Now Is the Time for That /"\URr^pleiidid assortment of^Fintei models is stili complete. The range of style and patterns, " however, is being reduced considerably, day by tiny/ Therefore, prompt action is advisable if you want to make a selection from our showing ot tii.1 Vinous > HIGH ART / CLOTHES Brother*. Made by Strouse & Briber?. Inc., Baltimore. Md. The desirable features of their style and tailoring. They are tailored as expertly as custom cloth ing of much higer price, and they will give you a? jaiuch satisfaction in service /. . We can't begin to tell you of the many becoming models, weaves and color combinations we have to show yen. To sec them is to waBt one.' So we fay again-?by all means see them NOW. Prices $15 to $40 The McBrayer Clothing Company Incorporated l'KESIl>E\T W.1MS DEMOCRATS >K.M TO SEW CONGRESS 1-mh's Appeal to I'eopie to Elect Wcnu i (Til! ?> If They Approve ol lib Course lu International Ai <alr>?Belli parties l'a irio'.ic liut Kepobll 'a'ls A utl-Ail minUt ration \\;.s-in.;UTO.\, Oc;. z J.?i'lcsi ii ;Dt ' ? ? tc ii tuUuV jssUcU >il> u] 10 llie i'~ ! to return a Democratic Cou Kresu ... ,.ie .\uveuDer o .i. li III II H ?vL ca: period. i'fT'/ira ui'ra Republican majority in ouao:' Hoaie of liie ..Conors,* the President said '.\oulti be certainly 1x1 terprei^d on the oilier side ol the -waiur as a ropmlutuuii or ilv l^aUu: snip." . T Le* President said he would accent The country's VtfrdlCi wild oil t caVii bnt if it was adverse the power to ad i&ini;*ter rtfefreat truet assigned to l^lli nimbi \ v n<Lm*fr- d. .Following/liA ill? ITtsHrent's appeal: "Sly Fellow-Countrymen: ? "The congressional elections are at hand. They occur in the most criti cal period our country has ever faced or is likely to face in our tfme. If you have approved of my leadership and wish me to continue to he your unembarrassed spokesman in affairs at home and abroad. I earnestly bee that you will <*xpresc yourselves un-^ mistakably to that effect by returning a Democratic majority to both the Senate and House of Representatives "I arfr your servant and will accept your Judgment without cavil, but my power to administer the srreat trust assigned me bv the constitution would be seriously Impaired should your Judgment be adverse and I must frank ly tell yon so because so many criti cal issues depend upon your verdict. "No scruple of taste must in grim times like these be allowed to sticd in the way of speaking the plartn truth. "I have no thought of suggesting that any political party Is paramount" in matters of patriotism. T feel too deeply the sacrifices which have been made in this war by all our cltiizen* Irrespective of party affiliations to harbor such an idea. I mean only that the difficulties and delicacies of oiy present task are of a sort that makes it imperatively necessary that the nation should give Its undivided support 'to the government under a unified leadershHp and that a Repub lican Congress would divide the lea dership. The leaders of the minority in the present Congress have unques tionably been pro-war. but they haFe been anti-administration. At almost every turn since we entered the war they have sought to take the choice of policy and the conduct of the war out of my hands and put it under the control of instrumentalities of their own choosing This is no time either for divided council or for divided leadership. Uni ties of command are a? necessary now In clTtl action as it is upon the field of battled If the control of the House andvthe Benate should be taken awaf from the party now in power an op posing majority could assume control of ?tgislatf.on and oblige all action to be taken amidst contest and obstruc tion Tiie r ..rn of a Republican major ity io ei. *r House of the Congress wott'.u m ^ior be interpreted ou the other sit- *wi the water as a repulia :ion of L ' leadership Spokesmen of the Rep-. iican party are urging you to elec*. * Republican Congress In irti^r to bar k up and support the Pres ident. but even if they soould impost i upon some credulous voters on this ^n no or.*.' on the o'her side. It is well understood there, as well as here, that the Republican leaders desire not so much to support the President as to < control him. ? I "Th.p peoples r.f Tho Allien rnnnirif.? <*'th whom we are associated against Germany are quite familiar with the significance of election's. They would find it very difficult :o believe that t]ie voter? of the United States had rho*en to rapport xr.c!r President by eltciii.jr io i he <-on *-.-3 a majority controlled by those w..o are in fact not in sympathy with the attitude and ac tion of the administration. "I need not tell you. my fellow-conn trymen. t;.at I am asking your sup port, not for my own sake or for the nake of a political party, but for the 1 sake of the natin Itself, in. order that j its inward unity of purpose may be evflfient to all the world. In ordinary j times I would not feel at liberty to) make such an appeal to you. In 6r- < cfinary times divided council can be | rendered without permanent hurt to the country. But these are not ordi nary times. t if these critical days it is yo^M wish to sustain me with undivided minds I beg that ycu will say so in a way. which it will not be possible to misunderstand either here at homo-. among our associates on the other side of the sea. I submit my ditYicul* ties jvr. l my hopes to you. ?WOODl^pW WILSON." T./i gubice Thai Aiiea TLc !Ica~ Ei-caz*- of its loci? /ci\|?tive ofTtc;. LA".,. Ti*. ? . ROMO QLlNl^E tlalHr**) can <<? nn'-n Strayed or Stolen. t A black mar? mule weighii^g 100U , pound.-?, has one wllite spo^on left ihich. jt rayed or wad u to log from tar home on Wednesday nW^uctober 23, 1&1S. Any informalioiLjfeading to her - recoverv will be liberally rewarded. j OSCAR ?ATTIRE, R F. D. 3, X&8tarSl\<X. C U-l-2t A_ For Kent. A four, room houses *lose to the old Hels house, for rent Appb J L(KH!Aa.\*. 10-13-4t i^uisburk. X. C. FIKI* r**TRA5fE. When you wit Insurance take It ? wltk T. W.y^fiiTSOS. knows I kow. / \ 3-tI-tf. NOTICE ! The tax books has been placed in my hands by the Board of Commissioners for collection of taxes for 1918 with instructions to collect and I will thank all the payers of the Cotinty to come and get their receipt. I will have a collector at each voting precinct in the County on Thursday, ^October 31, 1918. H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff. IO--Days 23 ii nil Mays ^Beginning Friday, Nov. 1st, 9 a. hi., we will place on sale the biggest "stock oHLadies' and-Childfhii!s_ Coats &nd Suits. Dresses, Men's andBoys' Suits and Overcoats ever shown in Louisburg or Franklin county at prices that will make you thijarli that the war is ovei Remember dririn& these ten days we/faill sa^ the people of^/Franklin and adjoining count) thousands and thousam of dollars by the low pri-\ ces that will be offered ten days only. - F. W. Wheless Dry Goods Co., T. W. WHELESS J. T. HINES LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA

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