CONSTIPATION A>4 Sour Stomach Catued This Lady Much Suffering. Black Draught Relieved. Meadorsville, Ky.?Mre. Pearl Pat* rick, of this place, writes: "I was ??ry constipated. I had sour stomach and was so uncomfortable. I went to the doctor, lie pave me some pills. They weakened me and seemed to tear un mv ,1 k-. iji p ll|njp~7arc:s it scTjei J was mart constipated than Vfcre. I Xeard of Rfcu k-Draught tnd d> elded to try it. I found it what I needed. It was rtn ciFy laxV.ivo, :.rd not bad to sw.illr.v. J'v <5!?:v?;!t?n foon Improved. I not v. of :N? ?vr stom ach, my bow;-!? a Ft.::ed, no more $?r!p!r.;:. d 1 would take a . dose now a:.J s, and was la ffoo<3 shape. i cannot say too ciuch '.-7 Blsck^ Draught for ft is the fir.?.; Ia?:-?!ve : une can u?.\" ? Thedford's niack-Prausht hr.s for i many years bt:found tf pre at valua , In the treataentcf stomach. liver and J bowel troubles. Easy to take, gent!? i .and reliable in its octioc, leaving nc } bad after-effects, it his w-r>a fhe praise ? of thousands cf people wtc have used ! It . . NC-135 J. O. NE WELL. }1. 1?. LouUbur.:, N. i Offices uexi uuor tu White M-aIji'.v | ill be at Louistur*: regularly. Day Phone *29 ? Night Fhcne | 1*3. W. B. SOltTOr Ere Specialist Office la Hotel Bui'.Jiug Louiaburs. North Carolina S. ATWOOD NEWELL Attoraej-At-Lnw. i~eul?burg Frankiinton OSces over Aycoci: Drug Co. General Practice PK. ARTHUR HYNES FLElTOfi Surgeo*i Dentist Loulebarg, North Carolina 0*ce over P. S & K. K. Allen'? Store. I) 1L H. G. PEliKY Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina *?" Next Door to Aycook Drug Co Phone ronnectloa? 287. BK. J. E. MALONE. Loulsburg, North Carolina ??ce In Aycock Drug Stora. Market Street. Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DR. D. T. SMITHW1C1L Deitlst Uiiikiri, 5. C. Office In the First Natlonai Bank Building on Main and Nash Sta W. M. PERSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina Practice In all courts. Office on Main Street M. F. HOCCIL ?finrftfiftfrrniB Miii.rninwB Trading amenta for all kinds of Mil dine supplies, artistic Mantles and VUea, Architectural designa sub E. B. Whit? E. H. WHITE ft MALOTTE LAW Y ER8 Loulsburg. North Carolina general practice, settlement of e? tatea hinds lnvestod. One member of tea firm always In ihe offlce. ?Tliua W. Hufflu WM. H. & THOS. W. RfFFIN Atlornejs-at-Law Lonlpbore. : North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim-1 Inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun-1 ties. Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. DK. J. B. DA TIS Physician and hnrgeon Lonisbnrg, Jf. C. rormerly interne St. Agnes Hospital Office next door to Durrell Davi? Blacksmith Shop Phone Connections 64. IIB. T. I?. HEXDERSO>', o/ Henderson, X. C. Will be In LOUISBURG cvory FIRST and THIRD Monday of cach month at the otfioo of Dr. Herbert Perry from 10:00 to 1:00 o'clock. Practfce limited to the KYE, EAR, XOSK and THROAT. ST KO ALL BROS. Barbers I^nlsbursr, 5. C, We htfre purchased the shop former ly occupied by Oscar Stegall and will ran same at the same stand, Zollie Wllkins will be with us, and satisfac tion and cleanliness shall be our mot to. Plenty of hot running water ?