ONLY 11.60 FEB YEAB IN ADVANCE The Franklin Times AN AJtVEKTlSING StEDIlTM THAT BB1MJS j . HESC1.TS A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION Subscription $1.50 Fer Year VOLUME XLV1I. , ?nsmjH^ : V H '' V j,' j? ?? - 'VI'PV,".!!"*" ^"AMERICANS KARCK FOR GERMAN SOIL MOVING CAHEtTLLY AND T A ljv<. . >0 {'MANTES* First Steps of Advnncce Sanday Not of . pressed on Soldi?rs That Tlio*e lilies.?German Field Marshal With Troops Reached Hungary. Disarmed and Started Tgward Germany. With the American army in France. Nov. . 17.?General rershing's forces moved *:;r\v;' tavljr today i:> territory jast abaiiuoucd !:*y the Cerman troops. On tl^ old line between Mouzon and Thiajcourt, lying ircm the region of ?edan to the outli of ISictz, the troops had been str.tioned to await orders fo> 4'ie advance, and at 5:U0 'clock this morning, the patois marched out. nut in line of Rattle. bu* in columns along trie liign roa&s, wi:!c& are ow\y slightly Impaired. Not Spectacular. The first steps of the Americans Into vegions r,o lately controlled by Ger many. were not spectacular. The men wero keycU up and keen ior the lew adventure, bat like they v,vre on tile day of the signing of the armistice there were comparatively no demon live manilc-turfoua of tneir eii:l>usl btrative manifestations of their enthu sia-sm. ..iany 01' the men had been n?*wly vr.ifon. ec. of them ^?ere polish us il,.?i.;;!? .or in.'-p.ectiou. Tit0 a: ?Kara, caner for the word to : ^ forward. ^ .e relatively small units that wee i . :ig forward as advance /juard>/ . sent to the line before daylight. Ti.-.- jlit had Lec-n cold end the mtu\ that ;?t marks ti e roads, notv.-jih stan^ iiarr tli? o ha*.e l:ron two'or t :ree days vlf-icui rain, was slightly frozen. The m.*n shivo're.l as they rested by the roadside. liNnp'?eared hi the When the lor.miand finally was given for the advance, the element; who were \ l?> pu forward. in some cases miles Vpart on the iong line between the ex. >"Y'mc *?'1 u ?"igh*.. moved of: into 4J', mists appear alw.;vj to shroud isii ?t pare of tho country and -ilsap peared. 1 i or tiie first t'.^ie sine? tho Amer icans iiad been ordfcrt.d to adduce into c mm, -heid t*rritor<* there v. ns assur ance tnat they would cncoumcr no hos tility. Tiie intelligence which has never ceascd to function, iuul accurately reported* thai the Ger mans we^e carrying .out their agree miMij of evacuation end ther.* was evi liuM 'iiiii iwsJMaJtf Tf.Kiutr No Cbatice. ^o chances were taken, howevcr. T:if c:rg:neers were the second units ??? pre.? forward and they carefully 1: jga;i tlicir work of looking out for mines and tainted water. Every ob iVftn tested before it was moved i., ?,rcier to find out if it masked ex |,hh?l-vei.?t^er ?ome time the Germans i-;ua shown a spirit of co- ope ration fyi informing the Americans where mines were located and in themselves destroying them. It was sometime alter t'.ie ii(?Rinsers moved forward before the heavier col umns took the roads'. The entire army finally was moving, and moving along the lines of peace day?. But it was in such order that it might quickly be transformed into 1>attle array. Every brigado was covered by a regiment of 77's. the tfEavier artillery" following close behind. The flanks of ti-.e r-dvan cing columns were well protected. State of War St Ml Exists. It has been impressed on officors and men alike that this Is an operation un der an armistice; that war still exists and that the possibility remains at any time it may be necessary fo~ them, to play their part with the sa_no grim ners of the past year. Fraternization, not only with the German ooldiers who may be found eithftr ad straggler* cr volunt\ry pris oners, but with the civilian population, has beon 3ternly forbidden. Lcoti-ig and even souvonir hunting also have been forbidden the Americans. It has been plainly imposed upon ti.e P .on that property Is inviolate r?.n^ that those porson.