they've been fighting for their homes since 1914! : . Q r4- t k \KOSE gallant men who wear horizon blue, those bronzed S poilus who are entering upon their fifth winter of this war *?* ?they are the men who know the sheer luxury of a cup of hot soup, a piece of bread, a stove to sit by, and a word cf cheer. Think of a nation where every able-bodied man of less than fifty has been under arms lor four long years and more. 'T ' UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN THF. FRANKLIN TIMES A. F JOHNSON, hiitnr and Manairer O. J. HALE. A s s Ista n t Manager --TAR DROPS? ?Cotton sold for 25% cents in Louis burg yestedray. ?Court will not convert this month. ?it having -been annulled. ?Quite a number of c;ur citizens ?went to Raleigh Saturday attending War Work gatherings. ?The Tobacco Market has been a lit J tie lively the oast week with good sales and good prices at all houses. j ?The closing orders issued by the Board of Health for Franklin County. . have been rescinded and everything is ' normal again. Mr. W. A. Andrews left Tuesday for Norfolk, Va., where he Will enter the Navy, and be stationed at Hampton Roads.. W. B. Cooke and sons, William and Donald spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with Mnj. Cooke who underwent a seriouH operation at the Rocky Mount ' Sanitarium. Mr. M. F. Houck who has completed , his contracts at Wendell, inforws us j he will leave this week for the State i J]arin at Halifax to begin the erection ; of ttrggifetitHgffi - Letters From Boys In J'rahce. Continued from First Page the Statis and would be sure to see you. I thought sh? was looking very well but much thinner than she was some time ago. She said that she had had some very great experiences dur ing her Btay over here. I wonder of WH liam has eve^ gotten in the army yet. I would like to see him, And I know he is atptious to $et here. I received a letter from Papa yes terday written on Sept. 18th.?Just ex actly one month a*o. I also received one from my girl three or four days ago written on SepC 2$th. v You made a good guess on the date of our arrivel over here. The cards got to you sooner thaiK.1 expected. Tucker had a letter from Miss Onnie last ntftht stating that she mot you and Asna Belle lh front of the Baptist church and that' you all had a good laugh as well aa cry over the good news. \ am glad to hear that you and Anna Belle are helping the local board out during tho next registration. I am also glad Ur hear that you have become an ao. /live member of The local Red Croaa Chapter. You couldn't devote your spare time to a better thing. Nothing can be in behalf of the Red Cross organization that is too good for it. They are surely doing their part over here.? ? It is beginning to get a little coole herp now nnH T am beginning to reqllge that winter is not bo far off. I do hopo it wont be as cold here as it was at home last year. I don't see how it can, because It rains too often. an(* they say that it doesn't rain muj?h In cold weather and I know its obliged to rain every day or it wouldn't be France but there is one thing about the wea ther here, it doesn't rain long at a time, its very much like the April ::howers w? haveat home, i Hope that yuu have plenty of coal for the winter and wont be bothered with the fuel question again this year. I will be* glad when we can all gather around the fire ih your room ?.nd read, talk and sleep Something on the order of a rainy Sunday afternoon, wont be lo|ig before this dream comes true. I haven't run up on anybody that \ know in som,* time. I am hoping every day that T will b?* fortunate enough to run up on some of the fellows fromI homo. There are several fellows in! our unit who have located their broth-' efrs since they've been here. I doh't real ize that I Lm so far from home, a-d am glad T don't, because I hate to think of having to cross the pond again. I never was very fond of water and I r?m -more disKustefl now than ever. ' Give me real estate all the time.. We have a little French hoy with us now that we call our mascot. He is only Beven years old, but is as bright i as a new dollar. We had him standing | up in a chaJr a few minutes ago sing- I ing some of the popular French songs. It was oertAin'y great to hear him sing "llaJl. Hail, the Gang's all Here." | Thl? song coems to hav$ taken with 1 .the French peopla and most all of j ,them know it. This little fellow wears l wooden shoes without stockings and i H very thinly clad, but he looks as hap py and healthy as any American boy I ever sp v. We took him to the bar tod -y and had his hair cu.t. He ' m, a.ed to appreciate It very much, and (when we took him home his father aiih j .mother liked to have gone wild. I real Ily like the French people, of course there are some who make it a practice j to stick every American soldier they can. They seem to think we all have plenty of money and if you don't watch | thetn they will certainly stick you. | Of course this is the very lowest class of Frenchman. | Well. Its mess time ndfw, 'bo I must' cldse, I am veVy 'well and am the sune ? old Jnmes.. Write me as often as you can and tell ma all the news, lIso r.end | i me the Franklin Times. With best wishes and love for all, 11 [am * Affectionately, L. , JAMES B. KING, Base Hospital. No. 65, Base Section :?'o- 5. . A E H Tlfi, Amr>r Fav Fnrr^;}, | I KAXKLIMOTi PROOF Should Convince Every Loulsbnrg Keader. The frank statement of a neighbor, telling the merits of a remedy. Bids you and believe. The same endorsement. * By some stranger faraway Commands no TOlef at all. Here's a F.ranklinton pase. A Franklinton citizen tcstifi$?. Read and be convi7iced. Fra^k Preddyl farmer./*fiason St,! FrankJinton, N. Q.. aayjur "Six years ago I was down rathjily nack and was so had. the paimp^ere terrible. 