ONLX 11.50 FEB YEAH IN ADV^flCK The Franklin Times [ AN ABVEBTISING AT BBINGS A. F. Johwon, Editor and *???*?. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION Subscription tLM Par J< f 'v11:.".. ' - . v/. T . imnornwii _ ? i i. i .. '?j ljriri ' mil wmnri KEMSIINU AKKtM SHOOTS CHIEF OF POLICE Takes Number of Shots at Chief High; None Take Effect. HITS TWO NEORO BYSTANDERS Haywood Foster, Drinking Cre ates Quite a Stir Saturday Night?Shots Returned by Officer?Foster Escapes. Quite a lot of excitement was in evi dence in Louiaburg on Saturday night soon after dark when Haywood Fos ter, colorcd. resisting arrest, emptied an automatic pistol loaded with steel jacketed bullets at Chief of Police D. C. High In a thickly crowded section of Main Street. From the facts as we could get them Foster had had trouble with some one in June Davis' colored barDer shop on Main Street and had shot at some otoe in the shop. Chief High was sent for and when he arrived on the scene and fn the act of getting tne information In the barber shop his attention was called to a negro in the streets cursing and displaying his gun.. He went out and seeing it was Haywood Foster he walked toward him and spoke to him whereupon Foster told him not to come to him he woulu Kill anybody ? who put their hand on him, and began f- ?rioting at Chief High. Chief High dr w his gun and began advancing, tat Foster, who was in front of Blount's undertaking establish ment to make the arrest. Atter emp tying tils pistol Foster disappeared be hind the buildfng and ma^e good his -.escape. The ofTlcer escaped "injury and s:o far as is known i*oacer wai not hit. However, in the snooting Fos ter's shots wounded Ishmnn .Lankford, just below the right knee, and Walter Egerton in the left heel, ooth colored. In addition he shot a hole through two front windows of the colored barber shQQ and on-2 through iuq front win dow of O. tf. A. Hawkins drink stand. Several bullets were also found in the woodwork in the front o; tne -.wo stor es mentioned. The ToWn Commis sioners very promptly ou'ercd $100.00 raatard for the capture of Foster, but iro/o ysterday no trace Ha? been found "Nw him. Owing to the large crowd of- people who always congregate r.t tills point it was a most miraculous thing that some one wasn't killed. 0 Fosil i--ia ft had nesfB icm .fig"??! prinriplpn. having server, si-vei-aT sen tences on the chain gang oad seems to be always in some kind of trouble, and from his attitude that n\gnt he seems to defy law and order ill all its forms. several occasions. Armenian-Syrian Relief Tampaig^. Raleigh. N\ C., Mar. 11.?State Chair man J.. Y. Joyner, of the Armenian Syrian Relief Campaign, has announ ced that the campaign will continue throughout the prcsent"rno:ith, to give several counties in the state opportu nity to reach their quotas. Dr. Joy ner realizes that conditions following the armistice tended to upset plans for the campaign, and that the people are slow to recognd?e the urgency of the appeal of the starving people of the Near East; but he Is certain that when they know just how desperate the sit uation is in Armenia, how many lives are in jopardy, they will respond to the call. Secretary of War Baker said in a cablegram: "The need of the peoples whom your opmjniltoe is striving to serve is so grievous and appealing that the de partment desires to do everything with in its power to cooperate in relieving the condition of these peoples, as far as this may be possible." President Wilson has Issued three proclamations urging the people Of the United States to give lineraily to thii^ cause. He is willing to ask America to give because he knows tliat there is no other hope of saving the lives of the four millions of people wno are starv ing. Among these sufferers are 400, 000 helpless littlTPthildren who have lost their parents either by starvation or at the hands of the Turkish mur derers. North Carolina cannot afford to fail in doing her share in this wor thy cause. To Open Hardware Store. Mr. Henry C. Taylor, who has been identified with Louisburg's business interests for a number or years, in the buggy and wagon making and repair work, informed the Times reporter I the*past week that he would open a full and complete line of Hardware in his store room on Nash street former ly occupied by L. Klinq & Co., about the first of April. Mr. Taylor has had much experience in h portion of this business and will nu doubt be in position to serve his customers well. Watch his announcement tbat will ap pear in these columns within the "Bex t .few weeks. Perry Ashley Wilson. Pterry Ashley Wilson, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wilson, of Fr&nklln County, was born on the 24th day of March, 1891, and died Nov. 21st, 1918. ' > He was