THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. 1'. JOil> M).\, t.ililor tuid Mauager ?. J. 1LU.1C Assistant Manager Uue 1 ear il.iO LHjUl ilui.uis l.W Sjjw .uunliit* . iii luu .UVUlilA ... . . fcailvt'cd Ul llic i'uai Olllce Ul LoUlS bui'b, -N. v-.. us second iia.?s tujtler. A ^rrri; 'ni iw.ii * U i Otuc. lOlUii lo a-, l v a w v 4;.?^. t . iU Silwtii., ? ? v u* v.. .. ? v. ? v . :.:iiy a? in SCI.. . : i-..- ? v v ^lit lUe ...... ... , .. , : Iff urgent. ? A I.-1 .... .1.'; r.jr ...c i'.oteut emergency for, a. li.o.-t- ..1 liVl'U I? ..kv I'vrfl i.j>i cii.i. v.v auman rv.;;^? living the lile o setvan: ci liLva. l-.j .....llu- z>.. The Lieu i rus.-. t>e<.-tu:ig as alway*. to "tarry On" us mission oi in?ivy. oilers tts he.p in this time o; stress and there Miould be the heartiest co operation v itii this e:un en.!;e part ot lho people ihrougnout t.?e county. Wherever tnere are neeuy cases, those {U community who can help gaoi'.ld communicate with ?the pearesi local Branch of the Ked cross and it ilit? situation in any community becomes too serious for the Local Branch to lianoic* the Central committee at Louis burg should te caile.t u^ou. These pooph are our people ana they must be tu.-von care of. We understand each Local Branch lias leen directed as to what to do in chariiy cases, that none w'.io ueed the M-rviccs of the Red C res? may be overlooked. Sltri.T iT A. Kea/ney inform;* u< thai on i'rMay oi laj; week 1U* Sia'Jv cotij.?'tc MtLtLiir.-.j Wit:, a'.l rands in a * iv; oaiiC'vii-jn. Til? i? a:* lev. . . i.u :? U ? ?t t t i ?v\j]^ OL t..e '?'tu:, v liould Ve produ of. Ti.* s-.-tle me ji t- iep r'riTii :o t co 1 cv.rd k i C cxuri:-*. ii."?. k> ut.d '..t. "rv boot.i.;r.*.va u'-'e.' io a.n. icr coile. ?tio-i. 1* . ru .iorcc1. on tlye street* tlia; uy n i ^ j.'i v.- ?ji v. jao.l'sicwrb ouv # . ovr IV-?d i o.: o ? c~.t-S*t?s sti j li i. ?-. - v .V? sv.l io; j ??? ?. .? 'I pu;it. ?i f - \ .i.'-e*-.' ^?> doubt *??- '?*'?*' c:n:rely ?iu cere. . ji Ie-*i a w.r.a'.ioa irom the ;; : -A l p.aiui* ? . .... ment> oi' 1 .*.v and tii* practices hertioiu c. Ti;* public would look up IJll !l .'! ?' I" '? ' !!??>!? P I-..I !'. ??!. ?I..1.1 _cap? v-' 1 v ? nr.-i had been >o cui as to have . drI'm 11.em ~^r-?ore takini: uv.^y U.ui.j'/.ir.-. The i'.!t->!ioniTa? b-ien rui=c?i i' Counl} * ? DiDii^loner* have a ri^h: to pay th~ nK-mbe:\i of the * inane* Com mittee per di'ia a:.d iiiiUa/c. that t'? i* composed > ti' n ?? .r > m ? recify :.:-.fl l.uve beon properly ;niorm ~GQ. Ttrr?nti l'~y -he .1::! j-?- a;:'! pe: dit m ? ? hf Attorney. Yi'ii not to them selves. Ti e act i- c?.v. r?-d by tue sail."- vction thai fr.r'old. TaftPing am< n*; i i?ni>?-ivi - of any boi.rd 11ns p'iMfc ;und.-:. MSpi?r.;sh I niluen/a'*?-Thre? -l?uy *. '.T* K!u." Wr.r.t i < Sppr^-n iti'lutn? soxne>'an^ new? hoc- it C'?, Spain? T ?'?' ? .!&?.a. !i'?w **?.? jrrii - in ''.?is country end calkd Sj.anis.i iTit.iu-r.-1 za" rif-iriibU's a very < ontaijjou kind' ?)f ' *???!r otber; parrs 01 tbe body, and a feellr.:' of se-; ver? ?irkne-s.