MANY CHANGES IN FOOD RULES NEW CONSERVATION PROGRAM ANNOUNCED BY MR. HOOVER. GREATER LATIITUDE IS GIVEN TO HOUSEWIVES All Allied Nations Will be on Sns.s In the Use or Wheat Products. Ready Mixed .Flour to be Manufactured?List of Cereal Substitutes Reduced to jfig irtriftnnmif, u The now food.conservation program Just announced by I"nr.od Sta:05 Food Admlnstraior Herbert Hoover is as follows: The recent careful survey by the Food Administrators of the United States. Frame. England and Ttaiy of the food resources of the.. 220.000.000 people fighting against Germany shows that to maintain enough sup plies and necessary reserve against disaster...there must be maintained in ill counties a conservation of -wheat flour during the coming year. It has been agreed that the wheat bread of the Allies shall contain 20 per cent of other grains than wheat, ar.d it Is only just that we should bear .our share in this saving, and our bread should be at least universal with those who are suffering more greatly from the war than ourselves. Distribution and transportation cir cumstances in the United States ren der It necessary to rely very largely on voluntary action in our homes to enforce this mixture. The Victory bread so made is wholesome, and there is no diffciu'.ty in preparation. We desre to emphasize the fact that the mixture outlined below are for wheat bread and the saving of wheat flour, but they are not intended to displace the largo use of corn bread. We must use the mixture with wheat flours in addition to our normal con sumption of corn bread. New Rules Promulgated. For this purpose, regulations are formulated below, effective Sepember 1, providing: (1) For the preparation and marke* Ing by the manufacturing and distrib uting trades of the country of a mixed flour complying with th? international policy which will be available for pur chase by the household. (2) In regulations covering the car?' where straight wheat flour 's soil by| retailers that at the same time 20 per cent of other cereal flours must be sold coincidonta'ly. (8) Repirlng 'bat all bakers* I bread shall contain 30 per cen*, of: other cereals. The Food Administration rellea u> on the householders of the country to J mix at leaet SO per eect of subs'iUite aeri-als into the wheat flour at home for all usea. Com meal for use In cern breed rhovid be p-irchnssd sepa rate'# f"om conV.^ation sal^s. Herdy-Mlxed Ffou* ffor $t?e Vic tory Mixed Ftour. It.!? deeire* t*> lnsnre a auop1* rf ready-nlxcd fknrs on *.he rivkat \n4 to bt"6 mD!o-? a~d do*! r> c' ii' fctu ?a h ? ???.'I si."? of this &-ur, ->o iLat th* courtry rr.\f r\p ?a mixed! floor bss's without the iWT?1 MlupiSU ?? 'P'!'"!' tlon sales of ftcjr ru:d wb?llta?rs. A13 such mixed flour? *r*.3le 'C'r lr- t**1 ?Uu-followInr should be ! bf I- * "!c tory Mixed Flour" and are to t* l.-bel ed with the ingredients in order of their proportion. The flours so mix ed must be milled in accordance with the standards of the United States Food Administration. No mixed flours (except pancake flours) shall be made or manufactured except In the exact proportions as outlined below: Mixed wheat and barley flour shall " be in the pruporJon of four pent 18 wheat flour to one pound barley flour. Mixed wheat and corn flour shall contain the proportion of four pounds wheat flour te one pound com flour. Mixed wheat, barley and corn flour shall contain the proportions of eight pounds wheat flour to one pound bar ley and one pound corn flour. i Mixed wheat and rye flour shall con ! tain the proportion of three pounds > "wheat flour and not lesa than two i pounds rye flour. j Whole wheat, entire wheat or gra J ham flour or meal shay^ contain at ;least 95 per cent of^tffeirheat berry. ' All the above Victory mixed flours may be sold without substitutes, but i at no greater price from the miller. I wholesaler or retaij dea*^r tfcan In the ^"fcaae of standard wheat flo*j. Retail Sale of Standard Wheat Flour. | The new regulations supersede the i 50-50 rule. The retail dealer selling 1 standard wheat flour Is required to ? carry In stock either barley flour, corn i