GLAD TOTESTIFY Sty* Watoga Lady, "As To What Cardui Ha* Done For Me, So A* To Help Other*." Waloga, W. Va.?Mrs. S W. Oladwen, of this town, says: "When about IS yean of age, I suffered greatly .. . Sometime? would go a month or two, and I had terrible headache, backache, and bearing 4owa pains, and would just drag and nvmpm ... two weeks, and vas so weakening, aad my health was awfuL My mother bought me a bottle ot Cardui, tad 1 be gag to improve after taking n% first bofttf, so kept it up till I took th|ft ... I gWned, and was well and strong, and I owe it all to Cardui. 1 am married now nd have 3 children . .. Have never had toxhave a doctor tor female trouble, and just\esort to CarM if I need a tonic. 1 am gtfd to testify to what it has done for me, ^o as to betp others." If you are nervous or weak, have head aches, backache?, or any of the other | ailments so common to women, why not give Cardui a trial? Recommended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Begin taking Cardui today. It may be the very medicine you need. NC-I30 J.v 0. NEWELL, *. D. Loulsburg, S. C Offices next Boor to White & balone Will be at Looisburg regularly. Day Phone 329 V Night PhdEie 292-J DB. W. B. 90K1 Eye 3d Office In Hotel\Bu4lding Louisburg. North vkrollsa 8. ATWOOD Attorsej.At-I Loulaburg I Frankllnton OSces over Aycoqfc Dru&Co. General Potice , DR. ABTHXB HTKIS FLEMCfG Sorcoa Dentist Loulaburg, North Carolina Cflee over P. 8. St K. K- Allen'? Store. ' DB.H/6. PEEK T Physlclap and Surgeon Ixmlaborf, North Carolina 0? 1 Next Doer to Aycock Drug Oo. Phone tonnectiona 237 BE. J. E. KALOXK. Loulaburg, North Carolina rflRte In Aycock Drug 8tor*. Market I Street. Office Practice Surgery I and consultation. DB. D. X. SKI H HICK. DtaOat ?i* Uaiskta X. C. Office in the First^Natfonal Bank Building on Main and Nash Sta. ( ?> ? W. M.PIRSOH. ? r. "" ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Lonlabtxrg, North Carolina twain H nmni nil..Mlla ?i r. MMr CONTRACTOR a&d BUILDER ? i Trading agenta tot all kin da of j VaUdlng aapplles, artlatlc Mantle? and 7Uea, Architectural ' designs aub- ' t MALpXE - B. B. White H. Salone WHITE "? LAWYERS T Loulsburg. North Carolina ?eneral practJre, aeitlefcf nl of ei ca$ea funds Invested. One member of <c* Arm always In the offlcs. Km. H Ruffln, , Thos. W. Ruffln WM. H. & "BIOS. W. Bl^FIX Attorhfjs-at-I.a? ? Lenl?bure, 1 : "Sorth Carolina Seneral practice, both civil a^d crim inal. In Frank|in and adjoining coun- j ties. Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. DR. J. B. DATIS Physician and Surgesn Loulitwrg, H. C. Formerly Interne St. Agnes Hospital Office next door, to Durrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Phone Connections 64. DR. T. B. HENDEBSOS, of Henderson, C. Will be in LOUISBURG every FIRST and THIRD Monday or eacU month at the offloe of T)r. Herbert P<*rry om 10:00 to 1:00 o'clock. Practice limited to the K YE, EAR, XOS? and THROAT. .ST EG ALL BROS. Barheri Lonlsbnrp, N. f. We have purchased the shop former ly occupied Offcar Stegall and will ran same at game stand. Zollie lyilkins will be "With us, and satisfac tion ajnd clernlfceBft shall be our mot to. Plenty ot^hot running water ?-id dean towels. , parifyifif tod en mod feel iia $<rru??h Prk* 60?-. ?