-? i The Franklin: Times-f^ A. F. Julinson, Editor and ?onager. _ ? ? THB COUNTY. THE STATE, THE UNION ; ' Subscription 31.50 i'er Year LOUISBUHG, K. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, I9IS ? .. MMBER 38 no skcreY1 POLITICAL AGRRF MKNT ANNEXED iiiMKcilhic lUiiKilllizatlori of Army* , Allied Occupation of Durdan elles* London. Nov. 1.?The armistice ac cepcted by Turkey amounts to "Com plete and unconditional Surrender." , Tliis statement was/made by Lord Robert Cecil, Aaslst^mt Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to The As No Secret Agreements With reference to rumors circulat ing here to the effect that the armis tice with Turkey .includes clauses by which Turkey would retain soverignty tver Armenia and other provinces, ijie foreign office atfthorizeg the state ment thf. tTi?rc i ? no t *:i?h 111 the sug gostloa iLui any secrot political agree inent is annexed to the armistice with 1 urkev. Terms In Detail. The terms of the armistice granted by the allied powers to Tur^ey low?: FIRST?The opening of the Dardan elles and the. tiosphorus anil access to the Black Sea. Allied occupation of the Dardanelles and Rosphorus forts. SECOND?The position of all mine fields, torpedo tubes and other obstruc tions in Turkish wa:or?i are to in dicated. and assistance given to sweep or remove them, as may be required. THIRD?All available* information toiH*erning mines in the Hlaek Sea Is to be communicated. FOURTH?All allied prisoners of war nn.l Armenian interned persons r.!i?l prisoners are to be collected in <"o'n?tan*i:?oi>lv and handed over un i-.?;?ditl*;n*;l!y-to the allies. FIFTH - immediate demobilization ? t: ? 'JVrlclah army, except such ps as are r^qu:red for surioiUan -e| !*e rro'iH :*. ir.d for the irainten r.ir.l* ?.*? orde.v Th? nj'ii' ^r of ? ?? .n.i tneir d ?.poRl'.iwii be I:-. ;d i lr" i- ? i i .? i aft.-r ? . ?> i.! :*.v8 r r a V Tor.:-, rove:. n ; ? . -The surrender of all war v. ? . i.- :.t Turkish vater? o- waters ?.?? jpied by '^u*These ship* v ill >iurnc?l .. Turkish or ; ? ay ti: ;? \: ? ? dirccte-'.. ev , ^?t ttic ii . ?: ar? rtquiicd a* plHcc similar purpose;* in Ti**'":..-'; tek* ri/rlal waters. .SI.'yKX'fli-'Vlic allio. '?aw I'.i: ric .t to occupy ally ; tratc,r!c poJ:u;1 i;? lite ?;* f'i any sK-ia^on r-i ir- : vl.'ch tr.# *t "-.-c^uriiy of i'v. ? LI'.tHTV-?Frev by u!I! ; m* all ports antLuutehornges nc *r in Turkish occupation and denial of tin. enemy. Similar conditions arc to r.p ply to Turkish mercantile shippir.tr it: Turkish waters for the purpose c>:' irari|> and the-demobilization of the arm: . TENTH?Immediate withdrawal !ias been oriVictl and wl.l ti. c rrl-?? out. ELEVENTH?\ p.-rt, '. T ';'ran?-?'ar ItlU'Ulll 't'.U 1 !l. I' ??vac u.ttcd by Turl* *1? tronpt. *|vnc if n aiitdiT 11? be ci'P.vr.-;*cd if rui'Hrw! iiit alili'9. .liter i'. 'v l.av.? t/.m'Hd lbs" -liuatioi'. . t TWKI.KTII?Wireless, tctegrnph and uiih'.u stations to lie controlled by tli? i'ric-. Turkish governmem messages to.be excepted. ' TKIKTK'EXTH ?Prohibition against the destruction of any naval, military ur commercial material. _ Ft ntTEEXT \ i - Facilities nr. nt be given for the purchase of c oal, oil fuel and naval material from Turkish sources, after the requirements of the country ha.ve been met. None of. the p.bovo materials are to exported. SIXTEENTH?The surrender of all garrison^at Hedjaz. Assir^'emen. Syr ia and Mesopotamia to the nearest al lied commander, and withdrawal of Turkish troop1- from Cii! ? a, except necessary u n. uintain ?