THE FRANKLIN TIIflES X. ?' yOll.NSO.N, Kdltor imri Mnii.nxtr O. J. HALE Ak?1s(u:i} Manager " ?TAR DROP"? ?We are Indebted to Mr. J. II. Mit chell. of near Ferry's Mill, for two fine sweet potatoes?one weighing eight pounds and the other about :i !a"?ye. Sen. W. M. Person vis;i i N. '?ville the past week. ? i Mr. John II. perry, of 'V. ngton City. returned home Mo;:.". cast his ballot. Gov. Thomas \V. Hii k' i urr! .ed in Louisburg Tuesday to <???* vote in fhc election. lit? reni" o *. vvv.ral Uayn. " T Mr. J. ('. Jt'.vner. wife da filter. Irene, of llonton, Fla., who '?avo been on a visit to thoir. poopl- ; * ' mnt-y returneil homo Tuesday. "Notice to Wliitr and Culoi'M "hers " ; ??. i if j:t.? i>. a rilled thai th?? pi:lio??l? may o^en -Hmidey, ' Novem ?>? r tin* 11th. CiiiM.. - >Iutr Mctvms The C'anva>sii?v Hoard met i*i Lotita burfc yesterday and canvassed the ?*1oc tion returns. The report will be pub lished next week. . Li t of l.rtters The following is si list of letters .re* mcnlnfnrc lh the post office :rt Louis* liurff. N. C\. not called Tor Nov. S. i lv T. Eaton. Major Gup'mi. Henry .fefTrvys. Mrs. 'Louise Jone*. >Tr^ LI rina >1 ills. Mr. G. O. Terrell. 1'ersons calling for any of the a!iove letters will please rtate thaC they saw tlv^n? ioxfrliscd. F%. H. DAVIS. P. M. I NSIIAKEN TESTIMONY I Time i? the test of truth. And Donn's Kidpey Pills have stood the test in Louisburg. No Louisburg resident who suffers backache, or annoying urinary ilia, can remain ' unconvinced bv this twice?vtold testimony. Mrs. D. C. Iljgh. Middle ?Uf Louis burg. gave the '< following Aatement February 5. 191fc. Three /ears ago; I was nearly down with my ba?k. I j could hardly get abound, ifly back pain' ed me so badly and I hejjTrd so 'much I about Doan's Kidney Rills, I got a | box. After taking a fiew doses, ray 4 back felt easier. P^ollowed direc-! tions carefully and /?ntinued taking them until I was ejitlkcly cured. My back was never better/? On June 24, UF18, Mis. High said: "I can recommend Dean's Kidney , Pills as highl/ today. ad*I did in my last endorsement. DoaW's entirely cured me and I have haa no return of kidney trouble since." \ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney PUIS?the same that Mrs. High had. Foster-Milburn Co.,1 Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. r EAT BIG MEALS! NO SOt'R, ACID STOMACH. INDIGESTION OR OAS. "Pane's Dlapepsln" Ik quickest, surest BHIWMH'lfUll IIIIJM? sweeten a sour, gassy or out-of-order i stomach within five minutest If your meals don't fit comfortably, \ or what you e^t lies like A lump of i 1???d in yniiT Htnmnrh. Or ft you ha.'e [ heartburn, that is usual# a sign of' acidity of the stomach. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose Just an soon af you. can. There , ~tHH hr I'm 'HUM linin/n, ? undigested food ml^ed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling ,in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches or dizziness. This will all wo, and besides, there will be no soilr food left over in the stomach to j^ofcon your breath 'with nauseous o$Jors\ Pape's Dfapepbln helps to neutralize the -excessive itfd in the stomach which 14 causing the food fermenta tion and preventW proper digestion. Relief In five minutes is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fiftyVcent cases contain enough Pape's DlApepsin to usually keep the entire family free from stom ach acidity and itR Symptoms of indi gestion, dyspepsia, 1 sourness, gases, heartburn, and hearache, for many months. It belongs Un your home. The destiny of Germany is either one thing or the other. She will cer tainly be in peace or in pie? ;s soon. UIHLS! TIRAHT A MOIST ( LOTH THKOUGIT Mill, DOnVTE ITS BEAUTY Try this! Hair geta thick, glossy, wary and beautiful at once. Immediate? Yes! Ceijtain? thats the Joy of it. Your hair wavy, fluffy, abundant anil appears tui soft. luetroii^ and beatlfwj ate a younjl girl's after a Mandarine Inst try this?