PORTABLE HEAT Downstairs, upstairs ?wherever, whenever needed?the Perfection Heater gives gep^rous glowing warmth?makes bedroojn, bathroom,.living room or den warm and cozy in a few minutes. Inexpensive to buy and use?easy to clean and fill ? smokeless, errorless ? used in 8,000,000 homes. Aladdin Security CHI gives best results. Ask to see the Perfection at your dealer's. -W*ANKSGtV4N? 1621 - 1918 THE first Thanksgiving was an out poring of publio gratitude far the harvest that saved the colony of Massachusetts. On Thanksgiving this year, we give thanks "not only for bountiful crops and abundant prosperity?but for the devotion of our soldier sons and their heroism in the field \ ? \ / Though we properly feast to celebi-atc! lie <lay---let us not forget that of the two days of prayer established by the Pilgrim Fathers, one was de voted to fasting and humiliation. / ista STROUSE & BROS., Inc.. ba'-to. mo. Perhaps then a certain inward fasting and soul searching is in keeping with the day and the times. Should we not take thought and pride as Americans that we have risen to the ideals of those who founded America. ? vN* ? In our celebration let us also give solemn thanks that in the War for Humanity we have done our share and are victorious. We publish this as our contribution to the spirit of real Thanksgiving felt by our fellow townsmen at this time. 0000000000 The McBrayer Clothing Company Incorporated 'When H Pours, It Reign*" "When It Pours, It Reigns CANT you just taste that cap of good old Lazjanne Coffee? Steaming hot and ready to give you a whole dayful of pep and (o. " The flavor is wonderfully good and the aroqta?get it??oh, ma honey! Better run quick and get a bright, clean tin of X*uzianne while it's there. If you don't like it?every bit of it?then your grocer will give you back every cent you paid for it. Try Luzianne today and see how mighty good it is. COFFEE NOTICE ! Your taxes for 1918 is due, Treasurers for different funds of the County are calling on me for money, and I must ask the tax-payers to come forward and settle up. I have been instruct ed to collect, and I shall look to those who owea to pay at once. H. A. KEARNEY, "I Sheriff. Pood Administrator Page declares very aptly tbat food can only be meas ured in terms of human lives. It is feared that, do our best, millions of people in Poland, Finland. Roumania and Russia must perish from starva tion during the next few months. We | will be held blameless if we do our best but unless every individual in this country does his utmost it will be to Wasted food on this side means sta.rv ing, suffering and death on the other side. WOMEN GIVE OFT Housework is hard enough when healthy. Every Louisburg woman who is having backache, blue and nervous spells, dizzy headaches and kidney or bladder troubles, should be glad to heed this Louisburg woman's exper ience; f.? Mrs. W. M. Pleasants. Cedar St., says: "Three years ago I was in bad shape with my kidneys. I was annoy ed by the way they a?ted and my back was so lame and sore that if I would do a little* too much lifting, severe pains would come over my kidneys I My head ached badfy at times, too and i I was nervous and couldn't stand the [least noise. I heard a whole lot of Doan'a Kidney Pips and I began ta?^ ing them I got my supply at the Ay cock Drug Co. I am glad to say they certainly relieved this trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Pleasants had. Poster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Food helped win the war. The next duty and opportunity of food Is to save ptarvlng nations in Europe. America can ship 50 per cent more food this year if we are all 50 per cent better Americans. CALOMEL salivates and makes YOU SICK Acts Like Dyanimlte on a Slagglnh Liver and Yoa Lom? a Day's Work. There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calo mel when ^ few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Ton0?a per fect substitute for calomel.. It is'm pleasant, vegetable liquid which win start your liver Just as Bure ly as calomel. bu? it do^an't make you sick and cat* not aalfrfcte. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tpne, because it is per fectly harnTtaas Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attach your bones. Take a dose of nffnty hatomel today and y,pu will feel weak, slofc and nauseated to- I morrow. / Don't Wit* a day's work, i Take a spoonful *K Dodson's Liver Tone iQstead and yo^will wake up j feeling great. \ 1 i I No tnore biliousness, Constipation,; llufcgfshness, headache, coaled tongue , t>r aoMr stomach. Tour druggist says If you don't find Dodson's Livar Tone acta bertter than horrible calomtfi your I money "la waiting for you.' \ * No Worms in a Healthy Child U All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weela wfll enrich the blood, im prove the digestion. an<&ct as a General Strength ening Tunic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel theworms. and the Child will be ?n perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. . .Jf you w&nt Hfe insar^T.ce see J. A_ . .Jf yo lURM FIRE rNSTTHAKCE. When joo want Uuurance take It with T. W. WATSMT>-. *? know* bow. . ? t-nM The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head^ Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without canaina nervousness or ringing in the head. E.W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. New Store for Sale or Eent at "Wood. N. C. i \ This Btor* Is suitable for both Dry Goods and Grocery business; is well uumiOiu mm side room wrtth door opening Into It. Will rent at $12.$0 a month or will bell uture and afljotntng lot at $1!>00.00 with satisfactory t arms. ' CANDLER-CROWELL CO. 11-t-tt Loulsbnrg. N. C. For Sale A detiralle retidencc nnd lot Church street, Immediate possession. A[.ply to . W. D. JACKSON, at Fir? National Bank. 10-4-tf ^ AUTOMOBILE FOB SALE xlffcarTOnr^rficfnBBHWJWf1 Has new Kelljj-Sprlngfleld tires, never had a puncture. Salt Starter, new top, newly painted, Can be seen at CANDLER-CROWELL CO. 11-1-tf STANDARD OIL COMPANY> (New Jersey) ^ Charlotte. N. C. > Ckarlanoi " . W. Ve. OIL HEATERS M

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