1 [ could hardly apralghten. if I would bend over an? mj^head ached so, I i thought it y6uld split. I was so ner- ? vous I wou/a jump from the least noise and dizzyf spells were so bad, black | specks wbuld float before my sight. My kidneys didn't act properly, either. | Hearing a whole lot of Doan's Kidney Pills. I began taking them and am | glad to say they took away all this trouble and entirely cured me." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't sim ply rak a kidney?remedy?ge*4 Doan's iCidney Pills?the same that Mr. i Preddy had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. The Kaiser must have found long ago that it is much easier to start a war than to stop It. j CCJH! OA LOM K I. MAKES VOL* DEATHLY SICK Stop uslnjf danterous drug" before It salivates joM Its Jrorrlble. You're bilious, sruggiaft, constipated, and believe you neeo^fe daagerous cal omel to start your llwr and clean your' bowels. / \ Here's my guaipnte<h Ask your. druggist for a b<mle of Hodson's Over Tone and take ar8p??nful\tonlght. If It doesn't start y#ur liver arr0 straighten you right upjpetter than cfelotoel and without grippg or making you sick I waht you \sj go back to the store and get your njbHey. Take caflomel today and tomorrow ypu feel weak and 8i(>k and nauseated. A,Don't Ipse a day'a.WorkTake a spoon ful' of Harmless, ;vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feel ] isg great. Its soaiTectly harmless, so I give it to your^mildren any time. It i can't salivate/*o ret them eat anything ! p. ft or wards. I Politics may have been adjourned < for tho duration of the war, but this [ is not true of statesmanship, Con I gi ess please take notico. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEM O V" JUICE a beauty lotion for a fcw cents ?to remov?? tan, freckle*, sallownes* Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white Tor a~Tfrrr cents:?Squeeze th^fluice of two fresh lemons into a bottl^then put in the orchardWhite and tfnake well. This makes a quarter pintrof the very beet lemon skin wTHieney&nd complex ion beautificr knowir/Massage this fragrant, creamy lotiolkdaily into the face, neck'arms and l/fin^-and just see ho\y frcckles, taj), aallottness. redness disappear and how soft and clear the skih becomes. Yes, It is harmless ppd the beautiful results will surprise you. Germany will continue praying, but she will soon begin to pray for peace instead of for victory. TO! f AVT rtvtt-v*?- l?AM?ltl TIV AMI HAIK STOPS COMING OCT Save your hair! Mnke J( thick, wavy, glossy and l?cantlful nt once. Try as you will, after an aplicatlott of Danderine, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scatp will not itch but what will please you most will be after a few Weeks' use. when you see new hair, ine and cafefuly draw it through your ly new hairXgroWing all o*er the scalp A little Daaderine impnediately dou bles the beautVof you^nair. No differ ence how dull, fkded^rittle and scrag gy. just moistenNa/noth with Da^der ihe and parefullyVraw It through your hair, taking oneXnfall strand at a time. The effect is innnedffeto and amAzlng? your hair wil^oe ligh\fluffy and wavy, and have ty n -appearance of abun dance; andMnconjparabre lustfg, soft ness a^d luxuriance,' tht beauty and glimmer of true hair health. Get a small bottle of Khowlton's Dan daring from any drug ?tor? or toilet counter, and prove that your hair Is aa pretty and Boft as any?that It has been negated or injured by c&feiSBS treatment. A small trial bottle will dot) ble the beauty of your fc&ir. Peace and i>i We nov '<ave Lath. Xjuu could not help iiavinjr peace. ..'?i ? ytr:. mins; to enjoy tiie country's PR( )SPE I v IT Y ? T;..- s:iwt ronU to PROSPERITY is a BANK AC CorXT. Ask your neighbor or any successful man. i ?? n't take mt* word for it. SAYTXCiS department pays ?! ; "r t'ent interest compounded quarter'y. I'se the cheek to pay yourbihils. Then there will be no disputed account. Xo paying the bill a socoad time. Send us your cheeks for deposit. Lets have a nice balance in the bank for the new yrar. Ylours to serve, Farmers and\ Merchants 3sm rSafcjst Foi Savic^s Louisburg, Wo. Carolina The time i.< lirort. Satunhsv The l!Hh i* t no last <la\v t!,<- i"( ll'KTH 1/iBKKTV lV)A\\ For The Ffuil Cake Making Yo? will need our i \ NEW ARRIVAL of Raisins, Currants, Citron, High Patent Flour, Shelled Almonds, Shelled Walnuts, Shell ed Pecans, Pure Extracts and Spices. We have also just received Mince Meat, Phim Pud ding, Whit*' Cooking Syrup, Buckwheat F'our, Pan Cake Flour, Maple Syrup, Bakers Chocolate, Bakers Cocoa, Stone's Cakes, Assorted Cakes and Crackers, Corn Starch, Joll-o, Jiffy Jell and Gelatine. Daily"receipts 'nclude Corby's Bread, Pork Sau sage, Fle'schmann's Yeast, Vegetables and Fruits. Our constant effort is to keep fully stocked-with (fanned Fruits and Vegetables, Cereals, Olives, Pick'es, Jams, Jellies, Cranberries and Celery. T_. P. HICKS On The Corner * _ Louisburg, N. C.

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