Jno. w. king in his~Nbw Stand I AM BETTER PREPA1RED THAN EVER TO SE1TVE YOC >'OWI ' J Don't hesitate to call up PHONE 327 when you are in want for anything for breakfast, dinner or supper. I Keep everythlng-that Is kept in a first class grocery store. My MOTTO: The best goods for the least money, quickest deliv ery in town. j Always Rem?mlK*r That Prompt Pay Jfakts Good Credit And Gets Yon The Best of^very thing. Am receiving new goods all thmime. Give me a trial order. I will do my best to please you. AM kinds of garden seed. Maine grown seed Irish Potatoes. I will have plenty of Sweet Potatoe plants in season. Nancy Halls and Cubin Reds. Am still getting in cabbage plants from South Carolina. Leave your order for Sweet Potatoe plants. Bring me ay your Hams. Butter. Eggs, old Hens, Young Chickens and anything else you have to sell. I will give you the very highest market prteo lor anything you have to sell and pay you Cash or trade. JpISU Jno. VV. King To My Friends I take this method of announcing to you that I have associated with me Mr. TYilmot Brown, and have open ed a complete line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Feeds and Feed Stuffs in the old City Market build ing on the corner of Nash an 1 Spring Streets, where we will be glad to have vou call to see us. A. W. PERRY JR. Farmers National BANK Louisburg, N. C. Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $10,000.00 We offer every advantage of modern banking, and invite you to make use of our facilities. OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH US. A cancelled check is a good receipt. Deposit your mopey here and pay your bills with checks. At the end of each month you have an accurate record, and know exactly how you spent you.r money, and besides misunderstandings in settlements al'e often avoided when you have your cancelled checks. ^?v Our Savings Department pays 4 per cent interest on deposits, and offers a safe and secure place for your money. Let us keep it for you and pay you interest, besides having it ready for you whenever you want it. Our Cashiers Checks Are Good Anywhere. Use them when you wish to send money away. They are safe and convenient, and cost you, nothing. Come to see us whenevr you have any banking business of any kind. Come to see us anyway. THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK J. X. AI.LEN President H. M. .HTOVALL, Cashier. LOUISBURG, North Carolina KEEP STRONG As an aidlo robustness, thousand* upon thousandsufte Scott's Emulsi ion as regular at clock-work the year around. A rich tonic, Scott's? abounds /in elements that con tribute to the up-building of strength. Be tare that yoa bay Spoil's Emalsion. fjfott flt Bown?. Bloom field. V. J. 19-3 TO WOHK A MOM* COLORED FOLKS Sallie Joynor Martin, a teacher jn the Colored Blind Institute. Raleigh, will begin work May 19tn under the supervision, of the Home Demonstra tion Agent. among the colored people of Franklin. She is well qualified for the work and It is expected she w\U be of great benefit to the colored peo ple and indirectly to th? vrnite people. It has not been decided whether this work will be limited to three town ships. or to one organization effected in each township in the county. Her work will consist of teaching the ne groes gardening, the canning of sur plus vegetables, food values and dis ease prevention. This work will not cost the county anything. It is financed by the North Carolina Extension Department and Dr. McBrayer. Try this! All Dandruff Disappears And Hair Stops Coming Oat. Surely try a "Danderine Hair Clean se" jf you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten cloth with Danderine an? draw it carefully through your hair, t akin* one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil?in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an Incomparable softoess, lustre anil luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one ap plication of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is fo the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. U goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengtaens them. Its exhilarating; stimulating and life-1 producing properties cause the hair! to grow loug. strong and. oeautiful. You cdn surely have pretty, soft lustrous hair, and lots of it, If you will spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug | store or toilet counter and try it as dl-1 rected. CLEANSES YilTR HAIR MAKES IT BEACTIFCTj THICK. GLOSSY, WAVY WHAT BETTER? He?What is your highest ambition? She?Six feet one and just releas ed?Gafgoyle. PERSONAL LETTER REVEALS THE FACTS Mrs. Whitfield's Troubles .Are .Over Since She Took Tan lac and She Has Gained Thirty-rive Founds. One of themost interesting and one of the most remarkable statements ever made in the South in connection with a proprietary medicine, was that giwn by Mrs. J. C. Whitfield. 