>ra,??,> as will be determined under clause sir. EIGHTEENTH?Tbe surrender of all portsinTripolitania and Cyrenalca. including Misurata, to the nearest al lied garrison. NINETEENTH?All Germans and Austrians, Naval, Military, or civilian, to bo evacuated within one month from Turkish c*o:u:n*on8, and. those in remote districts as soon after that time as may be possible. TWENT^FIRST?An allied repre sentative t^i>e-attached to the rpurkish minirfti^ Mf*t fetrpftfffes in order to safe guard killed Interests. This represen tative to be furnished with all aid necea sary for this purpose. TWENTY-SECOND?Turkish prison ers are to bo kept at the disposal of the allied powers. The release of Turkish civilian prisoners and prisoners over military age j8 to be considered. TWENTY-THIRD?An obligation on 4he part of Turkey to cease all rela tions with the Central Powers. I ^WENTY-FOURTH?In case of dis order In the six Armenian vilayets the allies reserve to themselves the right l/> occupy any part of them.. TWUNTY-SIXTH?Hostilities be tween the allies and Turkey chall ce*?e from noon, local time, Thursday, the 31st of October. 1918. Secretary of Stat? Lansing Announced Agreement on German Armistice Termg. Washington, JJov. 4.?Armistice terms to be offered Gerrany have 'been agreed upon unanlmousely and signed by representatives of the allies and the rnited States In Prance. If accepted they mean surrender and Immediate end of the war. leaving final p?\ce is to the dictation of the victors, s ?creta.t*y . Lansing announced the .cment tonight, saying lhat dlplo unity Iiu3 been "completely a ved under conditions of utmost ha >ny. : t nni rnajjliiious; Signa ture Aliened. - 7!te : lindunceraent made this state . ?nt: ?'According to an official fetyort ?rs .o!vod this evening the terms of the i rmim'cc to he offered to Germ**?/ have just 1.x on agreed io unnnhuou^l? tnd sf&ting* l.y representative:* of the; ' \I1ies ri.O tlie United Stated in Pari?* The rcjiorl further states that diplo matic unity has been completely a chiev'd under conditions of utmost i.ami'in/.' Win Fe Submitted Uf Germany at OilCe Tt understood- the terms are to be ttuiimittcil t'> Gor^rihy immediately and that their publication in full v.-ill *ollo'" f.hortlv. The statement has been aut lorfifed fiat the drastic con ditions a ider which Austria dr.opped out o? the war today furnish an accu rate ?iic^iTtion of their nature. President Wilson Stays on the Job To day. Washington. Nov. 4.?President Wil son tonight canceled his plans for go lug tc 1ns lit>me in Princeton. N. J. Tomorrow to cast his vote in the con. grcssionnl elections. The decision of the President was made known by Sec-' retarv Tumulty in this statement. "Hy- reason of pending matters jt most v'U.l importance that require hU i-e/.'son 1 attention in Washington, the i resident-has finally decided that U is inadvisable for him to po to his heme s. r. uoumi: % \'/ > a. nrteil in h:u;:c v.-.ih 1 he . ..... flOlulc/ '. 1 ti Xrw J.-}*s;?y tomorrow for ilio p'.'.r I n I iu ri:n.:i stionuhold ?rf (he -Xtait < :ir!llrtil by Americans. ,r V. ?.-.??? - nrnn- i i Sa. ? ii -ni. Nov. 4.?in the face of stjib ? rv '..position the Americans tonk 4k.*I<1 firmly tii? v.Ajotleii height3 or.: h rf Jlor.nion?. \\1* last German ? ? n.'.IvM wcm (.* the Mense. The ?.d " Ki.