CONSTIPATION Sour Stomach Canted His Lady Much Suffering. Black Draught Relieved. Meadorsvllle, Ky.?Mrs. Pearl Pat. rick, of this place, writes: "I was ?*ry constipated. I had sour stomach and was so uncomfortable. I went to doctor. H? gavo me some pills. They weakened me and seemed to ffripe me and afterwards It seemed J was more constipated than before. I heard of Black-Draught and de cided to try It. I found It just what I needed. It was an easy laxative, and not bad to swallow. My digestion soon Improved. I got welt of the sour stom ach, my bowels soon seejped normal, no more griping, and I would take a j dose now and then, and was In good shape. '? * 1 i cannot say too much for Black Draught for It is the finest laxative cue can use.'* Thcdford s Black-Draught has for many years been found of value 1? the treatment of stomach, liver and bot/el troubles. Easy to take, gentle and reliable in Its action, leaving no bad after-effects, it has won the praise of thousands of people who have used It NC-135 J. 0. .NEWELL, M. 1>. Loulsburg, N. t Offices next door to White & Malone Will be at Louisburg regularly. Day Phone 329 ? Night Phone 292-J I DR. W. B. MORTOr Eye Specialist Office in Hotel Building liOtiiflburK. North Carolina S. ATWOOD 51!WELL. Attorney-At-Law. Loulsburg Frankllnton Offices over Ay cock Drug Co. General Practice DB. ABTHUK HIKES FLEMXJG Surgenn Dentist. LouUburg, North Carolina OOm orer P. 8. & K. K. Allen'? Store. DB. H. G. PE'.IKY Physician and Sargeor Loalsbarg, North Carolina ??*l Next Door to Ay cock Drag Co. Phone Connection* 287 ' DB. J. E. KAX05E. Loalsbarj, North Carolina ?Ace In Aycock Drag Store, Market I Street. OOce Practice Surgery and confutation. DB. D. X. 3JUTHWICK. Dentist. '?enJsbnrj, 5. C. OC'c 3 in the First National Bans Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. ?. PEK905. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loalsbarg, North Carolina Pr^U-a In all ^ M?1? ^ ' I M*T. HOUCK. CONTRACTOR and BTJILDKR j Trading agenta for all kinds of MUdlng supplies, artistic Mantles and *dea. Architectural designs sub B. B. White E. H. Xalene WHITE A XAL05E T-A yyVftiHB Loalsbarg. North Carolina General practice, settlement of en taten funds Invented. One member ot in* firm always In the ofllce. f Wm. H. Ruffln, Thoe. W. Ruffln WM. H. & THOS. W. RUFFI3 Attorneys-at-Law I*nlabarg, : North Carolina General practice, both civil and crlm ImI, in Franklin and adjoining coun ts??, Supreme and Federal Courts. Office* in First National Bank Building. DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and burgeon LoulnTjnrg, 5. C. Formerly interne St. Agnes Hospital Office next door to Durrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Phone Connections 64. DB. T. B. HENDERSON, of Henderson, N. Will be in LOUISBURG every FIRST and THIRD Monday of each month at the offloe of Dr. Herbert Perry from 10:00 to 1:00 o'clock. PrMtlee limited to the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. HTEGALL BROS. Barbers Lonlsburir, C. We have purchased the shop former ly Occupied by Oscar Stegall and will run same at the same stand Zoflle Wilkin? will be with ub, and satishvc tlon and cleanliness shall be our mot to. Plenty of hot running water u.aA dean towels. FIRE insciuncB. Wkrm yoa want Insurance take H T. W. WATSOW. He knows 741-tf. Qrovt'i Tasteless chill Tool*, urtw vitality and flterfy by porifytai aad *n HekteC blood. *Yo? coo ?ooo feel its Strength ?hit. Invigeretin* Effect Price 00c. ?tne ? KITCHEN CABINET The air for the winir of the sparrow. The bush for the robin and wren. But always the path that Is narrow And straight, the children of men. ?Alice Cary. GOOD AND TASTY FOODS. i 'i I in I'v'i nf iliiiVi>yr,ii j win jilwnys beadnily | problem in most homes. Cereal Fruit Pud dings?rut 11 cupful of cooked cereal into j two cupful? of water and boll until thick; then ari<l two cupfuls | of miJk and cook | aiowiy on-.4 v. ur; n?M one cupful of chopped ?'