L. KLINE & COMPAJVL? IC^SKIi Uncle Sam Wants You to Shop vovy for Xmas i-.>11? yviir it. 1 i?!:s> inn' tL't k i U I" - .t'lu \i<ii in .? r.iitnivr *??' "iMlN i WAl 1" CHILDREN S READY TO WEAR DRESSES Beautiful <?inwhani'?. made np iu the latest price 69c to S3.48 NT. HAVE A FE1V NAVY HLIE' ] SKHiiK IIKKSSES L t FT AT $1.98 to 86.98 J WARMTH and COMFORT BE NEATH IE3 VA-'-H FOLDS OF THESE WARM BLANKETS WimiI Finished Iilanket? full double be.! ?l/e. vdBn in ? hlt-o ^ Itli pluk and blue border* S5.98 COMFORTS From $2.95 to 85.98 RUGS Bfuutliul de^Itm* !n Fiur.il a?utl Con* wa;!.?nal ?7 price 82.45 " Straight facts alott our Bargains in Winter Clothes, Brand New, Seasonable. Reliable zu to 4U per cent under today's marAet value. Prices will be much higher later on. Our values mean even more than ever now, thai Saving is A Pa : triotic Duty. ??? - os-issssa? f-agrgascsxv^ggg-sar?; -ge ? 'rr*s3smesei?$na?v&e^2M .u -.ir.. t'***-. "v;>> i-rVJUV""!' ...VV f.-A1. M'MKJIV.'V' V - w+JMpa?!. WwV ? -.?-A v m II I ? ? ? ?? ' ? ? ?k. Hi: i .J rs, Dresses, Coats and Oat Suhs, and Dress guads stgr?.a* Money-Saving Pi ices ? > ? K . (.V.Kivil Sweaters- fur .tin- S.>M;cr Buys. . .... ?. ? $1:95 ? S ?' Sweaters in nil colors . .81.39 to SI.98 Sweaters with Sleeves WVol n? ? I Cotton ?II ci.'. ?rs i;:-.-. ~IT;i - piieed :roiu 49c to S9.95 Beautiful Knitted Wool Brushed Scarfs, some plain md some vitli lYiu^o all around. All colors, $1.50 .Special at 93c Knitted Sport Caps, all colors, sonic, with long ' smart's . 25c to 98c CjoI jjay? Make 0"e Tliink of Heavy Knit UNDERWEAR Women's $1.50 Vests and Pants Best qualify cotion ribbed fleeced garments for present went-, all sizes ill tile lot .\ 98c Kxtra value in Women's Vests at 69c Children's Union Suits from 75c to 98c II 1? II i I I ? 'IHWWH IIIMIIIW Yard vidi1 Satins in all colors .....$1.39 Good (J.:.Uity" Black TalVcta S1.39 l'iai'1 i.u'.l Striped Suitings, well worili ">0c- our j .'. icy :. ,39c SDi- quality Suitiuss for 29c Beautiful Siik Striped Matt-rial for Shirts, f.avc= tier, "While, Biaek, and White, Blrvv .<>ud White, worth $1.25 Our Special low price .79c Wonderful assortment in coats in all wanted ma terials, Broad Cloth, Pom Pom, Velours. Plushes, Velvet T7TTT ^ .... ?14.95 to ^32.50 A few good Sport Coats left at .... $4.98 to $7.98 Poplin Dresses made in good style, and all colors. from $6.98 to $9.98 Extra quality in heavy Satin Drosses, all colors, trimmed in the much wanted Fringes, Braids and Fancy Stitchings, from $11.98 to $19.95 Merchandise at prices More of Kline's Val ues in Ladies' Shoes i< ACK KID DRESS SHOE ? luade ??i' ('IikIim1 r-rv.i: i kid. lace '**1; le, i?'ain and 1*. ? !t NC?i"S ? c o OU.VO .. c ? nm rpTtrp CJTJAPf! oIIUIjo desiirncd to l?e worn with 1>|ucK wMli irra }loj>% l?r?wn kid mid irray KM military Iieel. From S3.49 to SG.98 CHILDREN'S SHOES We carry famous brands In Cluldren's shoe*. all 'mre leatlior. II. C. tuilman mid Walton's troni $1.98 to $2.98 MEN'S SHOES We carry Men's work Shoes. All solid luitluT from 83.48 to $5.98 THE SHOE FOR DRESSY OC CASIONS $4.98 BOYS' MIXED SUITS Velvet Corduroys in Blue and Brown rte 11 worth Special at $3.98 Boys Worsteds ami Sorgi'S $10.00 (mai lt) for 87.98 MEN'S BLACK UNFINISH ED WORSTED SUITS Excellent quality. Wears well $9.95 WS.S. WA1 SAVINGS STAMPS 1ISUKD BY TUB UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT L Kline & Company "When Advertised or Seen Elsewhere Its Always Cheapest Here" Count Luxburg's adviC3 to hi - gov ernment to sink ArgentJue ships ' witii (>ul Itavlns a trare"' miulit have b-e:: ali r'tfh' if ihe Count ?itmoeif naJ.it left aUv:: plain "trace." Wool has now reached such a price 1 