SMOKING TOBACCO FACTS FROM THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA The Use of Flavorings Deter mines Difference In Drands The Encyclop?dia Britannica says about the manufacture of smoking to bacco: "...on the Continent and in America, certain 'sauces' are employed . .the use of the 'sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of tha leaves." Whichindicates that a smoker's enjoyment depends as much upon tha flavoring used as upon the tobacco. Your nose is a sure guide in the mat ter of flavorings. Try this simple test with several tobacco brands: pour some tobacco into your palm, rub briskly, and smell. You will notice a distinct difference in the fragrance of every brand. The tobacco that smells best to you will ?moke best in your pipe, you can rest assured. - Carefully aged, old Burley tobacco, plus a dash of pure chocolate, gives TUXEDO Tobacco a pure fragrance your naBe can quickly distinguish from ?0Jf Other tobacco. Try it and see. DISSOLUTION To All Whom it*May Concern: The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between J. S. Jtowell and A. W. Perry, Jr.. trading as Howell & Perry waa dissolveifoii Jan. 1. 1919, | toy mtttual-conseiipC All indebtedness of said Howell &r Perry Is to be paid by J. S. HoweUrand all accounts due said firm are niyable to J. S. Howell. This Feby. lyth. 1919. J. S. HOWELL. 2-21-5t" NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Annie Williamson, de ceased, late of Franklin county, all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to pre&ent them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of February, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to her estate will please come forward and make imme diate settlement Th s Feb. 13~/i919. 2-14-6t J. B. DAVIS/AdmY. . .FOR SALE?A good 2(10 acre farm. Suitable for toba&o, coKon, corn and all general crops\ P/ce and terms reasonable 11-29-tf S.Ta. NEWELL. | NOTICE. / | Having qualified as administrator c. t a. of the estate of DrucillaT>. White, I deceased, late of Franklin couuty. all I persons holding claims against the Isaid estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to the undersigned on or 1 before the 7th day of ^-eDruary, 1920. or this notice will btyplead in bar of Itheir recovery. All ypersons Indebted to the said estate will please come WHIP ment. This February 6. 1919. J. T. SAWYER, Admr. c. t. a. 2-7-6t . < Franklin ton. N. C. t _ NOTICE. Having qualified as executor* ot the estate ofW. B. Bowden, deceased, late of Franklin County, notico Is here by Riven to all persons holding claims against the said estate to ntesent them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of February, 19^0, or this no tice will be plead In baVof their recov ery. All persons indaDted to said es tate will please cone forward and make immediate wttlement. This Feb. 6th, 1919. J TEMPltf BOWDEN, MALLIE BOWDEN. 2-7-6t Exeoutors, NOTICE. Having qualiled as administrator of the estate of Sidney Burnetteyfleceas ed late of Franklin County, aII persons holding claims against the /Hid estate are notified to present the time to the undersigned ou or before/the 21st day of February, 1920, ot tins notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to /aid estate will pleaie come forwanytwd make Imme diate settlement, it Is 20th day ot Feby., 1818. / R. C. BCrNETTE, Admr. White & Malone, AttyB. 2-21-6t. For Sale A desirable residence and lot on Church street, Immediate possession. Apply to W. D. JACKSON, at First National Bank. 10-4-tt ' NOTICE. / This 1s to notify all persons that I will not be responsible for any bills for my wife Mrs. LUzle Alley, who has abandoned me. / This Feby. 19th, M19. j 8-21-*t 1 F. O. ALLEY. SALE OF li)TS IN BUN'n! By virtue of the power of aale con-1 tained in that deed of trust, dated Jan. 18. 1916, made by J. P. Hljl to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, and recorded In the Registry of Frank'.in County In Book 210, page 41, default having been made in the payment of the debt there by secured and the holders of said debt having demanded foreclosure of the trustee, the undersigned will, on March 28tb, 1919, at 4bout the hour ot noon, at the Court iiouse door, In Loulsburg, N ,C., offer for sale at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, tor cash, those lots in fhe town of Bunn in said deed ot trus^ conveyed and there described as follows: Lots Nos. IS, 16 and 17 in Bldck C In the town of Bunn on plot ot property formerly owned by North State Development Company and known as the Town of Bunn as'surveyed and plotted by J. J. Wells. <7. E., which plot or map is recorded In Book 192 page 522, Reg istry ot Franklin County, reference to which plot is hereby made for a full uuuiimnjii mum?