-Moisten a little Dandorlnd\and c It through your haiYtak strand at a time. Tjjis t hp hair of dirt, dust ok and in Just a few raom* tits you have doubled the, beautjjsc. .at. 3 oyr hair. Jl. delightful surprise awaiti tht^se whose ' haff^hfts Trcrrr nrgfected or scn?tr- j gy, faded, dry, brittlo c p thlm Be Hides beautifying the hal dissolves every particle latr oleanaa. , cloth Willi rcfully draw ng one small will cleanse excessive oil. Dandorine j >r dandruff; | claanses, purifies and ini Igorateg the scalp, forever stopping Itching and falling hair, but what wtl please you most >will be after a fevj weeks use. whn you see new hair?fine and 4owny at flrst-^yes?but really new hair growing ,..all over the scalp. If you caftT fotr pretty. soft hair, tod lots of it, nurely get a bottH of Knowl ton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet cor.ntctjfTW- a few cents. ~ub5rritie ta.1**? FJlAXK^rX TIMES J1.S0 Per' ^.advance.* J * -- K A KM DK.M0NST1:AT!0.\ '.VOKK I The peace note? that are being ex changed by President Wilson and the Central Powers, the rapid advance of the Allied armies antt ldcalcondltions pre causing many farmers ta fail to plant that necessary wheat acreage, i President Wilson's diplomacy and Gen ral Foca strategy even M+hr?y-Hecure i'lj'i fiilf Wul1 flMW iftii that the American is expected to pro I dure nov a.-*- for the n;\t Wheat will probably never be a com mercial crop in Eastern North Caro lina. But under present conditions, by observing the necessary requisites of ?oil preparation and fertilization wheat <?311 bo mode profitable to the extent of a home supply or flour. Altitude, or height above aetv level:4 and latitude or location north'or south -of~a- gK*-??point, are very important fr.cto.ra in determining the seeding dates for wheat. In Franklin County. be: t results will probably bo obtained from wheat seeded between Oct. 15th and oOth. Do not sow wheat on poor land. It wHl not pay. And do not sow without i-, application of fertilizer. A fertil i.iojr rather high in phosphate and car t"4ng two or three per cent nitrogen Ml pay. Fertilizers are holier than ia * year, but there never was a time w'.ien the judicious use of them v/aa more pr Fertilize v/ell and 'w irk wnl! a small acreage and the labor shortage will not be felt so hard. Sow rye and rape lor hog grazing Franklin County has about 33 per cent more hogs than last year. Be cause of a feed shortage some of these hog:* will be sold at a sacrifice. By planting rye and rape for these hogs to ?rnze, they can be carried over till next spring and sold at a profit. CONTRACTOR SAYS IT BEATS ANYTHING fc.irnes Suys Tanlac Relieved Him of ?Terrible Rheumatism?Gained Ten Pounds In Weight, ' One bott'.e of Tanlrc has got mo over one of the worst case?^ of rheu matism a man ever had arid 1 have gained ton pounds besides," said John A. Karnes, a wolf-known con trading plasterer, yliving at 303 Oriel street, NasliYUfe, Tennessee. "I've ha l rheumatism off and on for several year^f especially in damp weather and J^would ach? in every joint in my Jwdy almost like a sore tooth. My /suffering was so great 1 could hardly' bear it at times and it seempa like tbe more I suffered the worse f got until I finally had to lay off troin work for a whole month on account of it. "It just beats anything I ever saw how Tanlac begun to relieve my trou ble right from the start.