*?? i ? AN AD VB SITS IK G If EDIl'M THAT BBDTOg "I . ^ 1 A. P. Jobnion, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION ' ' SabseHp^on ?U0 Per Te VOLUME XL VII. SECTION ONE . ? I.OUISBCRG, N. C? F KIDAT, ?fOVEMBEK 15, 1?18 Pages 1 to 8 MUJIBEB 40 Peace Instrument Signed Monday Morning, hostilities Ceased at 11 O'clock Paris time, Kaiser Abdicates. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.?Armistice terms have been sign?d by Germany, the State Department announced at 2:45 o'clock this (Monday) morning. The world war will end this morning at 6 o'clock Washington toe, 11 o'clock Paris time. . .The armistice was signed by the German representations at midnight. .. Th's announcement was mad? by the State D^artment at 2:45 o'clock this (Monday) morning. ?? The announcement was pade verbally by an official of the State Department in this form: "The armistice has been sisn ed. It was signed at five o'clock a. m., P"ris time, and hostili ties will cease at 11 o'clock this m?rni"g, Paris time." SOME OF THE TERMS The terms of the arm*stice, it was announced, will not be made pubic urtfil later. Military men, liere, however, regard it as cer ta'n that they include: ... / "Immediate retirement o' the German military forces from France, Belgium and Alsace-Lorraine. The terms include: Disarming and demobilization of the German armies. Occupation by the Allies and American forces of such strate gic po'nts in Germany as will make impossible a renewal of hos Delivery of the German high seas fleet and n certain number of subiiiari"es to t"e AH'eci and American naval forces. Disarmament of all other German warships under supervision -of the allied and American navies which w'll guard them. Occupation ?f the'principal German naval bases by sea forces of the victorious nations. ? Release of Allied_and American soldiers, sailors and eiviliahs ,ie1d prisoners in Ge-rmanv without sneli reciprocal :i>'iri, hv tin associated governments. Forty-seven hours had been required for the courier to reach headquarters and unquestionably several hours were necessary for the examination of the terms and a decision. It was regp rd ed as possible, however, that the decision may have been made at Berlin and instructions transmitted from there by the new German government. Probably by Wireless There wiiP no iiiloi-ma'ion as to the circumstances under which the armistice was signed, but since the German courier did not reach German military headquarters until ten o'clock yesterday morning, French time, it was generally assumed here that the German envoys within the French lines had been in structed by wireless to sign the terms. No Statement From White House The momentous news that the armistice had been signed was telephoned to the White House for transmission to the President a few minutes before it was given to the newspaper correspon dents. Later_.it was said that there wbuld be no statement from the White House at this time. Germany had been given until 11 o'clock this morning, French time, sk o'clock, Washington time, to accept. So hostilities will end at the hour set by Marshal Foch for a decision by Ger many for peace or for continuation of the war. RED BANNER IS HOISTED OVER THE ROYAL PALACE AND BRANDENBURG GATE PARIS, Nov. 10.?The Temps today concludes a sketch of . Friederich Ebert, the new German Chancellor, as follows: I "He sliares the ruling passion of the German. He is a type of ^pan-German Socialist, not to say an imperialist," Copenhagen, November 10.?Dr Liebknechtj the noted Social ist, who spent many months in prison for antagonizing the Ger man government and who was recently released, has issued the following announcement at Berlin in behalf of the Working men's and Soldiers' Council: "The Presidency of the police, as well as the chief Command, is in our hands. Our comrades will be released." The red banner has been hoistwl on the Royal Palace and the rod flag is waving from the Brancffcnburg Gate. REVOLUTIONISTS SEIZE CROWN PRINCE'S PALACE LONDON, Nov. 10.?Severe fighting took place hi Berlin last night and a violent cannonade was heard from ^he-heart of the city. 'Thjp revolution is in full swing in Berlin and the B^d forces occupy the greater part of the German capital, according; to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company! quoting Berlin advices sent from there at 3 o 'clock this morning, j The Crown Prnce's palace was seized by the revolutionists. The people shouted "Long live the Republic" and sang the "Marseillaise." When revolutionary soldiers attempted to enter a building in which they supposed a number of officers were concealed, shots were fired from the windows. The Beds then began shelling the building. Many persons" we're killed and wounded before the officers surrendered. The Red forces are in control and have restored order. Strong guards marched through the streets. When