* In ino-t o! ?h?* tho >yniot ?m- diAappe.ti* afrer thr*v; ] or four di'y*. tbe patient fien rapidly j recovr-rln?: soni?-* 'M the j>atienf.<. bow ever. develop pneumonia, or inflam mation of tl:e ?jr. or tn'-ninicitis. and many of tlie>e t oinpli* aied f ast s die Whether tbls so-called Spanish' in- ? fluenza is Ulentic-.l with '.h*? epi'P.-mies of eurlKr y?*ars ir nor y<-t known. Kpiriomirs of inf.u?*nza have visit-d this country ?in< e 1M7. It is intere^t-i ing to know that this first epidemic was brought here from Valencia. Spain.' Sim ?* thai tit.if tbere have br? n < timer ous epidemi?;.s of the diseas<* In lhss and 1 >?!??> ;:n epidemi? of inMueriza. Htartir.r; somewhere in th'- Orient, aprcad first to Itussia anri thence over practi -ally the entire civilized world Tl;r??e years Inter t' er?- was another flanr?-up of the disease. l!oti? tin:?'.< the epidemic spread widely over th?* United Stated. Although .the pre.s on t epidemic 'is called "Spanisii Influenza." ?here is no reason to btlieve that it originat(Kl in Spain. Some writers wUo have .st :dfec of or.'in.-ry vol : thv general symptoms iCevcr. pain, de-1 predion.) arc by i?,? mean-.; a-* severe or ;?> sudden in their onset a they are I in. intliA-nz*.. Pival'v. ordinary cold-* j di? nvt t*-: rer.d t'lc community >?0 ! ;.oV!v *>:? . \* n. iwly as d?v :i*7laei;..a. to 100 to 104. ? ? /ni car.". a r .!{.?. r.tV Moo l nr.y ? .. ' ' for 5 ?, h.'s been. t'ouuiL. .; disease the number o? . c .?'_?< shvv-. lit:!,' or no . y above tl.o normi*. It W nos-J . "iiat th.' '?'.bor;*.: ry inw ** Iga t ions ?? V" ?>'*in? made tarouc-i .Va^onal | iv *o:trch t\rjaei! and tV United j Ti; c:eniv Laboratory will furnish "h' ?r *v co *tiiir way is- vhii-n i:\V.vid: .?* i ? ? of this disease rav. lie recognized. "What is the course of the disease?.p *>o people die of i* ' Ordinarily. the fever la>ts from thr^e to four days and t lie ? patient \ recover*. But while t'ae proportion of d-ail. s in the presentepidemic has u*nerally been low. in some places | ti e outbreak has been severe and I have Veer, numerous. When ?*. at': occurs it usually the result of I a coaspleati on. i 'Vhat causes the disease ;.nd how [? . I: spread? r>acierielcj?*ts who h. ve sf.o.iod i::-1 'ue'ica epidemics in the past have i iv.r.d in may cases a very >mall rod ..p i i.\rm call* I. after :ts Jiscov-, ? r. PiVlf.e/'s bacillus. In other ca**.s ;; ?i?:.r? ntly the wnio Unci of v'.is3j-7e ; ? v.tre found pn. an.oeocci. tie i'-.-fM 'if lobar pa vcioni.?. S ili others i- ? been cau. ed by ^trvptoco? ci. a:.d .em- with Ione r.cme?. NY r.:a:?-r a hat particular kind of '???"m caase< the ovitemu ;t is nov 1 -?e l -la; Intl.ier.z.i i: rh-ays -ptv^r iuirtt. person. t..e fejrii.s >c i .* .? :rr.e.i wit., the Ur along vir \ t iy tv. 1.11 mo.Oi n.u.'us. e\ ?? ilr.r or <.n. tfciv : v.i t ?