THE FRAJtfKLDT TIMES A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager O. J. HALE, Assistant Manager Our T fur ll.oO rUht 1.00 vi* MnrH?* 73 ' ??h r .M Entered al t lie Post Office at Louis I urg. N. i'.. as se< ond class matter. DEMOCRATIC EXE( TTIVE COM mjtteik TO MEET The following call for a meeting of tl?? Democratic Executive Committee has been issued: By order of E. H. Malone. Chairman of t lie Democratic Executive Commit tee for'Franklin County. 1 hereby call a meeting of said committee to meet at the Court House at Louisburg, N. I l\. on Saturday. October 2t>, 191.S, at 1- o\lock M. ? new time) for the pur post* of arranging the necessary plans and work incident to the coming elec tion. It ursoi/iy requested and abso lutely that at lor.-t one re;irc>\-:iti.::v,? o;' c;uU towns:.ip com mi:t-.c present und an invitation to each ir.or.iber of eaili committee i? extended v attend. Therefore each rhatrtiiiin i* exisvf.ed to le present and i "i::z with .SJm ;i> many of hi;* mer..! * :\-hip possible and. if for ttn> reast r. l.v cannot attend. he is esp.H'.^ ly u-ko i *. > ?ee ' some member r.f hi* committee does attend, as this will be a very important meeting. Keeling sure that you \\ .1 ft 1 not* in tlii- i.i.' ?m ritneyt.' ad wiil; best wi sires tor the future of .the Demo cratic Tarty, l hope to remain Yours repectfully. A F JOHNSON*. - . secretary. This be!t:sr r.h?? last n:vtt.:ig before the i4?cf.iou it 5? earnv^t'y desired that all members he pre>*m. as mas ters c?f importan? e will h* expected to come ht-^re the v?< .*;?? X?? tli?- Voters of Franklin c ounty. Colonel Theodora Rosevelt. then a candidate for Governor of the State of New York, ju>t at the close of the Spanish-American War. said. "Remember that whether you will or not. your votes this year will he viewV t d by the nations of Europe from one standpoint only: A refusal to sustain the President this year will, in their eyes, be read, as a refusal to sustain the war and to sustain the efforts 01 our Peace Commission to secure ttw? fruits of war. It will give hear: to ' our defeated antagoists." It is more important now than in , lSi?S that our President be sustained because, while seemingly assured, th* ' victory over Germany and Prussian ism is not yet won. and to weaken the moral force of our President by voting against his party, will correspondingly weaken his influence as "Ths First Citizen of the World." American politics today are world politics as never before in history and a vote for ihe Party of the President th's year means a vote,of Coniidence for Wood row Wilson, ,the~ leader of that party. This is one year when men of all parties and creeds can "vote the Democratic Ticket without breaking faith with their party principles. It is also a time when to stay at home and refuse to vote will be a repudiation of the policies many of our finest boys ffluffllut'r ^"""" llir On account of the general Situation and especially the prevalence of In fluenza. there will be no Campaign of public gatherings this year, however every man ip Franklin County- who? can vote should go to the polls on No vember 5th and cast his Vote of Con fidence for the Party behind The Pres ident. I9MK} that ycu and every other man .vntifVd o Wo in duly regist'icd nnd ?rat on November 5th your vot* and bis \s duly d?,>ov)ted in the ballot box. The time will be turned back one hour on October 28th?Monday. Commissioners J. W. Winston and J. R. Earle requests us to state in their behalf that they voted against allow ing tne straight five per cen, commissions for ex-Sheriff, W. H.. Al len. and were only in favor of allowing him what the law states. , PERSONAL Gov. T. W. Bickett, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg Friday. Mr. J,' G. Wheless, of Nashville, was a visitor to Louisburg Wednesday. .Mr. W. F. Beasley returned Wednes day from a business trip to Baltimore. ! Mr. R. A. Harris, of Durham, is vis* | iting relatives \in and near Louisburg. Messrs L. P. and F. W. Hicks and J. E. Thomas went to Raleigh Wednes day. Yeoman W. D. Egcrton, of the U. S. NtfVy, Norfolk, is at home on a visit to his people. Mr. Clyde Bartholomew, of Camp Sevier, visited his people near here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Person, of Farm vllle, Va., visited her