A SAFE FOB 5? .Salve I l>th>l???) ^ la vA&aat ft. ^ I'm YOUR Eye When I'm efficient YOU are efficient Honest now, what would you do without me? Think How happy it *ould make you to know that yoadon't need glasses ?that you're efficient ?that you're fit, unhandi capped. Yqti can Know have Your Eyes Examined ft won't cost much W. B. MORTON LIVERY STABLES MOVED I herewith ann ,.je to my customers and al .hers wish InK the gerrlces < I first elass my business from the stables on >"ash Street to accommoda tion at the rear of my residence on Malr Street, where I will be blad to serre jou at all times with the best personal serrlce. J. C. Tucker Louisburg, N. C. Harness, Bicycles, Automobile Tires / i Our line of t We above goods is complete a yd chcap. See them. Harness, Bicycle and Auto mobile tlrea repaired quick ly by an expert. We makjB a specialty o! re pairing men's, ladies and chll drens flno shoes. Our Mr. Elkins U an expert in this wort'.' 7 EVERTTIIING AT .LAST *EAB*S PRICES. Six bicycles for sale at a bargain, some are almost new. ours to serve. LOU13BURQ REP) IS SHOP J. ehman, Prop'r, Ui f, North Carollma CALOMEL DYNAMITES /1 A SLUGGISH LIVER Crashes Into soiirblle, maklnp yon sick and you lose a dayV work. Calomel salivates! It'4 mercury* Calomel acts like dynamti^ on a slug gish liver. When calomdi comes Into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping qcid nausea. If you feel bilious V headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go son s Liiver Tole lor a reW cents which is a harmlofes vegetable substi tute for dangeroUs calomel. Take a spoonful and if At doesn't start your liver and straigaten you up better and quicker than nisty calomel and with out making yoA sick, you just go back and get your/money. If you takrf calomel today youH be sick and naijBeated tomorrow; besides it may salivate you, while If you take Dodson'8 iAver Tone yon will wake up foel ing/great. full of ambition and ready for# work or play. It's harm less, pleasant and safe to give to chil dren; they like it. Some women dress to please men and some to worry other women. DISSOLUTION To All Whom it May Concern: The co-pa'tnership^ieretofore ex isting between J. QJ Howell and A. W. Perry, Jr.. tradjbg as Howell Jht Perry was diasoiyd oc Jan. 1, 1919, by mutual cons^ft. All indebtedness of said Howell it Perry is* to be paid by J. S. Ho wail and all accounts due said firm ar?^ayable to J. S. Howell. This Feby. 19th, 1919. A. W. PERRY. J. S. HOWELL. 2-21-5t The Strong Withstand thy Winter Cold Better Than tb Yoo matt have Health. Strength and En dn ranee to fight Colds. Grlor and Inftnanra. When your blood UiSot la a baahhr condition and doea not. circulate Wialj, roar system la unabl? to witfcmadtM Winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELESS CUM TONIC Fortifies the and Infineoza b? Purifying and I the Blood. 7 k coctaine the well-known tonto prop ettiea of QqRilne and Iron in ? form acceptable td the moat delicate atmerb. and is pleasant to take. Yoo can soon feel its Strengthening. IrtvigoratJngEflect. 60c. We Thank You With the beginning of a New Year we wish to thank each and everyone in Franklin and adjoining counties who favored us with theyr patronage during the year 1918. We grieve with those who were so unfortunate as to lose a loved one during this time and especially in the epidemics of "flu" You have our sincerest sym pathy, and we only wish it had been in our pBWer to render you such service as to have relieved you of your bereavement. ? Assuring you. of the continuation of our best .and most efficient services in the future we hope to have a more liberal share of your patronage and wish for you a most prosperous year. cock Drug Co. Suit Cases and Traveling Bags / ? 1WW!1 u Milil umu hup nam there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we saved in tb? buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these lines?you can make a'great saving. W. E. Whitc Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. New Garage Now Open I take pleasure In announcing to my friend? and the antomobll Nts generally tliat I hare opened a garage In the room adjoining (i. W. Ford A son on Hash Street and am fully prepared to glre yon the best serrlce on any work yon may wl?h for yonr car at reason, able prices. I hare with me an machinist, Kr. J. M. Pleasants, who ha? had fonr year? experience In automobile repair work, In the automobile department of DiTpont Works at Hopewell, Ya. I will carry all For. .Youngs ville, T. E. Holding, V/ake Forest, and W. W. Parker at Henederson. Buy a bottle today it has helped others and-will do the same for you. Hair grows thin on many a fat head. EAT WITHOUT FEAR OF INIMfiESTIOX OR SOCK, ACIT) STOMACH | Instant relief! "Pape's majM-psIa" ends your stomach distress. Try It! Wonder what upset your stomAch? 1 which portion of the food did th? dam age?do you? Well, don't botUer. If your Btomach is in a revolt; If sick, gassy, and upset, and what you ate has fermented and turned sOur; head dizzy and aches; belch gase