ONLY $1.40 PEK YEAK IN ADVANCE AN ADVEBTISING MEDIUM THAT BEINGS EEbULTS A. P. Jo:,;,son, Editor and Manger. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION V Subscription 9\M P?r Tear, TOLUMK XLVII, ' . LOUIS1II RG. N. C, FRIDAY i in,.. ?um arossaccni??'*"*1-!*. jj*1'-'.'a I a-'1-'?+' u-VJ..VulP*- n j;in Nl'XBEIt 57 LETTERS PROM "wi'i'lf' rt? "\lCP*?' # llMiit ??in -../ijDt'i.%?v. v t3oin?: 'A'liere in France, J?i.ft._19, 1918 . My dear Sister:? ??? Soue.r. my friend, wants to wr'te lines. I can *ee yon guessing now. Petite Mademoiselle, frtneaise je t'.Gsiro pour flancia, pour retroune en /.nit riquc ppres la guerre.' Solflilts American takt mon poulets Je suis n France chcz Madame Des < amps a sains, et jo suis tres content ue partis demain, parce" que it ny a 1 as (le fiancee, it je desire une petite Mademoiselle "pour aller en A meri que a pri 8 la guerre. Our lidq. is in the rear of this lady's maison and she comes in real often and tries to talk. Its just all a jq^e. All these French people are just as polite and congenial as they can be and its such a pity we can't understand each other. At one town where we were billeted not long ago it happened thai we got there after dark and could n't do much picking and choosing. Cheatham scouted around and found a small-sized wagon body, under a shed and he. Reginald Alston and I soon made a home of it. In a few minutes the man to whom it belonged and his daughter came out to see what was Mpfrenfng. We thought sure.. th*> vore going to run us out so I com : -.ced thinking what to ?ay and fin : . managed to get rid of these worilc* ( e. unit. Mile understood and an s.. ? .1 "Oui'' and began pulling out fain, .occhinery making room for more o' Ui. Of course thi8 may seem like a sumII la/or but I think anybody that can be nice to soldiers arter having c?-. Mi:k- . -.?ith them for over four year ?c$riaJ'&ly must be above the average. We bev?* go in their homes to buy eggs and milk and they always treat us nicely I couldn't help from noticing a lit:le incident that happened not Vok? go. wf, went to a house to buy iH* Csgr, there were several women agoscd knitting (and probably talkiTTg the town news) they couldn't talk ?o U3 so they made their little a?; ct d a few stunts. i saw a-count tsg the other day. she \va* '.he first one I liacf ever seen, she was dressed in black as most of the wojnr;n are over here. Wish you could have seen the French people bowing and rcraping arouml her. I knew ? somebody" was in town. She surely lived in a pretty chatcau. It was buih of stone and all around it was ? i M i"n t a long, shady avenue running up to jt. .After the war I want to take some pictures of this beautiful country, for its impossible for mo to describe it. 9 Thats &o. did I ever tell you about King ("leprae*8!viewing our (X.mnanv? Only four companies were in the pa rade and we were in the number and ,of course felt very much honored. I never have been as clean in all my lite. lie looks just-like his picture, Miily ? lot older.?It mmn bo mighty nice to i;e a king or a countess, but I had sight rather seen Mr. "Pas" I'earce and heard him tell a few jokes. You remember how much liro. WilT.e and I used to enjoy being' with him. We re out of .the line for a little rest and you can bet I am enjoying it. Now the word rest in war doesn't mean the same as it does back home. Over here we drill for seven hours or dig trenches. Its mostly to relieve us of the strain of trench life and being under fire. Not that we are scared, but after a fellow loses sleep and {niss ea his rations (at timesJ for several weeks and these other things it be gins to tell. I sent some money home for Sidney Burnett about 3 days before he was killed and in making the exchange the Y. M. C. A. sec. failed to send 21 francs or $3.71. Ask papa to send his father, R. C. Burnett, Alert, N. C. check for same I sent $75.00 home a long time ago and $100.00 not many daya ago. Let me know about it whenever you get it My Liberty Bond for $60.00 has been paid and should be at home now. I have $10,00?.00 war risk In surance. All of that (not Including the insurance, for I hope the govern jb4B%&111 nerer have to pay that) and tfieTfe^ \debtg you r.ll have collected will h?ln wonderfully In paying for the Ball* /arm I wrote Bro. Geo. and m to buy for the twins, srer come from school yet. Tell EllZb< sth I'm going to write to lonfc. Lots of love. Your, devoted brother, A. W. MACON. 