a member of Co. M, 321st Inf. 81st Division.iie~ left on the 25th of May for pusfe -jbekson, from which' camp he was soon transferred to Camp Sevier. He sailed in August, and on Nov. 11th received the -\TOun-d In the memorable battle of that date which caused his death on tne 21st. After the first news of his tiavlng been wounded was received He was not heard from again until his father re ceived official notice of his death, al though every possible means for in formation concerning his condition was sought during the time enterven ing. The parents and friends .in the community of the young man had hop ed against hope that he would survive the wound until the orrciai communi cation was finally received, long after his death. Since going to camp and after ar riving in France he wrote regularly to his parents and near friends at home, and in these letters and even thle TERRY A. WILSON. last that was written for him, after Umi 4m.ul wBunei^a-iif! >-OUplJijed _?Uig courage, kind lunsldm aiion for others, and cheerful disposition that made him so well liked by his friends an-d acquaintances. It was our pleasure to know Perry yi'SSRjTOJlftWi^gP'flumr Tffil patriotism was shown not merel> o? words, but it found expression in deeds and there will be no surprise that he showed no fear on the field of battle. He was of splendid figure, and pos sessed a disposition of the kindest and gentlest elenyents. Franklin county responded to every quoto she was called upon to fill, and lost many of her noble and gallant sons of whom it may truly be said -that our esteemed young friene was num bered among the bravest and best. His name is on the Honor Roll of his country, and he belongs to the ages Just as truly as if he had been among those who lead, instead of among those who followed. While we prepare to welcome home those who have been spared, the gal lant sons who fought for us overseas, let us not bo unmindful or those who "sleep over there." They gave their lives for us. It will be a loving duty of those of ue who remained at home to keep in tender memory the name of this worthy and honored son of Frank lin, Perry A. Wilson. Auto and Dray Collide. Saturday night a collision between m Ford automobile driven by Mr. Fur ney Hall and a dray belonging to Mr. John W. King, driven Dy Willie Will lams, on the bridge across Tar river smashing the windshield of the car and a piece of glass cutting an ugly gash over the eye of Mr. Hall, and smashing up the dray and inflict ing slight injuries to the horse. Both were evidently driving too near the middle of the bridge and not keeping the proper lookout for passing traffic. Methodist fhn^ti. Preaching 11 A. M., Subject, Recon struction of the World Through Men. 7:30 P. M., Subject. Ono Final Test ^Service. The friends and members of the church are urged to be present at both services. Married. Mr. Albert C. Carr and Miss Hettie L. Breedlove were married at the homo of Rev. W. B. Morton on Tues day evening by Rev. Mr. Morton. On ly a few persons were present to wit ness the happy occasion. ^ * APPOINTS COMMITTEES TO TAK* FLEDGES OF FRANKLIN FARMERS. Good Meeting Wednesday WKh Much Interest?Manj Talks by Local Men. The absence of the spealter who was to be present to make plain the working of the Cotton Control plans for the South, did not mar the Interest In the meeting nf fhn TVankltn rnnnty Cotton Association In Loulsburg Wed nesday which resulted In a strong man ifestation of cooperation and interest in .the movement by nearly two hun dred people, including some of the lea ding farmers and business men of the county. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen, of Youngsvllle, and prayer was offered by Rev. T. D. Col lins. of the local Baptist church. The chairman explained the absence of the speaker for the occasion by say ing that he had depended upon Dr. "Kllgo, of Raleigh, to supply one, and a message from him stated that they were all engage?!. A list of townbhip committees as ap pointed by thfe Special Committee were read as follows: Dunns?W. A. Mullen, J. N. Per ry, N. B. Young. Harris?F. W. Justice, M. L. Fow ler. Dr. R. P. Floyd, J.J. Young, J. B. King. Youngsvllle?Henry M. Green, T. Y. Young, E. B. Preddy, j. L. Pearce, W. H. Hudson. Franklin ton?J. A. Boone, J. H. Cooke, Stephen Holden, j. A. Mitchi ner. Hayesville?A. A. Mealin, T. C. Gill. H. L. Stokes, 0. W. Ayscue. Sandy Creek?H. D. Egerton, J. D. Alston, M. M. Person, J. B. West. Gold Mine?J. H.