>" , ANNUAL STATEMENT For FRANKLIN ( Ol NTY Miouinir the Amount of Orders Ai'iiiust tbe Treasurer From December 1st. 1916 to December 1st, 1917. Continued from page two > Cuius Chamblee 1 day poll holder Harris T. S 2.00 J. R. Parrish 5 days crier to Feb. couri 10.00 Grace Kearney 5 days Sten- - ographer Feb. court 30.00 J. R. Tharrington 1 day poll holder Nov. Election 2.00 W. W. Davis 1 day poll bolder Nov. Election ...... 2.00 F. S. & K. K. Allen amt act lor court house 3.25 J. C. Tucker board of pris oners for Feb 52.vl$ Hardware Co. .amt act jail.. 4.2^ Lou i berg Water Co. water for court house and jail .. 2.20 Louisburg Light Co. light for court house and jail .. 7.35 H. A. Kearney amt act court house and stamps 2.00 GALLEY THREE McKinne Bros. Co. work on court house water pipe .. T. 49 Edwards & Broughton amt act C. S. C. ..., T4.52 J.J. Barrow, amt act C. S. C 3.82 A. W. Perry Jr. 2 cords wood for court hourfe $.50 Lucas Bros, amt act filed .. 21.20 Louisburg Coal Co. coal for court house 13.35 Franklin Times amt act filed 13.10 J. S. Wilson 600 feet oak timber 12.00 H. A. Kearney salary ?.nd clerk hire 262.50 J. J. Barrow salary and clerk hire 216.67 J. B. Yarborough salary and clerk hire 216.67 J. R. Parrish. Registrar and holding election Sandy Creek T. S 14.IS Boss Taborn 4th quarter out- . side pauped left off 6.00 Jordan Perry 4th quarter out side pauped left off 6.00 I J. J. Carr 1 day poll holder Sandy Creek road election /2.00 A. B. Cooke expense of con veying W. C. Catlett to jail 15.00 B. T. Green, coffin for Bom Taborn 4.00 J T. Mann 1 day poll holder Harris T. S 2.00 J. O. Wilson putting buttment :o Davis bgjdgfe 3.00 j Aycock Drug Co aint act for Court House -?????? 4.71 J. E. Nicholson amt act for Mrs. Mry. lunatic 3.00 j J. D. Alston 1 day finance com. and mileage .... .... 4.25 R. L. Stokes 1 day finance com. and mileage 4.20 Everett Waddv Co?amt act fil ed for stationary 7.50 Eastern Realty Co. insurance ] on court house 35.00 April 2nd. 1917. H. A. Kearney conveying Cuff Catlett to Asylum 12.00 J. D. Winfree work on jail .. 1.25, oner* 4o.59 R. L. Stokes S days Finance rum and mileage 34 .20 Lcuisburg Water Co. water for court house and-jail 2.20 Louisburg Light Co. light for court house and jail 4.87 W. O. Stone bringing Dock Eva?5 to jail ...? ...... .. 2.00 Henry Wright wdfk on bdge. 5.00 r. W. Wauon insurance on court hoyse 70.00 T. B. King. Registrar good road election Harris T. 3.. . IS. IS *.Y . K. i c'lng poll Holder ssrHHl road election Harris T. S... L\ V. Floyd poll holder good road election Harris T. S... J. B. Varborough salary and clerk hire H. A. Kearney salary and clerk hire A. F. Johnson Coroner and fee* Walter Jones R. W., Hudson 'onveying Hence Mitchell" to jail ..... J. S. Howell ami act filed.. Warren founty amt for taking care of Crosafen J. D. Alston 1 day finance c jm. and mileage J. J. Barrow C. S. C. salary and clerk hire Allen Bros. Co. am* art for bridge Township Road* work done on hidge May 7th. 1917. J. R. Parrish timber for bdg.. Mgyor of Wood guarding The body of J. W. Rhern . ... Taxe* of Soldiers that went to border T. Gill pip?; for road Hay e.^ville T. S O. W. Ayscue pipe for road HayesVille T. S R. L. Stokes 5 days finance com. and mileage B. <i. Mitchell Board of Flec tion and mileage R. W. Hudson conveying 4 jirisonors to jail H. A. Kearney amt act filed.. H. A. Kearney salary and lilre of clerk . . .?