV at? now living on chestnuts and pumpkin seeds. With this in view, we cannot "otjject-to-a ration of cornmeal, oatmeal and barley flour. Whenever You Need a Oeneral Tonic Take Grove's. ? Standard Grove's Tasteless r 1 T,0Iilc .,s equally valuable as a General Tonic because It contains the H'/i ,C properties of QUININE Iw*?N: 11'cts ,on the Liver, Drives Enriches Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Mr Schwab's shipbuilding slogan of More caulking, less talking," is "III1 ?able'. ls tllere any department which would be the better for the var in r' More schemin&. less dream-1 Cholera Morbus. This is a very -painful and dangerous disease. In almoat every neighbor hood someone has died from it before Imedlclne could be obtained or a physi cian summoned. The right way is to nave a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house so as to be prepared for It. Mrs. Char les Enyert, Huntington, Ind., writes: During the summer of 1D11 two of my children were n.kon s!ch w:.h cbcteia morbus. I used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and It. gave them immediate relief." FOB SALE Desirable Town Lots nnd Farms The Ellis Property. A lot and dwelling, corner Noble and Spring Streets, occupied by Mrs. Pearce. A small tenant house and lot oppo site the last named lot. A building on Bull Run Alley. Ifvou have property to sell see the undersigned. Will bo sold on easy terms. Ap ply to J. L. PALMER, Agent, or Wm. H. & THOS. W. RUKFIN, Attorneys. 6-16-tf. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to taie. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Modi-1 cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo * Quinine and Grove's Tasteless riiUi Tonic. For Style, Comfort and Service pay a visit to The McBrayer Cloth ing Co. They carry only the very best and newest in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery and Neckwear and their prices just can't be beaten. They are always glad to show you and a very hearty welcome awaits you any time you'll call. Come Today The McBrayer Clothing Co., Inc. "Everything For Daddy And The Boys" L. KLINE & CO. "When Advertised or Seen Elsewhere Its Always Cheapest Here." L. KUNE & CO. L. Kline & Company -Sells for Cash ? Sells for Less Below we offer new and up-to-date merchandise at prices that we could not duplicate same. It will be to your own benefit to take advantage o^our won derful low prices. Don't fail to visit us when in town 19o. value Burma stripe voile, beauti ful assortment of patterns, .. 12 l-2c 25c value French voile dtftnty pattern? Special 19c 35c value voile in solid blue, pink, tan and white e&tra food quality ..25c 50c value gingham tissue beautiful plaid designs Special 39c 50c value Susine silk all colors, good quality Special 39c 75c valuo Jap silk in all colors dandy quality Special 59c $1.25 valuo Silk Foulard beautiful pat terns Special 98c, 1000 yards of silk taffeta and messa llnos in blue, cardinal, copen blue, white, old rose and grey worth $2 Specitl $1.39 15c value Flowered lawn beautiful de signs Special 10c 75c value Boy's rompers blue and brotvn, Special 48c 98c value Boys wash suits extra good assortment Special 75c $1.50 to $2.98 value Boy's wash suits sizes 3 to 8 Special .... 98c to $1.25 $1.0 value Ladles wash skirts best quality middy twill Special .. 98c $1.50 value white and fancy embroid ered waists dainty designs ..98c Our Shoe department Is complete we can fit the entire family for less. Don't fail to visit us when In town. L. Kline & Company /^ouisburg, No. Carolina. ^ SUBSCRIBE TO THE FRANKLIN T IME St $1.50 a Year

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