* mun r ii _.2S. T3TCT WM. H. RUFFIN, 2-28-5t Trustee. "MULES FOB SALE. One pair mules, about 10 years old, ^e^mg^^out^0?0tol20^pound3^ E. T. CHANEY, ?T2S-2t Loulsburg. N. p. A small white female poodle dog, lost ?t or ut'm \V,iku Fme.n on Sun day night. February V?th. 1919. Will pay a reward of S15A0 for Informa tion leading to the recovery of the dog. / MRS/SID DRIVER. 3-7-2t R. F. D. No. 1. Loulsburg, X. C. tt'm. Cook Si Si says we are pleased to Vate we con sider RAT-SNAP is witaout dsubt the finest rat and mouse e/terminator we I have ever used. It (lacs all you claim and more too. Threi^iizes, 25, 50c and ?1.00 and $3.00. WeThankYou With the beginning of a Mew Year we wish to thank each and everyone in Franklin and adjoining counties who favored us with their patronage during the year 1918. We grieve with those who were so unfortunate as to lose a loved one during this time and especially in the epidemics of "flu" You have our sincerest sym pathy, and we only Wish it had been in our power to render you such service as to have relieved you of your bereavement. Assuring you of the continuation of our best .and most efficient services in the future we hope to have a more liberal share of your patronage and wish for you a most prosperous year. Aycock Drug Co. Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? jg n ynnst. ent.ining state of luggage price affairs today? dependable suit case? and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or Krter?anticipate your needs now in these lines-/you can make a great saving. W. E. White Furmftfre Company Louisburg, N: C. That's What You Call Real Elating If you want to give the family a rare treat, get a bag of OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour and bake them some hot biscuits, waffles or muffins?crisp and delicious with that double-good taste. That's what you call real eating. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour makes baking enjoyable because it takes out the guess and worry. It has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt. You couldn't mix these ingredients with flour as correctly or as inexpensively as they are in OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour Takes the Guess .out of Baking, and Saves you Money Start today to use this economical flour. ?. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all dealers. When you prefer to bake tvith plain /lour ? buy Peerless?the best of Us kind. AUSTIN-HEATON CO., Durham, N. C. GLAD TOTESTIFY Say* Watoga Lady, "A? To Wlial j Cardui Ha* Done For Me, So A? To Help Other*." V"1 Watoga, W. Va.-Mrs. S W. OtodweU. of age, 1 suffered greatly ... Sometime? would go a month or two, arid I had terrible headache, backache, uA bearing down pains, and would ]itn drag and had no appetite. Then . J. It would last .,. two weeks and wa# so weakening, and my health was awhrl. My ?other bought me a bottle of Cardui, and I begat to Improve after talcing the first botfle, so kept it up till 1 took three . .. I gained, and was well and strong, and I owe it ail to Cardui. 1 am married bow and have 3 children . ,. Have never had to have a doctor for female trouble, and ]ust resort to Cardui if I need a tonic. I am glad to testify ta what it h?W done for me, so as to help other*." If you ye nervous or weak, have head aches, backaches, or any of the other ailments so common to women, why not give Cardui a. trial? Recommended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Begin taking Cardui today. ' H may be the very medicine you need. / NC-I3G | POR ?ALE OR RCNT. I have a fine young o*en for sale or lease for 1919. Wei/ Broken, will plow equal to a mul#, takes no whip. 8. M/ PARRISH, 3-7-21 R. F. D. 2. LouisOurg, N. C. | NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of | the estate of Q. T. Colltue, deceased, late of Franklin county, Oils is to no tify all persona holding claims against his estate to present (ne same to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of February 1920, of this notice will be plead In bar of Ufelr recovery. All p'ersons indebted^to said estate will please come fotf&ard and make Imme diate settlement. This February 27th, 1919. 