THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F JOHNSON, Editor and Manager 0. J. HALE AJglstuut Manager -TAR DROPb ?Cotton sold foi\ 29 ?.-4 centa a pound in I?oul?burgj?yest|9K<l*y. ?On- accoxrn cl Q pastweek^^iiBBrfl^Stwr" L^iho to oui; ?pW***?To^>urlat*?K*M ami rtu. con densed mucner 1q wUcb we have hau dled the news* ?The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. J. M. Revels in the death of his two children which oc curred on Monday from the "flu" and the serious Illness of his wife. ?Mrs. T. P. Strickland, of near Ray nor, died on Wednesday from pneu monia, In h^r 44th year. She leave? a husband and four children. Her re mit In.s were Interred at Rock Spring* church yesterday, the services being conducted by Rev., f. D. >@alllnB. Mm. BeiMa V. Bailey Dead. The lemaln* of Mrs.Bettle V. Bailey, who died at the State Hospital In Ral eigh on Thursday was brought to yard at the Ud home about seven miles south of town Sunday in the midst of a large number of friends and cglatlves She waa 64 years old and had been thrice matrried* first to Mr. Henry Mann, then to Mr. O. B. Wilder and later to Mr. W. A. Bailey. One daugh ter from her first union survives her Mrs. J. S. Conway, of DeWltt, N. Y. The funeral services were held from her home by ltev. T- Collins pastor AN APPEAL TO ALL PATRIOTIC CITIZENS To ths TeHr c? Ifcrth Ca_roI"WmT 1 The B53t lr -Ob tACCL ft < St ag pr fai ttf ^ recent history cf cur Ccihuii utlllk aaua ^p tov foav ?tlan Tuesday, Scvuabcr 5tfc. x On that doty eacS roter h? prlelleged io eaa t t ballot reed Log TOa ?IX SOUTHS SCHOOL T??2^ * TT>:? la no? a 0909^2aory ttLwdAna* la*., but bmm< simply that tlaa Comlltot 1 art ~o/ fr?rt& Carol 1 jca ?112 bar e after cwar&ntaa to k?np op**? th? ?okori cLxnt? for an 1 * ?lx--konths aohool t?r? in ?t?r^ nakaool dlate-tot fen ??? poorest as roll as In oar rietxsat. ?, Ufttalnoosly the Stat? Gonvantt-oos of both RspoblSoW STsd Dooooratlo port 1 Se vtdorocd Uils proposed aivwv!mnt to their platfoms. Hor Lax es not ha*? oerel; a large, bet ss nearly ae possible, s To all ths world, on Noveahoar $th, let tbe prm>4 isesuege be sent that not only haa oar Stats takes this eighty forvsrd s^ep, btft ?hat 1% hse Aeolartfd for It alsoaf as on s nan To eeery vot?r--Oeaocratl?, Republican, and Indapan<?nV opesfrlng In beiulf af on* ?0?011 lova for ow, bana Stats. 00- appeal. let as bar? 60 negative eetas on \ t Hi s grant forward aoMeast. If enf su in any oMHnltf ? amot sots for tfes muvm, 1st trla Jut pas9 tbe boa by Lat my astsr raw?bar to a?S *tm the *K9l 111 Hurras scu&J^ for ballot tm IPM to the poll?. lot Porth flMiUsa report no negatl^votes on aubb _ progrssekre aaatf rltall; lapor tarn, eduoet Isoal pol 1 oy? KsspeeUbUy sstiltMi* ? *?!???*. ?. C.. Ootsbcr M. -018. Resembles Old Fashioned Grip The symptomg of Span iih. i???mm tilu r.'ii similar to old fashioned grip ? pains throughout the body, extreme dizzi ness. alfiflpinMg rhniT| nigh fever, headache, disturbed digestion with running- at the nose and ?Tes and excessta) spit ting, showing arfnhflam znatlon and congestion of the mucous linings. Manifested by Catarrhal Condition ,.jriltl,ttifi.fliriti iUTTin. Toms or Influenza, It is well to consult your fam ily physician at once. It Is not the disease itself that Is to be feared so muvli ?o it ia tlid uumpli cations which may follow. To ward off Spanish Influenza or as an aid t$ returning health aTter an attack, nothing: ia any better than Dr. Hai> man's World Famous Po* runa. For Catarrh of Every Description Take PE-RU-NA The well known and direct action of Perona in restoring and maintaining a healthy condition of the mncous membranes through oat the body makes it the greatest disease preventing and health restoring remedy known to science. For fqrty-flve years Peruna has retained its title as a reliable safe-gnard to the health of the American family. EXPERIENCE OF USERS THE BEST HECOJTSEKDATION ANNA, OHIO. "I find Peruna ex cellent for Catarrh of the head. I keep Peruna and Manalln in the h erase all the time.** ? Mrs. A. Rankle, Box 86. ? NEWARK, N. J. "I have used Peruna for colds and grip. It will do all you claim and: more. My family always tiavo a bottle oil hand for stomach and bow? /trouble and colds."'?Geo. Clark. 