*c rrii'u ? e lino forwartV for an ;t" v: :??? gain ol live kilometres. "*!ih forces or. the heights are non <! ly about tovon and one halfrailes l .'iun (ari gnan on i be Mezieres-Metz ^"i!rr*a<l a;vl abeut n'ne miles from 8e ?'?ringing both places within ran^e ?if il.i" .Hied ?hellttre. :? The day's work may be said to have ?-?. ' n;ple:e. It w;i?' the principal phase of U.e American operation sine?/ the neck cf the German lateral com 'Hunications between the armies to the nr.rth and wear was harrowed to the siran?rlin?x point. The attacking fo.rct-s to the right and loft advanced with less speed thnn at the center, where an American di vision crashed through despite tiie most stubborn opposition offered by the Germans since the beginning of the offensive. The apex of the line was ' driven to the heights, which arc vital, I affording dominating positions for the artillery. Patrols went into and be yond the town itself, but its possession is unnecessary as long as the-hills are held by the Americans. The Germans cannot fight over the terrain north northeast because of the laclt of com?~ munications lines there* They must fall "back as fcoon as the American ar 'tillery breaka uja the remaining rail- I roads, even if the main lines frAnt Sedan to Metz are not smashed flrs\. The military authorities were over Joyed with the results of the day's fight ing. declaring that It may even spell the end of the present operation, and that any others to the north, north ward or directly eastward would con stitute entirely new operations. Americans Advance on Verdnn Front. With the American armf northwest of Verdun, Nov." 4.?The American troopB late this afternoon advanced their lines both east and west, occupy ing I^cneuvllle. directly opposite Ste nay, and taking Les Grandes Armoises, on the left. Fetching* Troops ('aptore 5,000 Ger man*. With- the American army on the Sedan front, Nov. 4^?General Persh ing's forces continue to take their toll of prisoners today in .the wake of the retreating Germans. The number cap tured early today was well %bove 5,000 Almost fbrty villages were occupied by the AmeHcans in the territory re conquered from the Germans. There were "indications aj the Iw ginning of tho persuft this morning thiit t lie Germans would ?e unahli to make tin effective stand, ai lea*t ?.o day. 1 ^ (Vtf?n Hj'Jhhi. ' ?*ni? .tabulation of f 1 ? ?? cott-.n nports k's.vw * thai there were JJTOl ha lea oi coi'o:i. counting rou* <L as half I.ales, > v-\ in Franklin County, ftohi h^ crop oi 1918 prior to October IS, IMS, as compared wiih 1107 baU-ji glnne 1 to (H'toher IS. l'?17, Jn Lovtatr i&n:rjubi*ai>cc. 1 .\>ar the midnight hour. OctoV -r 10. lJilS. God called our beloved S'^tct and friend. >!rs/ Deliali Shearin Kay r.cr, to dw'cjl with H i m in that he ant i tal home at me. Although she suffer ed much of her life she was a most helpful and affectionate wife and moth er. fn the copimuully in which she lived no better neighbor or mend could be found.. Always ready and glad to lend a helping, hand.. She possessed an un usual sweet disposition. It was indeed a joy to visit in her homo. We will miss her *o?much, especially to tre church and Missionary Society. ^?he was. one of the first members of both. Her work and christian influ ence Is a beautiful tribute to tho mem ory of her and will continue to shed its fr.aerance in the hearts and minds rf her many friends and relatives. Wo pray for God's protecting gui dance upon her three small children. May the grief stricken husband, moth er. brothers and sisters find comfort in the* f.JUCti of the loving Savk??