-r with whom they come in rontact must be re^ardod ac enemies. Mrs. A. H. Fleming Appointed Ch?rns Reader for Louhburg. Mr. Wade R. Brown, State Musical Director, has appointed Mrs. A. H. ?ming Liberty Chorus Leader for lisburg, and she has already accep and has started about the work. 1 The object of this work is to teach community singing so that the'entlro community can Join in the big rally whirh will be given when' rhe boys come home. The work done by this Liberty Chorus will bo the same done by the choral society in the North, and it is expected that every body In Loulsburg that can sing will volunteer for this work. The first meeting will be held Tuesday night. November 26, at Mr. White's store, at which time the work will bo thoroughly explained. There are a great many great votces in Louisburg and there Is no reason why Louisburg shouldn't have one of the greatest Liberty Choruses In the $tate. This chorud will consist of all the ;?*U: v. /m:*:.: .rogardlcs.; o" ;;j;c v.I ? Tilii.i,; t? tak? par; in t:iis v.ork. work v ill be coached under tl'o ??or.sliip of trained sla-.r.M and :i qri-ul opportunity afforded flu* .?_* !ie-:\ rot only uj help In t/is : "u. to .x-c^Jvc 1u>itf;*c!i?na ji r Elver Assoclallonto 3Io?t at Runu November 2(?tli. Tlie Tar River Association will meet In the Baptist church of Bunn next Tuesday. November. 26, at 10 a. m. in its eighty-eighth annual session It was scheduled to meet October 9tlt. but on account of the influenza epiclcm ic was postponed. One of the features of the associa tion this yerr will be the election of a moderator to succeed the late Rev. Geo.rge M. Duke, who for ten years was moderator' of this body and who died p. few months aso. An effort will ^e made at thi ? seaston to complete the fuqd iVai 13 being ralsett in this assoMation for a memorial building io be erected on the grounds of t!:c Thorn asville Orphanage In honor of the de ceased moderator. Several thousitid dollars of the amount have already been raised. This is eminently fitting since ii will perpetuate the memorv of one of the strongest friends the Or phanage p\-er had. It was In this les sor lation thnt the Thomasvllle Orphan are WP' born some thirty years ago. Another vital issue at this session will -be the Million-Dollar Campaign fcr the F apt ist-schools of the State I)r. T. L. Taylor, of V.Ta"renton. and Rev. F. R. Nelson, of Henderson, are the associated manager Th:* is ove of the largest associations In the state, b'.in* composed of sixty-three churches :th -nho-Jt f00(? members. LETTERS FROM FRANCE Pet. U?. r?is. ?r.. ? . ? -. ? ."J? ui u .tki . ..t.". ; - ;??>? : hone /.;? ;y.?? V*: . j.?.: 1: . Diul /ill co'u.nuc .'j enjoy good health and ?? Pl'ln- .. . 1. :vc ??c eil ?-..i.k ?*. . e 1 .-t ; on all. was ta\;:i ? .? ?.? . i.-: t o; prober ?vi :t acute influenza and it went into plcu "eve e ! Ji K ? ? r? ?. ? . ?? i :,ai *l*e 7s."i. a.i r "-it m 'i*: Ufl yet. hope ,W .v -? ! .. < %y v. ?)!;? her.; and :r V- :i for ? t :?k*. 1 iiojk ?)'.?? o ? .1 i? ..'f. .ho t..:i*dj t> ie v ntcr cjdi'..' on. fuey ui'e talk.a? pevee now. yr,i. km-v*. and I hope they lan ecme co term* soen. but can't ;e!i Ju v ??. ill tu.ii oui. can r.nly hope, i! i : ca*. :.-' Mg a lot of ?.rou w.-v' reign oncc more, for 1 love to livo lanu.?i hupo tU>? jJoriuiU ?lay that peace I* declared !?* not far o?