1J* /Union Street Try Peruna First ? Tableto or Liquid ? Sold Evernrhai* The Call to Da Your Buying Early This Ye^r Is Lrgent-And We're Ready To Serve \ WRITE AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS - Once again the house of PauWJale-Greenwood brings t6 your attention that the holiday season is near, and that the Government urges all to do their buying as [early as possible in order to conserve every force of energy that we may win the war. Wt'rf icadv to help now with stocks more beautifilt than ever. Our catalog, too, will soon be ready, and if you thiiiK your name is not on our mailing list;?send it to fas at once.that you may receive ame promptly.^ *5^- ; PAUL-GAIE-GBC|NWOOP CO. tac. "Largest Jewelers South" Granby Street, Corner City Hall Ave. SPANISH INFLUENZA--WHAT IT IS . AND HOW IT SHOULD BE TREATED Nothing New?Simniy the Old G'ip, 'or la Grippe ? That Was Fniffomir nT IftHU.UL^T.r^ Tht>n It Came From Russia Dy Way of France and This Time by. Way of Spf Hi Go to Bed and Stay Quiet?Take a j Laxative?Eat Plenty of Nourlnh Ing Food? Keep Up Your Strength?Nature Is the Only "Cure." ALWAYS (ALL A DOCTOR Xo Occasion for Panic. I Spanish influenza. ?.~hich appeared In ?Spain in May, has all the appearances iO* grip or la grippe, which has swept !ovei the world ii. numerous epidemics 'as far back as history runs. Hippoc rates refers to an epidemic in 412 jB. ('. which is regarded by many to :have been inthn?ww>.?Kvfrry (enturv I has had it* attacks. Beginning with j 1831 this country has had five epidem ics the last in 1889-90. There is no occasion for panic?in fttienza itself has a very low percen tage of fatalities?not over one death out of every four hundred cases, ac cording to tlie N. C. Board of Health. The chief danger lies In complications arising, attacking principally, patients in a run down condition?those who don't go to bed soon enough, or those who get up too early. THE SYMPTOMS Grippe, or influenza as it* is now called, usually begins with a chiU followed by aching'); t'everiehnefs EnQ sometimes nausea and dizziness, ah d a general feeling of weakness and de-) presslou. The temperature is from 100 to 104, and the fever usually lasts from three to five days. The germs attack the mucuous membrane, or lin ing of the air passages?nose, throat and bronchial tubes?there 5s usually a hard cough, especially bad at night, often times a sore throat or tonsolitis and frequently all the appearances of a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT Go to bed at the first symptoms, not only for your own sake but to avoid spreading the disease to others?tako a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing food, remain perfectly quiet and dn't worry. Quinine aspii*:n or Dover's Powder, etc., may be administered by the physician's directions to relieve the aching. But there is no cure or specific for influenza?the disease must run Hts course. Nature hers^TT will throw off the attack if only yoaJteep up your strength. The chief <JJ?ger j lies in tha complications which may arise. Influenza so weakens the bodily {resistance that ttfere lp danger of pneumonia t>r and sometimes d:? ear. or hear r*a"*L it is ve y important ??at the patient lemafn n be ? until hi.s kt?iv gjh returns?stay in bed at least two days or more after the fever has left ttiil nr If Tfii] rrrr r"r Blfiy In bed four days or more, accord , i at mere ip aangor oi r bronchitis develcflfcig, s inflammation of liMid 1 art rtff'cttnna tor tpp?? ing tu the severity of the attuck. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS ! In order to stimulate the lining of the air passages to throw off the grip- | pe germs, to aid in loosening the phicgm and keeping the ajr passages 1 open, thus making the breathing eas-1 ier, Vick's Vaporub will be found ef fective Hot, wet towels should be ap plied over the throat, chest and back ^jveen tho shoulder blades to open thV pores. Then VapoRub should be rr.i>;>ed ? in over the parts untfil the skin is rid, spread 011 quickly and cover with twg thicknesses of hot flan nel cloths. Leave the clothing loo$e around the neck as the body liberates the ingredients in the form of vapors. These vapors, inhaled with each breath carry the medication directly to the parts aiTectel. At the sam? time, VapoRub is absorbed and stim ulates the skin, attracting tho blood to the surface and trus aids in lellev ing the congestion within. 