TT-?'? .?mi;, tlJM FEB 11 IB m XDT1KCK ' " ' - 7r ' The Franklin Times ? ?/ t ?? V'V '??????u. A* AI>VERTISISO r <W ? MtDllM THAT IUtUlto*-] - , , BE9ULTS **' A -tV' A. r. Johaaon, Editor MtXutf? THE COtJNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION , ?====== ?" LOTJI8BTJK6, JT. C, FBIpAY, JCLT 1TH, 1*19 T<n?iwrr COURT TRIALS T>0 LAWS PASSED M LEGISLA TUBE. ? Of More Benefit To Fraaklla Comtjr Than Recorder's Court If Carried Oot In Proper Spirit. Below we publish In full two laws passed by the last General Assembly applying to Franklin County along with all other counties ot tke State that will be ot vastly more benefit to this county than an expensive Recor der's Court. This copy Ot t hade laws were Just received by. the .ffiroea on Monday, after the defeat of the Recor der's Court. We are givtng the two laws In full that the citizens might know what they are and see how they may benefit the Court procedure.-With the operation of both we see no need of any case being docketed until It Is ready for trial and by that means can not serve to hold off some other case because of Its numerical order. They will also do away with a large num ber of cases that now occupy rlgttt much of the Courts time, as they can either be settled or thrown out of Court by the clerk. The lawd follow: An Act t? restore the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure In regard to process and pleadings, and to expe dite and reduce the costs of litiga tion. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. The summons in all civ il actions in the Superior Court shall ?- made returnable before the clerk at a date named therein, not less than i-:: days nor more than twenty days I- :i the issuance or said writ, and sr...'.i be served as now provided by law. Sec. 2. The complaint shall be fil ed on or before the return day of the summons: Provided, for good cause shown the clerk may extend the time to a day certain. Sec. 3. The answer or demurrer shall be filed within twenty days after the return day. or, if the time is ex tended for filing the complaint, then the defendant shall have twenty days after the date fixed for sucn extension: Provided, for good cause shown the cterk mtr?-e?e?d th?-time for filling plaintiff may be allowed to amend. If he fail to amend within three days af ter notice, and there be ?o agreement between the parties as to the time and place of hearing the same before some judge of the Superior Court, then it shall be the duty of tbc clerk of the Superior Court forthwith to send up the complaint and demurrer to the judge holding the courts of the dis trict or to the resident judge of {he district, who shall fix time and plate of hearing and notify parties or their vmmmnih mhtm mnl i^nna hrufctol' ' and pass upon the demurrer. Sec. 5. -"Upon the retwn ot thdl cision upon- the demurrer, If eitflfer nartv desire to appeal, notice shall be given and the appeal perfected ts* now provided in case of appeals from decisions in term time. Sec. 6. Within ten days after the return of the judgment upon the de murrer, if there is no appeal, or with in ten days after the receipt of the certificate from the Supreme Court if there is an appeal, if the demurrer is sustained the plaintiff may move, up on three days notice, for leave to amend the complaint. If this is not granted, judgment shall b? entered dismissing the action. Sec. 7. If the demurrer Is overrul ed the answer shall be filed within ten days after the receipt of the judgment, if there is no appeal, or within ten days after receipt of the certificate of the Supreme Court if there !s an ap peal . Otherwise the plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment by default final or by default and Inquiry according to the course and practice of the court. Sec. 8. Pleadings shall be made up and issues joined before the clerk. Af ter pleadings have be^h so made up and issoes Joined, the clerk shall forth with transmit the original papers in the cause to the court at term for trjal upon the issues, when the case shall b^ proceeded with ac cording to the course and practice of the court, and on appeal with the same procedure as is now in force. - Sec. 9. In cases where the clerk 1 has no jurisdiction * and the plaintiff shall be entitled to have judgment by default and inquiry or judgment by de fault final, the cler# shall transfer the I panio to the court at term time to be | do*?rmined by the court under exist in a procedure. kSec. 10. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the res ident judge or the judge holding courts in- any district from making such or ders and decrees as now provided in injunctions and other provisional and . extraordinary remedies. Sec. 11. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as depriving the clerk of the court, or the parties by agreement, to extend the time for fill ing the pleadings or perfecting ap peals. or agreeing upon time and place for lu aring argument upon the demurv ret or other matters. Sec. 12. All laws of laws in conflict with ?his act are hereby repealed. Sec.. 13. This act shall be in force 1 rom and after July first, one -thous and nine hundred and nineteen. Ratified this 11th day of March, A. D. 1919. An A?t to provide lor a more speed; determination of Uaeoateated Right* and Action* upon bills, BO to, bonds sad other forms of .. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That In all civil actions upon notes, bills, bonds, stated ac counts, balances struck, and other ev idences of Indebtedness within the jur isdiction of the Superior Court, the summons may be returnable before the clerk of the Superior Court, Issu ing the same on the first Monday of the month next succeeding the issue of the summons, if Issued more than ten days prior thereto, and, If not, then on the first Monday of tile nekt succeed ing month; and II a verified complaint is filed at the flriie the summons Is Is sued and a copy. Sarr^Lao the defend ant at the time of the service of the summons, and the-defenaant shall fail k>r neglect to flle i vetlfled answer Lralslng Issues of factupon the matters 'and things alleged in tffe complaint on or before the second Monday of the month In which said summons is made returnable, then It shall be the duty of the said clerk of the Superior Court on the second Monday of tne month In which said summons Is maae return able, upon satisfactory proof of said cause Of action, to enter Judgment In favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant upon the demand set out fn the complaint, which judgment said clerk .shall docket in the same man ner as Is now provided by law for docketing judgments taken at term, and such judgments so taken and docketed shall be and become judg ments of the Superior Court In the same manner and to the same extent and be of same force and effect as now given to judgments of the Superior Court taken in term before the judge. If before the expiration of the time given herein for filing the answer, the defendant shall file a duly verified an swer joining issue of tact upon the matters and things alleged in tffe complaint, the said clerk of the Sup erior Court shall transfer the cause to the Civil Issue Docket for trial at term: Provided, either party may at any time within ten days after the rendi tion of judgment by the clerk, appeal from such judgment to the Superior Court, to be heard ai term. i Sec. 2. This act shall apply to all causes of action now existing; and all I laws and clauses of laws In conflict I.act Sv?.??here})?_rq>ealed._^ | Sec'. T.- .bvP-MIUii ne In 'rtliTJfe from and after Its ratification. Ratified this 7th day of March, A. D. m&. Mil. MACOX RESIGNS, JIR. WAT SOX APPOIXTEll. County Tax Assessor For Franklin County?Work Already Begun. It was learned in Louisburg on nM innr Mirim, Franklin 'County's Representative, .jgha.had received the appointment as County Tax Assessor~TnTfce reC&lua tion work, had 011 account of his -frrnlfh, ti ninrnrt his resignation to l_he Corporation Commission and it had been accepted. This we understand took place on Saturday.?Tuu Cuipoi1 ation Commission then tendered the appointment to Mr. T. W. Watson, who accepted. Mr. Watson is one. or tne County's most experienced business men and is especially well fitted for this big work as he has had a long experience in the banking business of the county and has had much experience in the fire insurance business -arhlch will serve him in the values of personal property. Mr. Watson informed the Times on Tuesday that he had already begun the work and hoped to push it through to a speedy end. WARNING SENT TO SOVIET AUTHORITIES Reprisals Against Americans In Rus sia Will Be Deal tli With. Washington, July 1.?The Russian Soviet government was warned by the United States today in a message sent through the American legation at Stockholm that reprisals against Am erican citizens in Russia would arouse intense sentiment in the United Stat es against, the Soviet heads. The warning was contained in a cablegram sent by Acting Secretary of State Phillips in reply to a protest from Soviet Foreign Minister Tchicer in against the reported arrest of L. A. C. K. Martens, the Soviet representa tive in New York. The protest intima ted that reprisals might be taken against Americans ill Rusnia. Secretary Phillips in Ins reply as serted that Martens had not been ar- I rested but said it was understood he was claiming official status as* "the j representative of a regime at Moscow 1 which the United States has not recog nized." The reply also said that Martens : was a German citizen anct denied that the American govrnmei?t centempla ted any action against law-abiding Russians in'the United Stntes. WOULD TROUBLE ANYONE. "Poor Jones is troubled with dyspep sia. " Well, who wouldn't be?" DEFEATED OVER iW I RECORDER'S COl'BT LOSES OCT IX FRANKLIN COl'NTY. Electlen Held on Satnrday?Oalj Three Townships Voted For The Court?Smallest Tote hi Score of Years Cast. In pusalblby the smallest vote ever cast to Franklin Ciunty on any meas ure the' Recorder's Court was defeat-J ed Saturday by more than two to ?M.