<. ami 1 want 10 live to ne ii if 1 i'i !:v;- another day Ion?; v. i a.^ 1 the best i kauw nc?/ to bo Miidcd ?utVly throurh it al!, ami re turn safely to my lo\e:*- ones i'riends. I have promise? Jf^us to live for him. ami ikvor luni &5?un to sin. ard-l oxpot'i lo h-i trn o to m>\ promise regardless di' everything . and oit, !i:)\v I \vi;*h all my comrades would do likewise. I ran more plainly each lay how fooii.-ih it is to live a sin ful life, for this life ii hhort, and if we do our best for Jesus cach will live :c. he old. we can never i-puy nun for v.:.{? !ia ^ done for u ?. 1 wasted th. f' of my life in sin, ftnd 1 am very sorry that I did and by the grace anu help of God. L hod * to waste "tt!c remainder of ir. J-irmf^to see the world in peace. a I in my na tive ianu workiiit i n * i:rist. I feel like it would bo a grvat pleasure to me ;c fo.* him. 1 ?vus.i 1 had al ways worked i or him. i waj blind and couid no: see no -^d." but the blessed Lord w-a? pood lo v.u and spar ed my life until I could see it. and oh How thanKiui i am to ami tor it. I Msh every sinner on eariii could it as I do. It is such a great comfort to me in my troubles. I don't see how I could get along 4f It wasn't for tho faith and'hope I have in Jesus. You and many 'of my loves ones prayed earnestly for me and tried to make me see my need, and 1 would not- listen to it. but oh, how proud It makes mo feel to tell you that your prayers are answered at last. And I know that your only son, thousands of miles away ,iw living for Christ, living a life that i lie is not ashamed to face the world with. I pray that our lives may be: spared to meet again on earth. I want j to talk with you in my new spirit, and tell you how Jesus has blessed me in so many ways. I can look hack and see you with tears In your eyes aad a heart overflowing with prayer and love for me, and I long lo see the tears of joy In your eyes when you look up on your boy made new. :7irough the love and grace of GoJ. My dear mother- cannot be there on earth to see it hut she is waiting pa tiently in Heaven for her boy to join her In glory, and I am so happy In the thought that she is there, and I s m going to meet her never to be sepa rated again. \ I look back and see now happy I could have mode mv loved ones tiy taking, the stepe that I have now taken long ago, tut I can't help It now. I can only do my best. In the future, and I intend to do that. 1 may "be passer) away from earth before this reaches ! !??? ana -- ' i ? , v. - : l. 10, l'JiS. ?'r. a 'A. ;.i;. Ui'Lal: iv< v.}j;punion in your son Moorton. He lives in a neighbor's * ?? ..*c M.r house !:?, the country; v ; ? t : r At. ha is a ?t : i'.1- to ^ "?vi.i: hir.i orte-i. '' nit ? ?: df you. ilia yon ;i ? sl5*c '?*.(? J;*u OP ? :;vtit.rc lie a : ??; t h right to send it to you ?uta ? I ?l:d it. **o 1 will send A ^!f. x . iu !n:ppy io tell you that :j. ^n iootl soldier and t . v i:. *.\i:h now is to leave for . kv. a ac the war is ended o:?;! v'w I'.t pv lliat will be soon now. ? ' FiMich people think a great ..." o?* ii.?? \mer.t?ins vho are so l./ar to have their home and battle IV r them. Vou should be happy to : :*? to a son. I know it is hard . r.i to be to farseparated from him an?-. io i.j not far now ?rom the front .- ; ?a!