Now Is the Time for That OUR splendid assortment, of Winter models is still complete. The range of style and patterns, however, is being reduced considerably, day by day. Therefore, prompt action is advisable if you want to make a selection from our showing of the famous HIGH ART Ma-.'.e by strouse & Brothers. Inc., I'.alilmo: e. lid. The desirable features of their style and tailoring. They are tailored as expertly as custom cloth ing of much higer price, and they will give ycu as much satisfaction in service Wa can't begin to tell ycu of the many becoming models, weaves and color combinations we have show y?t:. To sen them is to wait one. So we say again?by all means see them NOW. Prices $15 to ? ar v. f ver or* Newspa per Syndicate.) At " :T.O"Marilyn f^vLed she closed ? " ? ? Tf v ? ? .. .r ' " \r- rks . Kncr i'.f:*.*r th? F ne ! ?: : . :? : :y ? r x\ ? e*** ^Wug'.. i-;., *^r *I;o v.:.:- u?t i to doins that. Wlien cne !...s L.ade ur>~her m?ml to l^ok ft!'.< r h :v. ? -tl:er i.* cf.ll. ??* s'.ij is gli'. ? Z the ?i;anc- ? c.rr .? extra. Hut s=r!l! t r.u; f ?; ? . v r r.k g te waijt t!u >L?? h .irled '>!? 1h?* . * I- I.. 1 v'vr-ii !.lT ?t at*? v5M?... ?* ?er*o!f: 1???*?re *h<- al ways iftofTcd ut i'??- oibcr tri. Is" p.'eov. cupotion with clolacs, but_ now she knew. thoufl.t twice Ox the waist had it not been for the manager's new secretary, whose genial vigor and clever, hand some face had interested Marilyn as she never dreamed a young i?an could Interest her. Yet he had said little to the shy, pretty little girl who did not know how to ''carry on" with him as did the other girls. Only she fancied he spoke with an added respect when ever he addressed her. No -wonder-Maiilyn smiled when a laughing voice presently intfrrupted her thoughts. "Miss Day, I'm going to see you home, If I may have the pleas ure." "Of course you may. 1*11 be ready In just a moment." For a moment Marilyn forgot her re cent perplexity. Mr. Everest was go ing to see her home! What would the other girls say when they heapd? And she tucked the stra? curls under her plain Ifttle black hat. It would be ex travagant, but she wanted to look pret ty more than ever. She was too excited to see the ad miration in Bob Everest's eyea when he came over to her desk, and all be said as they reached the door was "I guess the moon ft waiting for us." "It In a beautiful night," she mur mured as they gazed up at the moon shimmering on the cold walls of the buildings. ^'It will be so much nicer when we get out of this bare business section,** -she enld presently. "I hate It here?one can hardly breathe, not hut what I like the work," lie added. But she did not hear him. What would he say when he saw where nhe lived? All the glow faded from her face. "I really enn't let yon come any far ther," she be^un lately; "it's only a little way," and then she stopped, for they were Just crossing Into one of .those beautiful old streets with stately rtone-fronts that aeem full of that mel f^v-grace of old Boston. She sav i,.;.v >ii .?'in '.c" words, but to i\r::.- r.. !???:.i troubled and uivor..:*'. ? '.e. "Tu ?rp'.n Just to b?loL? here," be ans'.wrc, nlstful'y. For a jnocnent M r i'.yu ? u?ht up to on9 of t !^se era tic doors ;;nd bUKIu? hl'i*. ? ??<' . : h\ but si.** blushed hotly m .i .? t of -bani. S*'." v r. embarrass? .1 ;tr*d .-.c' ra ed :Lu* uid not see hI? relief v '..en :hoy t- Il:r t> r.s r.r ! br.rV.r.s houses. Willi ?}.. ^"vlf; tra*.??'.*o characteristic o? the ?rv .? ti:;, y vrt re-e? .:i.r.}.* a dis:;;.;!, er v. '. I, run-down sect!- n. A "proa: iur;.p r >6 in Marl'yn*s threat as :4.e b# kt J ;ur* t.'vol ?' i-.T tl.e h .:;'?