MERCY MUNITIONS NEEDED IN TRENCHES Uwt Coningsby Dawson, Fight ing Author, Makes Stirring Appeal for Y. W. C. A. '?'Carry On," says of the war work |which the Y. W. C. A. Is doing: "You iat home cannot fight with your lives, ?but you can fight with your mercy. The Y. W. C. A. Is offering you Just tills chance. It garrisons the women's support trenches, which lie behftid the men's. It asks you to supply them with munitions of mercy that they may be passed on to us. We need such supplies badly. Give generously Unit we may the sooner defeat the Hun." What Lieut. Dawson says of the Y. W. C. A. he might have said of all the national organizations which are com ing together for the biggest financial campaign that organizations have ever headed. All the $170,500,000 to be raised by thc_S?yen great national or ganizations the week of November 111 will he used to garrison and supply j the support trenches behind the lines. They are the Y. M. C. A^. the Y. W, | " C. A., the National Catholic War Coun cil. Jewish Welfare Board, American : Library Association. War Camps Cora-; munlty Service and Salvation Army. American girls In various uniforms mingle strangely with picturesque! Brittany costumes in France. The1 American Y. W. C. A. has a hostess house in Brittany where the Signal Corps women live and a hut where the nurses spend their free time. Both these centers are fitted with many of the comforts an J conveniences of home. "At a tea given at the nurses' hut one Saturday afternoon," writes Miss Mabel Warner, of Salina, Kansas, Y. W. C. A. worker there, "there was an ?odd gathering?one admiral, a bishop, a Presbyterian minister, a Roman Catholic priest, a doctor, an ensign, ooe civilian and myself." First Victory Boy's Work. "Say, I ra wise to yon. all right," n Western Cr.ion messvr.ger boy whis pered to one of the directors of the United War Work Campaign In the New York headquarters. The direc tor's desk Lad only Just been moved In and the work of the big drive had hardly begun. ?Tm outo your stunt." tiie boy went ?n as he swung a grimy flst over the desk; "you're goin* to give us fellows that ain't old enough to go to war a chance to earn an' give to back up a lighter an' help wit the war. Listen; I'm' in on this." The '-rutuplecf ?5 hitl he dropped on the d- 'rade'fcini tl.p f:r?r of :v.ll lion \ y< ! eh!n>) a .million fijh:. m" who ..:o f., ' K:..- ! t:; ?,r- V; I . t-j durii.u* v'ctU o*" Ther * ' 1. . r> Girls, i-"?, u::'' ? ? girl ?! fund. 3RK IN ArRiCA FrencKr-n Sheds L'aht on Va;t Re gion Hichcrtr, C?r?pp-a*iyely Un Knov.n?Railway. ? O'li! !?'i'illi I, Til.. 11- '1.'rn. Fn-ncl. iorrr r* the Suditn. Ins re ef ntly ' :i report o:i tlie re < ' i' (? ye;.r ?' 'vr?rk rgnnl*lng IW* r-don ?l!rvcys emhraee a stretch of previous ly tin explored country extending more than l.l'O miles from the center of Tihestl southeast to the vicinity of El Fasher, In Pnrfnr. His cartographic work fills up a large blank in the map of Africa. He urges the need of a railway through this region, for the benefit not only of the world at large, h n t also of the natives, who are sub ject to periodical famines. It Js stated that from one-half to three-fourths of the Inhabitants of northern Wadal died of famine In 1914. One especially Interesting result of his Investigations Is the disproof of the hypothesis, sup ported by his earlier exploration?, that there Is a connectton between Lake Chad and the Nile river system. Tllho explored the volcanic Eml-Knssl, tly 100 feet In altitude, with an immense crater over seven mites In diameter and 130 feet deep.?Scientific Amer ican. 8allorlng la Different. Ballorlng on the briny deep la en tirely different than doing the same stunt on land. Thla was admitted by k landlubber from Pittsburgh, who has just returned from his first voy age with a brand new seasick story. "The first day I was out," said the nmateur navigator, "the old tab rolled like a barrel, and before 1 knew It I was In the throes of mal de mer. The bunch guyed me and told me my job was driving a trolley enr Instead of ?altering. I had to seek my bank. I had only been In It a few minute? when the ?ship's surgeon" visited me and callously asked: 'What's thp mat ter T "O-o-oh, I'm so sick,' I told him, and I rolled over In . agony. 