? NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of G. T. Collins.' deceased, im?> of Franklin county, this is to No tify all ] ersons holding claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 2Sth day of February 1S20, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All pers0ns-4jidebted to said estate will please com^Ybrwajcdjand make imme diate settlement. This 1919. 2-28-6t G. B. COLLINS. Admr. NOTICE. Having qualiled as administrator of the estate of Sidney Burnette. deceas ed late of Franklin County, all persons holding claims against the said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigiH'd on or before the 21st day of February, 1920. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make imme- \ diate settlement. This 20th day of Feby., 191?. R. C. BURNETTS. Admr. White & Malone. Attys. - 2-21-6t. Subscribe to The Frr.nklin Times $1.50 Per Year In Advance. DISSOLUTION To All Whom it May Conccrn: The co-pa tnership heretofore ex isting between J.- S. Howell and A. | W. Perry, Jr.. trading as Howell & , Perry was dissolved on Jan. 1, 1919,: by mutual consent. All indebtedness ] of said Howell & Perry Is to be paid j by J. S. Howell and all accounts due said firm are payuble to J. S. Howell. ! This Peby. 19th, 1919. A. W. PERRY. HOWELL. 2-2i-5t NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of . the estate of Annie Williamson, de- | ceased. late of Franklin county, all j persons holding claims against said ' estate are notified to present them to | the undersigned on or before the 14th j day of February, 1920, or this notice ' will be plead in bar of their recovery. J All persons indebted to her estate will : please come forward and make imme- ' diate settlement Th s Feb. 13, 1919. 2-14-6t J. B. DAVIS, AdmY. . FOR SALE?A good 200 acre farm. Suitable for tobacco, cotton, corn and all general crops. Price and terms 1 reasonable 11-29-tf S. A. NEWELL. We Thank You With the beginning of a New Year we wish to thank each and everyone in Franklin and adjoining counties who favored us with their patronage during the year 1918. We grieve with those who were so unfortunate as to lose a loved one during this time and especially in the epidemics of "flu" You have our sincerest sym pathy, and we only wish it had been in our power to render you such service as to have relieved you of your bereavement. Assuring you of the continuation of our best .and most efficient services in the future we hope to have a more liberal share of your patronage and wish for you a most prosperous year. Aycock Drug Co. Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we saved in tb* buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in. these lines?you nan make a great saving. . W. E. White Furniture Coinpany ?- Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE OF AN ELECTION IN HAR RIS TOWNSHIP. 1 Notice is hereby given that, in ac cordance with the provisions of An Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, Session of 1919. entitled "An ' Act to Provide Good RoadB in Harris Township, Franklin County," being House Bill No. 279. Senate Bill No. 341. ratified the 11th day of Feb jruary. 1919. and upon the petition of duly appointed and constituted j Township. The Board of Commissioners for the County of Franklin docs hereby order an election to be held on Sat urday.. April 12th., 1919, in said town ship. at which election there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Harris township the issuance of $50,000.00 of Road Bonds of said town ship, and the levy of a special tax to provide for the payment of interest., and create a sinking fund for the pay ment of said bonds, for the purpose of providing and constructing good roads in said township under the j terms and provisions of said special | act of the General Assembly. 8ald bonds shall run for a period of thirty years fronft date and shall bear six per cent per annum interest, payable semi-annual Jy, Said special act of the General As sembly expressly provides that all laws in conflict with this act are re pealed so far as same relate to Harris Township, and all laws heretofore en acted for said township are repealed. J. B. King is appointed registrar and W. R. Young and J. J. Young are appointed pollholders for the said election. The voting place shall be at Hagwood's store in said township, and ithe said election shall be held and conducted as is provided In the gen eral election laws of the state. Those voting for the issuance of bonds and the levy of the special tax shall de posit a ballot upon which there shall be written or printed "For Road Bonds", and those voting against the issuance of bonds and the levy of the special tax shall deposit a ballot up [on which there shall be written or printed "Against Road Bonds." i A new registration is provided for | under the said special act. and the pe tition of the Road Commission calling the election, and the registration books will be kept open at Hagwood's store for such purpose as provided by i law for twenty days, beginning Sat jurday, March Sth. 1919, and closing j March 29th. 1919. By order of the Board of Commis sioners for Franklin County. This March 3rd. 1919 J. P. TIMBERLAKE, Chairman. S. C. HOLDEN. Clerk. 