Ifc? ? irv sugar i--.n l wprylng the inhalitant? of those bone-dry | state.?. What's the use to worry? They haven't anything to mix with it. Our of a v:ell trained servant is one vrbo never mentions the word "boss" in our wife's hearing. opnvbgkqj vbgkqj vbgkqj vbgkqjqkw Fr r Sale. In? H t'l'iP r fnr tilf. ri-oan, Ap ply to C. C. CATLETT, K. F. D. 1, Louisburg. N. C. 10-4-2t Notice of Sale. Pursuant to a judgment of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, fn a Special proceedings therein pending, in which R. H, White. G. W. Whits*, and others are the petitioners, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday the 4th day of November. 1918 between the hours of 12 M and 1 o'clock P. M., ofTer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door In Louisburg. North Car olina, a certain tract of land lying and being situate In Dunn's Town ship, Franklin Couty, adjoining the lands of J. G. Bunn. Sarah E. Wea thers and others, and being the dis tributive share of the'late Elizabeth J. White, in the estate of Duncan Bunn, late of Franklin County, con taining 23 acres more o|^^ss. This 2nd day of October 10-4-4t G. W. WHlWT:om. Sale of Land. On Tuesday, the 8th day of Octo ber. 1918 at 11 o'clock A. M., the chil dren and heirs at law of the late Joe S. Green, now deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the residence of the said J. S. Green, deceased, on the prem ises hereinafter described, the fol lowing tract of land lying and being in Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, bounded on the north by tho lands of John Mot thews, known as the I5reedlov(. place, on the east by the lands of Ben Wood, on the South by the lands of Culpep per and others, and containing 27 3-4 acreB more or lesa and known as the Old J. S. Green home place. All the children a^d heirs ot law of the said J. S. Green will be present en day of sale for the purpose of sign Ing deed to the purchaser, the sale being made for division by agreement. This the 21st day of September. 1918. J. T. GREEN. &-27-2t" Spring Hope, R. JJ. Ask J. A, TURNER to show you the pow disability policy. 7-26-tf For Sale. * c..r, cood eondi J. S. HOWELL, For Salt I. nil lili lil III I n iiiilii liitillil ,C u.-i h street. .u.r.: - I.M-: possession. tv n IM-Ksnx. at First National Bank. Lost or Stolen. One Mack and tan male hound with j white streak in face and one white male hound with bushy tall both boe.: gone several months. Also one white and brown female been gone about throe weeks uurt ono light blue male ?m "?in -j ? " ??? 6"? ?10 fcr any infermaton tlrat enables me fo Mad either one of t hem. W.H.ALLEX; 9-13tf Louisburg, N\.C 2?3 PERUNA f Gave Relief so Writes me Entirely.Jree from Catarrh of the Stomach "Peruna has "positively done for . e 7 v." ??ny dtx tom failed to J;?* * Jiaye been time and again compelled to take to my bed for da* a. The first bottle of Peruna lili i?1?.*"? wh?* 1 always It In the house for emer'r encie?, I renallUr mynrlf entirely free from catarrh of the atoiuarh. fJrrH V?"1 wh,Ch I suf JhlJ r/medy " 6 b"'""c taklnK IJqnld or Tablet Form Sold Kvfrnrhfrf A?*t Your Dealer n *!'?. ?- v?nBuf<-n. Engineer. G. Rkfldi. ?fich. Hlehland St., Grand Stationery . The biggest stock eTer brongght to I.onlsbnrg (or a store. Come til look It over. Oar prices can be relied oil to sell It. We bare all kinds and colors, noreltles and designs to salt all de sires and occasions. The Rycock Drug Company Louisburg, N.'C. , ?* We carry in connection Kodac Supplies. APPLER ? ~ RUST PROOF FERTILIZER McKinne Bros. Co. Inc. ("Satisfaction Or Your Money Back V Louisburg, N. C. '

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