't forget the house party. Mr. Male Buck ha* Tell B112I fher before levoted br P. S. Doi Somewhere In France. 25th Augurt, 1918. My Dew rather: I am wiping that ttfta will And all aLJlfimVjKSlL I alivajV thinking of all At home. had a letter from Hunter]and LIUle H. tem days ryto. They wire enjoying the summer up the mountains. Daddy I ncreased my allotment > tew days ago 50 per cant. This making a total of 130.00 per month to be effective this month. Orady Is back from the front for a few" days jest, and la getting on fine. Yi iN FRANCE. -? "? -rt *< ? ?" .? *, . l' ,,rt ??( i*k ?< 11?'C.C. Well I believe* I am getting on Just ill: well as any one could be. I sure did think of home yesterday. When we boys had a good dinner. We hud fresh potatoes, young cabbage, diced pears, good breacl and good old ? oct milk and oli I don't know what :11 we did have. Of coursc we do not I'avo all of this every day but we have a pknty to eat at all times so it la not bad after all. I have gotten used to the customs ofKwr.r and evcrytihng moves along just as smooth as you could eve.r expect. We also get a good once a week. So the cooties don't p Hand a good chance with us while there is plenty of them here. You would be amused quite a bit in sbverai ways if you could be here with us. While all is going on very nice and smoothe, give my love to all and write soon. I haven't heard f|:om homo in ten days. Your losing son, JOSEPH. On active service with the Amer ican Expeditionary Force, September 222, 1018. Dear Mr. Johnson . We are a buncr of boys from Frank lin County who decided that maybe you would be interested in wliat wo have to say, aboutrwhat we know about the happenings "Somewhere in France." Of course this letter will not con tain as much ^ one we might write you later. We will take it for granted that you know we haven't seeii any any real service at the front yet. We are just getting our "oversea" training v.iiich will enable us to do our bit in licking the Germans proper. Tell nil our good Franklin County friends -o look out for us .wild cats of the Sl?f division. When we do Set up there for we are going over the ici). Wj don't know just when we will got there but wiien we do we will kc?p the Germans guessing all the time. The boys up there nov,* are almost astonishing the Whole world, making records such as the world has never known before. Taking in con \tern1 ion the length of time we have been prepjarlti? for this strusMc and ci course we don't expect to let them surpass us in anything. If we dHrt't heat them we wouldn't think we haB done cur part.- ar, much*{-.s they, have done. T^ll our Register oT Deeds *o be 'li/iiiiiijiiioiiijiiiii; mm and wewant him to be sure and have a big supply of licence on h^nd. also tpil the girls that they needn't worry about their sweethearts over" liere, be onw?e they don't see anything over liUi'e inai can come up to our girls brck home. We will have to admit that Franco has lots of pretty girls, ar.d a "better looking country than orrs. but don't Mean anything to we'nrr going bark liko mmn Since we have been on ?lita side and on the way over, we have seen lot3 of new things to us, but th?.t* makes us;\think all the morethat our good oHj United States of America is the grand*?t P'ace on the globe. I will sr.y right here in behalf of the U. S. soldiers in France. The people back home ought to write more often than they do. Perhaps yoif will say, "well. I have no relatives over there, there fore it Isn't neccssary for me to write," that may be true, but.y.,j r.iay have a friend, drop him a few lines cf encour agement some day when you are not busy, n wltl do him more good than hundreds of dollars when he gets back. , Just a little Joke on one of us boys. This morning as we sat up on a hill side planning this letter, all at once we heard an awful ndlse behind us, and looking around what should we see but a big "French Bull," coming towards us bellowing, at the same time T happened to notice a barbed wire fence