VOLUME XXV III PiCMBKH 4. STATE-WIDE DOG LAW IS EFFECTIVE Plenty of Teeth Provided For Its Enforcement in All Counties of The State. AIMED TO PROMOTE THE SHEEP INDUSTRY Ray's "Literary Gem" Was Mnch Am ended Bnt Essential FeaVircs Were Retained. k The 1919 session of the General As sembly in passing a State-wide dog control law did something that none of Its predecessors ever flared to put through. Representative Ray's "liter ary gem" was much amended but the essential features were never changed and aa finally passed by the Legisla ture had more "teeth" in It than when It was started. Senator Stevens, of Buncombe, camedown to put a law through and* worked In cooperation with the Macon legislator. The law as finally passed is as follows^ An act to tax dogs In N'orth Carolina and to encourage sheep industry. The G'eneral Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1. That any person owning or keeping about him any open fe male dog of the age of s-i months or older shall pay annually a license or privilege tax of two dollars. Sec. 2. That any person owning or keeping- any male dog. or female dog O! her than the kind specified in section one of this act of the age of six months ?der shall pay annually on each so owned or kept, a license or pn\>:ese tax of one dollar. Will Provide Tags. Sec. 2 1-2. To every ircrsoa paying the license or privilege prescribed In sections one and two of this act there shall be Issued by the sheriff a metal tag bearing county name, a se rial number and expiratroa date witch shall be attached by the owner to a collar to always be wora by any dog when not on the premises of the own er or when engaged in hunting. The Commissioner of Agriculture shall at .ail.times keep. a supply pf tags to be furnished tke anerlft^of the several counties; provided that the County Commissioners o? esch county shall, byorder duly made In regular session, make an-order determining whether to collar and tag shall be ap plied to that county. Sec. 3. That It shall ne the duty of every owner or keeper of a dog to list the same for taxes at the same time rlare that niher personal proper ?tr In 11 it i n "inn lin i tftew 11 >? 'MlfTfi of the State shall have?ftMner ah. stracts furnished them for listing dogs for taxation, and any person failing or refusing to list such dos or dogs shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceed ing thlity days; prodded that the ow ^nnr of the hnmo nr loam-- nf enfh ow ner, shall be responsible for listing of mv rlnir holnnp-lnV n r>.PtTihpr of his family. The license or privilege tax herein imposed shall be cue and pay able on the first day of October of each and every year, and all persons after December first thereafter who own or keep a dog or dogs upon which the li cense tax or privilege tax Isnot paid, whether said dog or dofes have been listed or not, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or be Imprisoned not more than thirty days. Upon the payment to thfe sheriff or tax collector of the license or privilege tax ?afnrpsalH ??fh aherlff nr lax collector shall give the owner or keeper of such dog or dogs a receipt for the same, which shall constitute a license under the provisions of this act. ' Shall Make Diligent Inqnlry. Sec. 4. The tax listers for each township, town and city in this State shall annually at the t:mr of listing property as required by law, make diligent Injury as to tiie number of dogs, owned, harbored or kept by any person subject to taxation. The list takers shall on or before tne first day of July In each year make a complete report to the sheriff or tax collector on a blank form furnished them hy the proper authority, setting fqrth the name of every owner of any dog or dogs, how many of each, and the sex. owned and kept by sueh person. Any 'Mnposs^sslon of any dog dlately ascertain whether such dog or dogs have been listed for taxes or not and if so listed, it ts hereOy made the duty of such owner or keeper of sift-h dog or dogs to go to the sheriff or the tax collector of his county and list such dog or dogs for tastes, and it is made the duty of the owner or keeper of such dog or dogs to pay the privi lege or license tax as Is herein provid ed for in other cases. ? No Roaming At Night. See. o. No person shall allow his dog over six months old to run at large In the night time unaccompanied by the owner or by some member of the owner's family, or some other person ; by the owner's permission. Any per son intentionally, knowingly and wil fully violating this section shall be guilty ol? misdemeanor aoo upon con viction iihaJl be fined noi exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceed ing thirty days, and anair also be lia ble in damages to any person injured or suffering loss to his property or chattel*. 