3-7-6t NOTICE OF AN ELECTION IN GOLD MINE TOWNSHIP. Notice is hexQby given that, in ac cordance with the provisions of An Act of the General Assembly of North ; Carolina. Session of 1919. entitled "An "Act to Provide Good Roads in Gold Mine Township, Franklin Coun-. ty." being House BUI No. 27S. Senate Bill No. 340. ratified February U*h. 1919. and upon the petition of the duly constituted and appointed Township Road Commission of Gold Mine Town ship. The Board of Commi:sioners for the County of Franklin do^s here by order an election to be held on Sat urday. April I2tlv 1919. in said town??, ship, at which election there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of Gold Mine Township the issuance of f 10.060 .On uf n.uil BumUH Ml k&id town ship", ami tin1 lqyy of a Special tax to provide fa* the payment of interest and create a sinking fund for the pay ment of said bonds, for the purpose of providing and constructing good roads i in said township under the terms and provisions of said special act of the General Assembly. Said bonds shall run for a period of thirty years from .dare and shall bear six per eent per annum interest, payable semi-annual -1* Said special act of the General As sembly expressly provides thr.t all laws in conflict with this act are re pealed so far as same relate to Gold 1 Mine Township, and elections on road i bonds heretofore held in said township will be annulled by the partying of 1 this election: and provision is made for the payment of any nnd all obli gations made by the township for roads ; out of the first proceeds, of sale of bonds under this act. R. C. Gupton is appointed registrar, and J. J. Lanier and C. R. Parrish I 'aru appointed pullhultiers for\ilie Haldi Baking Experience is Unnecessary when you use OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour. You can always get the same good biscuits, waffies, muf fins and cakes?the kind that just melt in your mouth. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt. There's no guessing the right amount to use. Baking becomes easier and more pleasant. OCCO-NEE-CHEE ift1// iiijiiigc fVoftH Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money It is economical because it saves you from buying extra baking powder, soda and salt. Make your family nappy._ Bake them some golden-brown biscuits from OCCO NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all grocers. When you prefer to bake with plain flour buy Peerless?the best of its kind. AUSTIN-HEATON CO., Durham, N. C. election. The voting place shall be at j Centreville in said township, and the | said election shall be held and con-1 I ducted as is provided in the general election laws of the State. Those vot ing for the issuance or Donds and levy |-of the special tax shall deposit a bal ] lot on which there shall De written or I printed "For Road Boixls," and those voting against the issuance of bonds and the levy of the special tax shall deposit a ballot upon which there shall be written or printed "Against Road Bonds.". under the terras of said special a^t, ami the petiton of the Road Commis sion calling the election, and the reg istration books will be.kepi open for such purpose at Centrfcvllte as pro vided by law for twenty days, begin ning Saturday. March Sth. 1919, and closing Saturday, March 29th, 1919. ! By order of the Board of Conimis- 1 sioners for Franklin County. I This March 3rd, 1919. J. P. TIMBERLAKE. Chairman. I S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 3-7-6t | NOTICE OF AX* ELECTION IN SAX- | DY CREEK TOWNSHIP. Notice is hereby given that, in ac cordance with tho provisions of An Act of the General'Assembly of North Carolina, Session of 1919, entitled "An Act to Provide Good Roads in | Sandy Creek Township, Franklin County," being House Bill No. 277, Sonate Bill No. 339, ratified February 19th, 1919, and upon the petition of the duly appointed and constituted Township Road Commission of Sandy Creek Township. ( The Board of Commissioners for the | County of Franklin does hereby or der an election to be held on Saturday, April 12th, 1919, in said township, at which election there shall be submit ted to the qualified voters of Sandy Creek Township the issuance of $50, 00). 