meal or corn flour, end with every f sale of wheat flour must sell a combl I nation of some one o- more of these j tn the proportion of one pound sub latltute to each four pounds of wheat | llour. No deaier may force any other j substitutes In combination upon the j consumer, and theee substitutes must [conform to the standard fixed by the ITTnlted States Food Administration, i There are some localities where oth 1 sr substitutes are available and which ; retailers may wiah to carry In order i to meet this situation. The following i flour may also be sold tn such combi nation In lieu of the above flours If 1 the consumer so demands at the ratio ?of one pound to each four pounds I wheat flour; kafTtr flour, milo flour, ; feterlta flour and meals, rice flour, oat flour, peanut flour, bean flour, ! potato flour, sweet potato floor, and | buckwheat flour. Pure rye flour or meal may be sold 'as a substitute, but must be eoM in ! proportion of at least two pounds of ' rye with three pounds wheat flour. The foregoing rules apply to til loss modified by special announce ment of the Federal Food Administra tor of the State whore the tuill is lo cated. acting with the approval of the Zor.e Committee. Revisions of Prevous Rules. The previous rules limiting licenses, millers. wholesaler*, and retailers ar.d bakers to thirty days supply of flour will be changed to permit a sixty days supply. The rules limiting tales by retail ers of whe.T Sour to one-eighth of a barrel in cities and a quarter barrel in sparsely settled uistrlcts are roclnded. The rule limiting: the sale of flour by" millers to wholesalers, or wholesaler? to retailers, in combination wth sub stitutes or cert I flea t es therefor, and. the rules restricting the sale to TO per cent of previous sales are rescinded. Manufacturers of alimentary pastes and wheat breakfast food? are limit ed to their normal consumption of wheat or wheat flour with the under stating that they are not to unduly expend their ordinary consumption of wheat. Rules prohibiting the starting of new plants ready for operation prior to July 1. 191S. are rescinded. Where millers sell drectly to con sumers they shall obey same regula tions as retail dealers. PROFITEERS HAVE NO PLACE IN BUSINESS State Food Administrator Henry A. Page Issues Ultimatum?Some Con cerns Have Been Blacklisted Al ready. The attention of the Food Adminis tration has been called to extensivs profiteering In mill feeds and some other products by some North Caro lina merchants. The complaints have been so wide-spread that State Food Administrator Page has Instructed Courty Food Admnistrators and the eigh* inspectors In tke fidld cot only to investigate and report any violah tions of the margins allowed bu* where North Carolina dealers were apparently getting orJy a fair margin and yet were selling at a too-high level at price, to report tbe ? tunes of the mill* or dealers from whom the Dill feeds were er'-gUiaHy purchased Mill feeds should be reaching the con sumers of North Carolina at n?t mor? thin HO t"> $45 per ton:* even whet* freight is add- d and tJ.e State rood \d irjJstra'or i* d3te,*^'n^ 'hat prof tc?-in * In tills i*i:lii"t murt -.eftse. N' r h C r- i* i i beenj 3 :*i rl it!r t a ??. ,y '?>* F'-cd a r*. ; minora: ion r.ti n' p-of! t ' per!:icr after \IW Ve drf *:!ca!lt| "?i i mm -u.i. . ... Wff m mu' ?acMUt orders i^je-1 agan^t a nam * r c' yir*h Carolna merchants x - ^r. ? *h*.-e are J. L. Thompson Com. one of the largest concerns at Dunn." who had rj.arged margins of 4C meat, lard compound, flour and mo lasses: and the United Cash Stor? Company af Marshville which had dis regarded Food Administration rules and regulations In a number of in stances. The McLaughlin Company at Raeford was allowed to contribute <1.800 U> llitf Rod Cjuss and utiarH.1^" in lieu of having a blacklist order Is sued against them. A number ol other dealers have been blacklisted and a larger number have boon al lowed to make a' contribution to the Red Cross in lieu of being put out of business. "T! e profiteer has no place in busi ness at a time like this," dcelared Mr. Page