* Wood, A. A. Shearin, C. C. Murphy, W. D. Fuller. Cedar Rock?T. H. Dlcrcens, J. P. | Davis E. S. Fulghum. J. T. Inscoe, T. w! Stokes. Cypress Creek?J. M. Sykes, A. F. Vlck, Alton Wilder, E. Is. Moore, C. P. Harris. Louisburg?N. M. Perry,_ J. O. Beasley, W. R. Perry, E. A. Kemp. These committees were requested to meet at once aiul allot their townships among themselves and get the signa tures of all the farmers m ouce upon blanks being sent to them today. They are requested to take the names also of all who refuse to sign the obligation and their reasons for not aomg so. It was explained that n \v?a not com pulsory that each one signing the ob ligation should pay any amount, but to create a fund to defray the expenses of the association they are asked to pay what they can up to 20 cents on each bale they have on hand and 10 j cents on each acre they expect to AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOC HSOW AJiD SOME YOC DO NOT KHOW. Personal Items About Folks and Their Friends Who Trayel Here And There. Lieut. Edmond B. Webb la on a visit to friends in Columbia, S. p. ? ? ? Messrs. Geo. M. Holder, Sid Wiggins and E. F. Thomas visited Raleigh Sun toy, Mr. James E. Malone, Jr., of Raleigh, spent Sunday in Louisburg, with his parents. ? ? ? Messrs. B$n T. Holden, J. P. Tim berlak^ and W. M. Person, rtslted Ral-1 eigh Tuesday. - ? ? ? Mr. L. Kline is on the Northern Markets purchasing his Spring and Summer stocks. ? ? ? Mrs. D. C. High and daughter. Miss Lillian, visited her daughter, Mrs. G. R. McGrady Id Raleigh Monday. ? ? ? Mr. John R. Perry, of "Washington City, attended the funeral of his bro ther, Mr. Ovie Perry, at Mapleville, Monday. ? ? * Mrs. G. R. McGrady and little dau ghter. returning from a trip to New York Saturday, stopped over r.nd spent several days with her parents here. ? ? ? Deputy-Sheriff E. S. Fulghum re turned Monday from Newport News, Va., where he had been to bring Sam Davis, colored, back to Franklin Coun ty for trial. ? ? ? Mr. William Harrod Denton, of the National Army, who has recently .re turned from France, and is stationed at Newport News. Va., spent Sunday with his people near town. plant. Mr. E. H. Malone, Dr. A. H. Flem ing. Rev. J. F. Mitchincr, Messrs. G. W. Ford and W. M. Person and Rev. J. U. Teague all made excellent talks in the interest of the advising the storage fCnd holding of the present crop, reducing the acreage and plant ing more home supplier tor this year. $ Opportunity to sign the pledge was ofrered and more than a hundred nefn es were taken. The meeting was permeated through out with interest of the truest kind and will no doubt bear gooi* fruits in the shape of better conditions ror the far mers of Franklin County. Quite a large number <ot the stores in Louisburg closed their doors that the business men might attend the cot ton meeting and show their interest in the movement. SUPREME COUNCIL WILL FIX TURKISH BOUNDARIES Same Body Will Also Determine Other Important Dividing Lines. AERIAL TERMS TO BE-EXIT ON GERMANY DISCUSSED The Steamer George Washing ton With President Aboard Expected to Reach Brest To Night; Straus Fails To Car ry Hi? Point On Safeguard ing Monroe Doctrine. Paris, Mar. 12.? (By the A. P.)?The council of the five great nations decid ed that the question of the Turkish boundaries shall not be passed upon by the boundaries commission1 but shall be acted upon by the supreme council. The boundary between Albania and Jugo-Slovakia also has neen reserved for action by the Supreme Council and will be considered together with the entire Adriatic question and the delim itation of the boundaries of Italy and Jugo-Slovakia. The west German boundary also has been reserved for action by the Supreme Council because of its many complexities. Discnss Aerial Terms. Paris, Mar. 12.?(By the A. P.?The supreme council today discussed the aerial terms to be Imposed on Germany in the peace preliminaries, according to official announcement. The arti cles drafted by the military experts were examined and adopted. To Greet President. Paris. Mar. 12,?|By the A. I'.) ? President Wilson will be met at Brest by the French Minister of Marine. Georges Leygus; Captain Andre Tur dleu. Col. House and Ills aon-irt-lnw. Gordon Auchincloss. who left Paris by special train this evening. President Poincare wltn a guard*of honor and band, will meet President Wilson at the Paris station oi> his ar rival Friday, probably between 11 o'clock and noon. Tbe reception will be unofficial and wilP lac K the cere mony which attended the first arrival of President and Mrs. Wilson in Paris. The steamer George Washington is expected to reach Brest about eight o'clock Thursday night, the President going immediately to a apaclal train, which will make a slow trip to the French capital. President's Ship Delayed. Brest, March 12.?A wireless mes sage received here from the U. S. S George Washington timed 11:20 a. m., Wednesday, says the steamer was de layed and is not expected to reach Brest before 8 'clock "Hiursday evening. There Is a Btitf breeze blowing her, with heavy seas. Responding