SUNSHINE BROUGHT TO THIS MAN'S HOME Made His Wife Happy By Banishing: Pain ami Restoring Her Health, A woman fills the houie over which she presides with happiness, radiating sunshine and brightening the lives of those dear to her when she is in good health, but when her physical stale 1? poor It is different, as is the case of the wife of \V. J. Mitchell. Eight St.. West Durham, who says: "For some lime my?wife lut*??m. lerod from indigestion and rheumatism "Ill'H LIU 1 I m 1 > ? 1 ? and had to be careful of what she ate I had nbout given up hope of her! health belug restored when 1 heard o:' what this new medicine. i\ pl;u\ w.ts ' doing, and now she js like a new wo-1 man. Pet'ore she had finished th? first bottle she announced that she was I feeling fine and she certainly looke'd | better Now her appetite h a# return ed. indigestion is cone. <he no longer has those rheumatic pirns. She can j cat anything tha: s'.'.e want* without fear of her food hurting her. and she sleeps soundly at night." Peplac cer tainly does the work." Sco^ins Drug Store sells ar.d rec omtr. Peplac. In LouisVurir. I uy a bottle :od.:y. it li i \\u ' ? ? ~ |i"d, will do the same for you. Col. Roosevelt evidently made up his nilud if he couldn't have a r'.a? e in t!:esun. lie could at least have a seal on a star. (illil.S! LEMON .11 l< 1 ^KIN WHITE NEK llov. to Mn*e a Creamy Beauty l.otloii For a Few Cent*. The juice of two fresh lemons strain ed into a bott4e containing three ounces of orchard white make s a whole quarter pint of the mose remarkable lemon skin beautifler at about rh?T.cost * one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care shoud be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemonpulp gfts in. then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is-used to--bleach and ze move such blemishes as freckles, sal lowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifler. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint .of this sweetly fra-1 grant lemon lotion and massage it J daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. The belligerent countries might or ganize a icgiment or two of retired cabinti members and diplomats. V ? The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Oki people who are feeble and yoonjer people who ar? weak, wUl be strengthened and enabled to to through the depressing heat of summer by tak in* GROVE S TASTELESS ch Ul TONIC. It purines and enrichee the blood and builds up the whole sys tem. You can soon feel its Screafthealnft. lovifor ?ting Effect. tOc. The Brown Furniture -House" Youngsville N. C. Friends That Never Fail M OTHER'S love for the little one heat of this remarkable heater is a never failing friend when economy and even heat day and night are a necessity. It pays to investigate. Cole's Original Hot Blast BURNS CHEAPEST COAL CLEAN AND BRIGHT. USES ANY FUEL It Saves and Serves WhyTfoTCnt Your Fuel BUI In Half Thla Wlntar? You Can Eaally Do It With This Craat mo tiving Haatar. Aol NOWI See This Heater At Our Store j The finest ion row ag:i Ulnx the mind of the ?ivtu>i'o. Kentuckian is as to what Ui>posit oe he is to make of l?-s corn crop f'nc.* its natural de?ti:iy is prohibited. TH.VT BAl) BACK Do you have a dull, steady ache in .the small of the back?sharp, stabbing (twinges when stooping or lifting?dis tressing urinary disorders? For bad ? back and weakened kidneys Loulsburg ?rosidents recommend Poan's Kid.ioy Pills. Read this Franklinton man's A. F. Pennewell. ticket agent. Frank lintoo. X. O., says: "About three years ngo I was so bad with my back that I could hardly sit down. I sure was in misery. No matter which way I moved. I was in pain and my kidneys didn't act properly, either. The kid neys secretioi.s were scanty, painful in passage aad highly colored. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me wonderful results. Continued use gradually cur ed me a id 1 haven't been bothered in this way since." Price 60c. at all dealei^1? Don't sim ply ask for a cidnuy remlPdy--yet Doan's Kidney IMls? the same that Pennewell had Foster-Milburn Co., MfgTF.. buffalo. X. Y. The Union Warehouse S. S. Meadows, PROPRIETOR Louisburg, =--- North Carolina Louisburg, X. C.,*8ept.-23,11?18 Dear Sir: Our tobacco market is holding its own with good and medium grades higher than the}' have been this season. Every customer was well plea8ed with his sale tli? past week, not a single kick from any one. We have no high price drummers to pay this year. These men can only ride around and tell you fairy tales about the house they represent, and when your tobacco isplaced on their floor, they are not allowed t<> bid on it, so don't listen to them for it wont pay you. We do not buy or guarantee tobbaeco in the coun try giving every man a square deal that sells with us. Load you* wagon, drive straight to the Union Warehouse and we will convince you that the Union is the house and Sam Meadows the man to sell youf tobacco with. Remember, we do our drumming on the floor. Yours to serve and please, The Union Warehouse P. S. S. S. MEADOWS, Proprietor Remember we will hare no country bought tobacco on our floor this year, thereby enabling us to* protect our customers, by giving our whole time to (tiair Interests. The Best Tobacco Market In The State Is AND The Farmers Mutual is the Best Warehouse waKamamwK^Km*-rrs~ax*KiMTnvwTsmr. -? y - iyr^, *r '-? " ?" ""' ":# We have two good judges of tobacco running our sale with plenty of nerve and ce.piiai 10 back their judgment and see that the farmer always gets the highest market prices. Our Auctioneer has no equal. Give us a trial with your next load and we will make a cus tomer of you 00 00000000 W. T. CLEMENT, M 9 O clgC fS Jim Yarboro AUCTIONEER ft Life Time Wagons That Are Built to Last The harder service your wagon has to stand? the more reason to buy a which will be left for your ion to wear out. The years will prove ita quality. ' The BEST^wagon we know of: Its strength and durability have kept it foremost for over 64 years. have earned this reputatU/n because of their sturdy strength and durable construction^ Let us show you a wagon adapted to your needs. ' G. W. FORD & SON

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