Increased Demand for Cotton, Atten tion Is called to the following statement by Mr. Charles J. Brand. Chairman of the Committee ou Cotton Distribution and Chief of the Bureau of Markets of tho Department of Ag riculture, on November 14, announcing the Committed action requiring the suspension of speculative "short" Bell- | ing of cotton on the echan??s. Ii will be noted that the Cotton Committee,' reflecting the views of the Department of Agriculture as well as of the cotton experts constituting the committee, con flaently expect an Increase in volume-! of eports and consumption of cottotlr?4. "The signing of the armistice brings 1 us suddenly to the threshold of the reconstruction era. Pending develop ments are of the utmost importance to the entire cotton world. "The consequences of unfounded ru mors that tend to promote vicious spec ulative activity and cause unjustified demoralization must be -avoided as for as possible. In order th:" harmful violent price fluctuations may be check ed the Committe on Cott Distrlbu- 1 tion has ordered all speculative short selling on the> New York end New Or leans Cotton Exchanges stopped, and, j to make this order thoroughly effective, has required that no selling orders ex-; cept in liquidation of long contracts be | executed from any foreign country. "The stoppage of sinkings by U-boata the monthly increase in new ship ton noge and the releasing of ships now engaged in supplying the fleets of the Allies, together with the freeing of space previously used In sending muni- ' tlons to~ Europe^ will mean a large in-' crease In available tonnage for cotton exports. "The world's requirements of cotton to meet its increasing demands for. clothing will henceforth be on a con tiguously ascending scale. Based on reports to this committee front the various foreign countries, we estimate their requirements and probable ex-1 ports of cotton under present condi tions to be over two million bales in! excess of last season's takings. "Europe is almost denuded of cotton and cotton goods. The potential buy ing power of the world which will be aided and hastened by the establish ment of the necessary credits will quickly assert itself." GIRLS! DBA YF A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR, DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY Try this! .Hair (jets thick, Klossy, wa vy and beuutlfui at once. Immediate??yes! Certain?-?that's the joy of It. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous anO-.beautifu) as a young girl's after a Danaejine hair cleanse. Just try this?moisten^ cloth with a little Danderine and cprfeCully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, TJlfls will cleanse the 4iair of dust, dirt 6r excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have douv bled the beauty of your hair. A de lightful surprise awaits those whose hair ha? been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the haif, Danderine dis solves even^oarticlf of dandruff. clean sea, purifies s^id Invigorates the scalp, but what will v^espe you most will be after a few woeM use, when you see new hair,?fine Ad dawny at first? yes?but really Aewt hair growing all over the scalp, it yoW care for prfctty, soft hair, and mis of it, Burely get a small bottle ovKnowlton's Danderine from any dru# store or toilet cunter for a few cents. Notice of Sale. by virtue of the power and autho?T?7^toBSMaMiatt?_]>LJ* cer tain deed of trust executed Dickerson Maynard, ?\nd bearing date July 2Bth, 1917, and duly corded in book 22L of mortages page 77 and 78, in the office of ister of Deeds of Fjanklin North Carolina; anOo The place to save money on all small pur chases, as our stock of the above lines is com plete and all bought at greatlv reduced pi ices. Don't buy until you visit our store and see. Matches 6c per Dozen Boxes ?oOo C. C. Hudson Company (WIDE-AWAKE MERCHANT) LOUISBCL-G. * NOHTI! rAKOMNA J-P. DRAKE Sales Manager BEN H. SAUNDERS Auctioneer Tobacco Is Selling high It gives us much pleasure to say to our friends that tobacco on the Riverside floor has been selling especially high this week. Read the prices below and bring a load to us. We will make you smile with satis faction. OOOO ^0 0 AVERAGE J. A. Creekmore, 286 lbs. $153.12?$53.54 J. A. Cooper, 602 lbs. $340.86 $56.60 J. E. Strickland, 425 lbs. $240.95.?.$54.3? Shelley Brown, 30. lbs. $177.58 $58.10 W. P. Long, 842 lbs. $433.44 $52.60 G. c. Mullen, 296 lbs. $175.24 G $59.20 A. H. Hill, 376 16?. $204,56 >- $54.40 SAXES 19th. G. D. TAYLOR Sales Manager / 'V * ? * We will be glad to welcome you whenever you feel like coming to Louisburg G. B. TAYLOR TOBACCO CO. G. D. Taylor, B. H. Saunders, J. P. Drake.