| Only three townships?Sandy Creek.] Cedar Rock and Cypress Creek, cat' a majority in favor of the Court, while Youngaville tailed to give It a single vote but recorded 174 against the mea sure. There was about as little Interest In the election as Has been observed in a 16ng time, and the rWnlts Were predicted from the.beglnntn?. I The farmers generally feeling " 'Franklin having eaougb ttfcae All. to its court work tli 4o,aU H lias then have time to. Spare' they War* Winibg to Vote another K* uponlh selves. The vote by townships lows: ' ? c Township For Against; Dunns 33 ''-ffl Harris 3 . 1M lYouhgsville "0 174; I Franki in ton 1'4 134; : Hayesville 4 _ 10; j Sandy Creek 32 it {Gold {kline . _ji 44 Cedar Rock 112 lS j Cypress Creek . 61 6 Louisburg 51 137, Total 309 688 Majority 374 Total Votes Cast 992. YOUNG WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SO CIETY. The Young Woman's Missionary So [ciety met in the Sunday School room (Tuesday evening, Julv^r, ls)i?, 8:30 ^o'clock in a buslne^nieeting. The I Scripture lesson was read by Miss Lo !nie Meadows, taken from Proverb IS I chapter, followed bf' a prayer by the. I Society. 'i I First on our program: i Di-aconess Fail and the Mobile Fire, Miss Neva Rowland. I The World Alliance on World Friend Ship and World Reconstruction, Misj ilares Itself. Miss Sue Alston. Interchurch World Movement, Prty !er Reminders, Miss Lonie Meadow?, i* The Society adjourned to meet with !Mrs. Jones Tuesday evening, July S. j 1919, 8:30 o'clock in a regular study !circle. HIGH SCHOOL CONFERENCE JULY 7 TO U, INCLCSIVE. P j The State College Summer School II will have a Conference for High 'J.RHW1 iwiuwiv mm wiwn i iimiu pals, County Superintendents and Ci ty J5iy>erintehdents during the week T beginning JuTy~^T". ? The?eonierttnce. i will be held under the direction of Pro ifessor R. E. Sentelle, Superintend | ent of Wakelon School. j The following well known school men will tane part In llim luiiforonn ; Dr. E. C. BroOks, State Superinten ident of Public Instruction; A. T. Al ' len, Secretary of the State Board of Examiners; NT. W. Walker, Professor I of Secondary Education, University of i North Carolina; E. L. Best, County I Superintendent of Franklin County; 1 John C. Lockhart, County Superin Itendent of "Wake; Harry Howell, Ral leigli City Superintendent; Miss Eliza Poole, of the Raleigh City Schools; T. E. Browne, Director for the ' State Board of Vocational Education, and others. Consideration will be given to such vital subjects as: The Place of Voca tional Education in High Schools which are not Farm- I>ife Schools; > High School Certificates; The Mini mum Essentials ir> High School Sub jects; Better Equipment of High Schools; Teacher-Training tn High j Schools. Board and lodging may be obtained' '.on the College Campus at $1.35 per 'day. Those attending snould bring i sheets, pillow, pillow-slips, a spread, j a blanket, towels, and a mirror. Rooms ] should be reserved at the earliest pos- j sible moment. I The Conference begins at 9:00 A. M. on Monday, July 7. Full attendance upon the Confer- j |ence will renew High School Certifl-I cates, and Superintendents" Certifica- ? ! tes. Professor R. E. Sentelle will also! give a course in "Davis. The Teach.t in the School." This course is for the leaders of the Reading Circle Club i for'next year. Fo'r further l<ls4z. I for next year. HKST COTTON Hf.OOJ?.. John Scott, colored, living on Hi?' Bolton land West of Loulsburg is ill o first to send in a cotton bloom lhi* ?year. The bloom Is .a red one ami was pulled on July 1st. .Mr! J. L. Strickland, of Wood. s?n? in a bloom Wednesday, that tv? found on July let. After reciting "Curfew Slwill Not, Ring Tonight" a school girl imagines shefis a born elocutionist. ffrf.AoN MAKES AX XtrjfCtStE^T Tit AMEBIC AN FEOPLE, PLEA FOB AC. f CEPTANCE. ( ' Wastiogton. June 28.?President Wilson In an address to tne American P*opie on the occasion or the signing ? the peace treaty made a plea for the cepunce of the treaty and the cov ?nt of the League of Nations with it change or reservation. His message, given out nere by Sec tary Tumulty, said: "My fellow countrymen:?. The treaty of peace has been slgn 11 ^ " is ratified and acted upon in Hi and sincere execution of its terms will furnish the charter for a new tder of aHaira in the world. It Is a rt-ere treafy;in the duties and pertai ns it Imposes upoil Germany, but it : severe osay.. because great wrongs rne br^MrtUBK. Ue to be righted id repaired;'it Imposes nothing <hat 'irmany cahnot 40; and she can re ?n her rightful standing in the world the prompt and honorable fulflll tnt of Its terms. - ?I more than- a treaty. s'An'd it Is much more than a treaty peace with Germany., It liberate "t peoples who have never before able to find the wuy to liberty. It once for all, an old and intoler lle order under which small groups selfish men could use the peoples of "at empires to serve their ambition power and dominion. t IN PERMANENT LEAGUE. *It associates the free governments the wbrld in a permanent league in *uch they