\ who w pes away sorrows tears and heals the wounded hearty Important Red Cross Notice. The Rod Cross Chapter of J.oui^burg Lns 'urt received #an urgent appeal from the government for the conser vation of i wo metals needed in "tho r ro:-o' ut!on of the v.nr. Que is a niC'iil v hich ca". 1.f m.ed merely by conserv ing hrtre?o?ore waste products?this ?r.ot ! : the i*.n'. e!y tin vhich i** use.! for so many domestic purposes?the o?he: i ;lio rarer-but equal.v 'esson t in I Rjcial of platinum vhich man/ of osr members possess in the form of i:\VfJry and other articles i!ir.i they r.cv 1. - willing to .-ac rific.? l'or their < entry's needa. barely one or the other of these rvfial? ran be collected by the ""fled i r>. >< ?*2n:|?tvr i:i o.ir town. V'o :? our members and the public ? . :;era;ly to keep for us every bit of t:r? ft'! ?.very empty tuhe of salve or ?/?T-ii l of r.n#r sort," TIN* ts made from ?h?>?e and we must have tin to carry or tre war. Platinum we liavp sa?d is njoro pro fit us but. that, too,.many of our mem h::ve. W" a*?k the help ot' rach tin in any form: of every person will i:irr and anxious to help win the yar. V.'e cinnot use tin cans?they are ':n "???'run ; ?? ?1 >1 ?'mi-- ?-i ? n?i?l v. ill K** every c?ht?r f jrm . f t n r ? ;;:r;lur infonn-'Joi, apply to VT-:S . T,. PALVriR. Chairman Conservation Committee. ^iwferl^ Conference at l.cnhV. Wo are requested to state that tlie fourth (quarterly conference for the YouugFVille district vill be lu*ld at November 12U:. ft 11 o'clock. All, Leah's church on Tuesday mominp.' members ?*pertHt]y the officers, are os j peciallv urged to he presnfc : | I uui).li'.toti lied Cross. The Franklinton Rodr Cross Com* mtttep on overseas Christmas boxes desires to call attention to the fact, that the boxes are to be found at Cook's Furniture Store. Xo box will be delivered unless the applicant produces an overseas label. | ?11 packager, must be mailed before November 20th. , F. S. Food Administration. The increase in the monthly allot- ? ntent of sugar from 2 to 3 pounds per capita per month must not be taken as meaning that the conserva- i tion of food stuffs is not now fully as important as it was at the height i of the food shortage." declared Coun-i XX Food Administrator M. C. Pleas- \ ants to a,_Franklin Times reporter to- j day. Mr. Pleasanta continued. "While the sugar situation has im proved. largely due to the splendid aid of the American housewife in re ducing consumption, and also by the , availability of new domestic cane and i Ieet sugar. ?/?? ne? *r greater ex-' ports in otitr ti: as M no less ma 1 The United St a ?? j;t increase /?o! .ved exporM by one-half from a har vest no larger than last year's . The prominent part which the A merican woman has played in con serving sugar is best understood by a comparison of our consumption of sugar during the past four months with the consumption for a similar, period in normatt"ttmes. Normal con-' sumptions of sagar for the months of J^ly, August September and October was approximately 400,000 pounds, per month, or 4,600,000 pounds for j the four months. Following the ap peal for sugar conservation there was ' saved approximately 300.000 pounds 1 during that period of thiB year. Sev- i enty per cent of the sug&r consume* i In the United States is u4fed in the i home. j Last spring when we had only',2*.