8ec. 67 . It. Is hereby made the duty of each list taker in the State to see that all dogs are listed for taxation under the provisions of this act, and the county commissioners may pay him for his services such an amount as may be just? Such pay shall be out of the money arising under this act. Money Goes to Schools. Sec. 7. That the money arising un clur the provisions of this act shall be applied to the school funds of the county In vb.'oh said fund is collected: T'rovictad. it bLh!1 be the duty of the county commissioners upon complaint made to them of Injury to person or injury to or destruction of property by any dog upon satisfactory proof of such Injury or destruction to appoint, three freeholders to ascertain the amount of damages done, including j necessary treatment, if any, and all reasonable expenses . incurred, and upon the coming in of the report of such jury of the damage as aforesaid, the said county commissioners shall order the same to be paid out of any moneys arising from the tax on dogs as provided for in this act. And in cases where the owner or such dog or dogs is known or can be ascertained he shall n ImburBe the county to the amount paid out for sucn injury or desuuctlou. To enforce collection of this amount the county commissioners are hereby authorized ant? empowered to f Me for tne same. Sec. S. Any person may kill any mad do?, and also any dog if he is kill ing sheep, cattle, hogs, go.-.cs or poul 1 try. i Sec. 9. That all dog3 when listed for taxes become personal property i and shall be governed by the laws gov erning other personal property;.' jJTo vided, the larceny of any dog upon j which aforesaid tax has been paid :shall be a misdemeanor. Pe"alty For Violation. ' Sec. 10. Any person failing to dis charge any duty imposed upon him by jthis act shall be guilty of a mlsdemea Inor, and upon conviction shall pay |a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or be .Imprisoned not more than thirty days. I Sec. 11'. All laftra and clauses of [ laws In conflict with this act are here >by repealed; provided, tills act shall I not have the effect ? to prevent any cottW from iiicreafllnp tne amount of t fee license or privilege tax on dogs under th^ provisions of chapter two liuhdred and six, Public Uws of ? North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, but shall j bo construed to repeal tnat part of ! same allowing counties to vote off said i tax. J Sec. 12. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. i . Dinner Party. | six coiiplHH UC Hit imiiifloi ir? set were ueligMUully cntmuinod i? jthe homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mc iBrayer on Thursday evening. It was j Mr. McBrayer's birthday anniversary ! and in honor of the occasion, Mrs. Mc | Brayer gave a dinner party. 1? every .particular the evening was a brilliant ! success. _ | The color scheme was yellow. But ter-cups and Jonquils being used for the decorations. The ladies were handsomely gowned and the men were in full dress. I When the dinner chimes interrupt jed the gleeful bable, and the dining, room door opened Mrs. Trela | lins wearing white satin and n?*^rim I med in pearls, was accompanied to the head of the table by Mr. McBrayer. Next came Mrs. T. W. Ruffin who was dressed in flesh eolored tulle ov er silver cloth trimmed with tiny rose 'buds and silver lace, accompanied by Mr. O. Y. Yarboro. Then Mrs. E. H. Malone wearing pink tiifV? anri t"n*> accompanied hv Mr. H. L. Candler. They were followed by Mrs. O. Y. Yarboro who wore green tulle over silver cloth, accompanied by Mr. T. W. Ruffin. Mrs. McBrayer whose gown was composed of black tulle ov .er gold cloth.with sequin panel, was [Accompanied by Rev. Trela P. Col ilins. Mrs. H. L. Camller dressed in white net and salmon taireta trimmed in silver lace, was accompanied by Mr. E. H. Malone. The table was tastefully arranged, I with golden