- .j.. .?. ai.u t .iv iiric ??v one 'A !.c ? .' ?? -a ? cevi.' I f ? :? ;? v.; y b c..vr..V, .? ? ::i . > i i t .. f t ..i y. ? ti v. ? . v i 'i\ ? :.m- ??? : : . . t 1 ! .* ;i" 1 "i.ior . aa il.? ->a'? a * erson ?ha-* ?" mill af'.t:'? of ?? *-?i?fa-e him-.-If r.oiy vive ;i ve:y Wl.nt sh .'.ibi be? ?ione by those **v'ab ? r. beorae- -ik will: i:.ri on:... . : T.-, ..fv.w- .,n*:e and 'ao ?.? be.1.. This will h*?lp ?"?. vp av. av dr.:. jc r jv. '.cations ?v..; vili. ar tV.o ?-areo. flr".*r. kv ;-p frMsi ' : :V i t -I '? i- ' itthl tt- i< ?? m-", ii-'i n*~ ~tt? r.f?: ilii?Liiiii a 11 / r: \-r i - - : nap-vr nnpYlii; r.*?d .1 '.rue .. \.\ t/ ?? / r' .:?r-.'? "> f ; " f? ligl" i" Oniy su< h m-. ! ia-/ ihotlld I '; '.':ve?! us i . pn- '-rib?-?! tl.Jt.-.r. i * i.. ; >rii ;1 r :? \ r.i. r. pr'.-'-rib- : r*i ? y be dan ? t a V: 4,- t?ie -o-c.iti' patent rnedi< ine manufactur ers. If t.if- pri'knt i* s.) situated ihat he i r;.ii i>e a'tnly by pom o one who! mu-t al-o look a'tfef other? in t'?.?: fanti ily. i*. j.; that sueh utiendai." wer. r a Vr"^,; r. apron or irown tii'r ordinary hoi^o frlitl.?* whJU in t -i'k roofcs. an*' >j>ap??r r?-- | ports Hi?- Kins: of Spain suffer?"! ajj at ' t?" k ??f influ? nxa during t!ie ? pl?l? mi?-J thirty years a??o. unrl was asr.iin stri?! ? en riuriiiK th" recent ou'breaV i:: j Spain. ?tinw f;in one guard nraln^t ini'v-ij-1 2a? In guarding against disease of all jk'nd* it is Important that t Is#? b?j?lv )?'? ? j'.ept strong an - ahk to light off di? e:iHe Reran. Tl-i i can he done by hav i ir.g a proper proportion of work, play and rest, by keeping the body well ? c'.otfce*!. -imd by eating sufficient, wholesome. ^in. i s'u road 11:j tow lines on the hoa\y x\iii t o i aeor. Come t.? s^o her! . ' ' ? ?? Iso" iyV:i and pr-.-- ?1 ? ..i - % .v v in ??*.'? /.'Ji oostavy. . ' ' l?v.\ lv oilic. .?? ? "io hr.i t ; ? ? ? .* i \ > i v mad, \:u .vi lli five tie 1 ^ -i-ii' nago lively iu ? . ? : .'i* ' ;? atiid mother c?'U-'.i::cil ('.?? lit :? weei:, and a wbnl fr !?-*;* : ?? rod li^s iuea.U r.ioi- ;?< .n ...; :i * ';?u ii. u than a jj? v' re;inu:t oi' o:u?&vs i'rom higher' up. Lola. \.k? iwvlve-y ear-old sister, adored lier orenly, as did Lola's girJ friends, who met after school every day for'Peggy to instruct in knitting. JThe officering Pegg}* did. on receipt of Captain Pearsons* letter, consisted of disposing of the family for the day, beginning with Philip and Charles, and had gone on down the line until no one was left hut her mother and father and herself. Captain Pearson was to stop to dinner, and Susan was to achieve the most delectable meal Peggy's busy brain could plan. In short, the program was to be as follows: Morning, house cleaned up, flowers arranged in bowls everywhere, best linen and silver hunted up, porches cleaned and everything in or dfr. Afternoon?The boys to go fishing after school and to Aunt Mary's for supper and to stay ull night; Lola and the club to go to Mabel Brown's and Loia to stop for dinner and all night, ae -Mabel had f-o oi'ten coaxed. Foggy plrnned to put on