S MAN What is done in childho^a days to enrich the blood and build up ruggeg health often makes or breaks the man of tomorrow. The growing youth, with nervous energy nvm-ffftiiHgtif, nfMvin SCOTTS EMULSION to help maintaiiyfttrength and vitality equal to with? tan diner the dual strairy6f growth and wear and tear of the body. The reputation of Scott'a is based upon its abundant nourishing qualities and its ability to build up strength. i. Scott ft Bownt. Rloomfidd. N. I. ? Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps Do Not Sell or Trade Them The importance of holding Liberty L<oan Bonds is as great now as it ever has been during any period rif the Government's financ ing. Th'e war is over, but its costs tyfid the expenses of demobili zation must be reckoned with as well'as other demands for current and extraordinary expenses. To provide therefor the spirit of sav ings and thrift must be maintained'. If solicitation by advertisement or otherwise for the exchange of bonds for merchandise or cAher securities is permitted to con tinue, the foundations of actual thrift and economic savings, which have been created will be destroyed. Those who solicit the ex change or sale of bonds muJt appreciate that they are only shifting responsibilities and that yfeventually, if those responsibilities are centered in one section, /t will mean that the otl^er sections will have to make up by th* payment of heavy taxes what they have heretofore loaned. / / In instances whedb it is absolutely necessary to realize on your Government bonds, any banker will bo pleased to sell tnem at the market price and ppy'you the proceeds, less a nominal charge for service. Do not sell ypur bonds unless it is absolutely necessary, and if you must sell,/dispose of them through a bank or a reputable broker. L Burin Banking Co. /K F. Fuller 50 Horses and Mules. .Also H?y and Oats. BuKsrle and Harness for sale, of the right kind and at the right prices Will sell for earth or part cash or on approved security. If your horse or mnle does not snlt you come hi and see If you conld not make a trade jret what yon want. Come and see whether yon hny orf not. R. F. FULLER I.oulsburg, JI. C. ^ Horses and Mules / . .We are better prepared to serve you now than ever before and invite you to conWin and gee our new drove of hor serf and mules. /rerry & Pcarcc / Youngsville, N. C. ^u^cribc to Ihc Franklin Times NATION'S CLOCKS TO . I AID GARDNERS! Hands Will Be Turned Ahead to Make 1919 Record Producing Year. Washington. March 5.?The Nation al War Garden Commission la prepar ing to launch this spring a campaign for "the biggest producing year the p?? inm mi nw {gardeners to renewed efforts the com mission reminds them that the clocks of the nation will be s'et one hour ahead on the last Saturday night in March in compliance with the daylight saving law, in effect for the duration of the war. "We must help feed the people of Europe," declared Charles L*athrop , Pack, president of the National War Garden Commission, in au appeal to the home gardenerB for rarger results. "Will you have a part in this great work at hand? Next to the sun. the extra hour of daylight is the best asset the victory gardener has. "Will you meet the sun half way? Will you be up to take advantage of the health giving garden work in the I cool of the morning? Have the spade ' and the hoe handy and turn the clock ahead one hour on the last Saturday night in March atxl be ready for the biggest home food produolng year the country ever-saw." According to the estimates by the commission, the war garden crop of 1^18 was worth $525,000,000. This was 51 per cent, over that of 1917. "Figures ?how that 6,285.000 home food producing plots were planted says the commission. "With twenty-six working days in eacn of the seven monthsthere are 182 extra hours of time. If only one gardener worked this extra hour of time In ach plot it would be seen that 961.870,000 hours of extra time would be added to the coun try's wealth. Since there are 8,760 hours In a year there is a staggering total of 109,803 years of 24-hour days. In an 'eight-hour working day the real advantage is found by multiplying 109, 803 by 3. glvin? 329,409 working, or eight-hour day years.'* The importance of this extra time in the opinion of Mr. Pack, cannot be over-estimated. / The Strong Withstand the Whiter Cold Better Than tbo Weak ' You must have Health. Strength end En durance to tyht Cold?. Grip and InflnwiT? When ycxir blood U not In e *<ealthr condition andvoee not circulate property, your system li\unable to withmnd the winter cold. \ GROVE'S TASTELESS ChOI TONIC Fortifies the System Against Golds. Grip and Influenza by rurlfying and Enriching the Blood. \ - - It contain? the wail-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron in n form acceptable to the obet delicate stomach, and Is pleasant to take. Yon can soon feel its Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. 60c. PA PL'S PIAPKPSIN FOR INIMGESTIOX OR SOUR. AC ill STOMACH In five minutes! No dyspepsia, heart burn or any stoimicii misery. . Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you cat ferments into gases ami upse's you; your hejrtl aches, and you feel sick and miserable, mat's when you realize the worfderful acid neutral izing power in Pape's Diapcpsin. It makes all ^uch ^tomach misery, due to j acidity, vanish in five minutes. ?* I If your stomach is- in a continuous revolt?if ypii can't get it regulated, pieasc, for your sake, tfy Pape's Dia | pepsin It's so needless to have an "|'f 1 ?" 