-:onon. In Must Attach S * amps. Collector J. W. Bailey sends out th? following circular regarding revenue rtamps: Some confusion ceems to have arisen In interpreting Mimeograph letter No, 4Z, dated October 29th, in regard to the proper amount of stamps to be placed upo:. prommissory notes. Promissory notes of all kinds, wheth ??r tinder seal or not. require stauips to be affixed to the value of 2 cents on the flOO or fractional part thereof. ac.ured hy n nlortgape deed or Died of Trust in no way affects this ruting. Fcrrcll PnrrNR Dead. Mr. ' oriell Parrish. formerly of >ni*hug but recently of Durham. died ? his home there on Friday afteriioon . iu lii? 02nd year. He leaves a wife, I tMree Fons. Messrs Marvin, Robert an-.t |. .Trt- 't Parri?h. and one daughter, ? Mrs. Hunter Parrlsh. besides n large ; i-.untbrr of-reintive*?His-reniains-wcre. "hroush: to Loutaburg Saturday and \ interred at Oaklawn cemetery. Roth's Residence Damaged. The fire alarm on Monday night was j due to a fire in the bath room at tho residence of F. A. Roth on Baker j Heights. The fire was caused by the explosion of an oil stove and much damage was done, the exact amount not yet determined. The fire depart ment answered tho call promptly and' extinguished the blaze. Express Appreciations. Tho following letter from I>r. MTalono ? is reproduced with pleasure: . Mr. Editor: As examining physician for our Conn j ty of the registrants for the U. S. Ar my, I wish to express through the col umns of your good paper, my appre ciation of and thanks for the voluntary and very efficient help rendered me by i Dr. Morton. (Eye Specialist) and Mr. I Alex Clifton. Throughout this long and laborious work my association "*ith the above named gentlemen has been most agree- ! able and my relations with all th'?! soldier boys will always be most plean antly remembered. Respectfully. J. E. MALONE. | List of Letters. The following isa'list of letters re maining In the post ofNce at Louis burg, N, C., not called for November 22, 1918. Mr. William Allen. Mr. Charlie Alley Loujsiana Alston, Miss Eula Alston. Mr. Bruss Atams. L. G. Ayacu?, R. A. Breedlove, Miss Bennle Brown. D." A. Bateman. Mf, Willie Cooke. Miss Hettie Davis, Mrs. Nannie Douglas, Mrs. Laura Dunston, Miss Bertha. L. 1 Dunston, J. F. Harris, John D. King, ' Mr. Walter Mitchell, Mrs. Emma Now- t ell, Mrs. Georgle Perry, Miss Rosa Per-' 1 ry, Mrs. Fannie Perry, MIsb Annie Prl vette, (2), Mrs Georgians Wright. ] Persons calling for any of the above named letters will please stat# that they saw them advertised. K. H. DAVIS, P. M c i Subscribe to i'.NKTJN TTME&'j '$1.50 Per Year, in advance. c THANKSGIVING DAY PROCLAMA TION BY PRESIDENT WILSON' !?r-?Krmil in ?r Thursday, NovoMIkt 2S Ah Day oi Prayer and Thanksgiv ing Throughout t lic Land to the Great Commander of All Nu . Uoim. Washington. Nov. 17.?President Wi! ?on. In a proclamation todajv desig nated Thursday. November 2S, as Thank.gihving Day. and said this year the American people have special and moving-cause to 1m. srrateful and re joice. Complete victory, he said, has brought not only peace, but the con fident promise of new day as well, in which "justice shall roplace force r^d jealous intrigue among the na tions." Text of the P*"?cT:tnti*(l'in. ..The prorlnnn: !c: follows; 1 y thr President '* ?!*?: United States c r America. It has long been (custom to turn ?:i t!it autumn of tl?o year In praise ar.d thanksgiving to Almighty God for His many blessings and mercies to us as a nation. T!:ls year we have special and moving cause to be grateful and to rejoice. God lias in His good pleas ures given us peace. It has not come ns a mere cessation of arms, a mere relief from the strain and tragedy of war. It lias come ;?? a great triumph of right. Complete victory has brought, us, not peace alono. but the confluent promise of a new day as well, in which justice shall roplace force and jealous intrigue" among the' nation? Our gallant arr.iie have participau -A in a triumph v.'iich i* not marred or stained by any purpose of selfish re - gression. inimortal G?orjr \\ in n Rlsrhteou* * Care. . In a righteous eru?c ?! ey have won Immortal glory asvl l;r'*e-no*)ly-served ?'teir nation in srvh.