1216 ed to the Tanlac Offices at Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. Whitfield states that she not only obtained entire relief from trouble that had kept lier miser able for years, but had gained thirty five pounds besides. Her'letter fol lows^ N'ashvilU-. Tenn . May Ttli. 11*13. Gentlemen: ? I was in bad health tor years and had taken several different medicines bur they did me Uo good. I saw Tan lac advertised fit> the Xashvt'ue Banner and I tried it. To my great wonder it was just what.I Deeded. My stom ach was in such a bad condition tha? everything I at?- would come bac k up. I and even water made me h?ck. 1 had .(alien on about twenty-five pounds. a Since I have been taking Tanlac I have gained thirty-flv* pc-j.ids. an.l I've only finished three bottles. Kv erything 1 eat agrees v^itn me an?.l builds me .up. 1 u::i in Uerter health than for years'and I owe it ail io Tan lac. 1 wouldn't be w it noi:: it ii* my i house. With" many thanks to you and your wonderful medicine. 1 am. Yours very tr?ty, MHS. J. L. WHITFIELD. Tanlac is sold in Louisburg by the Scoggtn Drug S?or-. DEPKE.CIA HON. He?My fri-nd was very much sur prised to find how brjght our boy was. She?No wonder h?* was surprised after associating with you. Yes! Everybody Takes Cascarets Only 10 cents! Harmless cathartic for sluggish liver and bowels Feci bully! C.'he<-r up! Take ('ascar-! r?ts to liven your liver and clean the bowels and stop headache?, bilious ness, bad breath, coated tongue, aal lowness, sotir stomach and gases. To njght lak? Oascarets an?l enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel clean sing yon ever experienced. Wake up feeling grand?Everybody'? doing it. Cascarets beat laxative for children. They gladly take this pleasant candy catharfc because it never gripes or sickens Hire other things. KEPT HER AWAKE TIm Terrible Paina in Back ud Sid?*. Cardui Gave Relief. Marksville, La.?Mrs. Alice Johjison, of this place, writes: "For one yeSr-l, suffered with an awful misery In my back and sides. My left side was hurting me all the time. The misery was something awful. 1 could not do anything, not even sleep at night. It kept me awake most of the night... 1 took different medicines, but nothing did me any good or relieved me until I took Cardul. .-. I was not able to do any of my work for one year and 1 got worse all the time, was confined to my bed off and on. 1 got to bad with my Mck tNt when I stooped down I was ncrf able to straighten up again ... 1 decided I would Vy Cardul . .. By time I had taken the entire bottle 1 was feeling pretty good and could straighten up and my pains were nearly all gone. I shall always praise Cardul. 1 con tinued taking it until I was strong and well." If you suffer fTom pains due to female complaints, Cardul may be Just what you need. Thousands of women who once suffered in this way now praise Cardul for their present good health. OtveUatrUL NC-133 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. M. C. Timberlake, deceased late of Franklin County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them tp the undersigned on or berore the 25 day of April, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re?*rrery. All persons Indebted to sala estate will please come forward ana make imme diate settlement. This April 24 th, 1919. DR. R. E. TIMBERLAKE, Administrator. B. G. MITCHELL, Attorney 4-25-6t Youngsville, N. C. SALE ROAD BONDS IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Register of Deeds, Louis burg. Franklin County, N. C.. up to 2 P. M. May 19. 1919, for $50,000 of Road Bonds of Harris Township. $50. 