. ..-s. fir? or r:ilslns. a tea spoonful of suh. i*vo teaspoonfuls of butter find put Into a greased baking dish; bake forty minutes In a moder ate oven. Serve hot with fruir Juice for sauce. It may be pirn i slied with orange marmalade. Baked Codfish Puffs.?Put a pack ape of shredded codfish, into a bowl, cover with boiling water and allow it to stand until cool, then drain and squeeze dry. Add one quart of hot mashed potatoes, mix well, then add one cupful of cream sauce, a tea spoon ful of onion Juice, two teaspoonfuls of butter, salt if needed and a few dashes of paprika. Beat until light. then put into a baking dish, brush^with fat and bake twenty-five minutes or until brown. Ham Loaf.?Put three cupfuls of cold boiled rice and two cupfuls of i cold boiled ham through a food chop per: add one-half cupful of cream sauce, a half cupful of bread crumbs, a tabl?spoonful of parsley, a table- 1 spoonful of onion Juice, salt pepper and paprika to taste; a teaspoonfnl of table sauce and an egg beaten until light. Mix all together find press Into ! a brick-shaped baking pan. Bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven, i Serve hot with a sauce, or sliced as cold meat Deviled Fish.?Take twt> pounds of I any steak fish, brush a dish with fat I lay in the fish and cover with the fol- i lowing: One cupful of cream sauce, ' one-half cupful of chopped green pep per. half a beaten egg, two teaspoon- ' fuls of salt, one-half teaspoonful of i dry mustard, one teaspoonfal of table j sauce, one te&spooniul of grated onion, | two teaspoonfuls of butter; brush the flab with the other half of the beaten egg, add two cupfuls of lightly daked | fish to the sauce and pour over the j fish. Sprinkle with brt>ad crumbs and place in a hot oven tot half an hour. Sibsrfb* to tl 3 FRANK UN TIMES1 $1.50 Per Year, lu advan-e. . Jf you want life insurance see J. A TURNER. 7-26-tf. 666 cures Bilious Fever. t OrQ 0OOJ TOr SUri I have a Ave passenger Ford body. I compleie with fenders Tor sale cheap. | see E. A. KEMP. R. F D. 3. Louisburg. N. C. 9-20-2t Ask J. A TURNER to show you the dUahi'ltv noHrv 7-26-tf. If you wnnt life lusuraLce see J. A TURNER. 7-26-tf. Stella-Vitae THE GUARANTEED TONIC FOR WOMEN Stella-Vitae has been In success fill useinthetreatmentofthosediseasei peculiar to women for more than I third of a century. For nearly ten years it has bee sold under a plain, positive guarant? to benefit. Less than one bot tle out of every one thousand sold has been refunded for, and even I claim for a refund has been satisfied. Thousands of letters liketllis praising Stella-Vitae and telling of benefit tc suffering women have been received. /Trs. E. H. Russell, of Mili Springs N. C.,gratefully v. rites ns as follows: '?'I was in a most wretched condi tion; had palpitation of the hearl and would swell And bloat in a most distressing way. When I began using Stella-Vitae I weighed 108 pounds. Now I weigh 135. I am more thankful than I can ever tell you for the great good this won derful medicine has done me." Mrs Ru8.seli was at that critical ptriod, the "change," and her sincere gratitude for the blessed relief will be understood and appreciated by every woman who reads her letter. Stella-Vitae has proved a boon V suffering womanhood, to young girls approaching their first vital period, tc women approaching the anguish ol childbirth, to women approaching the "changeof life." Stella-Vitae strength ens the female organs and promote! regularity in the monthly function. No risk of loss Is taken by any suf fering woman who tries Stella-Vitae on our guarantee of the first bottle. All dealers huD Stella-Vitae and will return your money If it does not bene fit you. Dont put off a trial. * , * ? FOR SALE BT SCOGGIN DRUG STORE insurance See J. L. Palmer. / Be