TERRI3LYJtWCLu;!l Suffering Described As Torture Relieved by Black-D" ;!it Rossville, Oa.?Mrs. Kaie Lc; Able, ol this place, writes: "My hu;'Ja:;d/s an engineer, and tonce while liftin?^ie in jured himself ?th a piece cf uJ/y ma chinery, across \he abdomen /Ke was ?o sore he cou!d\ot bear ta/pc -ss on himself at all, on chat or abdaRvn. He weighed 165 lbs., aitjl fell J ur.lil he HHMlhMllininr ilUiiLi jf He becami constipated * id it looked like he would die. We hVd/hrcn different doctors, yet with all they tttu.oine, his bowels failed to act. H n would turnup a ten-cent bottle of casJSnoi!, and drink It two or three days if stter -,inn. Jfe did this yet without rapu'.t. \ V.'e "came desperate, he suffere/so. I; .vac swol ?'en terribly. He tcfi me lis suffering -?ou.. only be dcscabed as torture. 1 sent and boujmt Thedford's Black Draught. I made/ him tjl;e a\big dose, and when it beg/n to act he ft;::ted, he was in such misery, but he got relief and began to mend/ at once. He ^>t well, and we both leel he owes his lile to Thedford's Blaqc-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day's work. Try it t NC-131 J. o. nAvell, mT dT Lonfsbnrg. N, (, Offices next door op White & Malone Will be at Loutsbitrg regularly. Day Phone 329 ?-tfiglU Pbone 292-J ub, w. b. aoBTor \Eye Specialist Office\ln HofS Building Ixmlatmrg. NortlyCarollj? S. ATWOOD Itfe WELL. Attoraey-A.t-I.aw. Coulsburg \ / Franlilliiton Offices overVAyqbc't: Drug Co. {?ener&l practice OR. ARTHUR M THE S FLEKTNH 8ur*e?h Jleatlst. Loutsburg,/North Carolina ttlSf? over P. 8./k JC K. Allen'* Store. DR. M. G. PEBBV Physician and Burgeon Lonlsbtyg, North ^Carolina i T i Next Door to Aycock Drag Co. Phone Connections 287. BE. J. E. HALO Loulfburc, North C^ollna ?p??e In Aycock Druis 8t#re, Market Street, {Office Practice Surgery ad consultation. , SMITHW1CJL ?Ust. Office in OTeFlrat National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. PEBSON. ATTORNEY - AT-LA W Lonlsburg, North Carolina Vr-aetlo* In all court* Office'on Main Bi trjeet. j m. F. Sonci Binifti Trading agenta Vfor ill kinds of ?olldlng supplies, altlatld Mantles and VUes. Architectural designi snb Bi B. WMt? WHITE ? LAWYER <| Loulsburg. North /Carolina general practice, seftlrnient ot es tates funds invested. h"< memlier of (ha firm always In thf omce. Wm. H. Ruffln, / Thoi W. Ruffln YiM. H. & THUS. W. BEFFIX Attome/s-ai-LaW ILonlsburg, / North Carolina General practice/ botb civil land crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun ties, Supreme fend Federal Courts. Offices in First National iBank lui'.Clng. \ ?b/j. b. dayis \ Fhjsl>ian and SnrgeoV Lmlabnri, S. C. | Formerly laterne St. Agnes Hospital Office ne/t door to Durrell Davis blacksmith Shop Plinne Connections 64. IIH. \B. HENMHSON, o( H>n<ler?o?, N. C. Will ba in LoHfBBURG every FIRST and 'FHtfiD Monday of each month at. the effioe of Dr. Rerjfert Fehy fi'om 10:00 to 1:00 o'clocltN Practice limited to the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THEOAT. STE G ALL BROS. Barbers Loolsbnrg, N. Wo have purchased the ifcop forir.er ly occupied by Osfc^r Stefcall and will ran same at* the sane itand. Zollle < Wllklns will be with W, and saUsfp.c tioo and cleanliness nlAll be our mot to. Plenty of hot rujin\g water ?