^d dean towels. FIRE IH8URANCB. Wfeca yon waul Insurance take 11 wKk T. W. WATSON. He knowi brvr. 7-11-41. Ortv#*! Tutsi??? chill Tptii? m vitolky and energy by purlfyte* ??d eo Mtte Modi You oen sooo feel Its Streojth L l>vl*oratk?r Eflteer Price etc. Admiral Saved Engineer. A striking feature of the naval side of the fcnar is the number of retlrv<J British admirals who have returned to the navy, bringing with them ful^_ vigor and the quick determination? of the service. On June 10 of the present year, when an explosion took place on u m?tor launch. Admiral James Sta'rtln. whi? held the rank of admiral. retired. Immediately proceeded alongside and. learning that the engineer was below In the fiercely burning engine room, climbed-down the hatch without the j.;mi ' i:.. ,1 - brave tV 1 Kin*; Oeorce It:"? approved ?lie jixv::r?i ? .!s?? Albert hu ' i! to Ad itiir.-.: Start in. Avl?torn in Italy. From !':e 1 !5an fr ?::? v ? ,?re tr.-vy Atr.eri v ..r. r-vi.itors -re : ? ?%rv:i * Comes :??!? :? ? : ?" rljht. . . :* '.?tvj :. a little s\ r ? laxati.,:>.- ? : ? v.* -e : ? i. ? there. M;.r y . ; or *. OVtT.'.: - ???In" . . .r.z Sr gnm.l o;?? .ti. of t';-* ~T ~T bo: ? nl*o : ? ? ? ! r ?:<* especially v. :-?s :i r.'-i ? ? ? : WOUM rr.'tle :n? ;.y ? r tlrr.e r>t?* from S YV ? ? Melody ?n IV ? v ? se* ??? -1 :it*?????(t n sncrJIej ? * i 1'lr.j :" V?e f- r e!i ? CT ~g Aca:r?t T' l l the c.:: -;. pr ? ? - Mlr>dne*s !r ? ?'f"y year? frvn u< "? Vsi*. 1 ; will be s s For Indirection. Con5!ip&t*on or Biliousness Just try ? no 5'Weac N it.o LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A L..;u:a Digestive p!ea?ant i*. take I!avie and recv mmended ;o the pi'.v.cby F j ris Medi cine ^..manufacturers of Laxative Promo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. If you want life insurance ^ee J. A. " TURNER. Tr26-tf. 1 WOMEN PRAISE STELLA-VITAE We wantevery afflicted woman to try at least one bottle of Stella-Vltae oil our plain, open piarantee to return the money paid for it if it docs not beuelit. If you doubt our wo id that it will relieve the distressing uches, pains and misery peculiar to the diseased of wo men, read the testimony of these women who have tried it ami are trhid to tell Pt hv T S v/1 J > IM IK i I t 11 r" Jl:.A ^ lIi0 is t it. t whieh any true woman feels in heIvitiji to relic\ et e: ?: fiennqs of other women. Voiicant?. iovotheni. Mr?. J. I'. I .e. M;<!o:'.d, Ga., h \1 fema'e ivmp! ' 1 r ;?*. Three bot Uesei' JSr 'M v-Vv . tv.:c4 her, she sa..\ ,::ni i ? ^ fiinly iliartk f'.'.l i?xr t! .?? f. : ionic." Mr". I*:'.":'! ?: l-V. f, J ^v, Tex., on }:.?*?' Vk; ] .. ' * >TKLLA-V I C \V. i ; . -c v. "1v., ?say looiirv.i iVr . ?.v ?*.. iioixie. I had IaV:i VriV v-.'V ty/'Ieiuc* for !vo y;?;.' ^ t iu*. ;* k ?! r "i<. I am : "'y j f.-r t -? t- klla-V'. r *:? ! no v.:-." . . ly With. - ?rr . . A.: , v ?*-> terrible >::t ?Vre: " ? . a > v. .?: r- ?and only V ? .-vt \\u . *v.eans! ' ?: . . . - : * . : T pains ffcre e :lvr husba:. i . ? vjv. : *? ivind. rih.* . ? -tv.eed her m * ! ?. - * *. ? . ' ' ?. . vn. She i.d . ? ?. . ??.??! her spell*.. ;' v..:- . w-:ly hartu ! ?; . ::!y alleviates j ; . . 1 : b'lilils up kct ? a s<*!? -rappetite, ai-J< *?. ? :i. i, ii'.s L> r nerves and dears ?: It improves her per* appearaiue. .\:i dealers soil Stella-Vitae, and are jtuori..eJ to return the money rs'J for the lirst bottle if it Joes not beneli* i ok sai ?: ::v SCOGGIN DRUG STORE iNst'KAXo:: Ste J. L. Palmer. ! .-r. _ - .. jod condi- i J > ?i O WELL. 10?l-t f Do You Think There is No Competition? If anyone thinks there is no competition amongst the big packers he ought to go through a day's work with Swift & Company. Let him begin at the pens when the livestock comes in; let baa try to bay a nice buncl^of fat steers quietly and at*his own price without some body's bidding against him. Let him realize the scrupulous care taken at the ptatft that not one thing is tost or wast ?d in order thS^costa may be held to-a minimum. Let hint go up into the office where market reports are coming in,?and aeports of