* mankind. Gol i has indeed been gracious. We have" cause for nch rejoicing as revives land j-irc.'.gthen in w: nil the best tra ditions of our national history. \ new day shines-about us. in which our 1 hearts tako new co ura ire and look for i ward with new hone t j nc w and great 1 er duties. ! V'ile we render tlirnkr. for these \hings. let us not forge* to seek the divine guidance in the performance of i those duties, and divine mercy and for ! giveness for all errors of act or pur fpose. and pray that in all that w? do ! vv shall strengthen the ties of friend | ship snd mutual respect upon which ! v.*c must assist to build tlu-^iew struc ture of peace and good will anions the ! nations. Thursday* Noiei?iber De>iu:tia1e?l. Wherefore. 1. Woodrow Wilson, Pres | idem of the rnin.d States of America i do hereby de-icnate Thursday, the 1 twenty-eighth day of November next a.- a d:iy of thanksgiving and prayef ??i ll.! Hi H ll'l I '' 111 T?nd ?o cea.e upon that day from ! tiu-'r ordinary. occupations- and In ihi'lr 1 - ? 1 ! '" -*"11 p 1 n. ? r , ? ..f ? ,.r 1 i |n t * render i luniks to God the ?Ruler of nations. In Witness Whereof. I have hereun to prt thy hand and caused the seal of the United Slates to be affixed. Don;* in the District of Columbia. sixteen;h doy of Novem}* r In tl - or ??:' our Lord, one iKou?aml nfne hundred and eighteen and of the In d*|*eii4enct; ut* ti.,.- UiillLiL_?liiIv< ? ? Aincrlcj: ;lie on?* hundred ;?M :>?:? v third. W(Kii>K^\V VII >\)N. liy e President 7^ ROBERT LAXS1XG. Ser. of S'ate. Meeting at ( onrt Hnu*e. The colored people of Louishure and other townships in the County inter ested in the United War Work Cani -paign. hold (V Jubilee Mass Mi-L-tinr. in the Court . Houso on Monday night and patriotic enthusiasm ran high. Governor T. W. Bickett was the prin cipal speaker of the occasion and de livered a splendid address. The Shady Grove. Green Hall and Seminary choirs furnished the music for the occasion and this music was pronounced by many to have been the best choir mu sic ever heard in Louisburg. The meeting was presided over by Dr. J. B. Davis, Chairman for the Col ored People of Louisburg Township War Work Campaign, assisted by Prot Geo. C. Pollard and W. M. Alston, County Secretary and Treasurer res pectively for the Colored United War Work Campaign. After Governor Bick ett's address, Richard Perry and Rev. John Young made short talks which brought forth much applause and the finest spirit possible prevailed through out the exercises. The colored people of Louisburg had already raised in the Mass Meeting addressed by Mr. Z. D. Dunlap, State Director and Dr. W. M. Poteat, of Wake Forest College about $1000.00, but by special request the subscription li?t was opened on Mon rlay night after Governor Bickett's ad Iress and an additional sum of $210.0G subscribed making u total of cash and subscriptions contributed by the col ored people of Louisburg township, either at these mass meetings or through the various canvassers, some thing like $1500.00. Too much cannot foe said of the generous response of the colored people of our County to :hls noble work for our soldiers. Kay Obtain Labels From Local Red Croft*. The nearest relative of any member >f the American Expeditionary Forces r. Europe no*.- receiving a Christmas ; >n eel label by November ?1, 19 j S or lb ? ase such label is lost, may obtain a Chri.