to a message from the Mayor of Brest, President Wilean proceed from the quay to the railroad station, but the late arri val of the George Washington will like ly prevent this. The president will probably enter the train at the quay. J Ruck on Monroe Doctrine. London. March 12.?The efforts of' Oscar Straus of the American- league | to enforce peace to have the league of | nations union favor an- amendment fo ; theleague of nations covenant design- | ed to safeguard the Monroe <lc< irih" failed today. The French and Knglirh delegates who dominated the confer- j ence, pleaded the subject was too far reaching for quick action, while the Chinese protested H too vitally affect ed them"! Mr. Straus proposed an addition to article 10 proceding mat should two states threaten war on encti other the nearest great power "in the. first in stanco" was obliged to step ii> without calling for the assistance of the great powers. Should this power fail, it would be a matter for the entire (Continued on Tenth Page.) V*J*|" MR. A. 0. PERRY TtllLED W AUTO ACCIDENT Miss Gladys Poythress Caught Under the Car. Es capes Without Injury. SUPREME COURT DEFIED BY DEB8 Convicted Socialist Leader Says Its De cision Hag Kot Changed His Mind. Terre Haute, Ind., March U.~In a statement just Issued. Ehigen*.;V. Debs, Socialist leader, hurled defiance at tho United States Supreme vrourt which has sustained the decision of the trial court that found him gutity of violat ing the espionage .act ana imposed a sentence of ten years' imprisonment "I am not in the least concerned about what these bewiggcd, begowned and bepowdered corporation attorneys at Washington say," saia Debs. "I have not changed my mind in the sli ghtest. 1 stated to the Court at the time of my conviction that the law was utterly despotic and vicious. I despise it and defy the Supreme Court to do its worst. "If, according to the Supreme Court the Espionage law is valid, then tbe Constitution of the United states is an other scrap of paper. TTie predeces sors of the same court affirmed the va lidity of the Fugitive Slave law sixty years ago with the belief their decision was final and that chattel slavery as a result would be perpetual. Within five years from that date chattel slavery was dead on American m>U. "Far more flagrant violations of the provisions of the Espionage law - in re spect to free speech were committed by the late Theodore Roosevelt, but he was not indicted. "Under the law I was convicted for a speech I could hav? made"?he hes itated . "In Germany," supplemented his i wife, who had her arms about him. I "Yes," said Debs, "and In Great Bri tain, France and Italy, too." 'It is worthy of note," he continued "that though the Espionage law was allegedly designed to catch spies, not one spy was convicted under it. That reveals tU?* ?ltnuw of the law, vonder which the United States is made to be gin where old Russia left off under the Czar." Debs said he would make no furth er attempt at release. He appeared happy, even jovial, and said he was go ing to celebrate by taking Mrs. Debs to a movie show. Memorial to State College Men Lost In The War. The AldWni <>1 the \'oHh Carolina State College of Agriculture and En gineering at Raleigh are raising money for the erection on the College campus of a memorial to twenty-nine former students who have lost tneir lives in ijhr fiiifiiiiiWitf ?i iTlw mmm fhlrft began on March 1st is starring off well have set their goal at $10,000 are hope ful that the amount desired will be se cured . The memorial executive committee is composed of six Alumni living in or near Raleigh, with Professor C. L. Mann as chairman, and E. B. Owen. Registrar of the College, as Secretary Treasurer. The advisory committee consists of representative alumni liv ing in various centers in the state and outside the state where alumni live. The total enrollment of the College since its opening in 1889 is 4954, ex clusive of new men in college this school year. Of this number to date 1285 are known to have been in the service,Nshile information is still com ing in and the number is increasing daily. This count does not include about five hundred and fifty men who were-enlisted and in training at the college when the armistice was Bigned. It is evident now that the proportion will be well above 25 -per cent. Among the men who have been in college in recent years the proportion has of course been very much higher, but these figures cannot readily be obtain ed. The figures for graduates are pretty definitely known, and they fur nish a most creditable record: ~ Among the graduates who were near ly all commissioned officers. 