*ad clean toweie. F1RB INSTRANCB. you wtnt hpnaee lak? It Wtth S. If. WATKOXT fie knows i?w. r\ 7-#i-u. rlchtnjj Ate blood. You c*n\W*ffc?l UtStrenmh eolng, Iovldoratio;1 rffrct Aoo'SOc. ? " TT gives me the greatest pleasure to tep tify that the work has been conducted upon the broadest lines of service, not merely to the gallant soldiers of the army of the great Republic of the West, but to all they could assist. The high quality of character of those conducting this work needs uw praise, but I affirm that in my opinion it would have been impossible to have afforded the boys that inspiration and succor they need?and which they so richly deserve? without your efforts. ' ? ?A. Lloyd George Prime Minister of Qmt Britain UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN SOUTHEAST HEROES S?J FRANCE GET SUPPLIES AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES OVER HERE RED TRIANGLE ..SMOULDERS EXPENSE OF TRANSPORTATION FRO? MANUFACTURERS TO CANTEENS IN FRANCE?SYSTEM REDUCED TO FINAL BASIS AND RESULTS NOW ARE VERY GRATIFYING. The Americans overseas with Pershing have facilities for combatttlng the high cost of living that are absolutely beyond the reach of civilians oa this side of the Atlantic. Even their small luxuries, such as tobacoc\ bis cuits, cakes and similar articles, are obtainable at prices that are consid erably lower than those charged by retailers in American cities. This is made possible because the Jwmy and Navy Y. M. C. A. has takes over all post exchanges In Prance at the direct request of General Pershing, so that the Rad Triangle Is now conducting the greatest business enterprise in the world. Tobacco and other "suplemectary" supplies are distributed to the boy* In khaki at exactly wholesale prices. The "Y" makes not a penny of profit and even shoulders the financial loss entailed by footing the bills for trans portation fran the manufacturer to the canteens at the front. The American troopers can buy Fatlma cigarettes for 60 centimes, or about 8 cents; Camels, 35 centimes, or about 6 cents; Sweet Caporals, Si centimes, or about 3 cents; Lucky Strikes, 30 centimes, or about S centi; Murads, 65 centimes or about 11 cents; Bull Durham, 26 centimes, or about < cents; Prince Albert, 40 centimes, or about 7 oents; Velvet, 80 osotlmea, or *}>nut 6 cents; Star Chewing, 36 centimes, or about 6 cents. Capt. George M. Lynch, former assistant commandant at the Florid? Military College, Gainesville, Fla, but now in the Red Triangle Service, has made several trips overseas and has investigated thoroughly the conditions exist ing In the post exchanges under Y. M. C. A. management. He dedans that whfle some difficulty was experienced at first, prices have been stabilized Designed Southeast Hostess Houses Miss Katharine C. D mi d, of Jfe?w York (left), who designs the houRfw of the Southeast orn Dwfcrtmexit, now engaged In supervising tk? ooastrnctlon of one at Dorr PV&l near Arcadia, Fla. Miss Gertrude Maya, ?t New Yortk and Boston, arohftai tor other Y. W. C. A. buUdlngs at mlU Iwry establishments. ' .* New Store for Sale or Rfeni at Wood, N. C. This store Is datable for both Dry Goods and Grocer^ business; la well covered and flnlshe\ imslde, has largo side room with doorropening Into it. Will rent at $12.50 nVmonth or will eell store and adjoiyTn^ot at $1500.00 with satisfactory f CANDLER-pftOWELt, CO. 11-1-tf Louisburg, N. C. A desirable rwd^yf-c and lot on l 1 cii street, in^fi/alate possession Apply to W/A JACKSON, at Pir.nf Na\onnl Rank. 10-4-tf Cows for Sale>oi^ixchaiKe. I hare a numbercows, fresh to i pall, will sell or exqjtyige for dry cat tle. MITH, 8-16-tf R. F. A. 2, LAilsWurg. N. C. If frou want life insuXriro see J. A. TURNER. X *-2T6-tf Administratrix Notice to Creditors. J^aVing qualified aa administratrix of the estate of J. W. Daniels, deceas ed, late of Franklin Counfy, N. C , this Is