NEW SUITS, DOLMAN COATS, CAPES These in a profusion of Styles and Colors as Rookie, Navy Blue, Liberty Gray and Pekin * On Monday and Tuesday of this week we had our complete showing of new Spring Goods, hand tail ored hats, coat suits, capes, trimmings, etc. OUR LI INES ARE COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Spriug Oxfords and Pumps Our new Oxfords for Spring and Summer are all here in Havana Brown, Tobacco Brown, Black Kid and White, a full range of sizes and in both low heel and high heel. Complete display of Childrens Oxfords and Pumps for boys and girls in patent, gun metal and tan styles. Coat Capes in all-wool Men's Wear Serge at $14.95 each Georgette Waists and Silk Dresses We have received already, more than one hundred new Georgette waists in all the new colors, Bisque, Liberty blue, Navy blue and in flesh and white, new crepe dechine dresses, Georgette and Taffeta's now on display. M I L l_ I N ERY IS AT ITS BEST AT OUR STORE! NOW Yours to serve CANBLER-CR0WELL COMPANY "Louisburg's Leading Store" Lonisburg, North Carolina THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHSSOX, Editor and Manager ?M Xear W M eight Months 1.00 Sit Months !i Fhi Months M Entered at the Post Office at Loula burg, N. C., as second class matter. The date for the Town primary has not been given out yet. Better be careful or you may be em barrassed if you promise sup?brt too soon. * Now is the time for the ladies to get ih a gOod stroke in favor of town con trol of chickens. The latest reports say Raleigh ex pects Col. Cox's regiment to arrive there Sunday and parade Monday. 'llltf AKilmlima! ikpuiiujuia?ba* secured forty-three tons of Nitrate of soda for the farmers of North Caro / lina. r Everybody can t be elected iu a luwu tiifll m AM. ?Tli', i t* nnf frt gr> round.- therefore it is up to the voter to selec* the ones that in his judgment i will 'give the best and most economical korernment. Distaarged soldiers who have not received their $60 bonus should send their name and present address to gether with their discharge certificate to the Zone Finance Officer. Lemon Building. Washington. D. C. The cer tificate of discharge will be returned with check. Guilford and Runcombe Counties have bfen Accredited with being the first counties in ih? State to recog nize t til services of the Soldiers by re mitting rheir poll tax. Vance county slips in and claims the honor of be ing first in that iTie Cuimiy Sioners of* that County took such ac tion last fall. This is not sufficient upon which to base their claims, as poll tax for all soldiers going to the border, and again in the summer of 1917 and again in 1918 ordered that the poll tax of all soldiers In service be remitted. Franklin Is in the lead, unless better evidence is brought about. Most Unkind. Do you think I could borrow $60 somewhere around here? a*ked Jib way . You might, answered Doppel What Becurlty can you offer? My word of honor. You misunderstand me. I mean what security can you offer that any body who knows you would be willing to accept??Birmingham Age-Herald. THE FRANKLIN TIME8 ?1.60 Pet Year la Advance. LITE EDUCATIONAL NOTES I ! Concerning the Public School System of Franklin County. | By E. L. BEST, Superintendent { O O 1. The reading circle examination will be given Saturday, March 22nd. 2. The following is a part of Miss Pauline Smith's report as Home Dem onstration Agent: "In December I began a campaign among the school :hi\f not why V>t? j These are sbme of the problems that jyoa might work on with great prpfit to your community. During Convalescence the aftermath of acute disease, when physical strength is at low ebb, the body -needs^partir,uiarr ftfiertiye nourishment to hasten res toration of strength and vim. There is no better time to utilize the peculiar nutrient qualifies^of SCOITS EMULSION Being a rich food and tonic, it quickly aids in the restoration of the depleted vitality and improves the blood quality. Scott's builds up the body by Nature's best medium?nourishment. js-7 i Orov?'i Tasteless cbltl Toole j/ * restores vitality and energy by purifying and en ' rich ing the blood. You can soon feel its Strtngih : en ing. Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. Renort of the Condition oi* THE CITIZENS BANK h At Franklinton, in the State of >?oi;th Carolina, at the close of business, on March 4th, 1919: RESOURCES Xoans and Discounts .. $169.735.77 Overdrafts, secured .. .. 9,029.69 Overdrafts! unsecured .. 6,158.90 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 12,100.00 Banking Houses 15,768. S3 ^Furniture and fixtures .. 1,966.13 Demand Loans 2.000.00 Due from National banks 6,199.10 Due from State Banks | and Bankers 1.367.42 ^Caah Items held over 24 hours _... . , 367.90 Checks for clearing .. .. 200.00 Gold Coin ;V. y 72.50 Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency .. 2,596.65 National Bank Notes and other U. S. Notes.. .. 13,532.00 War Savings Stamps .. 828.00 Total, $241,922.89 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in .... $5,000.00 ITnrli viflfH Profits. less rnri-ppt expenses anJ" taxes paid 12.263.00 Deposits subject to checK 113.577.16 Savings Deposits . .. .. 87,729.54 Cashier's checks outstan ding .... .. 994.12 Certified Checks 1,077.38 Due to NationalBank?-^ Hi.2^1.6* Total $stl,023>tttt State of North Carolina?County of Franklin, ss: I, Wm. F. JOYNER, Cashier of the above named bank,'do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge asi? belief. WM. F. JOYNER, Cashier. Subscribed ant'ash Street and am fnilj* prepared to give yon the best service on any work you may wish for yonr car at reason, able prices. I have with me as machinist, .Mr. J. M. Pleasants, who has had four'years experience In automobile repair work, In the nntomobile department ol Dnpont WorKs at Hopewell, Tin T will carry all Ford parts and automobile accessories, gas and oils. I have Installed the biggest gas tank in the county and will be In position to serve my customers eTery dny and Sundny. All work guaranteed or your money refunded. Hudson's Garage Nash Street - - - Louisburg, N. C. Cotton Storage per bale a month. The banks have agreed to loan money on cotton thus stored. Get in line with Farmers of the .South and hold your cotton for a FAIR PRICE. A. H. FLEMING, Secretary Franklin County Pair Association