11 Tr"Tt :* ifn1 i ill TmiiiI mini thin taks n liltlfl Diapepsln. There will not be any j distrejfe?eat without fear. It's be cause Pape's Diapepsin "really does" 'sweeter* out-of-order stomachs that give it its millions of s.v.cs annually. T'UliJfiJSin from uny drug store. TtTs ?the quickest. turest antacid and stom ach rcl.' .i kno^n. It acts almost like mkt;lc?it is a f-ciovtfic, harmless anrt isaiit pirnuach preparation wntcn BBi'.y belongs in every home. Cotton Control Encouraging. Raleigh. N. C., Mar. 4.?The move ment to hold the present crop of cot ton and to reduce the 1919 acreage by one-third which has been inaugurated by the North Carolina Cotton Associa tion, is making considerable headway. Mr. C. D. Orrell, Chairman of the ex ecutive committee of this Association, states, "We are receiving excellent moral support, and some money con tributions." The State as a whole aeems to be thoroughly aroused over the situation, with many farmers in communities voluntarily ptedglng them selves to hold their present crop, and reduce this year's acreage. The organization meetings which were held in all of the cotton growing counties last week succeeded in arou sing considerable interest, and, while . the attendance in all of the counties was not as desirable as it might have I been, still a good working organiza- | tion was formed by those who had the interest of their country at heart, and who attended this meeting. At this time, plans were made and put into operation for pledging every farmer in the respective counties. This was done in some cases hy dividing the county into school districts, and oth ers by the township plan, with which ever way being adopter* calling for a personal house to house canvass by the committee. It is planned to hold an additional meeting in most of the counties dur ing tlie latter part of next week, at which tlmo the results of the canvass will be reported and plans made for future activity. Ah yet, there are a few people who do not realize the importance of this movement. "Some of the business men nnd many of the farmers are le thargic", states Mr. Orrell. "If they could realize the consequraces atten dant. upon a big crop of ccKton being produced this year, and could see tho danger in which the entire business structure of the State and South would be placed by this crop or cheap cotton, they would realize at one- that this movement calls for the concerted ac H ?yes' [A Healing Honey The Tickle Heals The Cures The Price A FREE BOX GROVE'S 0-P/N-TRATE SALVE (Opens the Pates and Penetrates) For Chest Cads, Head Colds and Croup, is enclosed with every bot tle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY You get tht Cough Syrup and the Salve lor one pri?, 35c. Made, Recommended and Guaranteed tQ the Publ/ by Paris Medicine Company Manufacturers of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic tlon of every single individual in the State. "The moral effect of the movement through the future years is immensely more important than protecting this present crop, or the next, though it has for its purpose the protection of both." Mr. Orreli calls for the farmers of the State to rally around this move ment, to organize their communities so that the acreage on every cotton farm will be reduced at least one-third, and the economic freedom of the cot iton farmer assured for the coming years. WHY THAT LAME BACK! i That morning lameness?those I sharp pains when bending or lifting, Imake work a burden and rest impossi ble. Don't be handicapped by a bad |back?look to your kidneys. You will make do mistake by^/ follpwtttg this jFranklinton residents example. | Miss Alice Card/FYanklinton. N. C says: "My bactafgave me a whole lot I of trouble an^mornings, I was stiff and lame. My kidneys didn't act pro perly and I J^Bed to get awfully dizzy. I Black speaKs would blur my sight. Doan's Kjfioey Pills were recommend ed to nw, so I took them and they en tirely Relieved this complaint." Pri^e 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Horn's Kidney Pills?the same that ^lfss Card had. Fostcr-Mllburn Co, Mfgrs., Buffalo. Nr Y. Loose quarters may become lost quarters. Save them by buying Thrift Stumps To Our Friends and ^?Patrons "If you have not sold and do not intend to sell any of your Liber ty Bonds, this letter Is not Intended for you. "If vou faavp aolri or contemplate selling any of your Liberty Bonds, read and study this letter carefully, then put your Liberty Bonds In a safe place and KEEP THEM. "Speaking recently on the subject of the selling of Liberty Bonds, which has been taking place, the Secretary ot the Treasury said: " 'Our boys at the front in the service iff their Government have never quit. If you sell your Liberty Bo^ras, you quit at a time when the Government needs your contlnu4a support. Every time you quit by selling your Liberty Bonds, Vou hurt the credit of your Gov ernment and make it more difficult to finance ihe war. The cost of the war continues until peaces signed, and our gallant boys are brought back to America? sottv "We wish to urge upon ?pry o&e of you not to sell your Liberty Bonds under any circUmftfittCfli. If you are without food or are about to be diapossessedArOm your home, then 1b the time to con sider borrowing moneyyon yotir bonds, but not until then. "This also applies tA War Savings Certificate Stamps and Thrift Stamps. Do not sellieitker. "Always remembof that if the boys .who sailed from this country for France, after arriving in France had turned and come home without fighting, toe would not be talking about holding Liberty Bonds, but woulA probably be getting togetheer all we own in the world, each andr every one of us, for the purpose of handing it over to the Kaiser In the form of taxes. "If Liberty Bonds sell at less than par on the Exchanges, it is simply because a lot of people are dumping them on the market in stead of Molding them as they should do. These bonds will even tually sell at par or above, and your money is safer in them than it woula be in any other investment. / v "If, in the future, the roll is called for holders of Liberty Bonds, be Bure you have your badge of honor in the form of your original Liberty Bonds." ?? The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina W. H. EUFFIN. President F. B. McKINNE Cashier 1919 - Nmeteen-Nineteen -.1919 SPRING MERCHANDISE The Latest in Styles and Fashions Now Ready for Your Inspection Suits, Coats, Dalmans, Capes, Middies, Dresses, Oxfords, Hosiery and Furnishings of all the New Styles. THE SMARTEST OF SPRING SUITS Featuring strongly the slim, slender silhouette spon sored by American designers and placing particular emphasis upon th r Paris?inspired ffiln feet s?the newest mode of Spring Tailored and costume Suits, made cleverly stnctve by vestees hand-wrought, or of slk tricolette. No season pas has offered so many models that tend too portray youthfulness above everything. Spring Suits of Silk and Wol Jersey, Frocks of Tric olette, Satins, Taffeta and tricotine for street and ev ening functions. /Gowns, Wraps, Blouses. F. w. Wheless Dry Goods Co. F. W. WHELESS J. D. HINES

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