- , )00.000 bushels of wheat for export i above our normal requirements, the * American ~peopTe~made sacrifices by | saving that enabled fls to send 130,. ( u09,000 addil)'. rial bushels of wheat 1 OKldes the itormaj exportable sur plus. Of tltid the housewife alon* sjaved a total 13,000,000 barrels of flour or a pvrJng equfvalent to an proximately ?' pounds of flour for t every man, v.*. m tin and child in t ho I nitcd Slates. ' .. The <Bai?io 1 ; ai ?*p-rJt or sacrlf; !>as Dcen Lho\\" ia the;sugar con ste r v;uioii prograf: a.'d it h. confident'? M> by the.I< 'i Administration that t' c'~Vnioncan ? rplc will give renewed S prmrtuinj v. hl^h avint on all sfn r voli on to t* .alls? for ^ tn.:u , pie food comr. (,!"'c3' H(<^nrt Oorr:?!!!- !r: vo A'rrcfil fo Terms of'.trn:iM!e< Prcentcd By Mar shnl Foch. Washt on Nov. 7.?Navy cable ' censors reported today that an oitoffi rial message had comfc through from abroad announcing that the% Germans had signed the armistice terms deliv ered by Marshal Foch. No authority was given for l?je statement, and while it added to Hip air of expectancy #eve.ry where officials said nothing except an official dispatch could be believed. Neither the American government or the "Allied embassies or war mis sions had been advised even that Mar-' shal Foch had presented the armlsUc* terms. It was assumed, however that the German envoy? had been conducted through the, French lines some time during the day. Ensign John Xenl. Louisnjrg. Oct. 21.?Ensign John Xeal. son o fthe ln*e W. P. Neal and Mrs. Annie W. Nw!. was bdrn in Louis burg. X. C\. February. 9. 1S97. . After attending Louisburg High School ho entered ' Shadman's Preparatory School in "Washington. D. C.. from whirl* he was ocopted at the I". S. Xaval Academy. \ 1-roue h ".n pnr.r;];:; nont bvVVner^ vir.an I-. V" He attained tl rank <r.f his Company i:? the crar:; of ld10. ?vhich was graduated June. IMS. II? iinqiediately enter? d scrvi-? p.* ensign cn the I", S. S. Prniuy;*-:inin. whero he w.vs assigned to iV> ?.I?;*;* <:.Z a div isional officer, ('ri. of U:<T l". S. Penn^yiv: n{r.. '? his mother at the tin.o n* mat he had watched with fo-en interest, John's career while a: tho Academy, and Mn^e heirw? 'n the -vrvic?, anc! ? hat !:? I^ad not only v .? the admlra T:on. respect and love of rP the men. but his development v.-a: *f,0 ;vr eont good. Inflii' naa nml );ticnmonia' "of ?hort duration resulted in his death while aboard ship. O :< *??? Cth. '^lie remar-nr were sent to h-* ' o?n<*. for in terment io Oaklawn cc?'-.? ?? ry. fii-hop Cheshire oTiciating. A r-iry- of friends m ?* ?ln> roma in.* carried through Louishir.v" to his honiQ the conrO.ouso hell wr. - tolled in hi. honor The pallbearers were: Mcs% T Mi Kinnc. W. x! !' wn. J. 'I../."en. K. L. Best. W. if. ]Ja.."h and -Malone. Th ? ?'? ath of this youn* ofTIccr has s;v: :. r <v! unspeakably the In an** of :?-e people of Louisbnrrr who felt a ?1t ? o int? rest in him. and were looking v. i-h pride to the fulfilment of aH of whir h ;.i< entrance" into !?*? chosen 'd e r.if'v.