jonquils in the center sur- I rounded by four candle sticks holding | lighted lapers of sun-set shade. For j ? two hours and a half the party sat I around the table enjoying the elabo I rate seven course dinner, composed of I i grape fruit, soup, baked scad, then the turkey dinner, followed . by salad, fW'impMir iPiiPmii iifiniHT iBc . coffee. After dinner the ladies enjoyed a gab-fe9t while the men *?ad a smoker, j Then they reassembled for a short ' programme of music. In disbanding the parry spoke cor jdially of the genuine pleasure which j the hostess had provided and wished' 'the host many happy returns of the, day especially if it should bring an- . other such enjoyable occasion-. r. d. c. All members of the Joseph J. Da-] vis Chapter of United Daugnters of the Confederacy are earnestly requested ' to pay their dues at once to Mrs. E. I H. Malone. Treas. I Mrs. J. L. PALMER, Pres. AMONG THE VBITOflS j 1 ? * i SOME YOU KNOW AM) SOME DO NOT KNOW. Pergonal Items About Folks and Th Friends Who Travel Here And Th Mr. P. A. Reavla visited Ralef] Monday. Mrs. Malcolm McKinne is spendU the week in Richmond, ?a. ? ? ? Mrs. D. E. McKlnne left Tuesda^l ?isit her daughter In Wilmington. ? ? ? Mrs. E. F. Thomas spent the wd end with her people in Louisburg. ? ? .? Mrs. H. H. Dial, of Cambridge, visited her people here the past wcfc ? ? ? ?! Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cralle retail ed Tuesday from a visit to Rlchn ' and Blackstone, Va. " ? * iii Lieut. Edmohd B. Webb returned Monday from a visit to friends in Co-' lumbla, S. C. ? ? ? MessrS. W. H. Yarborough and B T. Hoi den, visited Zebulon and Ral eigh Monday. Lieut. S. G. Boddie, who recently returned from France, was in LojHSgj burg the past week visiting bis people ? ? ? Gov. Thomas W, Bickett, came over! from Raleigh fn t%e State's new Mar^ mon automobile and spent Monday la' Louisburg. " Mr. J. T. Duke returned the pa week from Baltimore, where he ha been receiving treatment at Mere Hospital. His many friends will glad to learn that he is improving. * * * ? f Rev. G. F. Smith. Pres. F. S. and wife, Mrs. W. E. White, Miss Id May Yow, Messrs. E. H. Malone, L. Palmer, F. B. McKFnne frttlen I the Centenary meeting of the R&lei; district in Raleigh Tuesday. To Practice at Franklintoju Mr. Thos. W. Ruffin, Junior mfcmbefl of the local law firm or Win.. a.and' ila'iiAok Thoa. W. Ruffin, announced this' Week that he would visit FrankJIntotf^, on Tuesday of each week for j tion comes, Mr. Ruffin says, from a i request of many of the citizens, and I the fact that they have no local attor ^Vatcr Report Supt. O. C. Hill hands us the follow ing report on the condition of the city water: / Location Louisburg, N. C. Source Fire House. Marked Town of Louisburg. ?Cnllprlprt March 8.- -191a Received Marrh 10- 1919^ Reported March 13, 1919. Sediment?si. O. K. Color-^Platinum-cobalt standard?O O. K. Turbidity?Silica standard?v. si. O. K. bonate) acid O. K. Alum?presrnt Q. K. Colon baccilli in 1 c. c.?Good. Colon bacilli in 10 c. c.?Good. TotfflTnumber of bacteria at 20 de oirC? per c. c.?Negative. r Total number of bacteria as 3*S de gree C. per c. c.?Negative. Total number of acid-producing bac teria?Good. C. A. SWORE, Director. J. E. MALONE Health Officer. List of Magistrate*. The following is a list of Magistrates JYirtiklin County for the next two years I Dunn's?W. H. Williams, B. F. Pierce, J. M. Stal lings, C. E. Weath ers. Harris?J. 13. King, J. A. Under-) hill, M. L. Fowler, J. L. Byron. Franklinton?J. E. Nicholson. C. C. Holmes, G. R. Moye, S. C. Ford. ( Gold Mine?C. C. Murphy, Percy I Gupton. A. S. J. Hamlet. Hayesvillo?R. G. Winn. H. L. Sto kes, R. L. Stokes, A. A. Medlin. Sandy Creek?J. J. Cooper. E. N. Williams. W. H. Bledsoe. M. C. Gup ton. I Cedar Rock?T. W. Stokes, E. D. Parrish. J. Pete Davis. George S. Earp. .R. A. Harris. I Cypress Creek?J. A. Boone. Alton j Wilder, N. C. Moore. j Louisburg?J. L. Palmer. A. W. Al i Youngsville?C. C. Winston, J. R. Tharrington, H. M. Green. J. R. Pearce J. T. Wilson. Oxford Orphans. We are Informed that the concert that is being Riven this year by the Singing Class of the Oxford Orphan age iJW-in some respects, different from any that has ever befdfe to<?en offered to the public. The proKrnmthis year Includes several patrioirc numbers that are calculated to inspire and