1I0W TO AVOID THE DISEASE! Evidence seems to prove that this is a germ disease, spread principally ly hu:ii*;p cc;*'act, chiefly thru cough-1 ;lr. sneennv spitting. So avoid persons having colds which means avoiding crowds?common drinking cups, roller towels, eto. Keep up your bodily strength by plenty of exercise in the open air, and good food. Above all. keep free from colds, as colda irritate the lining of the air passages and render them much better breed ing places for tho germs. Use Vick*3 VapoRub at the very first sign of a cold, melt a little Va poRub in a spoon and inhale the vapors or better use VapoRub in a ben zoin steam kettle. If this is not avail able, Use an ordinary tea-kettle. Fill half full of boiling water, put in a half teaspoon of VapoRub from time to time?keep tho kettle just slowly boiling and inhale the steam arising. NOTE. Vick's VapoRub is the discov ery of a North Carolina druggist, who found how to combine, in salve form, Methol and Camphor with such vola tile oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme. Cu bebs. etc., so that when the salve is applied to the body heat, these lngre diets are liberated in the form of va pors. , VapoRub is comparatively new in New York State and New England and a few Western States where It Is Just nov/ being Introduced, but in the other section* of the*ooua<^y it is the stand ard home remedy Hn more than a mil lion homes for all forms cold troubles. Over six million jars were sold list year. It is particularly recommended for children's croup or colds, since tt externally applied without the sllght bad tin three sizes at all druggists. of the Baptist Church. She was Bap tist In lellKluu anil was much loved and admired ir lier community before her health failed her several years ago The funeral was very impressive and lar?ely attended. The pall fceareri v7cre Messrs G. C. Harris. H. *? Har ris. S. T. V ider, R. P. Taylor, (: T StckwS, H. E. Iivht. ?John N. Neal Wwnndf d "lil 1'rancf?? The casualty lists for Monday and Tuesday contained the names of John N. Neal, of Mapleville, wounded 4n action in France and John R. MedlJj, -of Harris tov.nship, ' a mining .n ac tion. This is eV.'dence of the Franklin County boys being in the thick of the fray. % For Sale. Full stock Hampshire pies, both sex Beauties. Ready to deliver. J. O. SLEDGQ, 10-25-lt R. 4, Louisburg. N\ C. ? For Sato. " One five passenger Dodge automobile and two 1918 model Ford toiiriug cars, pit In excellen condilon. J. W. MANN & CO. 10;?5-lt ? ioulsburg, N. C. CHRYSANTHEMUMS Scientifical.y Cultivated ASSORTED COLORS Ten per cent of sales will he do nated to the Red Cr?-?8 Fund. Mrs. Ernest Furgurson NOTICE ! The tax books has been placad in my hands by the Board of Commissioners for collection of taxes for 1918 with instructions to collect and I will thank all the payers of the County to come and get their receipt. 1 I will' have a collector at each voting precin9t in the County on Thursday, October 31, 1918. K A. KEARNEY, ?* Sheriff. T'4' Warning! lie caivful! Don 't expose yourself to any one who lias the "Flu." Don't coueli unless you use a hand kerchief. BUT?there is- a greater evil than the Influenza aeing us. If we fail to win this war a^inst the Hun it will he fiir worse for us. Public gathereings have been discontinued l'or a while, but this should not keep you from buying LIBERTY BONDS. <VT.- are taking subscriptions just the same as if tl.iore was a speaking in every school mid church in the county. Semi us your application. Bonds sold in $100, $500, or $1,000. denominations. Send 10 per cent with''appli cation. Balance mav be paid on instalments. If you have bought Bonds, then BUY MORE BONDS. ? * Wc wil'gladly give any information you may wish. anH do all the work in connection with your purchases. Yours to serve, " Farmers and Merchants Bank "Safest Foi Savings" Louisburg, No. Carolina i The time is lirort. Saturday the 19th is the last clav the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. Dr. HESS' UISINhtU ANI General Uses There la scarcely any place about the home where It cannot be advantagiously used. The danger of fcontagious diseases can be reduced to a mini mum by Its thorough use about the premises. It being a powerful dtodarlaer and germ destrtyer It should bo used freely on all articles used by patients afflicted with Infectious diseases. A : f -n.. itt'.H An unaqualod disinfectant for indoor and outdoor closets, cess pools, ewer pipes, drains, garbage cans and breeding places of nis qultoes. . ,, . . , L. P. HICKS ^:0n The Corner Louieburg, N. C.

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