* Almost every symptom of rheumatism is gone my appetite is fine. I sleep like a log and have gained ten pounds in weight. My own experience proves* to me that TanlaQ is one of tho greatest medi cines ever made and I recommend if to others." Tanlac is sold in Loulsburg at Scoggin's Drug Store. The two most popular words in A merica just now are "unconditional sur render." / Piles Cnxe^fti 6 to 14 Days Druggist* refundjdfoey if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure ItchLniTviirMl. Bleeding or Protruding Plies, lastantlv iwleves Itch Id a Pile?, and you can get restful sleep after tha first application. Price 00c. In tl est days we are surely llvlug 11 story. * **| The Strong Withstand the heat if Slimmer llettsr Thy thg? Wpiilt Old people who are fMlrfe and younger people who are weak, will be^fTenftthened and enabled to (to through the depwlsinj heat of summer by tak ing GROVE S T^ifELESS ch 111 TONIC. It purifies and enriches tfle blood and builds up the whole sys tem. You can soon feel its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. If you want life iy^tirnL re see J. A TURNER. 7-26-tf. If you have ai^farms for sale that you wish to ^ntfdivide see J. A. TUR? 666 contain* no alcohol, arsenic nor other poisonous drugs. Harness, Bicycles, Automobile Tires Our line of the above goods 1* complete ana cheap. See them. V Harness, Blcyale and Auto mobile tires rep^JrejKquick ly by an expert. \ We make a ^tfeciatyy o 1 re pairing men'?; ladles mud chll drons fln^ shoes. O^r Mr. Elklnn 1 g an expert li this trork. / EVERYTHING AT .lAST TKAR'S PRICES. Six bicycles for sale at a bargain, some are almost new. * f.?'< juri to serve. ' OU1. .'BURG REPAIR SHOP .. J. ehmanvYrbp'r. . Lot l, North Corolla* DRUGGISTS!! PLEASE KOTcl ?* vi K's vMt>m &ar.w y j DUE' ft) L. lUL/.lc! \ Tr?tmndr,us IVraaiv! a si lev; O \ ? i ? <1 '"a* Fx 1 rtwwim . I. IiSni. m ni n ? i i. u ,i 1 '1 Next l*'!IU8?rf. I...-' ? .; vii ? % : ?! . ;!< ( F and fl see Co . ...vie ??.: s' Aloae Aui'.un; t > 932,45Q lilir Shipments arc In Route to Jobbers 1'iitli Tiiffsi' Arrive There May He u I X^P?rary Shortage, All Deals Post polled?Buy iu Small Lots Only.. j I'.ftazVjKRs ( an get isnreDiAr:: SHII'AIENTS DIRECT BY. PARCEL POST j This advertisement Is -written on Monday, October 21st. It is directed it* the attention or i.ll distributors of ! Virk's VapoRub, both wholesale and j retail,. In an emergency, such as the present v pid'.niic?our duty?and your ?!,''>*?Is io distribute VapoRub in the icir.'ckest po.-.ible m'tnner to those sec |tii>ns stricken by Influenza. Wo, there lore, call your car*.:'ul attention to the j following. IDANCKR OV MIORTAUK IF SUPPLY IS NOT CONSERVED Ok October 1st We had on hand, at ia?tory.iijui in twenty warehouses -.Cutttrod o\vr the cuus; try. tjufficicii^1 Vupollub to last us. we thought, Upty ?' y ; aiiov ir.rJ f*?r a "?0 pcVc?;iu increase over last year's sales, and not counting our dnily output. -This big txcv?ss stock bad been, accuasulated dur ing the summer months. fJun this cpidenUiT of Spanish In 11%*? bit i;s?amJTi t'ie last ten days thl?3 stock has ;rfinlshed. At first we thought this tremendous demand wo,!ld la*5t only a row days, but the orders h.ive run: Wed.. Oct. 16?18,504 Doz. Thur. " 17?25,323 