en- | noble?to create a deeper and more abiding love of countr> unci its insti tutions. ^Dftjjot fail to hear this con cert; toll your friends about it; com'e nnd help to give these children a rous ing reception. baleioh-greensboro HIGHWAY A MATTER OF A SHORT TIME All tta* Counties Along1 the Rout? Have I Asked For or Received Federal Aid. State Highway Engineer W. S. Fal its, who ha? Just returned with H. K. pishop. Federal district engineer, on a trip of inspection of the roads the State, said Wednesday that a ard surface highway between Ral gh and Greensboro in the immediate pture waB, from all indications, a ilnty. He also said that It is ap rently certain that Greensboro will connected shortly with South Car ina by way of Charlotte by hard face roads. All these roads will built with the aid of vederal mon Every cotfnty between Raleigh and nsboro, including Guilford and 'ftke, have been heard rrom. and all er have asked for or have receiv Federal aid to carry on road work ssary to connecting ?p Greens ?ro and Raleigh. Dumam county is ?paring a million jdollar bond iBsue. 'ake county Tuesday practically com ,eted arrangements for the construc of $600,000 highway across the unty. Between Greensboro, by the of iarlotte, to the South Carolina line, lcatlons, Mr. Fallls saare equal favorable. Mecklenburg county 1b 'eady well Interlaced with hard ace roads and a large per cent the road work to be carried on in counties between charlotte and insboro has already ueen approv by the Federal Government. making use of Federal aid In /?construction, Mr. Fallls says ? North Carolina stands third of the States of the Union and It is tted about eighteenth in good roads. The highways when completed be tween Greensboro and Raleigh, will total 84 miles and the proposed hard highways between Greensboro the South Carolina line about 125 In Memorian. arch 7, 1919 God in His infinite ^called from our midst our dear Words "cait prhen and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howell W. Perry. He united with the Maple Springs BaptiBt churcfl when only a boy ai>d was a true Christian gentle man, one whom will be missed greatly in his community and the surrounding country?- A more loyal and kind per son never lived than he, always a will ing hand was ready to help a friend in time of need, he never knew the word no. Altho, his life was short here on earth, his many kind deeds will ever live after him. His friends were numbefefl By MS S'l'qtllllilliiiii'us iUHTIlU always wore a i ful word for every one. When ever thefe was sickness or sorrow, he was there to advise, sympathize and en courage. Only one wceK prior to his death he was administering to the same cause, d oath, -of a. neighbor. His sterling qualities were better shown in bis homo whore he devoted father and husband. His body was entered In the cemetery of the Maple Springs Baptist church. The floral tribute was large and very impressive. He, leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, one*daughter. Miss Rilma Perry, three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Per ry, of Louisburg, Mrs. J. W. Bowden, of Norfolk, Va.. and Mrs. H. M. Sledge, of Mapleville. Four brothers, Mr. J. R. Perry, of Washington. D. C., Mr. H. W. Perry, of Louisburg, Mr. W. H. Perry of Mapleville, and Mr. H. B. Perry, now with the A. E. Forces In rrance. TTTe bereaved ram ily have the sympathy of the entire community. Sleep on beloved; Sleep and take thy rest; Lay -down thy head upon thy Savior's breast. We love thee well, but Jesus loves the I best. ?ONE WHO LOVED HIM. A Letter From France. Feb. 12th, 191'J. Dear Father: Will try to write you a few lines to let you hear from me. I am well and hope these few lines will find you ali t ho same Papa why don't you '<11 writ? to me? I would like to pet a letter from home every day. I wHS be bo gl&d when 1 can be at home with you 'all. Then I will spend the rest imunih i to farm this year but 1 can't get back. I wonder will you and mama look to me like they did whet* I left lio.v.e 1 wonder if you are won*y?nR about me. 1 don't want you to worry oves* me. That is all that worried ?ne. .1 am afrahd that some one at home will be missing when I get home. I know mama is getting old and she can't stand like papa. I will have t,o clone for this time as I have got to write another letter. I