'Come, gaty up,' bo aald unfeelingly. The ship has been torpedoedJ^nd we're sinking.' I fell oat ot my bnnk and scrambled to the deck. The bunch again derided -m?. Say. have you ever been aeaalckl" , Modern Strategy All life-time is a school oi strategy?a game of war upon germs and tendencies which, , unless thwarted, weaken the system and invite disease. Modern^ealth-^trategy dictates the uHe of "isnr EMULSION as a reliable meanAof thwart-, ing the enemies m strength. ?Scof' Nature's ally and its rich tonic ami strength supportintT oroDerties Are fennwn with satisfaction, to millfans. Build up your strength v^jth the nourishing qualities of Scott's Emulsion. Scott A Bowse, N. J* W-i O rove'j Tay6u chin Tonic / destroy? the mslarlaMcrms which ar? transmitted to the blood by therfllarU Mosquko. Price 60c. 666 cures Malarial Fever. NER at onc^fts our tall d at In g 3 are filling up fascT 7-26-tf If you want uEerTnsurance see J. A. TURNER. 7-26-tl. Ask J. A. TMNER to show you the { Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the esia:e of J. O. Greei* Sr., deceased. I late of ^?TTrtfUi^Toun^. thle is to no- ] tify all persons nfcltMnlolaims aguinzt his estate to presentjftlim to the un dersigned on or gefo/e thes^th day of November 1919, or t/is notlcfcswill be piead in bar of theltf recovery. Att per sons indebted to sajfi estate vrill please come forward anA make immediate iottlement. Thia#*ovczibcr 7th. 1918. ' J. O. Gre*n, J-., Admr. i 666 curby removing the! cause. HORSES and MULES hiity a nice lot oJ Horses Mnleyfor salo ut reasonable will make It to your advantage to come in ant look tlirm R. F. FUDLER LonJsburg, N. X. Horses and Mules . We areSjetter prepared to serve you now than everb^tore and Invite you to come in apJ see cmr n>*^drove of hor se? and mules. Perry & Pear< e Younysville, N. C. m u uses ano ir?v?'! uags Keccl ? suit case or traveling loag?if so, buy now? there is j. :v :t enticing- state of luggage price affairs tnti&j-?v.-.- -nv~H in the buyirx of many lines of most iifvi.-nr'' v knfl trr/ lir.? bags, and -ve give you the opportunity to\lo likewise?you expect to take a trip sccncr or later?^nucipate your needs now in thfSc 11? js?yo-.i can nakeSa great saving. W. E. -White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. New Shop, New Tools, Newx Man We have leased the Addte Perry old stables on South Main Street had them A-emodeled and converted into one of the mb^t fully ^quipped and modern Machine Shops in North^Qaroli: In our equipmefat will be found the latest mach ines for all work on tae market including 24in x 16 foot and 15in x 8 foot SoatfKBend Lathes, 42in Cannedy Ot to Radial Drill, 20 An. Knright Silver Manufacturing Co., Drill, 304 A. Ofiter Power Pipe and Bolt Machine, releasing die, Shaners and All other necessary tools, and drill bits front 64ths to Jk 1-2 inches and complete I'- ;ieksmith shop. Our Mr. T7K. Allen, Manager for this concern ?io of die Wstpnd most careful machinists in ifprth Carolina and wirl have' personal supervision of all work. Agents for FRANKLIN AUTOMOBILE. Coy Machine Co. Phone No. 295-J . ISBURO, ; : NORTH CAROLINA War Has Changed ? The world war is lvci.iviiig.the attention of every body. It is a time to-' saving and sacrifice, bave, save, and save. Let us help you. We have a saving depart-' incut, as well as a commcrcial department. We do all kinds of banking, and do it right. WJien selling your tobacco, bring uKy-.w money: we will hold it s?fe for you and have it when you want it. SERVICE AND SAFETY ASSURED YOU -Miss Clara Young, . J J. M. Allen Acting CasliiNj^ ^ President THE FARMER^ NATloV RANK LOUISBURG, N. C. sotlTIo That rs the amount on de posit in tha'savings banKs of the Unified States. \the fund which , clothes and feeds p&ys wages,builds cities, xtends railroads, equips *austries end maintains iovernmeni Ten billions \is not all the country'? capital but it is the capital from which drafts are made for new developm ents. Progress depends on the accumulation of money for Investment Th? owner of a s?.vim^? account la a oapttallltt. I ? . ?> O?* Dollar Starts an Account I BUNN BANKING CO. Benj. B SYKES, Cashier . Bunn, N. C. Mr. R. L. Huffines, PresA - M1MrV c- p Harris, Vice Pres. Mr. Benj. B. Sykes, Cash. Mise Louise Curtis, Asst. Cash.