-ii of service gave promi* 'I he ?. ytnpi.fhy that goes out to liiw.idoo: iui mother is heartfelt. Bravely and 71 r i-ny. s'io cave her hey la Ills *nnn d bravely she is hc.riiir t'ie racrlfice so earlv made of hi? bright ycun?r life. With wonder'ul str.?nir*h she L facing another test of her love and loyalty, as her only remaining son. William, has received his orders, and will leave immediately for hi a Aviation Training School in far away Minnesota. . There were no funeral services held at tho home of Ensign Xeal. but the long line of ea,rs that followed hi? re mains to the cemetery, was an attesra tioij to the love and respect oil- pco- , pie here him. The selections Rung by the choir, and the beautiful 1*1*1118 from the ritual of his church, never sounded more impressive, as the cas ket. draped in the flag he loved, rested beside the open prave. When it was lowered into its last resting place, it was by lovtne hands tenderly hid from view. The floral offerings were beautiful and profnse. and came from far and near. The tfhfcs Yrttm hf* nearest and dearest "were first placed on the newly made mound. HYid .fche o-i.ers hanked around, until the grave vas mere than covered. ' In conclusion Bishop Cherfhir* read most feelingly a beautiful hymn and with tear-dimmed eyen, and saddened but ni.Wted hearts, Ensign John Neal vas left "Sleeping within our Father's gracious keeping, till tin resurey-? ilon ilny.*' How Wo Can Help Protect Our Sol diers Oversea* From firman Poison fias. At least ohr 'flclftntlgtK ^p_vA.*Hwffid an almost sure prort*Lttb<f7or our soldiers overseas frcm the awful poison pas of the Germans which in the rarl/ <fays of th? r*ar If id waste so many thous ands of brave young lives. Rverv member of our coummunlry can help in this great work if thay will. Our toys and .rh's. men and women, even the aged in our midfitt can come to our aid. This J?_ an fcmergency^call for help?an 9. O. S. from our soldiers to our people. And not by money nof *ork can we aerve iu this; merely by thought and ?are an<l by always remembering ii?c j need. Our gvernmeni wants every fruit pit, every fruit >to:ie ami V.i? sliell of ev ery nut, eaten by our ptople. T^o IU<* Cros-.i Chapter beg* you never to east away a .si:>'t;lc una of t:ie*e necd"l pro-* duets? yob.-ulvvajH thought \U - were ju t "wa^i"." i-o r-M we, but wo know better no.. :" ?%y r.uc.n T.TKK. PRO i I 'iO.\ : d . ^ i 'urn to u-i ot cur solile.* from o-crwi*." We. the Uvd < r?> ? ?" i p er. ? 'T yo?i to .save ovy.v o .. *,?; i'm-.o article*); K your horn* V.vt. -.v.- <r iJQX t ?slv, ll;. .'?r.t u <0 i> i-.ti ?.r-rj? ;t to u*: deposit it:*, eon i V . ; 1 ]?<? p?< (:ptarli;ft for ;his purpose .:? ?! ii:?? Uod I'roas Chapter will g t .? t<?.the Required clo;sj tinai'a.n. This is iielp v!i!.t ?ac fi ?1 a. cr.n - n?:iy wo co'.iut 011 you? .MRS. J. L. J'ALMKIl, ('iidirnian Conservation Commit? ee. Franklin County Hoy ou Battle* iieTtl. SI DNI-:V L. Lt'HNLTTK , _Aler . X. C.. Oct. 14.?Private Sid 1* y nurr.ei-^ wa? ' .. \ in Franklin rouir.v v.oar A i vrt ^f..iv!i 13. 1S&2. and wt-s l:S*.Te:l S". "France Sept. 1.191S. In pojtoji lil' ^a: physically st/ong, men tally *-ane. rati blue eyes, light hair ;.n-I u i'1*: :dv v o m pi ex Jon. 1* . .. v.seful farmer with a -Ki'r : suture. lie was kind and :?!? v a. * ready ar.il gljid to lontl a hc.p ?r l lo i":ose :n need. .. oar.- uro Mod saw that it was best he could in the house :: i . ;? wa.* ? ho tilled htr place a? ti? .< to rh?- yuurRor ??i:W made him l iT 11 ? hi*- lilt h baby '?ruber. I'^r ?? ione i:ni* whenever lie w. i t any ?:!? V'h- by ' :j.i, Tlies*o rla-v frnvly ? i( > to tho yoksnccr on>\; r.:OiU!i?m v. hoin^ly and interea;?* *? hi the ? i " rrr1 ; ? v.nijn u .? l'.ti?? ? *" ;i. -7. i!?17 ho reci'iwd 1!I.-* call ? li*? " i- vas for liir.i to hrcak ? v* 'i v.-< ! i ? t ""?t- liomi folk** wlw.n he ? ;????