between us and him and kept my seat, while the Sgt. had his (45) Colt, remained also, but you ought to h*re seen old O. O. S. pro down that hillside, as heavy a8 he Is. P. S. Thought I would have gotten a few words in above letter but didn't gpet back in time. Sgt. Hicks Ij some brave fellow. I always feel safe when with him. You should heve seen him a few days ago advancing on a neat of yellow Jackets. Believe lie gave all kinds of commands but the yellow boys continued to advance and poor Sgt. dropped his 46 and looked for a dug out. Now this is only half of the sior;.. .we'll tell the rest when we all get lr.uek. My friend Massey has a record too. but will leave It for next Ume. All of we boyjfc that don't speak French are always glad to ??at with old M. He knows it too well. When -^ 1on? ^ * Don't any of we boyg know what we say to tben^but gueas It is all ftght. Tftere are two more of our Franklin (Nuinty boyc. ft. H.lluiley and H. H. KeafVev, but m ?ktp ?H away at the present U^ne we will get them in next time. s. Must close. **e remain as ever, Youi* friends, .. ' PHILIP l< VAS8EY, GARLAND G. SAXDLIXG. RONDliL J. HICKS Bat. A.. 317 F. A. American E. F. Via N. Y. France. Sept. 10. litis. Dear Efflo: Your letter of Aug. 12th received and was very glad to herr u!l the news and learn that you all were Retting on so line and enjoying the liot weather Ivlsli that wc could get a little of it.' n cas been raining for four days and ii . regular autumn weather, you can't Imaging how unpopular a rainy day is until you get to living in s'aclter tents. . jT u?jvry to lr\rn thr.t t!:e meeting tlfd not accomplish so'inueh good as we hoped. ? 1 tif'nk the fault ..u:*t ho in the church members. They will never have' a good meeting until they get right. Stephen T. Is not - y Co., hut stay? with it while h!? Co., is in the front line and goes up wit'.i the rations. Ke is Supply Sgt., n.ul his duty is to get supplies and talce them up to his Co. I guess you havo been readl. ? f the big things that c bciaj pulled off over here, . We been having sorno greit times. Wo have made another move and are rbout 75 miles from where I was the last time I wrote you. We are back, taking a rest, can't even hear the b'g guns sljaot from h'jre, we cro about 25 miles ?o nearest point. 1 am clllete*.1 with the Town Mayor, on the furni which lias been In his family for 350 years; evAy building is brick. The dwelling is 3 stories, and has 50 rooms, he gave ?Uo l oom.! in !:ls ncu-o because we were Americans and let my Co. and C?.pt. Block's Co.. camp in hlr, grove, it is a l.eautiiul sight te vit iu the window an.i look out over the flower yard and thc- large grove which contain:*, about 40 acres with ever v tree in perfect lito and green grass a!l over it. We jp.v? nil the horses in one rrw. wagons i:. cr.e .*nd tents Jn other. Tic I'.?.s 7 colt- and li calves out in the r rove and lotj of chickens strolling around in the grass, this Is the ideal fan?; that vou want to live on. They ? out wagons twic^ each day to haul in the milk, they have milk maids horrc men. govorne: r' and all the cer \ ant:* you read about in novels around t!.o house, and just think they have turned over four of their best guest chambers and one sitting room on 2nd story to we 4 little American soldiers ? my rooAi is 20 by 24 hns two large v*n s".a.a ing with large comfortable lounge ani chairs and a slop bucket to spit In. -o you ;ee I can chew tobacco and ".h>v myself. The old man can speak IZngli'h so we can get on all right. he has water works in the house but still uses the brass candle sticks am candles- Wish you could spend one day here to see this beautiful country, know you would enjoy it. Tell Geneva if I get home and sit. down to her table she had better have a big dinner and if she fed mo onbls-. cuita ?be had better go to saving up our right .now for the. occasion for I haven't seen a biscuit sine? 1st day of last* May. I am sending you a clipping that-the 30th got credited with. It was tiio old 2jid and Urd X. C? thai .did the work, the other? waa in reserve and oidn'.t takt? any part, so you see 'he old Tar Hce!s aro still cn the job and living up to their reputation, the Com. Gen. wired our Gen. 011 this occasion congratulating t!ie brigade, so you seo we have rs'rnwi fi;is i!ttl? rest wo arc cotiing . Will v.r'te you a train in few days, wo arc one mile from a good town that has good shown. Will have t?