will scud another picture as it might be mat you didn't get the first one I sent. Goodnight, from your boyt J. T. FINCH. The light of happiness is often shut out by the shadow of suspicion. STEERING COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO REPORT ON WAR RESPONSIBILITY Developments at The Peace Conference Speed Work of Clearing Up This Im portant Subject. MATTER OF AERONAUTICS RECEIVES ATTENTION Commission Appointed With Admiral Kapp and Gen. Patrick As American Members; International Labor Leg islation Committee Holds Session, With Gompers Presiding; War Coun cil Discussed Military, Naval and Aerial Terms To Be Imposed On Germany; Other Developments in Pence Council Circles. Paris, March 17.?"The supreme war council met today from 3 to 7:30 p. m. and discussed the military, naval and aerial terms to be imposed on Ger many," says the official statement. "At the end of the meeting an exchange of vleW3<ook place on the situation in Poland as described by the inter-alli ed commission. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday a,t 3 p. m." Commission on AmppiRtics. Paris. March 17.?Tke s^miidc coun I cli today appointed a commission on aeronautics. The American members will be Rear Admiral Harry S. Knapp and Brigadier General Mason M. Pat rick. The co?kU named Uelgium, Greece, Portugal, Brazil, Cuba and Rumania to represent the small nations. International Labor Commission Meeting. Parity March 17.?At today's session of the oeppmissloa of International la bor legtilaitmi of tbe peace confer ence the commission. Bara ro the application of la bor conventions of certain states with Federal constitution, and decided to remit the question to a small sub committee which would report with the least possible delay. "The committee," the statement adds 'then proceeded to examine seriatim the labor clauses presented for in clusion in the treaty of peace." Samuel Gompers presided over the session. Steering Committee on Responsibility For War. Paris, Mnrfh 17,? A sfpprlng _rnm mittee to prepare the flnai report of the commission on responsibility for the war was appointed by the commis sion at its meeting today. The report after being approved will be referred to the peace conference. The mem "bers of the drafting commission are representatives of the Belgian. British and Italian delegation. Silesia Plans To Resist Claims oi Poles and Czecns. Paris, March 17.? (French "Wireless Service.)?The German military and civil authorities in Upper Silesia re ports from Warsaw say aye making ac tive preparations to resist Polish and Czech claims to that pa??t of Silesia. Military preparations are unld to be dnder General Grosnor ant* volunteers are coming in from all parts of Ger Imany. They are well armed and are Reports from Prague say trenches have been dug and barbed **irc en tanglements constructed along the southern frontier of Silesia. The Ger mans are said to be well supplied with guns and ammunition. Riots In fitrmjiny Continue. Berlin. Mar. 15.?(By the A. P.) ? Fifty-five persona have De*n killed and one hundred and seventy wounded in the riots at Halle. Two hurxlred and eighty persons have been arrested for pillaging. The value or the stolen property is estimated at 18,000.000 marks. Ukrainians Enter PrzemysL Ixmdon, Mar. 17.? (By the A. P.) ? Ukrainian troops haVe entered Prze mysl according to a German wireless The Ukrainians are also In the sub urb? of Lemberg and along the whole i'rnemysl-Lemberg line traffic there being completely stopped. Penrce Item*. There will be a Fiddler's Conven tion at Pearce'u Academy the 27th. $2.50 awarded for the nest fiddler. $1 50 for t ho best hunjoman. Every body is cordially invited. Admission 25 and 15 oents. Misses Eunice, Ruth and Alma and brothers, Messrs. Edwlt* and Bennett Perry spent Sunday aiternoon With their sister. Miss Mac ferry. Private Henry Pearce who has juit returned from France, came home Sunday. * { 01a Alford spent the week-end with her parents In Bunn. r?