-? home iv the* dead hours of night v bard for him K? I-.mvc he felt that it wa< . hi* patriotic duty. He wa* first sent to Camp Javkson. |l >tayed there only ;i few week1? ?a Ik h hewas iran-fered to Camp Se vier.. lie ':ad measles in t lie fall and aair Ch; i-tmas me mump?. He ??Mirt ?"i I.. wriur that i. feil it was only through God's goodness ;;nd the prayers of his good christian friends that his lif*> was spared. Dur ing all hi* camp life he never had an ?'XWa duty of any kind. He lived i i clejin life with many, temptations i around him to do evil. He received a five days' furlough j ; while at Camp Sevier. The short stay j ;it home seemed like a dream 'but-'lie j felt, much boiler when he really saw j that homefplks were doing as well as j they wer without him. I talked to i , If m:-face to face while at home. He ' stated that he had accepted Christ as hi?* Savior several years ago but had foiled to unite with the church. His , p'ans then were to Join a Baptist church when he cjjme home to stay. He sailed overseas about May 16. . 19? 8. It was thought from "The daies of his letters that, he lived from 20 to .>0 days in the trenches. The grea* est desire of all his letters were that <5od might let him come hack home to Mve with hisJoved ones again. Such a short life but how thankful" we ough to be that he was an honor tor h:.* country. "Greater tove hath no man than this that he lay down his" i fe for his friends." The whole County joins mo In ex tending their heartfelt sympathy to his home people. He leaves an agod father, R. C. Bumette, of Alert four ? \ -1 hers, George^ Joe and Robert Bur : a.te. of-Alert, Horton Bumette at c-.mp Sevier and two sisters, Beulah ayd Nancy Burnette, of A'ert Franklin County's son gave his lite" For Liberty, Freedom and Truth / The th ngs dearest to each life Thflt we might hold forever to the truth. Weep no- more dear onea For God knoweth best He gives us loved ones He taketti them when its best. Ho sleeps a restful sleep to us In an unknown grave^^ ^ , And there he-wS4ta the resurrection morn * When all shall rise from the grave t And answer God's call on that morn. A FRIEND. . Willi?' Brnt?'l} (a^rylm? Old CJIory In> 1 ?' i:v,f ?y i !i v. ?iurfrg :? ?- \? V r .* * or Franklin Count.- men av bee r p ir ? ???. ir ? ? rh a cr o< llr.al Si| ?vr'r: ;; V ?. , ;.n I .11 -i iti r. _? Mo - ?' ?' -''i ; i. .v >\_. t- ??oi> ially pripU 'T '? > nr;!1' f:'i.Mid3. ?."r. J"? ?? .1 -< -i of V/. '>'* .T >y n>T. rc:i?or\i!i* \ ! ill if Jor in K raw t\ Mi.' ' r:- m-m. ;>f^ Mir 'i?i; I '.'nt? ?\ iy-ik .)'? ) ? Vv Jng ? jt1: ii v.. . co;n:j.t.d ??j Opt. S. I'. ficHWi V Mr. V.'ijlic (:. 7.o.r u v ?\1 r. ind" Mr \ W. G y\r. i of r,'?;.\r 'n^bvide. v\a>* report* .1 Ktl !?-*?.! in* Kraut*.? early hi October, ^ir. Mi.<.on was one of I-Vaiik !.]] County's ? k..; young; men and nam bored his frier.:!* by His acf|uaintnfiees. Me. was r.:arrii?l to Miss Elizabeth Jones wh'. ? n camp at -k-' i i:.\ * f... and bsid'js her he loaves a father am. mother, several sis:era and broth ers an I ! cf-t.s of frlemly ;rd relat:\*es. A report was received in Loufchurg that a Mr. Strickland of Harris town ship was killed in action, but wo could not -get confirmed. Mr. ('linton A. Tharriugtpn, son of Esse Tharrinpton. of near town, was re pored wounded. A letter from Major S. P. l'u:l ^ * 10 his wife here says that lie v?*as wound ed on the battlefield in October, in three place4-. One- 1k.11 *:>-inp e.T.?