* ...... J. B. Varborough salary and hire of clerk J. J. Barrow salary and hire of c lerk F. R. l'leasants amt act filed A. S. Gupton 1 day pol 1 hol der Sandy Creek Ayco^ke Drug Co. amt art filed J. C. Yucker board of prison ers Franklin Time? amt act filed IjOtiishurg Water Co. water for court house and jail Louisburg Light Co. light for court house and Jail J. H. -Win free repairing Hork R'dwarHs & Broughtoh amt act MeJ . .. V .Udi- ! { t ha May to lios pital 7.20 ! jW. H. Williams holding good | road election and i>oll hol I tiers 15.22 | jH. i*. Dickerson timber for j coffins 12.27 | I J. D. Alston 2 days finance j com. and mileage 8.65 : Amount paid for Disinfectant 30.00 \ Juue 4th. 1917. J. D. Alston salary 2nd quar ter and 100 miles 36.25 iJ. W. Winston salary 2nd ] quarter and 104 miles .... 30.2C R. L. Stokes salary 2nd quar 1 ter and 96 miles 25?.SO M. H. Ballentine salary 2na^ \ quarter and 96 miles 29.80 iJ; R. Karle salary 2ud quar i y?r and SO miles 29.00 |Dr\ J. E. Malone salary 2nd j L quarter Supt. of Health .. 195.00 men? Hazlewood salary 2nd I Quarter janitor / 25.00 ee Months Outride 1'iMlper. ae Alston .v. 4.50 S rod i e .... \... ? 3.00 rtholomew .... .... 9.00 9,00 , Qui 1 la BAktr J. 6.00 Sallie Brttye 4.50 i Nathan Ch^nelhous? tf'lfe ..v.. 3.00' John Catlekts wife 6.00 Geo. Davis \ 6.001 Albert Davis .'... 4.50 ? Laura Davis i 6.00 | Claracy Daflfl* 4.50 j Priselila porky 3.00 } I Ida Denton 4.50' Bedie /lood .\ * 4.50 Mary/Ann Foster 4.50 Helfh -Gupton 3.00 Htfcry Griffin 12.00 bazina Grada 3.00. Stephen Gupton .. 4.50; Jim Huey 6.00, Daniel Harris ...' ? . *-l 6.00 Bill Hawkins 6.00 j Angeline Hendicks v 7.50 | Tom Harris 6.00 Isaac Harrison V 3.00 Mittie Johnson .... \ 6.00! Mlttie Joyner A. 4.50 I Winnoe King y .... 6.00 Dennis Kearney \. .. 6.0C Manerva Kelly A. .. 6.00 Susan Laws \.... 6.00 Mildred Lunce \... 4.50 Mourning May .\... 4.50 Jordan Moore A . 3.00. Mary Mayo 4.50 ' Chaney Massenburg 6.00} Neal Medlln 3.00! Sallie Martin ...: 6.00 i Julia Massenburg 4.50 Peter Manning 4.50 Su4an Pearce 3.00 Ellen Perry ' 6.00 W. A. Perry's 3 children ... 18.00 \ Ell Pearce 4.50, Mrs. Sallie Perry 6.00 Henry Person 3.Q.0 Arnica Perry 4. Jordan Perry 4.50; Elizabeth Thorpe .... 4.50 Boss Taboril . 6.00 , Lsuia L'pchurch .... 777 "7 6TOTj W. P. Wilson 2 children# .. 6.00 Miss Kate White 6.00: Z. P. Weaver $.00 i John Yarborough 63J0 ; Henly Young 4.10 Fees .May Court H. A. Kearney 2.95' A. W. Alston 14.23' R. W. Hudson v.t. 17.85' Solicitor Norris 20.00 j J. E. Xirhotrtm .65:i E. H. Emns r*rH L. L.. Joynor Mayor 11.63 ; J. L. Palmer - 2.93 ~ Wltnees Fee* May Court. Eleanor Williams 1.90 II Ed t'naney 1.10' Willie Bridges' 90 Alex Evans .85, Press Clifton .80 Jrmegr riifton 1.05 Ben Clifton .80 Eddie Strickland 75 A./W. Alston ttT~ 2.1C| J. J. Lancaster .... . ... 2.40 Morris Lancaster 2.40 C. Whitley : 1.10 W. O. Allen 1.80 D. C. High 1.10 Ellis Ramey 1.10 R. W Hudson 1.10 Bryant Fo.-'ter 1.10 Miss Pauline Smith Amt Mos. of May fanning *"luh 40.00 G. B. H. Stallings limber and building bridge Justice road 65.00 J. D. f'apr?-l limber and building bridge H. B. Win ston 20.15 J. C. Tucker board of prison frs 26.23 R. O. Wynne Registrar and poll holders Hay*svillff T. S. 19.39 W. H. Allen Sheriff poll 'ax for soldiers 63.6C C. H. Banks timber for brdg near Mose.