00 of Road Bonds of said township and the levy of a special tax to pro vide for the payment of interest and create a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds, for the purpose of pro viding and constructing good roads in said township under the terms and provisions of said special act of the General Assembly. Said bonds shall run for a period of thirty years from date and shall bear six per cent per annum interest, payable semi-annual ly. Said special Act of the General As sembly expressly provides that -.all laws in conflict wtthfthis act-are Te-~ pealed so far as same relate to Sandy Creek Township, and eleci;ons on road bonds heretofore held in. said township will be annulled by the carrying of. this election: and provision is made for the payment of any and all obli gations made by the township for road? out ot the first proceeds of sale of bonds under this act. J. R. Parrish is appointed regis trar and J.. J. Carr and H. P. Speed are appointed" pollholders for the said election. Thj? voting place shall be at Laucel or Jones' store in said town ship, and the said election shall be. held and' conducted as :s provided in the general election laws of the State. Those voting for the U'guance of bonds., and -the levy of the special tax shall deposit a ballot upon which there shall be written or printed "Foi Road Bonds" and those voting against road bonds and the levy of a special tax shall deposit a ballet upon which there shall be written or printed "Against Road Bonds." A new registration is provided for under snifl ypntiiol net, and Un pultiun of the Road Commission (tilling?Pre election, and the registration books will be kept open for such purpose at Laurel or Jones store as provided by law for twenty days, beginning Satur day, Marfh Sth. 1919, and ciosing Sat urday. March'29th, 1919. By order of the Board of Commis sioners for Frarfklln ".'ounty. This March 3rd. 1919. J. P. Ti.MbtKLAKE, Chairman. S. C. HOLDEN. Clerk. 3-7-6t NOTICE. Pursuant to the powers containede in a certain note retaining title, given to the undersigned by Sol Williams and recorded in book 212 at page 313 Franklin county registry, default Lav^ ing been made in the payment thereof I will on Saturday, March 22nd, 1919, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthousfe square in Louisburg N. selL at public auction to tiie* hIghe&tbidder for cash, one black horse about 11 years_Jlld and weighlng nBout 850 pounds. This 24th day of Feb. 1919. 2-28-4t . G. ROE. ' Far Sale A ik'biL' i.!? . sidencc and lot on Church street, immediate por "session \ppb to ..W. r>. JACKSON, at Kirst National Hank. 10-4-t NOTICE. This Is to notify all person# that I will not be responsible for any bill for my wife Mrs. Lizzie Alley, who has abandoned. m--. This Fer?y. l:?th. 2-21-4t . p. -J ALLEY*. NOTfE. Marine: qualified a? Administrator ?h" oqt-if'- of Willie ?. J. I tail, decpnsed l:.h; of FraiKklin County, all person ho'ding < lniiri< {?gainst t!</00. Subscribe, tThe Franklin Time? '|1 Sp" r* r Yea- *n Advance SERVICE FIRST SATISFACTION ALWAYS ROSE'S ^ ?Smnn m depart, ment we are offering to our custom ers at a bargain. o o o o o Butcher knives .. ... ? from 30 to 50c Bread knives .. .. 15c each Kr>ivcs and forks (wood handles) $1.75 to $2.25 Knives and forks (nickle plated) ? $1.50 Set Steak beaters 15c Hammers .... 10 and 15c Screw drivers 15c Pad locks 15 and 25c Bed costors 5c each Files 10 to 25c Galvanized wash boards 35c Clothes pins 2 doz. for 5c Tea bells 10 to 15C Pop corn poppers 15c each Lamp burners 10c_ Shoe soles 20 pr. Paint brushes 10 to 25c Chair bottoms (wood fibre) ..10 to 20c Table spoons 1 5c each Aluminum tea spoons 5c each Tea spoons 2 for 5c Strap hinges 15 and 20c* pr. Sure latch mouse traps .... 2 for 5c Katch Knip rat traps .; 10c Glass cutters ...' ..10c each Curry combs 15c Rubber heels 15c pair Heel plates (asst. sizes) .... 2 tor 5c Ice picks 10c Shoe brushes 20c White brushes 25c [Two-Dollar Limit] LOUISBURG, ; - North Carolina WATCH OUR WINDOWS FURNITURE THAT LASTS Among our latest additions to our already large stock are the following: Queen Anne Dining Room Suit. This is one of the latest designs out and contains 10 pieces, consisting of Buffet. Extension Table, China Closet, Serving Table, one Arm Chair and Bve Straight Chairs, upholstered in. genuine leather. William and Mary Dining Suit. Another of fashions latest-styles, daintily construct ed, with all the elegance of the William and Mary per iod in every piece. Massive china case, spacious Buf fet, and gracefully formed 54-inch table, which extends 8 feet. Also large serving table and chairs with gen uine Spanish leather seats. A full supply of VICTOR and COLUMBIA Talking Machine Records. ... 1 J. S. Wrlliams FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Louieburg, - ? . ? North Carolina