- . in 11: foot, one in the shotflder and one in tl.e Inn?s. He is impro-'.ng and *ajs he expects to pet ba a* Hun., in a short while. Somewhere " France, ' Oct. i. ms. Dear Ulster A^nie:? I wri'i.; na;i: r rd V- \t 1 l's??:: 1 you a lc?t-r. Slsii!* A? I v.e> ]? i.ho grr:;i,.-r bai'l^Su ;d":iy.-?opt. 'JInh. ? var ha- lo.n <*ii t !.?? Western front. We worn ovpr ii"i? Sm'uy. ?; r.'? lock A. .V o i r*?ir.t on'tho Mir.*'. '.i.ttrg li; . . and we readied all o! our obje- tives. bui 'ost about one i!alf of our < > tr.p..I was woundt?\ just before v.* c-' t; trc".c!i. Ou o Ot tho-e o. ;! ; *:a '"? * n:?. In tho left ] nn<! ! "?.-.?I to tl;t? Voys and }.i> r;:ek. iav. 1 .-ure did ' to leave 11", m. f v.-r.< shot two t^.nes. f!r-1 iime 1? si o- m- i.'i the st much ! ut \ b "? .-t' i.:u:r.'.::ii*iv%n ? d hi* "i ..: t . T! !:1 k i :?onie ' *ky don't j:;;:? I: ti. bullet 1. ;: hit my belt hi? v on!'! si.c/ a liolo t!:n>r.vb t;: , AV:] I ..-?uit! h-*V l e in ?* < ? an.l ene -i i? it: j:, r. v ? v-* kil'. : "r Moi: r. ? ??? ,. ? and ? I left ti: '?? ?>'- ! Ctni': a'.ov.- ; ow many mii'.v. ? ! e.:p.ie baek ov" the * of tlio. Ci mjiany. rml you know ust had to cry. 1 was '.:i eharge ? two ai'.'cmati f'o .-rnuuls and one ?. the K.?}i ? ) . v .t4t . ; .is started ;.::d 1 t: . hi in to go hae" and ]tf^--aid. "! iiu with yau. ,.n." And v.'.:<n I wa* ^i.ot throu^ the ham! 1 ? :J*e did hale ;.> leave h ior th? > a1! ii/id -n to'h I* e^nlhlpnc? me. 1 (b? j *-mt ' ?'.?v are wilt . got i! ere K. Sisii.r were von back ??:] a nin i; m'le front a". . '.ero ? nfe mi! : '!? v ent over t top ill the >. -j ? ni'U'f or. ?! ?? ):it V-'- 11 .1' !:?<-> Jjm you soon am! < iter?. .Just *? ?? my mail r6 r. and tiny ?..in for' d it* to tne for I it.ay^iot >'<\y at \\ una p!a:-f i?l!. t.:e lime r*:?::i sick. Well, don t worry over nic, * I'll pel through a!" r and r?: bor we have the Hun* oh the rut .init God. Give all my love and tel. i(>ui I'll write soon as 1 can. As ever, your brother. TOM G. PERRY. Help the tyoy*. The following letter is timely and should be read by all: To all the people of Franklin County: The news la coming to us every day of the death or wounding of some of our Franklin County boys. They are making the supreme sacrifice, thoy are going West In a cause that is glor ious, they are dying as men. I had rather be a Sam Hoddic or Willie Ma con or any of the other boyB that are being killed or wounded on the blood soaked hills of France than to be ? slacker as some ire and walk the streets of Ixjuisburg. These meu will go down in history as not worthy of the name of a man, while Sam and Willi? ami the rest will go down in history as God's noblemen. There kre other ways of hoing a slacker than merely not going to the war, am I a slacker In not doing my duty at home, are you do ing yours. Today we are In the midst of a drive to raise money to sc ;ry thing in the way of comfoit mr won lifted boys. Aro we goin lot the love of money keep us from v ing to this noble cause? I for one *in not going to be a slacker in this and 1 know you are no* Let uh pile r;> an amount In Franklin County that will surprise every one. Our boys Urea are at stake, we m ist Respond. There is not a man womr.n or child In Frank lin CoUnty who cannot give something. i let us see the right w nd et its come 8f s. Our oim ish blood arc 'ng help In V-v nee today. .. Yoi iceroly, - T W. ALSTf'

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