41 Fri., " 18?39,256 - Sat., " 19?45,833 M Mon., " 21?77.705 " Up to Saturday, October 19tlf, we have actually shipped for this month $400,284.10, or over two million Jars of VapoRub. THE PROBLEM NOW IS TO DISTRLB UTE VAPORUB QUICKLY , Most of this tremendous quantity Is still en route to the jobbers, but frei ght and express both are congested 1 nowadays, and it may be some time before this supply reaches the job bers. In the meantime, therefore, it is necessary that we distribute, as widely as possible, the stock that we are manufacturing dally. Togetheh with that now on the jobbers' and re tailers' shelves, in order that it may get to the influenza districts quickly^ Our normal output is about 4,000 doze1*? per day. We are putting on a nighC but It will be a little" while before that is producing. WHAT WE ASK THE WHOLESALE DRUGGIST TO DO Last Saturday, we notified all of our jobbers, by special delivery, as fol lows: 1st?Deals and quantity shipments' of all kinds are cancelled. Fill no-j taken by our salesmen or by your own. $ell in small lots only. 2nd?Ord^r from us in as small quantities as possible. If you are out we 1^11 tyy to ship a limited amount by Parcel Post or express, and pajj, THE VICK CHEMICAL COMPANY, ' ti:.- charges ourselves. .1 -Iti 3!.iur .'j male di<Vib?tlon, '5 '?1 ?tui< ker. avu will ?iiip t rec t to your .retail 'customer* quani iles not lr.or?.- than three (3) dozen .JOc size :i .y (???. shipment. V.: -o "tiU v." i i 1 h- for the next 10 dliy-J. v.. ? r v.i: am; the detail jn.r(; ? (iiST TO DO ? uy in its sin,ill q juutlti^s a:i p.. - ?. :i . ? va any quantity or viven the jobbery salesmen r * gives? to our saii^meu. cli-siV ]7t. e'iiMi? them?nj :i*ye<\ to write ?'*?it l, ?l*i')luicl/ jmuOsffolc* to till i! ?. :o ???V. r.s ut this 1" tlii* k.h1;?rs in >' Ur 'errii'-ry/a:t; out cf Vick's Vapo? iiutt, v/e \\Uf inp you by parcel post j repni I. ifuaniities not. more than threeJf) dozen 30c. in any one onUjjpr XatuHilly. \ve can't open ac a' this time. ^o.your check or Inonev order for this amount must accompany order. Don't write us stating to ship through your jobber, a?; we then have to wait until \Ve write tills jobber and got his O. K. If you ?wish the goods to come thru your jobber, havq him order them for you. SNOWED DI) FR WITH COKRES rOJXIlENCE 1 Our force has already been "shot to pieces"?twenty-four of our men are wearing Uncle Sam's khaki?and j this recent rush has simply burie* i us. All our sales force has been [called in to help in the office and fac tory. We just mention this so you wont hold it against us if your wires and letters aren't answered promptly. SPECIAL BOOKLETS ON SPANISH INFLUENZA I We will send, on request, to 'any (retail druggist, 100 more little (booklets, Just issued, on Spanish In-, thmza. giving the latest information about this disease?its histoYy?the symptoms?the treatment, and partic ularly the use of Vick's VapoRub as an external application to supplement the physician's treatment. Njjw WAYS TO USE VAPORUB In addition to the usual method of using VapoRub-^that is, applied over with hot flannel cloths?our customers are writing us daily telling of their success in using VapoRub in other JBayji, particularly as & preventive. ~3*ey tpelt a, little in a sjjoon and in iale the vapors arising.' or melt it in a benzoin $team kettle. Where the [steam kettle i? not available VapoRub can be used in ?n ordinary tea-kettle. Fill the tea-kettle half full of boiling water, put in half a teaspoon of Vapo* ugub from time to time?keep the kotr p5if Just slowly boiling and inhale the steam arising. li. "Stiles, of this Service, recommends that the nose be kept greased as a preventive measure against the Ifflu* enza germs. For this purpose Vapo Rub is excellent. GREENSBORO. N. C. The Call 4o_4)o Your Buying Early This Year Is Urgent?)