to notify all person^iavlng claims against said esf^tes tOif>re&ent them to the undersigned ^nj^r before the 1st day of November/\fl9, or this notice will be plead in bafVqf their recovery. All persona indebted tXtfte said estate will please makqf ihimencate payment. This November MRS. ELIZ.'M. DANIELS. Admrx Wm. H. & Thofl- w- Ruffin, Attys. Notici Having qualified us administratrix of the estate of J. IrXTimbeflake, deceae ed, late of FrankliVco^nty, this te to notify all persons\jfolding claims against the said estates present them to the undersigned before tie 1st day of Noveonbe|C 19?!^or this no tice *411 be plead lb bar dC their re covery. All perscjh Indebted to said estate will please fnake mmediate set tlement. Thle Nov. 1st, 1918. MARY W. TIMB^ILAKE, Admrx. ll-l-6t m 5, 4 When tou Cuii: The buying public in Franklin and adjoining counties are beginDing to appreciate the fact that we have the cheapest store in town, when quality is considered, and are coming here to make their purchases. See the wonderful prices below: Extra Specials Children's Black 25<i Hose, pair .. .\ .14c Men's 25c Hose pair .V. t 15c Ladies' 25c Hose, pair A. I 14c l'earl Buttons, card .... .\ 2V2 Men's and Boys' 50c Caps- . 23c Men's Hats, $i.00 * V" * Men's 25c Suspenders, Men's 50c Neckwear, .... Cuff Links, 25e value .... Ladies' WhileBrtliStitchi'U llandkcijjrft-fs, .... 1? DressEillC P01' package, i < lc 50tJKireau Scarfs, 2-lc ^SfieTalcum Powder, can 5c Canvass Gloves, por pair 9c Spool Cotton, spool - 2V? Men's 25c Belts, ..- 15c 38c Corset Covers 21c Men's, Women and Children's Underwear. Boys' Fleeced Ribbed Colon Suits 89c Men's $1.25 Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers .... .... >.89c Boys' Heavy Fleece^ Shirts and Drawers .... ........ *,v.75c Ladles' Fleeced Ribbed 69c Union Suits 89c Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed 75c Shirts and Drawers 39c Girls Ribbed $1.25 Union Suit s 55c Girls' Extra Heavy Fleece 76c SblrtB anH Drawers 29c MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING All-Wool Blue Serge Suits, $18 today's value to go at . .$11.98 Men's Suits, $11 to $12.50 values, in sale at $6.85 Men's $16.50 Suits, High Grade,-merchant tailoring ... .$11.25 Men's Suits, values $9 and $10.00 $5.80 Men's Overcoats, $11.90 and $10.40 down to $6 98 Men's Dress Shirts, cilice dollar value 59c The very best Work Shirts, the strongest $1.25 kind 98c Boys' 75c Sweaters. S^c Boys' 35c Blouses, i. ?3c Men's $1.00 Dress Gloves 49c "Iff $5.00 Boys' Suits of Bine Serge ... A $3.98 $4.00 Boys' Suits A $2.98 $6.00 Blue Serge Suits, the new Norfolk Boys' Pants. 85c Valuo .... \. .... rTTT4.?u Juvenile Suits, worth $3.00, now $1.9'' Fine't Suits made, high ~rnr1| value,... .$4.68 DRESS GOODS FOR THE LADIES F Good Sheetine, 25c value, per yard i.. 17% 50c Mattress Ticking, per yard J 25c Turkish Towels, each I 15c 25c Apron Gingham, per yard ? 17!/2 25c Outing Flannel, per yard . i 18c 35c Dress Gingham, per yard ...." 21c W VjciI Serge, 75c value, per yard 49c 25c Curtain Scrim per yard .... '. 14^ Xew Fall 1917 Dress Goods, value 5Sc to $1.00 yard . . 59 and 23c "De Lux" Hats for Boys ....' 25c Men's $1.50 Sweaters 75c Our lines of Coats, Suits, Shirtwaists, Skirts, Millinery and Sweaters are complete and are being sold at bargain prices. Come in and see our lines. See our line of Men's Women and Children's Shoes before you purchase your winters footwear. I. J. DEITZ & COMP'Y Louisburg, North Carolina "The House That Always Sellsv It Cheaper"

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