mother in Louis burg the past week. ? Mrs. O. J. Hale went to Raleigh to vlsft her lister, Miss Louise Thomas, who is ill with the "flu" this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Conway, of De Witt, N. Y., were in Louisburg the past week to attend the funeral of Mrs. ' Conway's mother. His meny friends here will be glai to learn that Mr. W. H. Ruff in* Jr., has stood a successful operation in Watt's Hospital, at Durham, where he was confined on account aC a.jninoi^ phys-. lu?f QfaaUilUy: MW i?arit, Wto,*he of the two Men seledletf frfirt thtfg. A. V: the ftlrtrsttf oGNortACaroj llna to take officers training at the United States MllK^ryv Hi West Point,but on account of the above trtftSble he could not pass the physical 'examination. Upon complete recovery ?wo aro informed Mr. Ruffln will leav* for the Field Artillery Officers Train ing Camp. . We carried the 1918 objectives? \ beet. meat, fat and sugar?and now we are settling down to u steady push all along the line. America must literally feed the world during the war and at the same time prepare to rebuild the world's food supplies when victory brings peace. America and the Allies have pooled food resources, and it is now up to every American to put more In the pool and take less out?no spillways are wanted. ' If peace comes quickly the food de mands upon America will be unpre cedented. In addition to our Allies we will have.the opportunely to save the live# of millions of women and chil dren and men in Roumania. Servis and Russia, who are destined to die by nervation this winter unless we do save them. \* i?> By < ommU* sii>U('| -i. The TV-1?! ??f County Comm ijLiion er * ha vine di'nojiitHn of sti ll? i.ij-rurv t i y *h?* offi. ?:!?, siovoiat" cd J. P. and tuy*.K a sale of the ?an*?c po??*file ard tarn the * r^rr<"d s the tr? asury .V';or try. !* z s?*ver i' junk dealer# and fr.iltrc t%? . ? i ?a?:??:?ctoty rrice for the copper * ?>* *a"r.?. '_a satisfactory price from a :: ??\aler. and to rahke '?leliv .-v rf t*' - ?. mo carrlcd two k<;!|]f to r". k. ;t i lefr LouUht.rc that af * ? l n T ad always undirv o.?d it t.? '>.? -lic duty, as i: cer: air.'/ has been r!.e ?u*tor.i. of the officer? capturing: >!'!!* to render the same useless at nnd 1 had no thought of fnding them in any other condition. I was :V-?r*for* surprised, whoft I.came to : i!! some in the car to take with nie tx> ?'*.i on.? ?*i!l in. whole and usable con ration! bu? as I had no means of cut ting it up then I carried ft to my heme v here :t was immediately* cut up and rendered useless. It so happened that ? hr.? not vet been convenient to send ?am? frcm my home to Henderson ana t',a two still? are s tillon my premises : nd I will he glad to have anyone de ?*:rin? to see them to call and inspect. '' era. There was never any intention >%v. my part or the Commissioners to ??*11 a still in whole condition and 1 Jeeply regret tKat any one in Franklin r.^infy would" even entertain the sus p'cion that the Board or myself would :hink of doing such a thing to add a few pennies to the County funds, even in an effort to economize the county finance?. But as the rumor has been circulated and published. It is my duty :o make this explanation in defense of both the Board of Commissioners and myself: and it would have been publish ?d sooner had I noted the editorial in time to get the explanation in the last ssue of the Times. R. L. STOKES. Node*. I Under and by virtue of ppwer of sale ? contained in a deed In trust executed j by I. H. Kearney & wife, and another, on Sept. 23. 1907, which is of record in (the office of the Regster of Deads o t Franklin County. N. C., in Book 166, p 350. default having been made in pay ment of the debt therein \ecured. and by order of the holder of the note there ,in secured, and by order of the Super ior Court of Franklin County. N. C., and on request of the holder of thai note therein secured. 1 shall sell fot ) | cash, by public auction, to the highest | bidder, in front of the Citizens Bank^^ mrm November. 1918. at eleven o'clock. A. M.. the following real estate described and conveyed in said trust deed as fol- ! lows: ? ^ f A certain tract of iand in Franklin I T*ounty. adjoining the lands of A. B. 1 Cork's estate. Norman I-ong's estate J and others, containing SO acres, more or less. and fully described by metes and bound* in a certain deed from Kllen Pearce to I. H. Kearney, record ed in Book I4?i. page 306, Franklin Ceunty registry, to which record ref erence had and the description tner? ia .