her new T?port suit of army blue jersey and with her own little oar sparkling el. an was to take the captain for a ride ?mt| to BowliLJT Rocks t" see the view, ?09! at the dni. ,.nd lntrcCuoo him ;o a' few friends, .lien I ring him Uoiut t.i a quiet. cLlkiniu c .i.dle-lit dinner for four.I'e in her new pink dross; .a wl, ;l.?'dc;i^;?M'-?l evening alone on lu* nu" Lilt ver^nia (there was a n;*;ou, IV;-gy found irom the cakn ...r a whole j work nhead), an 1 r!;? 11?IV .Tgy r . ver j tri.'d t.i -1..I *: :i i i tir.t. Cu.?" ~l .. i l?*l : !: U- Cl dice and m? n g ng ait ag'cy." * | It ruined, and it rained ,.:vl rained and 'ruined. The flowers would be: ruinej. th'e tulips had h?-cn almost | riiitilv. -iijViVi iiiiViViii. Yif, fM T,;i Bowling Rocks was. imp:.ssabie now,"i even with a whole day's sua, and the boys ?go ll^li?1?. Mother j woul In't let them when it damp, j After a sleepless night IV-'gy was, up ai'sts: To lie:' sjip. i.-i. hei1 mother i was stirring in the hail. I'eggy opened | her ?octor floytt ;t. iw+, but I O-i' k . h./U be all rigli: in a day or two." "A day or two! lJut, iuT.""aer. Cap tain Pearson's coming t?? dinner and there's s?. much to b-- done today." "Im sorry, dear, but v%v can't help *lt. I'm almost too tlrid to brei.k fa?t." * ? Peggy's face char.zed Instantly. "Don't you worry, raomsy. dc^r. I'll get breakfast. You telcph o.e for the doctor. then go and 11c dov::. Til get the kiddies off to so??l." After^ that there wj.s n? rest for Peggy. *" The rain k?pt up m/1 Su-an got worse. The doctor < :ime ^ and stayed, ar. d IVilr.v had t?? ?? every where at or;???ill tl.?; kit'-heli one mlnure. filling hot<;- littles thei next. tiaswering the ti l.-].h??ne, mak-1 In? beds, washing dish?*.?. getting! luneh, and a hundred otfi?r things. Lunch over, the hoys h."l 10 be warned to .come straight h'<:::o from! FCluKil, for i* was ill?? k:r.'! of 'lay when mother ??orr?e 1 uhotjt t - m. And, as the Hrowns lived t o far : .ny. Lola was told to corn?? home al> ? Lola forgot alx>ut the co::^.:?ny and! at four o'rlo? k th?? entire '?:u:'*lng rlub walked In. The buys had h-ought a few extra spirits along t? n. Never was there such a h?*us'fni. Peggy by this time had acVpted the inevitable, changed to a blur* linen dress with white collar ?nd '? iff'- find apron, and diclded t' inaUc the o. ?t of It. She was out sweepitjg ?o won't wipe their feet, and they in turn have a dozen or two friends who won't wipe theirs. But just come In and see what 1 have ou my hamls today^ u combination day nursery and a hos pital. I'm two kinds of nurse?' "Lucky people!" said the captain, warmly holding her hand. "Also I'm not sure that you're go ing to gci any dinner. If Susan s! ops, I can rook It. It' not, I can't. ^i >:her has developed ueuraiglu, so tl:e fam ily muy have to eat craclu and cheese in the pantry." "But I cuu't stay anyway," >r.ia^lhe , captain. "I Just came to tell you 1 I can't conic?that Is, not till Thursday. I'm on my way to New York on l?u.? j as he loll, Thursday it didn't rain. fct>\ ;* better and able to k the del ciacio i i!h-al, TJ.e boys w? a to Aunt Mary's, ! Lota to M-ibel Brown'?. The re-"' ;?