a Joy-Walker, "Gets-It" for Corns 2 Drops, 2 Seconds?Cora Is Doomed! \NThen you almost die with your ?hoes on and corns make you almost walk sideways to Ret away from the pain, take a vacation for a min ute or two and apply 2 or 3 drops "My Corn? P*?l Cl?u Off. With GcUll' "I of the world's magic and only gen uine corn-peeler. "Gets-It." Then, and then only, will you be sure that your corn will loosen from your too so that you can peel it right off gloriously easy with your Angers. Take no chances of continued rain and soreness?why use greasy, irri tating salves, piasters that shift and press Into the ??quick." razors and "diggers" that make corns bleed end also grow faster? Use painless, easy, always sure "Gets-It." There's only one like it in the world?that'? "Gets-It." Millions have tried and O. K.\d it for years. It never falls. "Gets-It." the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way. co!?t* but a trifle at any drug ?tore. MTd by E. Lawrence A Co.. Chicago. 11L In l.MuifHir? am! ?ocummeiidod '* tin* world's h*>i torn remedy by V )!. Pleasant'-. <*'. M. he AM. Physician and Surgeon Wood. N. C. Offices at Wood Drug Co. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of j the estate of J. W. Preddy, deceased. ( late of Franliu Counts*. North Caro lina. this is to notify all persons hat ing claims against tlie said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Raleigh. X. C., on or before the 6th day of September. 1919. or thit notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. AH persons indebted to said es tate will please mr?e immediate settle ment. This 6th day of September. 191S. J. R. TIPPilTT. Administrator. of J. W. Preddy. D. R .Tarkson. Attorney. Raleigh. N. C 9-6-6t IF your head aches your eyes ache YOUR EYES TIRE YOUR EYES BURN YOUR EYES WATER YOUR EYES SQUINT It Is AxCase For Glasses W. B. MORTON LIVERY STABLES MOVED I herewith ann ;e to my customers and aL hers wish ing the services t ? first class livery ?table, that > jaTe moved my bnslness from the stables on Na*h Street to accommoda tion at the rear ol my residence on Main Street, where I will be hlad to aerie yon at all times with the best personal service. J. C. Tucker Louiaburg, N. C. THE Owing to a threatened epidemic of La Grippe in certain sections of Franklin Co., the County rcard of Health har thoir fct it necessary ;o olcse ?ho Fair c.lor?2 wit!: other public gatherings until further no tice. Owing to this fact the Fa^r will not be held next week as. scheduled. We l:cpe however to put the Fair on a little later or as soon as conditions improve. With our sincere thanks to the many public spir ited men and women who have given such valuable help in our effort to make this the biggest Fair Franklin county has ever had and hoping that at some early date we may have the Fair. I am, very truly yours, Franklin County Fair Association A. H. FLEMING, Secretary -SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE Our Fall and Winter Stocks of Men and Boys' Suits and Overcoats are Complete. Styles are attractive. Supreme in Make and Fit New Fall Hats, Velonr, Beaver, Felt and the famous Light Weight hat in best shades, $2 to $6.50 Unusually fine line of Caps. Trunks and Bags?a com plete line of Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags. Arrow Chirts, every de sirable fabric, some very handsome plaids, stripes,silk khaki, wool. etc. The great est display of shirts we ever made. New Furnishings, every thing for men and boys. Ties Collars, Underwear,, Sox, Handkerchiefs, etc. Good Quality small prices. When in Louisburg whether you make purchases or not, it will afford us pleasure to have you view the magnificent display of Suits, Overcoats and fur nishings for Men and Boys'. Make our store head quarters. Yours to serve, The Allen Brothers Company

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