to a correspondent. "Profiteer ing and disregard of Food Adminis tration rules and regulations will no! i be'tolerated in North Cajpllpa. Offer? of large donations to the Red Cross are not going to be considered where exorbitant profiteering or wilful dis regard of Food Administration rules and regulations are shown. ** MERCHANT8 TO CURTAIL" DELIVERY SERVICE Thp following announcement wae is sued to the merchant* of the State by State Food Administrator Page in the Official Bulletin for September 1: i "As the great war progresses, the demand for labor become? greater and greater N on-essential labor is being gradually eliminated and less eseen tall labor Is being greatly curtailed Delivery service by retail groceries ts classed as less essential labor. It Is recognized that some delivery service is necessary, but tt la very clear that the labor used In the delivery service by the retail dealers of th'S country could be curtailed 50 per cent without working any hardship upon any con sumer or any dealer. Bhch a curtail* meet in delivery service will release for productive work tens of thousands of men and youths. "In vkew of this situation, mer chants are requested to begin Imme diately an adjustment of their busi ness, so that by Sept Amber 15 they wfH b^ able to oonftne thetr detiverlse to oae delivery per day to eacft sec tion or com m unity they serve. In every Instance where tt ts possfMs. the labor used in such delivery ser vtof Md be reduced, some of the mi aad boys eoca?ed being r? lined Cot other work." ^ v Slanders, Walkers, "fiets-lt" for Corns World Hai Never Known Its EqotL "What will Ret rid of my cornf* The answer has been made by mil lions?there's only one corn-remover that you can bank on, thut's abso lutely certain, that makes any corn C o m-Palo U Eued-th? Corn I? Doomed I on earth peel right oft like a banana skin?and that's maple "Gets-It." Tight shoes and dancing: even when you have a corn need not disturb you if you apply a few drops of "Gets-It on the corn or callus. You want a corn-peeler, not a corn- ? fooler. You don't have to fool with | corns?you peel them right ofT with ' your fingers by using "Gets-It." ( Cutting: makes corns crow and bleed. Why use Irritating salves or make a bundle of your toe with tape or bandages? Why putter and etill have the corn? use "Gets-It" ?your corn-pain is over, the corn is a "goner" sure ns the sun rises. "Gets-It." the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but n trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence A Co., Chicago. 111. Sold in Lonlsburg and recommended us the world's best corn remedy by V R. Pleasants. (i. M. BEAM, Physician and Surgeon. Wood, N. C. Office? at Wood Drue C v If you have any farms for sale that you wish to subdivide see J. A. TUR NER at once as our fall dating9 are filling up fast. 7-26-tf Lost or Stolen. One black and tan male hound with white streak in face and one white male hound with bushy tall both been gone several months. Also one white and brown female been gone about three weeks and one light blue male bovind with black ears. Will give give S'.O for any infonnaton that enables me ?o find either one of them. W.H.ALLEN, 9-13tf Loulsburg, N. C IF YOUR HEAD ACHCS YOUR EYES ACHE YOUR EYES TIRE YOUR EYES WATER YOUR EYES SQUINT It Is A -Case?For Glasses LIVERY STABLES MOVED I herewith ann: le to my customer* and al> .hers wlsh Ing the services < i first class livery stable, that ? jate moved m j business from the stables on Sash Street to accommoda tion at the rear of my residence on Main Street, where I will be blad to serve yon at all tines with the best personal service. J. C. Tucker Louiiburgr N. C. The Bfst Tobacco Market In The State Is cKy ' iviioyn AND The Farmers Mutual Is the Best; Warehouse We have two good judges of tobacco running our sale with plenty of nerve a,n^. c&pitai 10 back their judgment and see that the farmer always gets the highest market prices. Our Auctioneer has no equal. Give us a trial with your next load and we will make a cus tomer of you. 0000 000000 W. T. CLEMENT, MatlSSgCTS Jim Yarboro AUCTIONEER