}*B Flora Pearce and Mr. Johnle ulYr B T?re ,qul6tIy "aurrled at Pop ular Springs last Saturday evening eflT of ?hh?fr r*l8ed ,1-30 for the ben ent of the Armenian Relief. Methodist SerTlces. At the mornfng hour. Ho 'clock ni, vmltt' pastor ?f the Meth odlat Church will preach from the subject "One Finel Test-Serrlce." At the evening hour, 7:30 special music o, k nvere8tlng fea?ures will be follows: ' Partlal program 18 as Quartette. Solo by Miss Dodson. Reading?My Money Creed, by Mrs. ?f . s?. Love. Three minute talk by a minute man Reading?Thanksgiving Ann by Miss Henninger. " Baptist Church. I R?Vw Trela D- Collins, pastor of the Louisburg Baptist Church, will preach on Making Disciples," at the eleven . j iour Sunday morning and World Brotherhood" with a song ser vice at the evening hour. Sunday School will be held at 9:45. All are invited to these services. To the Tax Payers of North Carolina. The General Assembly, Just adjourn ed, has imposed a responsibility upon the Corporation Commission as a State Tax Commission which it feels unable to properly meet without the support of the tax payers of the State. As Chairman of the Commission, I 'deslre to take the people into tho confidence of the Commission and acquaint them With the purpose of the General As sembly and request of them their full oo-operation in aiding us m the proper discharge of our duties. For many years, it has been the law tbat every person's property should be assessed for taxation at Its full valoe to money. Notwithstanding this lajw nearly everybody in the state has Es caped a full valuation or his property for taxes. The General Assembly, Just adjourned, has said by passing the Revaluation Act, that an end must be made of this condition and that hereafter property must be valued for tax?at lto true value. It places the respoanlDlmy upon our Commission to {8?G iT1?1 ^ 18 done and lt mu9t and -It. I ' " .. . , JU)-4feUinly upon~a proper ? valuation being made, to lower the tax rate, and it will meet after the proper ty has been assessed, for tnat purpose so that the burden upon the tax pavers will not necessarily be increased. This is assured to us as a Commission and we in turn desire to assure the tax pay ers of the State that a full valuation of their property will not mean greatly increased amount of taxes. The Act under which this assessment is made provides that the State, no County or municipality shall collect in excess of ten per cent, more taxes after this rev ^"'''"oi^u^dc^th'"" hninn aB"?ut I call upon the people of the State to assist the Commission in the selec tion of a splendid^uslness man in each County as County Tax Assessor. He should be a man of fine Judgment, sood I-business, ability, having a ledge of values both in Town and Coun try. nnri nnp in whom <h? r.,m, confidence as to his honesty and integ rity. It is not a political office but one of strictly business and we trust our political friends will understand this and only suggest the most comoc tent men. After the County Supervis or is selected by us, we trust every tax payer in each and every county of the State will fully co-operate with him to the end that he will be able to assess each person's property at its true val ue in money, W. T. LEE, Chairman. iiAuitti V/in i, t y rr.fc it -? ? * iu i n ?? 1 11 M111 ffntTBt ~tTfipTv in .tiitt tTi LOnntniiTf, Dr. D. T. Smithwick, President of the Seaboard Dental Socrety, inform ed the TIMES reporter yesterday that the Society will hold its next regular meeting in Loulsburg. on Saturday, March 29th. 1919. Loutsburg will gladly extend a hearty welcome to these distinguished gentlemen. Yonnq: Wovnnn'ft Missionary Society. The Young Woman's Missionary So ciety met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Allen. Wednesday evening. March 19, 1919, ioi a study circle. TT?e scripture lesson was taken from Samuel 22, which was read by Mrs. O. J. Hale, followed by a prayer wy Miss Clara Young. A very interesting lesson was read and discussed fropi Sons of Italy. Those present were Mesdames 0. Y. Yarboro.E. L. Best. F. 0. Swindell, O. J. Hale and J. M. Allen, Misses delicious, refreshments. The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. E. L. Best, -Tuesday evening, March 25. 1919. 8 o'clock, in a regular missionary meeting. Ston! Look! Usten. Supper will he served at the College Friday nigtit, from 7:30 to 10 o'clook The menu consists of fried oyster?, chicken salad, sandwiches, cocoa, and coffee. For the benefit of the S-nior Class. Go out and get something tr ?od to~eat and in the same time help the Class. A good bluff is all right untH it ? meeta a bigger one.

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