-- ti.e fa^e b? side her. Fvr the ru ^m'er.t she could see the place v\r-iv with sach toil she had marie tholr homo of which she was so proud, through hi? eyes, used to big, hand some houses. When t Ley turned Into the dark, nar ~fOw street, at tne en 1 or wncn stood the tiny, wektluT-bea?. .n little box of a house, , she could stand the agony no longer. She h.;d made him think her a cultured, fastidious lady?what would he think now? "You've come far enough,'* hrr voice shook, but she far?? Lira bravely. "Be sides, I doa't think you'd ever want to?" She could not finish, but by the sudden Jump of the arm In hers she know he at last understood. The nlpht air grew hot and stifling while she waited. "Do you really care?* His voice was shaking with Joy. For a moment he stared in her bewildered face. "Marilyn, I thought you lived up there, far out of the reach of a poor chap like me. So I didn't tell you I'm really on my own way home Just a lit tle farther on." The warmth in his voice sent the blood hot through Ma rilyn's cold veins. But all she could say ?oun?led for the moment stupidly irrelevant. "In two years my brother will be through college." "In two years my college debts will all be paid."? He-paused. "Will you ?r "Take a house on B? street IT she laughed happily. When half an hour later Merilyn hnndod her pay envelope unbroken to her mother the latter looked at her In quiringly. "But how about the wnlst, dearT* For a moment Marilyn paused?she had forgotten all about It. "I don't believe I need If, mother, dear. I Just thought I did.** Neighbor? the Sign. ? iTorjr?Is your daughter Improving In her piano practice? Zinc?I think ao. Some of tlw neigh bors nod to me again. . . ..If'von want 11(6 Insurance Bee J. A. TURNER. , 7-26-tf. Tor Rent. A four room house on Newport road close to the old Hence Hazelwdod hou e. for rent Apply to J. LEHMAN, 10-:'5locor '.rili. oil rMonday il.e 4ih 'la*-' of November, l l- her won !u?- i?f 1- M and i o'clock P. M.. offer for sale to tlve i hinder fcr cas'i ;.t ' .e Court House door in Louisburg, North Car olina, a certain tract of lar.d lying and being situate In Dunn's Town ship.?Franklin?rMlv.jy.infr the |lands of J. O. Eunn. Sarah K Wea thers and others, and being the dis tributive share of the late Elizabeth J. White, in the estate of Duncan Bunn. late of Franklin County, con taining 23 acres more or less. This 2n(i day of October 1918. 10-4-4t G. W. WHITE. Com. Ask J. A. TURNER to show you the new disability policy. 7-26-tf. Harness, Bicycles, Automobile Tires Our line of the above goods In complete and cheap. See them. Harness, Bicycle and Auto mobile tiro* repaired quick ly by an expert. We make a specialty o! re pairing men's, ladle* and chll drena fine shoe?. Our Mr. Elkln? in an expert. In this work. EVERYTHING AT LAST TEAR'S PRICES. Six bicycle? for sale at a bargain, some are almost new. ours to serre. LOU5 iBURG REPAIR SHOP J. ehman, Prop'r. tot i, North Cwollm* Now is the Time to Sla? Stili Sidss of Your You can do so by trading at F. W. Wheless' and F. W. Wheless Dry Goods Co., where you can always buy the best for the least money. If you make your purchases at F- W. Wheless and F. W- Wheless' Dry Goods Co., you always get the best at the right price. Do not wait to do your buying, be one of the lucky ones, while you can gfet what you want. It is useless for us to try to mention all the articles we have to offer, all we ask is for you to come and see the many things you can buy. We are receiv ing daily new suits Coat and Coat Suits. Be sure to look over the many good things we have to offer. > ?, F. W. Wheless Dry Goods Co., F. W. WHELESS , j p HINES LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA ' * '