- mcs parcel label for ?eudiim sjtb a parcel by applying to the Louis . Itirg Fed Cross receiving stall *?. Par o'??? to which such Inl els aro afflxccl wi'l be accepted l,y postmasters u;i t> a td ii . f'ojlin*. iy in "Cod's Country"?to me it is a thing of wonder and a Joy forever. He came over "the big drink" somtf months ago. He had a pleasant voy age. saw no 'Hin fish." and had plentv to eat?"six meals a day, three-up and three down." On Arrival at the por' they cot into "the dinkiest little train er." Pefore it started the captain ? #V:ed for a K ?>* f?> wind It up with Sammy says fhat personally he intends .'""T '""" on nis wr.tecnant. They went into camp, where they '?pent their t itn-? "hiking" about tV countryside. Ti:?- "eats" here were not over good." They were given tea ? which tasted like t'ie last water Nonh kept afloat In." and fish *'tliaT was nev er caught must have given itself tin." However, tlie.v made their mot. o "Work like lleien I!. Happy." #nd sti'-k ?n. HH-i-t'r ?h+rv-? r--*. j v ?? v-h the uoaiM was '"?vine t'? sleep on torrp firma. That, Sammy soy?, is--T^n becoming a captain or an angel." Samniv '.van ready enough ?o hv'lp, hut a Ifoclte,siu-ll intervened aMd insisted 011 sending in his name wii.i an application "for immediate trans Tf" f i*e Flying Cot p a." I fence his presence in nospital. It ia my duty to give Prunmv his lettera. and to-day, as he read a volum inous epistle his face brightened to such an extent the.t I was forced to in quire what good tidings had arrived. He hesitated, then grinned. "I don't mind teJllnir you, nurse " he said. "It's my wife writing, and from what she ? ay s I calculate when I not home there Ml he rnmething beside a fence running around my little placo in Seattle." Sammy goes tomorrow, and I shall mi?*'hint badly. Ho himself is all anx iety for an early return to a front where he anticipates a good time for the Yanks and a correspondingly bad one fcr Jerry. The latter Is assuredly up against the "straigat goods" at j If.t. Anyway, what ever happens to' ?? Kuglish. for the U. S. A. Forces ; going to be "Heaven, hell, or U'V. -.k.n by Christmas. mniy says ao. D. M. T: Home Demonstration Department. FOOD AND HUMAN LIFE" "America 1a under direct obligation to furnish its Allies with 17,600,000 tons of foodstuffs this year, against 12,000,000 tons l&st year. The promise of tills quantity of foodstuffs must be fulfilled whether war continues or not. If peace should come Amt lea will be confronted with the responsibility and will be prompted by every dictate of humanity? to save from death as many as possible of the starving mil lions in Rcuman;;.. Poland. Finland, end Russia. Literally millions of these people are doomed to starvation. Foodstuffs are measured in terms ot human lives. The person who Is res ponsible for the waste of food la guil ty of murder." Women of Franklin County no not let the prospect-of early peace hinder you from doing your du ty as ever In all conservation lines. I As Thanksgiving and Christmas draw near, housewives begin to wonder how they can provide their families with the usual "sweets." Some of the host enndy we have tried, is made with out sugar. Cakes almost as good as the old fashioned fruit and pound rakes ran be made with very little sugnr. The most delicious pqtato pudding ever eaten was sweetened en tirely with syrup. We shall be glad to send out recipes to any Interested person. ? Many calls have como lately for a recipe for canning sweet potatoes. De low i? the one we use: Tho Norton Yams or other varieties of yellow potatoes are host for can ning. It Is a very good idea to use thoso which have been cut in diguing. Do not use cold hurt potatoes. Select those of medium size. Roil until three fourths