**t?. ined made a part hereof. A >:t:i5n lot ?n th. town of Frank limon adjoining the lands of W. J. r ?" .? ? *:?! f lier-?. c*rtafning 2.14 acre i:nil "y ;!?.'? ?t*ho'! by m^tas andboi::id ?i :? deed from Mark Hazel wood .i"'! - v" 1. 11 K -' v*y. recoi.'.v.l iv. r * '? !"x. *upe F.rVhklin County r%ry. i.? ..! h record reference' is iT t M- iU'fvrintton therein con nv'U1 \ a part her-.'of. \ cert as ti !o* in tV of Frank* f linton ; d' ini?-r t!:e iands of S. S. But- \ ley. I. O. Staunton and W. W. Vass v.vA k ?>r::e!v described by metes ami bounds in a certain deed from Lewis Young to I. H. Kearney and B. F. Cook, recorded in Book 124, page 243, ( find in adeed from B. F. Cooke to I. H. Kearney, recorded in Book 135. page 22,"). Franklin County registry, to. which records reference Is had and the i description therein contained made I part hereof.* J A certain tract of land in Franklin j County bounded on the North by the ! lands of Mrs. Mary Reves.on the EUsl I by W. D. Spruill and Mrs. Pitchford, on the South by the lands of Susan Cottrell and4 on the West by the lands of Norris Beves and T. H. S. Mitchell, j containing 43 1-4 acres and being a I part of the Henry Sherrod land -which ; was conveyed to the salid O. D. Kearney 1 by X. T. Gatley. Admr.. by deed record | ed in Book 156, page 27, Franklin County registry. ? Franklinton. N. C.. Oct. 22. 1918. 10-25-5t For Sale. Odp home raised bay mare Cheap. Nine years old. Guaranteed to work anywhere. Reason for selling I don't expect to farm next year. C. H. HOLMES 10-25-18. EVEKXTHIS6 COSTS LESS AT "The House That Has the Goods." HibH i.hju?k schuol sfPPUK* \ r mucks which mean SATLV;.S ~ ' J i. (?old Band Plates ? ' *1.20 set Wide pencil tablets 5c each Ink Tablets 5 and 10c Pencils 5c Lead Pencils 2 for 5c Black Ink 5c bottle Mucilage 5? bottle White Paste " * 5c Bottle fountain Pen Ink 10c bottle Composition Books 5c each Spellings Pads 5c each Pencil Boxes . 10c each Patriotic Box Paper 85c box Extra Fine Box Paper 25c box Prlntln Outfits 15c each Index Memo Books 10c eaClf Gold Band Cops and Saucers $1.48 set I?ajr Books ? 10c each Unen Tablets ? 10c earffc Envelopes "* 5 and 10c package Pound Paper , 85c pound A leer Book* r- 2 for 25c Paper back Novels ?- ?i 10c each Box Paper In Colors r y 85c box Just a few Items In oar China Department. Pnre whl'e Cups and Saucers *1.25 per set Pure white Plates *1.00 per set .Pure White Jurs 85, 45, 48e each White Soup Plates ?Oc Set Blue Blrj Bowls _ 48c ea?h Gold Elowrred Caps and Saucers *1.48 set old Flowered P'atos $1 and >1.20 se| Bowls. Platters. Sonp Plates, Bakers and Hundreds of other Items at very low prices. JfOUISBURO, ? WATCH ODRWlirDOWSCar0lilla Wnen Advertised cr Seen Fisewhere Its Always Chef pest Here ? <r t - * n riAOTC 1. Avoid all elos.> vr.ntact. Do n<?i us?- .ommon cup!- ox- towels. 15. If you must eoujrli or smvze, it is yo"r pa triotic duty to hold a handkerchief over vonr mouth. 4 Keep your feet warm ami drv. Wo liavc been very fortunate in having fewer cases of the "flu" in Louisburg than any town so far, so why not come here to do your trading?"Wear a piece of camphor crura around your neck and come right on to T? Kline & Co's and we will see to tt that you get the right goods at the right prices. We are repeatedly urg< d to lielp our country and ourselves 5n this present crisis by CASH AND CARRY OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We have just received a sample line of the season's netvesf shapes and trimmings and will save you 35 to 50 per cent by buyine here. We trim your hat free of charge. Lovely Cretonne one fourth undei reg ular price. 36 inch wijje 75c quality . .. for 49c 50c quality .. . J.... .35c . SHEETING 40 inch sheeting j$ ........ v.. 29c ! ?ead^ ??O":4 or* Chldren's Rompers .. . vr. 39c 5 r Large Turkish Towels ... .23 and 25c Baby Kimonas good quality outing at 25c B?doir Caps trimmed with lace and rib bon 15 and 25c Children's Chambray aprons.. ..25c DON'T FORGET ABOUT OUR REM nants - . :

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