what othar concerns are doing. La* him watch the director of the Swift Refrig erator fiaet, maneuvering it over the face of ,the country like a fleet of battleships at sea. . Let him take a trip with a Swift Ar Company sateaman and try to sell a few orders of meat. Lot htm stay at a branch bouae for an hour or two-end see the retail meat dealers drw-e their bergaina to the fast penny as they shop around among the packers' branch houses, the wholesale dealers, and the local pecking plants. And then, when the day is over, let him have half an hour in the accounting department, where be cart see for himself on what small profits the business is done. (Less than 4 cents oo each dollar of sale*) If ha still thlhks there is no cotnpetHkai in the meat business it will be becauae be wants to t ho* so. Swift & Company, U. S. A. J. DEITZ& COMPANY t $ ' i** *3 ^*-*?>m# .<r~-.-i:? ?? ??"i,;os$ / ^?;,a ' If !^j y jfVf/i %/ kfcti. * . : ?' J. vj-# \S> Mi Vr^ <;.w?>- d T/ ft ?' ? ^"Tj R.:. ;<?,-* i^ *<1 i ~. ^ is stili s - ing on a:?d "cviu continue f o evory man, woman and child -jaay get some of tiies0 o^coption al bargains. ^xtra Specials C'iiildivii's K lac k 25c ll.if ?. Men's 25c Hosv pail- . Ladies' 25c Hoso, pair .... Pearl Buttons- card Men's and Keys' 30c C?i #? Men'? Hat?. $1.00 Men's 25c Suspenders Men's 50c Neckwear CuIT Links. 25c value i.adies' "White Heiii.-iitclicil Handkerchiefs, .... Dross Pins, [iev packa;*?', .. f)0e Bureau Scarfs, 2oe Talcum Powder, < an Canvass Gloves, p< r pair . . Spool Cotton, spool lion's 23c Bolts, C?r.-sol Covers Men's, Women and Children's Underwear. Boys' Fleeced Ribbed Union Suits *,*>. 39o Men's $1.25 Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers ? ?iy m ? ? ? 69c Boys' Heavy Fleece,i Shirt? and Drawers .... .?>.re.. ....75c todies' Fleeced Ribbed 59c Union Suits .... .89c Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed 76c Shirts and Drawers ..... ....>.390 Girls Ribbed $1.26 Union Salt b ..... ... ... l t in-ii. -...? ? .756 Olrls' Extra Heavy Fleece 75o Shirts an,. Drawers ? ? W ,>? ? ? S ? 29o MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING All-Wool Blue Serge Suits, $18 today's value to go at . .$11.98 Men's Suits, $11 to $12.50 values, in sale at $6.85 Men's $16.50 Suits, High Grade, merchant tailoring . .. .$11.25 Men's Suits, values $9 and $10.00 $5.80 Men's Overcoats. $11.90 .nnd *10 40 t. Cfi Qa, .men's uress Shirts,,choice dollar value . .? ? ..59c The very best "Work Shirts, the strongest $1.25 kind 98c Boys' 75c Sweaters. ,_35c Boys'35c Blouses, - ?3c Men's $1.00 PreBK Gloves 49c? Men's 15c Garters, per pair 9c $5.00 Boys' Soitg-ef-Blue--Serge .77". 777 .... $3.98 $4.00 Boys' Snits *. $2.98 $6.00 Blue Serge Suits, the new Norfolk $3.95 Boys' Pants. 85c Value ' 48c Juvenile Suits, worth $3.00, now ... ^.. ., .. -v-rr. $1.98 Finr't Suit* made, lii^li grade worsteds, $/.h)U value,. .. .$4.68 DRESS GOODS FOR THE LADIES. Good Sheeting, 25c value, per yard l?1/^ 50c Mattress Ticking, per yard 25c Turkish Towels, each .. 15c 25c Apr<<5 Gingham, per yard I .... 1?V2 25c Outing Flannel, per yard 18c 35c Dress Gingham, per yard 21c Wool Serge, 75c value, per yard 49c 25c Curtain Scrim per yard 14V? New Fall 1917 Dress Goods, value 58c to $1.00 yard . . 59 and 23c "De Lux" Hats for Boys ? .25c Men's $1.50 Sweaters -75c Our lines of Coats, Suits, Shirtwaists, Skirts, Millinery and Sweaters are complete and are being sold at bargain prices. Come in and see our lines. I. J. DEITZ & COMP'Y Louisburg, North Carolina * "The House That Always Sells It Cheaper*

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