* ! Bowling 11 ?cits was gi--?. t'u* car :?"? i iVcr.*: n l lVvuy ii.-ver 4.rviu%r. X uul. i,n the gurltli, ; and the l.<-u>e wonderful':* ; sweet an.I attractive. The moon was lull now, and tl.. | veranda that night a failylaud of lac*. j work shadow/. Delicious scents can:d bo i f.?r !li?t:i?eives and i>r otl." v. to ch .i ?* v'iv.- that their , first Instinct i>. to do scmcrhing?any- j thing?if '?::!>? the distress can be! chock?"!. Th'^y refuse to llsren ro the ' message. n:ri 4hlnk r.plv rf hushing it. If wo adopt the view that poin is a 1MHMH].' '?! III!. I. I! I . HUM snge. we Alter rvr whole afjTjide to-j wnrtl it. Tw? S*:trn to listen patiently "nnfl loT.r" !..!!? V'WrT wtsnly. Hut wo ^ must reraor.iber that there Is pain that can and mu-t !??> borne, and pain that canrot and should not be r>orn<\ In certain kitni? of afd'lont. such as extensive burn? or lac^ration*, the phy sician always give* th*? ^neediest tem porary relief thr.t Is In his power and then removes the s:iff*Ter to a place ' where* h. ? can gi.e_him proper care. In giir-h r^q thf. ,-,11 f. ? il.. ??>... |.l.lnn needi*. or for some other anodyne, is a perf--.H4y iogl'tfmHf ono.?Rut th^re are certain kinds of Intense pain that ought not to be immediately masked i wl.h an an'vlyne. bccause It Is very j uoot ssary that the physician should be j abb- to lRf?rp' their mossnges In his diagnosis. Sometimes, as, for ex- 1 r./nplo. when there Is urgent need of | an ??peroti?D. quieting the patient with j morphia? might moan that when the | eff?Ti of the drug hail worn ofT and the ' pain began to rail attention again to | the diseased condition It would be too I lato to save the patient. | Mirny of the p:i!ns wo suffer are row. | r?.r?l pains. We know very w.-?H that a | II"' co-.trape would give us relief. but w * are so much afraid of the dentist's chair or of tho surgeon's lance or prohr I tbrt 'Vf t-mporize from day to day and j so endure a great deal^of unnecessary suffering. I*nln is n good sorvont and a bad | Tna?t-'T. Wo should learn to he?*d Its i niof-fage and then dismiss It ns quickly j ns possible. Win n it Is of tho chronic tvpn and cannot be dismissed, wo should always consult a trained physl- ! clnn. lie v. ,11 dp his host to render It ^ bearable nnd ho will savp us from add- , Ing the blunders and penalties of self- ' dosing to our troubles.-^-Youth's Com panion, Changes In Hudson Bay. i The trappers nnd others employed by tho llud.-i-n Ri?y company. have no ticed that where do?*p water was to he fotfnd in the bay heretofore It Is be coming so *hallotc vt f, -c.r.c ;.nd | . .. ' ~ O- ? Ci-.v"~r ~.'oavy E.'-io'l Hero "jo -yar r."."?.I'-'on '? vM$a-rr -\ "-kcciH?.: ya''.- J * ? V.'liit*; :Tr.f."~" impair ! "}?' 1 ^ 1? 'j p rc <-cs r:c r: ~s. 98c Skirt V7jk.-, $1.23 P?<:t