the cannonade began the pople thought the Reichsbank was be-i ing bombarded and thousands rushed to the square in front of the Crown Prince's palace. It was later stated that other build ings were under fire. REVOLUTIONISTS SEIZE REIGNS OF GOVERNMENT William Hohenzollern, the abdicated German Emperor and King of Prussia, and his eldest son, Frederick William, who hoped some day to rule the German people, are reported to have fled to Holland. though il jeemiugh is a peaceful one, probably tlin_-\v 'ear into ^ the hearts of the former Kaiser and the Crown Prince and ! caused them to take asylum in a neutral state. Reports liave it that the Grand Duchy of Hesse has decreed the form a ton- of a council of state to take over the government there. Every dynasty in Germany is to be suppressed and all tho princes exiled, according to Swiss advices. -?Penplc'o govei'ium lit.i have been rstnblinhed ill the greatnr part of Berlin and in other cities of the kinLokmi ?Kjjpnpirc. Leipzig, Stuttgart, Cologne, Essen and FranloorFnav^T joined the revolution. In Berlin there has been some fight'ng between the revolutionists and reactionaries in which several persons were killed or wounded. The palace of the Crown Prince lias been taken over by the revolutionists. "Long Live the Repub'ie" and the singing of "The Marseil laise" have been heard in the streets of Berlin Friedrich Ebert, the Socialist leader, has been appointed Im perial Chancellor and has issued a proclamation saying that it is his purpose to form a people's government which will endeav or to bring about a speedy peace. Kaiser Flees to Holland. WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.?(Midnight.)Both the former 0<>r man Emperor and his son. Frederick William, crossed fl e Dutch frontier Sunday morning, according to advices from The Hague. The dispatch dated today, said: "Press reports state that the Kaiser arrived this morning at Maastright, Holland, and is proceeding to Middachten Castle in the town of Destefeg, near Utrecht.'' Desteeg is on the Guelders Yssel, an arm of the Rhine river, about 40 miles east of Utrecht, and 12 miles from the Gerr.iMi border. The Chateau Middachten, to which the former Emper or is reported to be proceeding, belongs to Coimt William Fred erick charles Henry Von Bentinck. He is a member of the Prus sian Guards and before fhe war was attached to the German Embassy in Tendon and a member of the English Turf and Roy al Automobile Clubs. He is 38 years old. He belongs to the famous Anglo-German house of Bentinck the continental branch of the family of the Duke rfTPbrtland. Middachten Castle dates back to the vear 1697. German Crown Prince Reported Shot. LONDON, Nov. 12.?(12:28 a. m.)-??The former German Crown Prince is reported to have been shot, according to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Central News. Details are lacking. ? Preparing to Form German Republic. - ? Berne, Nov. 13.?(Havas)?Wolff Bpreau despatches from Berlin declare that order appears to rule everywhere in Ger #many and that acts of anarchy have ceased. The majorities land minorities have divided the authority between them, but the minorities have been relegated to second place, it appers. The majorities are charged with preparing the organization of a German republic, . LETTERS FROM SOMEWHERE IN PRANCE Telling of Interesting Experiences in the World's Biggest Battle and in Europe. France. Oct. 16, 1918. % i My Dearest Mother: A rainy, muddy spell has evidently ' set in, but you cah rest assured that ' my feet will be kept dry, as I have just been issued a new pairof'English" shoes, which are heavier than any you have ever sjeen. Every time the ther mometer goes down 2 degrees I expect to put on another pair of socks. The peace talks certainly give us conso lation. Wo are giving the Huns a safe and sane thrashing. Recently there have been many bets in our detachment as to when the war will finally end. The odds are two to one that the war will end by Christ mas, with very little money m sight whore 1 have been. We have recently been paid off and we haven't had time to spend our July money. A train load of chocolate here would easily bring cing francs, or one dollar a block. Choc olate. of any kind of sweets, is vary much in demand. V. M. C. A. canteens keep it occasionally but as a rule they are several miles off, and automobiles arc "fini?." If Jerrys evacuates we will !isului1 Hum fulluwiiig lnui up.?i~ suppose we can make a hundred miles in six or eight days. I hate the fdea of a hundred mile trip; nevertheless anything to liberate France of those barbarians. We are all planning a great trip, some three thousand miles over a big rough ocean. It will be a great ard glorious trip, although it will in all probability be made in a cattle boat. We will- I guess, land in New York about two weeks before Eas ter and be mustered out and home