2-28-6t G. B. COLLINS, Admr. NOTICE OF AN ELECTION IN SAN-1 DY CREEK TOWNSHIP. Notice is hereby given that, in ac cordance with the provisions of An Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, Session of 1919, entitled "An Act to Provide Good Roads in Sandy Creek .Township, Franklin County," being House Bill No. 277, Senate Bill No. 339. ratified February 19th, 1919, and upon the petition of the duly appointed and constituted Township Road Commission of Sandy Creek Township. The Board of Commissioners for the County of Franklin does hereby or der an election to be held on Saturday, April 12th, 1919, in said township, at which election there shall be submit ted to the qualified voters of Sandy Creek Township the issuance of $60, 000.00 of Road Bonds of said township and the levy of a special tax to pro vide for the payment of interest and create a sinking fund for the payment trt said bondu, Mu1 Ike puppaaa/af pro . viding and consti mllng good roado in said township under the tejteis and provisions of said special ^ct of the General Assembly. Said binds shall run for a period of thirty ?years from date and shall bear six nfer cent per annum interes4?.,payable ieml-annual ^Sai^specialActonCfTSPrarTSS^ sembly expressly provides that all laws in confllct w-it^ ac* are r?~ ppnipr) sn far as same delate to Sandy Creek Township* and elections oft road"" hnnrlg heretofore held In said township will be annulled by/the carrying or this election: and provrsion is made for the payment of Any and all obli gations made by tile township for roads out of the firit proceeds of sale | of bonds under thii act. J. R. Parrish fs appointed regis trar and J, J. Cafr and H. P. Speed I are appointed polHiolders for the said election. The vming place shall be at Laurel or Jones' store in said town ship. and the said election shall be held and conducted as is provided in the general election laws of the State. Those voting fotf the issuance of bonds and the levy of} the special tax shall deposit a ballot jupon which there shall | be written or f printed "For Road Bonds" and th<Jse voting against road bonds ami thel levy of a special tax shall deposit a (ballot upon which there shall be written or printed "Against Road Bonds."] A new regifctration is provided for under said special act, and the petition of the Road Commission calling the election, and ft he registration books will be kept 4pen for such purpose at Laurel or Jones store as provided by law for twenty days, beginning Satur day, Mar^h 9th. 1919. ana ctosing Sat urday. March 29th, 1919. By order jot the Board of Commis sioners for/Franklin County. This Math J. P. TIMBERLAKE, Chairman. S. C. HOLDER, Clerk, 3-7-6t . NOTfCE. Pursuant to the powers containede In a certain note detaining title, given to the undersigned by Sol Williams and recorded liy'book 212 at page 313 Franklin count/ registry, default Lav ing been mad? in the payment thereof I will on Saturday, March 22nd, 1919, at 1 o'clock h. m.. at the courthouse square in Lpulsburg, N. C., sell at public auctfon to the highest, bidder for cash, fne black horse about 11 years ol(L/and weighing about 850 pounds, yrhls 24th day of Feb. 1919. 2-28-4tX W. G. ROE. FOR SALE. -One sewing machine motor in goo^d (condition. Price SiO.OO. ^ . MBB S B. NASH, 3-7-2t R. jif Franklinton, N. C. SERVICE FIRST SATISFACTION ALWAYS ROSE'S Owing to our big stock of Enamel, Porcelain and Tinware, we are making some special prices on these goods. POBCELAIN Water Rockets #1.48 Large si/.?- dlsli pans .. $2.00 Bath tnbs JS.OO Stew pans ....(rum 4S to ?9c Plates 25c ENAMEL Stew pots (large she).. <2.00 Double Boilers 98c Coffee pots ? 69c I)Ish pans .. from 25c to (1.48 Tea Kettles .... 7TTr..^l.4S Dippers 20c Milk coolers 89c TI>WABE Milk strainer? 20c UraUrn 15 and 20c Funnels (all sizes) . .10 to 25c Fancy cake cutters 5c Biscuit cutters 5c Large size spoons 15c Buckets 20c Wash basins 20c Milk buckets, (with and without strainers- 35 to 89c Cake tins .... from 10 to 25c E. Z. cut tin plates 15c Milk pans 0 to 25c Muffin pans 20to 25c Coffee pots 85c Quart cups 15c Sifters 20c [Two-Dollar Limit] LOUISBURG, - - North Carolina WATCH OUR WINDOWS FURNITURE THAT I ASTS Among our latest additions to our already large stock are the following: Queen /Anne Dining Room Suit. This is ong of the latest designs out and contains 10 pieces, consisting of Buffet, Extension Table, China Closet, Serving Table, one Arm Chair and five Straight Chairs, uphbl/stered in genuine leather. (! William and Mary Dining Suit. Another of fashions latest styles, daintily construct ed, with ill the elegance of the William and Mary per iod in every piece. Massive china case, spacious Buf fet, and gracefully formed 54-inch table, which extends 8 feet. /Also large serving table and chairs with gen uine Spanish leather seats. A ful| supply of VICTOR and COLUMBIA Talking Machine Records. J. S. Williams FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Louisburg, - - North Carolina

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