done. Remove peeling. Cat 'n slices three-quarters of an inch thick; pack the jar full, using only 2 taMcHpoonfuls water in a Jar. Pro cess quart jar? 3 1-2 hours, pint3 3 hours. ToIimcco Selling High. T'; , prices of tobacco on the local market the past w? ? k have reached a new high level an.J the warehouse men say it has never been higher, while the farmers are all well pleased ?with the returns for iliei.' *ales. Killed Negro. Charlie Ayescue, who lives about five miles above Franklinton. was brought to' Louisburg Tuesday nlsht and placed in jail to await a hearing for killing a negro named Josh Kear ney. From what we could learn it seemc that the negro went to Ayescue's house and loft a message for him M>me thing to the effect "for him to return that sugar he stole from my buggy." When Ayescue arrived and received the message he .took his shot gun and went in search of the negro. He found him at a corn shucking at a neighbor's and orde-ed everybody out of th?? way end then tired, with tfie result of killing Kearmy. v _ 1'rai.K l'. PirrNh. T!.lr?:'-five .tears avn. in t "no y ? of our L;-rd. is.v . a l?*?n ???:iltl w;. orn unto Mr. ..and \jrs. William A. Parrish, lo vhom (Ikv gave i hr name J ank ClondS.j . Ho was one of a doi o . i:.iv.en a.!r of v ;ir -vk "m >avhlg one s'i* t*?r w!.o i :?( . i .iei . , \.) Karly i?* Hi?* :*rt.:ik. ?>.. .he gtii mo of an ai. ????' . ;ii vj uc. : Li?1? ?? illimate* in a blessed immortality, and early in l:.r .. ? . j :i uga... time from atv.v. .-.?id ?? as lupti.v in to the fellowship o t'e.Jar Hock tisi ciiutcl:. t h i. . ituihis. /al home until he moved i?? Fu>r*lavueu he rightfully carried his churclr lettot ?a It h~1rtm. During I.U re.-iUcuc ? in Flori . U? married Miss Laura Scott; or Gci'.'glu. This iiarpy c^are was strart TTrctt, however for soon alio ntid her i . ant child were taken, leaving him in '.hat state of louliness known only to one who has experienced it. ? It was not" long after this sad event that h. re turned to his former home in F rank lin County, and on his return he put his church letter in with the saints of Red Bud church' where ho servw* God faithfully nntll liip time nf hi? .it nth OCX. 24. 191S. On Feb. 1. H?10 he was married to Miss Mamie I-. Wood, a splendid young christian woman with whom lit* ml most happi'.v for nearly nine irs. She shared and increased his lo for Cod'a house anil with hips a. led religioue-eervict s twice and of ter reo timc^ on Sundays. Frank Parrisli was a positive ?rco for good. Was on this right s- of moral questions. Lived his c /fc tior.?. And was Tiet afraid or as .led to let it he known wheru he stoc At the time of his death, he was the .lh ful and efficient superintendent o ted Hud Sunday School. Ho leaves a lar^e family conn ion all of whom have the #>y:upatl of the community, ancl especially his true of the cou.uxrated young *is tian woman whose devotion to h , ias gone a long way toward makin x iim the useful happy man that h? as. May the Comforter's Richest bl. igs abide with her. W. Li MORTON. Ice Cr*am Sapper. W? are requested to state that ?' ero will be an ice cream supper at Pro? pect church on Thanksgiving night at 7 o'clock the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the church. The public is cordially invited. " After tho war C.Vrope w 11 co?- nue to look t A < * .cp for S* !*?? i ero will l- n h t ?i se otfen < i* ?'?Rev. N. H. I). Wilson will prej? i at the school hou Katesvllle S\ lay t ??ftornoon No h. The pul * i*? cordially Invited % At, best the Allied table will b- 'ess than ours, for the Alltod people aro denying themselves more i\ ord?*r to transport soldiers.