be- , fore Easter. I have traveled far ahd ' wide but this is the greatest and most1 longed-for trip I ever expect to take, I will be sufficiently tamed to settle down i na lonely spot for life. . I will , care no more for travel, but will lov* "to live by the side of the road and be a friend to man." I've heard a great deal about "up the hill to the Hinden burg line and through the valleys to the promised land." Well, it Is all right, but the promised land has cer tainly been made the land that God forgot by tha "Beasts of Berlin." France deserves all the sympathy we can possibly give her and then'bome. She has been a victim of circumstan ces, and then, too, she has certainly put up her share of fighting under the strain of destruction. You can rear, the above in most any paper, but It helps to fill up space and filling up spate is all right when you are writ ing in a kitchen full of cooks a^d gos sipers. If I say most anything I think, I'll have & perfectly good excuse for it. Don't you think? Artillery ha? been very quiet for riif last few nights, so with only "coo?. f<tV to trouble me, 1 -have put in some ft.?od sleep. As lights can't be had uniess carefully concealed, there Is very little amusement at night, so we usually turn in by six any way, or ear lier if it happens to be cold. During the last nine days, our division has advanced twenty miles, captured 3500 prison??, quahtities of war material a^d liberated 3000 French refugees. Wh^t do you think of that? Fine roc ?rd. lan't it? With love for all, Devotedly, JOHN BURT. "Somewhere Across" October 7, 1918 Dear Mother. Af?er a lively week T will try write you ? short letter. a* I know you are anxious aboilt your boy. I guess you all have .read in the pa pers about the big battle of Sept. 29th. Well, I was right in it, and believe m* I had a lively time of It. but Mother I came out as safe and sound as whem I entered. That day's experlencce haa , taught me a lesson. It h?6 brought m* closer to God, although I have never been a bad fellow. Oh that day I realized what the pow er of the "Almighty" meant. Just re member the date. Sept. 29th, Sunday. I feel like it wSll not be long before I can be with you folks at home, and tell you face to face of my personal experience. I have notseen any of the home boys II 1 IlilYg ill.I lllYTl in tn it?tint the lart time I auw lliu fellows they were all well. Today is rest day with me, and I am resting loo. you bet. It is real cloudy and cold ahd it looks as if It sl.ould rain before night. I shoud worry, for as long as I have a hole to crawl into. We isre at present camped along a hillside, where j.'s. a week ago. today, the Germans had a camp. We have du?r holes tn the hillside and covered till'ill Uim tt'OUd dhd 'dl.Pl. 1 hey make us a very snug little house but the ground rats keep you company. Last night 1 could not sleep, (altlio tired) for the rats, they knocked about a peck of dirt is my face. We are very close to the front yet, but everything is as quiet as a small little home on Sunday afternoon. I have been real lucky with mail. Always a letter from home, and some nice. girl. I received a tetter from Beulah Cooper today and must say I was very much surprised. It was one of the nicest letters I have received from anyone. Mail is the only thing we fellows can look for every (lay. Mother, please do hot worry about me, for I will soon be coming home. Old "Jerry" is about to give up. i Tell the folks at home to keep on [writing to the boys "over therer*' Your loving son, JOSEPH W. HALE. Co. F. No. 749, o American Expeditionary Forces* Somewhere in France, October 18, 1918. Dear Mama: While there seema to be a lull In the work I have been having to do for a few days I am going to try and write you a few linen. I really don't writo as often as I should, but if you onjy khew how busy we are most all the time you wouldn't blame us for going to bed just as goon as we possibly can; a^d about all we 4o l*ere is wo.rk, eat and sleep, but I guess that Is about all the folks back hop^e are doing these dayst so we shouldn't kick, when Ha over wp wont mind doing things like we used to. Well, what do you reckon? I saw Mrs. Bickett. the other day. I was never so glad to see anybody in all my life, and she seemed equally as glad tp see me. I heard that she was in town and that she was doming out to see us if she coifld get a way to come, but transportation looked so doubtful that I had already Secured a pass to go over and see her when I saw her drive up in a big car. I didn't see very much of her, as. her time was very^imited. but it did me a world of good to see somebody fro* hornet but to think of our former next*door neighbor being way over here made fhe a little home slick. She said she was going to Loula burg Just as soon as sh? got back to Continued In Second Sect i oft

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