36.2 per cent of the 1056 men were in the ser vice. Of 633 men graduated in the last ten years, 50.1 per cent wore the uniform. Of the 324 men graduated in the last five years 64.6 per cent were in the service. The percentage for the last ten years by years is: 1909, 28.5; 1910, 19.3; 1911, 33.3; 1912, 42.0; 1913, 47.1; 1914, 40.5; 1915, 55.3; 1916, 73.3; 1917. 77.5; 1918 79.6. Blows Stumps lVJth Dynamite. We hav.e been requested by County Demonstration Agent U. H. Stanton, to state that at the Demonstration of modern methods In planting Fruit trees, to be held on Wednesday, March 26th.. 1919. at Oakhurst. the farm of Mr. A. F. Johnson, just south of Louisburg, there will aisn be a short demonstration of blowing up stumps by the same method. - Everybody is in vited to attend. It's not what you had, but what you have. Oet the salng habit. War Sav ings Stamps are still being sold. BODY BROUGHT TO LOUISBURG, PRE PARED FOR BURIAL When Ford Touring Car Turn ed Turtle Near Sycamore Creek Saturday Night?Fun eral Held at Maple Springs Church. Another fatal automobile accident happened about two miles east of Loulsburg on the Maplevllle road on Saturday night abouc 8:30 o'clock when a Ford touring car turned turtle; killing Mr. A. O. Perry, more familiar known to his friends as Ovie. The car was being driven by Mr. Perry, who wasreturning home after having assisted his brother-in-law with his store in L/OuJsburg during the da> . He | was accompanied by Miss Gladys Poy thress. a niece of his wife, who escap ed unhurt, although the auto caugnt her under It when it turned. She man aged to get out and went back to W.; E. Murphy.& Soli's store a short dis tance from there and phoned the infor mation back to Louisburg. A !:>rge number soon gathered on the scene and brought the deceased to Louisburg where medical aid was summoned when it traa found that Mr. Perry's neck was broken in two places and death was in all probability instantan eous. The body was prepared for bur ial and taken to his home that night From the best information we can get something evidently went wrong with the steenng gear, as Mr. Perry had stopped the car a short distance '' -oni the scene to do some adjustment to the engine and hadn't had lime fa jretthe car under fair headway when it aimed over. Mr. Perry was 34 years old and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howell P.irry. Besides his mother, he leaves a. wife and oik* daughter, Miss Hilma. lour brothers, Messrs. John R. Perry, of Washington City, W. H. Perry. Jr.. H. W. Perry, and H. B. Perry, the latter being a member or the Kvpedi tionary Forces now in France, three sisters. Mrs. J. W. Perry, of lx)uls hurg. Mrs. J. W. Bowden. uf Norfolk. Tar and Mrs. H. M. Sledge, besides a large family connection. Mr. Perry was the type of young man whose loss to any community is always felt. JA^was industrious, hon i est, and broadminded, making him a lllWtMM Uaple ? Spring Baptist rlniruli urnl lu<>k muOll | interest in its work. In his v.timely [death his community has sustained a great loss, and his neighbors a devot od friend and neighbor. The funeral was held from Maple Springs church on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and was conducted by his pastor. Rev. >Jr. Morris, and the remains were interred in the beautiful little cemetery adj9ining the church? Both services being impressive and beautiful. The pall bearers were members of the family and were as follows: J. R. Perry, H. W. Perry, J. W. Perry, Oliver Perry, J. R. Ter rell and R. H. Poythress. The floral tribute was large and beautiful and together with the large {attendance of relatives and friends spoke a beautiful sentiment of love \ ami esteem in the last suti rights to be |extended here. I The bereaved family and friends have the sympathy of.all. * 1 Boy Seoul s Entertainment. The Boy Scouts will have an enter tainment Friday evening at 7:30. The public is invited to Join tnem in an evenings enjoyment at the Opera House. Of course the people of tTie town are greatly interested in the boys, and will gladly avail themselves or an opportu- < nity, to prove this interes? and co-op eration . An unusually good programme has been arranged. A large number of Louisburg's best entertamers will fur nish music fun for ait. The {allowing names on the pro gramme ensures its success: Mrs. F. S. Love, Miss Francis Ledbetter, Miss Jewel Bryant, Mesdames Ford, Flem ing, White and Miss Williams, Dr. Fleming, Miss Alma Schuil. Brief addresses will be made by Scout Executive F. B. McKinne. and Scout Master Rev. Treia O. Collins, also Macon Smithwick, assistant Scour* Master. A cordial welcome is extended to ev erybody. Old Fiddler* Convention. Fiddlers Convention at Pino Rirt?ro School house Thursday night March 20th. Doors open 8 o'clock. 1st prize $f>, 2nd $2.50. Admission 2.r> and 15 cents.

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