> go over and tuV;e Theip in. Write ycsier-iay J.i ?that rtHpcfi !.*?: r .n.-cntfMl" for lUe op'Miug a v.vv.: .. . r. *r;ie general onl'ji: r. is that it!*:*o will !?e no partic ular ;?civ:i,,ce or. ?? lr.moti gradit but that all ?'od tobacco's xvtll be itifth. l!Ton hi ?? any tobacco stripped, keep It in coed shrpo until after tha eicvon th Pi:d it you haven't you can jsei. so^.e r-iady u* the warehouses w'.i opt:i en thai day. A Letter of Appreciation. We -publish below a letter oi appre ciation from the State Chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee to Mrs. W. E. White, County Chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Commit tee. for the excellent work done in the recent campaign: My dear Co-workers: ? Til" Kovvi :> Liberty Loan has been oversubscribed in the State and the Nation, and this is our pledge to our fighting men that we are in this war wth t,.em t> Jte end-and that nothing will be withheld by the American peo ple which can be furnished free for tlicir needs and comforts. As one of the large force of Libnrtj Loan worlitra in .North Carolina. T fi-ank yo'i 'or your efforts on behalf cf this Pond Issue. The plans of the women of the entire Statp were great ly hindered by the epidemic which over took us at a time when intensive work was most needed, but this is a matter ? ii\V'. ? /10 eo*-ircl over which we shall not worry. 1 Mf M'r m}] obligation i:nd a share of the credit belongs to uuv %?' man wl.o ir-n her part. When t'.-.c -i spend lavish sums in the as a method of vote-getting. Tim Ki-piiiii. ? 1 i'h t n rtn.1. llii.Hf their effort# in hope <>f ensuring. the 'fhird. Eighth and Tenth North Caro ....... .v!>iri/ii t-. The i?-" " ij -.?-??>: 't ?:r- lojlav-irp:rfrtiient? the cash sent some time ago. which wa* ? 11 to be $50,000. 'the lavish expenditure of money in N6rth Caro lina indicates that Kepubllcans have made a desperate resolve to carry the next House of Representatives at any cost and at every hazard. "Throughout the State the democ racy should take warning." said a dis tinguished Democrat today. "They should bestir themselves:?It will be recognized thai the Republicans will keep on sending money into the State. The facts are such as there should be a record Democratic vote. The Re publicans should learn that North Car olina votes are not for sale." I "The Republicang are emboldened In this moneyspending program because many thousand young men?most of them Democratic voters?have gone to France to do battle against the Hun," declared this prominent Democrat. Lint of Letters. I The following is a list of leaters re ! m fining in the post office at ISouieburg, N. C., not called for Nov. 1. 1918. I Mr. W. D. Bellamy, L. L. Loydr Miss |Pattie Perrv. W. *v Riggs. Miss Alice TJtley, Bill Williams, Miss Clara Wright I Persons calling for any of the above letters will please state that they saw them advertised R. H. DAVIS, P. M. r..:rnen-Phllathea Convention Post poned. On account of the epidemic of Span ish influenza the Franklin County Ba raca-Philathea Convention which is due to meet with the Methodist church at Franklinton. Nov. 2-3, will he post P The classes will be notified later aB to arrangements for the next moetr ing. C ard of Thanks. I w^sh to express my most sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends ai?d aeighbors who rendered 30 f any kindnesses and assistance during the recent illness and death of my wife WALTER C. HOLMES J? I TH O. (?'KEEN DEAD K* ti '.tonil Hrld ?t Hotne in Franklin Courfy -intor'Ncnt Mude nt rem vf-ry , in KrnnMlntoji?Other Frimklhitim Kranklinton. Oct. 27.??!.r. Josiph O. Cj-*. w?r.e of ,ounty'ff most v,\y *antia! mul highly respected cit izui*. /. od at home four miles eust of hove at "j o'cVuk this morning, after U n itfoiracteii illncr-s of more than a year. Mr. Green had acrnnnila'jid^R2 yico. fortune and for sovoral years had rase surrounded by a ti.niji:'. 