The S tore for Men in War Time Now that the Influenza is most over we will appreciate ^ vis it by \'OU. -Our lmes of Overcoats, Suits anc V iiji;er T/ilder vroar are comDlotdxT ? \ ? ? \ ' , i V ? ? - You,stout f.r .i lesikinsn who have often wirh^d ycu coultf * be nttf d propev^-aNgiaifr from <;rock. cas, rr.*v 'have. yo??.r - wistariuid thepiicc' iva winner. / - ?? / While you a. ? i >'. .i,& "ni ^qurself don't over!o<>i j&cr bright kirie boy Vic sse. ;r:i up like/^Daddy" in.iv nixty suit and bk.adisome ('? ???.;??? -:>ar, like the &fopve designs. ' Overalls, wo* k shirts, work >?a&s, sweaters and heavy un derwear Boys "'we have t-hcra/pud the prices are right. / acidy and the Boys'' (The McBrayer Gothin Incorporated ^Kjtdl Never Know How Good. This Coffee Is Until^buTryIt ORDS cannot adaqnately describe Vou've got to taste it yourself. Won't you try Luzianne next lime? Laziarme is packed in sanitary, air tight, full-measure tins?impurities can't get in and the*, flavoif can't leak out It has been made very easy for ycra to get acquainted. You take no chances. If Luzianne doesn't taste" -better than any other coffee you ever tried, your grocer will refund your money. So, buy that first can today. NOTICE ! The tax bcoks has beea placed in mv hands by tne /Board of Commissioners for collection of taxes for 1918 with instructions to collect and I wilAthank all the payers ofths Ca/unpy to come and get their receipt. I will have a collector at each voting precinc/ in ths County on Thursday, October 31, 1918. H. A. KEARNEY, ~ Sheriff. "No American May Refuse," Cardinal Gibtwas Says "" ^ ? ? James Cardinal Gibbons, the leading Catholic churchman la America, has Issued a strong7ai> peal In support of the Unltednffar Work Campaign. ."It Is an American campaign," he said- -Its appeal is one that no tgUM umoanrcment that we are in this ?war as ?ne people and as one na tion to. aee It through to victory. Into the splendid work of sustain ing th? morale of oar fighting men the great Bodal organizations or America have thrown themsdves. The American people will raise the rum they ask?generously and gladly." CATHDliC BOYS JOIff 1 WAR WORK CAMPAIGN, 9 Girls, Too, Will Stand With Then j Behind Every Fighter atlfte Front To put behind ?very Catholic flghtei ; In France the support of one boy ca ( . girl In every parish throughout tba { United States Is the plan of the Na tional Catholic War Council for bade | lng the Victory Boys* and Victory i Girls' "Earn and Division of tl* 1 United Work War Campaign to rais* $170,500,000 [*for the boya over there" i daring the week of November 11-18. | Through diocesan, county and parish organizations, the rallying of one I youngster for every man who has gone te war In ?every community is already under way. By their own earnings, and not by contributions. It Is expect ed that these sturdy little sponsors for the boys abroad will each raise at least five dollars for the joint wel fare work of the I. M. C, A, I. W, j C. A., National Catholic War Coun cil, Including the Knights of Cotum- | bus, War Camp Community Service, 1 Jewish Welfare Board, American LI- I brary Association and Salvation Army. Boys and girls In every Catho&e ? parish throughout the United States ? are already being picked to represent each fighting man who has left the> i church for the front. In evqry home | that flies a service flag little brothers 1 and sisters, sons and daughters, are , eagerly volunteering to look out for the share of their family fighter 111 the huge joint welfare campaign fat all | Che boys abroad. es 566 cures m ous Fever. . .If you '"Vb^life lnsurn-.ce see J. A. TURNERJIr 7-26-tf. For Kent. A four room house oil Newport road close to the orfl Hence Hazelwood house, tor rent J^lply to /^Lehman, 10-18-4t / Lonisburg, N. 0. FIBE iySQRjJTr.E. When yon want bRnraneeuSPTT with T. W. WATUtm." K? knows how. Cj 7-tl-tt. The Quinine Tbat Does Noi Because of its Conic _ T1VE BROMO QUININ1 by anyone without cau in the bead. E.W.GRO' Strayed or Stolen, A black mare mule ?weighing 1000 pounds, Jias a>o Vhite &pot on left thigh, strayed V *"as stolen from my home'on Wednesday night, October 23, 1918. Any Information leading to her will A>? liberally rewarded. R. 3, Nashville, N. C. ll-l-2t Anto If umber lost. No. 39639 tor an automobile, lost Oct. 30. 1918. Finder will return same to me and recsjve reward R. H. PEttKYT 11-1-tf Mapleville, N. C. actomobilt: for sale Six Cylinder Chandler. This car tis In perfect running order. Has new Kellyj-Sprlngfield tires, never had a puncture. Self Starter, new top. CANDLER-CROWELL CO. 11-1-tf t Make? Cold Corners Comfortable for aging limbs that feel the slightest draught. The handy Perfection Heater gives a generous glowing wnrmjth whenever, wherever needed?brings comfort and relief in freezing weather Good-looking- economical - smokeless, odorless. Aladdin Security Oil Rives best results. At your dealer's STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Wt?Wr?g?on, D. C. Baltimore, \!d. Cktrlottc. N, C. Norfolk V*. Charleston. w ,V? Rtebmood Vs. Charlcatnn, S,C.