000 of Road Bonds of Sandy Creek Township and $40,000 of Road Bonds of Gold Mine Township. All of said bonds to ru? thirty years and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum payable semi-annually. Each bid to be accompanied by certi fied check for $500.00 anu right to re ject any and all bids is reserved. Township Road Commission for Har ris Township, by F. W. Justice, Chair man, J. E. Harris, Sec'y. address R. 1, JLouisburg. N. C., R. 5, Youngsville, N. C., Township Roaa Commission for Sandy Creek Township, by M. C. Gupton, Chairman. G. B. West, Sec'*, address Gupton N. C. Township Road Commission for Gold Mine Town ship, by J. H. Wood cnalrman, G. M. Raynor, Sec'y., address Wood, N. C. April 18th, 1919. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffin. 4-18-5t Attorneys for Boards. No Worms In a Healthy Child , All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is morf or less stomach disturbance. CaftVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly provMh^ifi3io^^u^^^MaSneMS?rSftF euioa Tonic fafl the whole system. Nature will then throw off owlispel the worms, and the Child will be In perfect Health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. It is the easiest thing in the world for a woman to tell when a man Is go ring to proposes 1 - Let Mrs. Mary Graves Tell-You "Her Poultry Raising Experience. "Three years ago bought an Incuba tor, this year I've made money. Rats stole my baby chicks. Didn't know until a friend gave me a cake of RAT SNAP. Next morning found two dead rats in hennery. Kept finding them. Suddenly th*y disappeared altogether. It's the orvfy sure rat killer." Take Mrs. Graces advice. Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.0^ Sold and guaranteed by ALLENifeROS. CO. . -? Are you a success or can your wife tell if you're telling the truth or not? LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer! A tiny bottle of Froe zono coRtn but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops on the corns calluses ami "hard skin" on bottom of feet, then Tift' them off. When Freezone removes corns from the toep or calluses from the bottom of fee?, the skin beneath Is left pink and healthy andnever sore, tender or Irritated. NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of J. A. Turner, deceased, late of Franklit> County, notico is hereby giv en all persons holding- claims against his estate to present/them to the un dersigned on or befpte the 18lh day of April. 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said * estate will please ?ome forward and make immediate ?nt. Tills April 17tn7*919. TURNER. Admrx. White & l>l? I ml i1 I I I III NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Stephen W. Sykes, late of Bunn, Franklin County, this Is tto notify all person? having elalms again st said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This April 25th, i919. EVA B. SYKES, Admrx. of Stephen W. Sykes. WM. H. & THOS. W. RUFFIN, Attorneys. 4-25-6t Garner Hill, Gladstone, Jf. J* Sell Hat Snap, He Mays. "I eell and use RAT-SNAP. Like to look ai>y man In tbe face and tell it's the best. It's good " People like RAT SNAP because It "does" kill rats. Pet rifles carcass?leaves no smell. Comes In cakes?no mixing to do. Cats or dogs won't touch It. Three sizes, 25c, 60c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by AL.L.J0K BROS. CO. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of tify all persons holding claims against saidestate to present them to the un dersigned on orJSefore tne 11th day of April 1920, oy this notice will be plead in bar/of their recovery. All persons indebted to sala estate will please cojbe forward aw* make im mediate settlement. Tms April 10, 1919. / 4-11-^ J. E. NICHOLSON, Admr. / Orovs'f Tasteless chill Tonic restore? vitality and energy by purlfylaf and en riching the Mood. You can soon feel tu Strength ening. Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. Suit Cases and Traveling ? Bags Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we saved in tb? buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these lines?you can make a great saving. W. E. V/hite Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. LOOK AHEAD Young man, do you ever stop to consider the future? the obligation imposed upon every self-respecting citi zen to provide happiness for his family? YOU CAN'T EXPECT TO PROVIDE HAPPINESS WITH AN EMPTY POCKET Begin to save NOW?/deposit a dollar or two in this bank each week, and tvateh your account grow. The First National Bank LOUISBURO, -> North Carolina V W. H. RUFFIN, President F. B. McKINNE Cashier Subscribe to the Franklin Times