Bun If you like, but try to keep your breath; WYrk like a man, but don't be worked to death. SOME SUMMER MEATS. HK portfthable meats that are not needed for shipping to our army and .alllos. sup ply a sufficient' varle i dion<?ii?iiy. Am ?Mg tjost' aro timuiir*, lien rt??. suvtvt*'rends. :? ? 1 f-n| :*.<od tfisicfnlly ,}. wh<'!t wvll r.inl Eu -'s Hcnrt With Veal Stuffing.? S. . :??? lu vrt ilir: ? Is- v. < ,..M wa ter ' m re '? ? v? ? i!: .?r r!-s sititl ::ll lii> *i.vrtl lixuo. o::o p'-:nd 01" r.vos.l, fls.'i'j'iHl Siiu', si qiv i r oL" a pound of salt pork chop jmi. i :v\ or tli o ?sitno amount of pork s: ? ? . four tab'.ospoont'u!# of broad criii.ii-*/a tablcspooufuLof onion Juice, J ono teaspoonful of salt. a quarter of a teaspoonful of popper, one egg slightly | btau-n and a few fresh mushroom*. If | tla > .ire pbtnlnab'.e. Mix all thc*e in-1 pi Honrs topinher and stuff the heart [ Wrap iu a cloth and sow It. Stand in ? a small saucepan with the point down. J coy ?t with boiling water and Just sim- i mor vory slowly for three hours, then remove the cloth and bake in a quick | oven one hour, basting every ten min-1 utes with a little sweet fat. Serve with a brown sauce, hot or cold. Heart Is very nice, sliced ind served cold. Smoked Beef's Tongue.?Wash and soak the tongue over njght. In th:* morn.nc put on to cook in a kettle of cold water, simmer gently for four! hours, or until, it is perfectly tender.' Add snore water if needed. Whoa the ? tongue is cold tvmove the sk!n. To I serve as a hot dl>h. place on a heated I platter well garnished with parsley to I cover the root en-!. What is left may i be sl'.-ed r.n?l heated in a well-seasoned ! sauce. using such flavors and condi-! men t s as one's taste requfres. Sheep's Kidneys en Brochette.?I Take ?lx she* p's kidneys. cut thronrh tf.i v : ? r. r m- ?7. ?* v. v re!n< ar.d fat. Wr.*Ii v.. I. -vvir :'.i wa:? r :.nd let ?tand i!'v n.inuvs. tlst-n j tri po ?:ry. Put a tf*?i:rth >?* a j^uad of ; bs:e?n In <V*-half the s:-o , f 'i\* k! ! r / r n i : ? f * then ? : . ? j. ;v o ? 1 k. y ??>! each v.vr. i'lace ??:? a br^er. bas:? wltli fat unti cools c*vr a hot fire five I mi::utis. p?!cs Cured in 6 to 14 Days D.-r V" *? ""f-D J money if PAZ O 0TN7MENT ."-iHa t , r I .?'n. D ird fr.ec:r Precedi??F-?. I 1 t-v . ??? .c!::ves tcchina n.n. acu : jc -ii h i ?v/liiUj. alter the fcrr: ap^tocatic- rrxcC.?i j MICK IE SAYS ? ? D J - \ \SaL-, j a i -rut fsu-css t. sco&f - ft.i-.-T Ti-15 1X1IN' / [?T" c^-: cuf Ri.*tis c>itJ5 R I ? ftOvW<VSWi ^-i?OtfciW?6 J ?3 iO VfcTTO A S.O C.fe>4T S?(s.CE ^ T be Quinine That Doet Not Aflect The Head Because of Ita tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing n^rvousneM cr rintini in the bead. E.W.GROVE S slfnature on box 50c* 666 cure^Chills and Fever. FIRE INSrKAHCE. Wren job want liiimr? take H with T. W. WATSON. He know* hew. "-11-rt. If you have any farms for sale that you wish to subdivide see J. A. TUR. G66 contains no alcohol, arsenic nor other poisonous drugs. INSURANCE See J. L. Palmer. For Sale... 20 horse power engine and boiler. 80 saw. D&nlel Pratt Oln, Improved Power Press Platform Scales Shafting Belts and Pulleys; Wood saw. t wm ' ell by the plcce o? all togeth?r foi CO per cent of Its cost. All as good as new. J. B. SMITH. Moulton, N. C. HW H , ?. 666 cores Malarial Fever. NER at once as our fall datlngs ar? filling up fast. 7-26-tf If you want life Insurance see J. A. TURNER. 7-26-tf. Ask J. A. TURNER to show you the ew disability policy. 