'v'u s devo'lon was beautiful. rVi* a lying lime 1:e .had practically Wen confined to tiiK home. He was a trc-Mt Isul>'ere?.but never a word of cuiui>!uiiu vuV t:f:ir I from Khn. l-[e v;t i til'rested ir. aH t!-'; events of the d;:;- and in^nlr!?! uhmit his* friends to ?he lasi. KjtrSy mi lift* i lie ilccc&se:! connec led himself v.Mi tVe Methodist church and In lfis ym::jj; manhood wa? eh cted a steward for th?. ? !uireh of which he was a member, unci held that office till the day of his* death. He was true 10 lis profession and in the end tliore was no fear of death, but went cut 10 meet the realities of the eter* nal world unafraid. He leaves a wife and two children. His children are Mr. Joseph O. Green. Jr.. one of Fr&nkllnton's young busi ness men. and Mrs. Col. C. L. McGhee. The funeral services were conducted from the late residence Monday after noon at 3 o'clock by his pastor. Rev? T. A. Sikes. Dnu Cheatham Head. Frank I' m on. Oct. 27.?The entire place nvUjj saddened this morning when word was received from Camp Lee that Do? Cheatham was dean. .He was the only son of Capt. and Mrs. Dick Chea tham. who formerly rc?fced here, but now live in Norolk. Captain Cheat ham is traffic Manager of the Sea board Air Line and is known and lovid all over the system. Don waa a favoiMe here, where he was formerly associated with Mr. B. \V. Bollard in business. He was a nephew of Capt. Joe. a lid Miss Sue Cheatham, of this place. . The remains are expected to arrive here sometime tomorrow and the funeral services and burH' will tako place at the city cometery. Geo. Harrow, Jr., Dead. Franklinton, Oct. 27?Franklinton's ; second influenza victim was little George. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrow. The little? fe'Tow had been desperately"sick'for ?e/sral day* with pneumonia wiii;*ii followed a severe attack of influent. He died early yesterday nioKnMiy,-and -vas hur'ul ii? ih<- city ctnu'.Mv this afternoon Uev. C. L. Dowel!, pastor ?f the Paptist church, conducting the service??. :j?h? l u^'s at Franklinton. sit'iat on here, Is unchanged. In all there hay? possibly been about, three hundren cases. The Associated C mr hu.-> i^a'iized and the citizens e?-nerallv uunlf ;? o-Smi'd nff."-'"?' fur ie purpose of fceiping to combat the n*B Xtatsau esnoq oj esnoq mojT dau-Sduauu p^uiua-i o.tvj, asuesrp -t-He time and *tvery precaution has been taken to check ?t Hni < r?" ( lu i ? (n::i-* I'llI't'i1! Mrs. J. A. Turner/Chairman of the Louisburg Rod Cross Chapter, has ap pointed t no following Committees to assist in handling the Christmas par rels: This is one of the largest opportuni ties for service ever given the Amer ican Ked Cross by the United States government. An enormous organiza tion was needed to carry out the plan for giving the wlilole American army a happy Christmas, and as has often hap pened before, the goverment has turn ed to the Red Cross for_ help. T1*16 task involves the hard and faithful work of many individuals, and the co operation of every chapter and branch in the country. The time allotted for this work is short, as Nov. 20th is the last day on which parcels may be mailed. Chap ter headquarters for the distribution and receiving of boxes will bo at Louis burg, and those in all townships of the county, except Franklinton and Youngsville. can present the Christ mas labels they have received from the soldier* overseas, at the down town headquarters in Louisburg, and receive their bo* to fill and return ?o? shipment. Full 'instructions will be giv en when boxes are delivered. COMMITTEE ON CHRISTMAS PARCELS? Mr. L. L. Joyner, Chairman; Mrs. T. W. Watson, Mrs. W. E. White, Mr. E. F. Yarborough, Dr. A. H. Fleming. COMMITTEE ON PUBLICITY Mr. E. H. Malone, Chairman; Mrs. G. A. Cralle, Mrs. F. B. McKinne, Mr. Ash cr Johnson, Mr. E. L. Best. COMMITTEE ON DISTRIBU TION? r Mrs. C. K. Cooke, Chairman; Mis. D. T. Smithwick. Mrs. J. W. King. Mrs. R. Z. Egerton, Mrs. S. J. Parham, Mrs. G. A. Ricks, Mrs. M. C. Pleasants. CQMMITTEB ON INSPBG* TION? Mrs. S. P. Boddie, Chairman; Mrs. L. E. Sroggin Mra. E. S. Ford, Mrs. K. P. Hill, Mra. W. H. Allea, Mrs. ti. N. Wil liam8on, Mrs. Malcolm McKinne, Mrs. J. M. Allen, Mrs. J. W. Mann, Mrs. L. C. Leach has returned home aftor attending the fufteral < her sister. Mrs. W. O. Carroll, ot High Point. . i . v ." -S