^ Neal 35.67 R. W. Hudson 6 days going I after Clark and prisoners ? to jail 14.00 I-. I,. Joyner 1 day with | Board of Health 4 00 J. D. Alston 1 day with I Board of Health 4.00 11>r. S. P. Burt 1 day with Board of Health . 4.0C K. h. Best 1 day with I Board of Health 4.0< f*r R. B. HenderHOB-4 day with Board of Health 4 01 State Hospital conveying Sa rah Blanton to hospital . 10.31 J. B. Yarborough salary and hire ofclerjc 2l6-:6' |H. A. Kparney salary and hire of cl*rk Lj. J. Barrow salary and hire r?f clerk . Dr. J. E. MaJnnei' amt . .act i To. be continue^ri.ext, weak I J.DEITZ& COMPANY Great Victory Sale ! is still going on and will continue so every man, woman and child may get some of these exception al bargains. > Extra Specials Children's Black 25c Hose, pair ... ,14c Men's 25e Hose pair : 15c Ladies' 25e Hose, pair 14c Pearl Buttons, card 2y2 Men's and Boys' 50c Caps. 23c Men's Hats, $i.00 48c Men's 25c Suspenders, 13c Men's 50c Xeckvrear, 23c Cuff Links, 25c value 11c Ladies' White Hemstitched ..... Handkerchiefs, .... *.. lc Dress Pins, per package, 1c 50c Bureau Scarfs, 24c 25c Talcum Powder, can .... ...... 5c Canvass Gloves, per pair 9c Spool Cotto", spool 2V2 Men's 25c Belts, 15c :1Se Corset Covers 21c Men's, Women and Children's Underwear. . t. Boys' Fleeced Ribbed Union 65c Union Snits .... .... ......39c Suits S9c Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed 75c Men's $1.25 Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers' v.<;? 89c Shirts and Drawers 89c Girls Ribbed $1.25 Union Boys' Heavy Fleece^ Shirts Suit a ? ? .... .... ?."5c and Drawers 75? Girls' Hitra Heavy Fleece 75o Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed ShlrU an,, Drawers ..29c MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING All-Wool Blue Serge Suits, $1S today's value to go at . .$11.93 Men's Suits, $11 to $12.50 values, in sale at $6.85 Men's $16.50 SuitsrHigk Grade, merchant tailoring . .. .$11.25 Men's Suits, values $9 and~$H).00 ./ $5.80 - Men's Overcoats, $11.90 and $1,0.40 down to .. / $6 98 ^Hi?^rvb7sf?rTT!c^TTr??TRestrSiges^R^nni^^^^TTo^^ H..VS- 75c Sweaters. . 35c Buys'P.-V Blouses P3c Men's $1.00 Dress Gloves ' 49c Men's 15c Garters, per pair t. i 9c $5.00 Boys' Suits of Blue Serge .... ... $3.98 $4.00 Boys' Suits \ ' $2.98 $6.00 Blue Serge Suits, the new Norfolk $3.95 Boys' Pant*- S5c Value .' .. .. 4?2 Juvenile Suits, worth $3.00. now ? .,.. $1.93 Fin.-t Suits mad.', m"ti grade worsteds. $7.")0. v<Tlne,. . . .$4.68 DRESS GOODS FOR THE LADIES \ Gixi'i Sii.-etins, iae vaiu?.-, pel* yard . 17% 5<V^MaUress Ticking, per yard .... 25c Turkish Towels, each 15c 125c Apron Gingham, per yard .... 17y2 25e < )utina Flannel, per yard 18c 0"ic Dr<'<s Ginsjham, per yard 21c WimiI Sfi'jrc, 75c value, )?er yard * 49c :25c Curtain Scrim per yard 1414 New Fall 1017 Dre>*; Goods, value 58c to $1.00 van] . . 59 and 23c "])e Lux" Hats for Boys ? 25c Men's $1.50 Sweaters . ' 75c Our lines of Coats, Suits, Shirtwaists, Skirts, Millinery and Sweaters are complete and are being sold at bargain prices. Come in and see our lines. See our line of Men's Women and Children's Shoes before you purchase your winters footwear. I. J. DEITZ & COMP'Y Louisburg, . North Carolina "The House That Always Sells It Cheaper"

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