7-26-tf. Qtoyc'? Taiteku cbltl Tonic / destroy t the malarial germs which ar? transmitted to the blood by the Malaria Moequlto. Prte? 00c. 666 cures by removing the cause. MORSES and MULES I still hu>e a nice lot c! Horse* ami Mulo> lor salo at reasonable prhes ?ti?! will make it to jour advantage to coaie in auu look h.-:u out. R v. FULLER '..('jisburg, S. C'. H. C. TAYLOR loos a c'as-s of buggy repairing '.hat i* above criticism. This is accvmplisl.ec by expert kuowieuge of the business and the use ct the right kind of high grade material. 1 can do. any job on your buggy whether large or small in a man ner that will please you. I make a specialty of putting Rubber Tiros on buggies. Only the highest grade used. I have for sale i!uggy. .WV.-on and Kor.d Cart shdfts. spokes, rim*, singletrees, bars, si eel tires carriage and tire bolts, fifth wheels, steel shaft ends etc. C cine and examine the quality of my goods. H. C. TAYLOR Horses and Mules .. We arc1 better prepared to serve you (low than ever before and invi^ you to . :-e iu ^r.vl s?r* ?ur aew drove of !.or *es ar.d mules. Perry & Pear c Youngsville, N. C. Si it Cases and Traveling Bags Is'esd a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? tntre is a moil enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we saved in the buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take_ a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these liner?;-xu c : raake a great saving. W. t White Furniture Corpany Louisbura, N. C New Shop, New Tools, New Man We have leased the Addie Perry old stables on South Main Street, had them remodeled and converted into one of the most fully equipped and modern Machine Shops in North Carolina. In our equipment will be found the latest mach ines for all work on the market including 24in x 16 foot and 15in x 8 foot South Bend Lathes, 42in Cannedy Ot to Radial Drill, 20 in. Upright Silver Manufacturing Co., Drill, 304 A. Oster Power Pipe and Bolt Machine, releasing die, Shapers and all other necessary tools, nnd dri!! hits from 64ths to 1 1-2 inches and complete !'??? "lcsn.itli shop. Our Mr. T. K. Allen, Manager for this concern, of tl.e b.'st and most careful machinists in North Carolina and will have personal supervision of all work. Airents for FRANKLIN AUTOMOBILE. Coy Machine Co. Phone No. 295-J ISBURG, : NORTH CAROLINA War Has Changed Everything The world war is receiving t lie attention of every body. It is-a time t'or saving ami sacrifice. Save, saw-, and save. Let us help you. We have a saving depart ment, as well as a eonnuercial department. We do all kinds o:' hanking, and do it right. AVJien selling your Jolvu-eo. bring us your money; we will hold it safe for you and have it when you want it. SERVICE AND SAFETY ASSURED YOU Miss Clara Young, J. M. Allor Acting Cashier President THE FARMERS NATIONAL" BANK L0U!SB122G, K. . The Year of Thrift This year marKs the anni versary of the establish ment of the first savings fca.j>R in the United States. - In commemoration of this centennial, banKers' organ izations are speeding up the thriit movement. Strangely enough, this ef fort comes at a time when national progress in com merce and industry depend on the people's power to save. No longer can Amertoa draw on the savings of the thrifty people of Europe for capital with which to de velop Its resource*. from now on the United States must produce Its own capital. An account tn a savings banK kvaure? national prograM and your own tnda pandanca. One Dollar Starts an Account! BUNN BANKING CO, Benj. B. SYKES, Cashier Bunn, N. C. Mr. R. L Huffines, Pres. Mr. Becj B. Sykes, Cash. Mr. C. P Harris, Vice Pres. Mise Louise Curtis, Asst. Cash.

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