\nd We're Ready To Serve WRITE AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS Once again the house of ?a.ul-Gale-Greenwood brings to your attention*that the holiday season i^near, and that the Government urges all to do tfreir buying as early as possible in order to conserve every force of energy that we may win the war. We're r?ady to help now with stocks more beautiful than ever. Our catalog, too, will soon be ready, and if you think four name is not on our mafling list,--send it to us at onfce that you may receive ame promptly. PAUL-GALEGREENWOOD CO. Inc. "Largest Jewelers South" Grapby Street, Corner City H^ll Ave. For Indigestion, Constipation mtj Biliousness / Just try one 50-cenV bottle of LAX-FOS WITH J>EPStN. V Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant lA take. Made old; recommended to th4 pulUc by Paris Medl-' cine Co.manufaqAirers oVLanatJve Bromo Quinine and Grave's Tasteless fcjull Tonic. til FIRE I^IUjf^tCS. When jou wan! JSotpnre take It with T. W. WATOTffl.f He know* how. T * ? ^ .J 1/T >\ I "have a lSlT'Vojm touring car In good condition folate cheap for cash. Apply to J. It8-lt 'A. TUHNEIi to show you the 5lfiuh;.lty' policy. 7-8?-tf. AUTOMOBIXE FOR 8AI.E Six Cylinder ( handler. Thia auto iA, In perfect running or der. Has new {?elly-&t>rtngfield tiroa, never had a punctute. Self starter. new top. newly painted, can be seen" '<*? CANDbER-CkpWELL CO. lf-l-tf ?: v ? n.^q. Twcnly-Bw? J Mmd 'i-ho*?? wheel ?coop* iibftifd condition, for "working roads, fields AD4 gulleys. Every fardKought to hara pne. Apply to / J. I?HMAK 10-l8-4t LAulnbufg/H. C. matt?iiiiiui ni i mm X.. ...I ill.. ./oi, i v.i,.. - ..V, -K'who * ' i ill. iJon't :i-li Ulii? t;; you use a hand KOP'mCj. -? * .1 ' ? ivl'i?'lic-IV is a ,???'? -?.v. : the Influenza : <? :ii.r us. if \v? t-> win r!iis aidusi ;lie liun Ir. ? v,??.:'.??.> flit- ??.. I'noli'' u.Mi have ' 51 ' ? 'iii iiiutd tov <t v ! i i Iv. 'ait this should not keep oi.i 1 ' BK' ]-'? ?\ps V." ; :kins ?-ii!, '/ii.tii.'.i, ju.-t ?li<? su;?!?.' a* if tht?? was a shaking r.-' ' 1 "1 ; < ^U' vh-m the uii'y.- S. ::d us _v?? Komte"Eold in .*50, $100. .<fli it, or b! ,'^liLl- drnominaf v*ns. 30 i.?? e^nt wivli r.T>pli i? Bnlnw-. may 1) ? wiifLnn in.:t."!i<i(>nts. Tf you '?av.-\,vJit Bond . t'vn 1'>1"V^Ot?K BOXDS. \Vc v. i! uladiy sive nny infortaatii'n von nviy^fTsh, . ? d" a!i :!-(Mvor1c in or.nortloii ^H^h your ?<?. 'Yours? to serve. ?. . ? ' ?' X Farmers and Merchants Bank "Safest Foi Savings" Louisburg, Wo. Carolina i The time is hrort. Saturday the 19th is the last dav the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. Dr. HESS' DISINFECTANT General Uses There Is scareely any place about the home where It cannot be advantaglously used. * ?*" _ The danger of (contagious diseases can be reduced to a mlmW mum by its thorough use about the premises. It being a powerful dtoderiier and germ destriyer it should bo used freely on ali articles used by patients afflicted with infactlou? fffsease?. An une<jualed disinfectant for indoor and outdoor closets, cess pools, ewer pipes, drains, garbage cans and breeding places of mls quitoes. ? .. x. L. P. HICKS On The Coijaer w Louisburg, N. C.

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