are pledged jp use tleir 111 ted power to maintain* peace * by maintaining right 'and justice. It JAkes international law a r'ealfty sup Drted by imperative sanctions. It Pes away with the right of conquest $d rejects the policy or annexations Qd substitutes a n'ew order under J^ich backward nations?populations pilch have not yet ?ome to political tmsciousness and peoples who are eady foj- independence but not yet Jute prepared td dispense with pro ?ction and guidance?snail no more ? subjected to the domination and sploitation of a stronger nation, but r.all be put under the rnendly direc ")n and afforded the helpful assist ice of governments whicn undertake be responsible to the opinion of nklnd In the execution -ot their task accepting the direction of the Lea le o t Nations. It recognizes the inalienable rights nationality; the rigntts of minori f [coovaitions which shall fre.. the com i mercial intercourse of the world from i unjust %nd vexatious restrictions ahd for every sort of international co-op eration that will serve tocleanse t te life of the world and facilitate its coni jmon action lnbcnelicient service of j every kind. FREEDOM AXD RECOMPENSE OF LABOR. ! "It furnishes guarantees such as I were never given or evcn contemplat f eel for the fair treatment of all who la ""Wtif-tiL-rijui 'ftjWiiA I spoken of it as a great chafer for a Inaw order of affairs. There is ground - hern_ tor Ocejj satisfaction, universal reassurances, and lonntfent hope.? (Signed) "WOODROW WILSONS RAISING THE DOltiH WITH SAL. vrrnrv?ttttfv The doughnut that made the dough boy happy and was so widely and gen jerously distributed to our boys "Over There" by the Salvation Army, has been prominently featured by that or ganization in the great national drive to raise funds to continue over here their work in the cause of humanity, i In the great drive in New York City, (doughnuts were sold by the Salvation Army by the thousands at one dollar 1 apiece. The Royal Baking Powder Company contributed to the Salvation [Army a large quantity of their famous j product, which not only raised the j dough in the doughnuts bat went a long way in helping to "raise the dough" for the fund. * The famous doughnut Is shaped like a life preserver and was no doubt regarded as such on many occasions by our men in the battle line beyond the reach of rations. The soldiers have sung its praise so ifluch that the receipe for making rour dozen of the kind of doughnuts that helped win the war is given here for the benefit of our readers. Five cups of flour, two cups of su gar. five teaspoonfuls of Royal Baking Powder, rrtie saltspoonful of salt, two j eggs, one and three-quarters ciyjs of! milk and one tabltftpooiiful of lard. 1 Ktread, shape with - a doughnut cut-! ter. drop into very hot lard and in a few minutes?you have it! TO OPEN MA K K FT. We learned Wednesday that Mr. W. F. Beasley would open a first class fresh meat market in the Sprulll buil ding on Court Street next week. We understand he contemplnTe* carrying a full line of the best meats and giv ing prompt and efficient service. BANKS ( I.OM 1?. The Bankfr of Louisburg will be closed today to observe Fourth of Ju ly. The mad routes writ also observe today as a holiday. Therefore whetl* you fail fo receive your mail you may l:how why. IN THE WAKE OF THE BIG EARTHQUAKE "y? * - ?? . City of Borgo, Italy, Resembles Devastated District in France. HUNDREDS OF HOXES AND SHOPS WRECKED American Y. M. C. A. Supply Truck First To Header AM T? Sufferers; Mobbed By Hungry People, Force Had To Mount a Wail and Throw Food To Then. Borgo, San Lorenzo, Italy, July 2.? This city, ?rrQc)ced by earthquake Sun day, resembles a town In devastated districts ot France after an artillery bombardment^ The Cathedral Is In ruin?. Hundreds ofiipmes anil shops have been Shaken doyht. Some of them, still habltabte after the major shocks, fell dywn during later earth v-i . ?' are Hying |n ties bare been Iters and the tneir places *f business because of the unsafe con dition of the building^. In the bake shops many of the ovens were crack ed by the earthquake. - Hardly a house was undamaged. Theft appears to be little acuttt^utferlng. but there Is a great den^^^H>r clothing and food which are ^HRkrge of the military authorities. The local administration and busi ness are disorganized and the inhabi tants are giving free rein to the mili tary authorities, who are distributing relief. First Aid By American T. X. C. A. The first supply truck rei :iod here Monday in charge of an Ar.ev o~.n Y. M. C. A. staff under Harry Hooert, of Tueson, Arizona. He told the Associ ated Press correspondent .that when he arrived he was literally mobbed by the hungry people. He said the scramble for food was such that mem bers of the Y. M. C. A., force mounted a wall and tossed the feed to the peo ple because they could not hold them back on the ground. "We offered our help to the Italian command at Florence." said Hobert. who accepted it. "We then loaded bur trucks with all the goods in our Florence canteen and started out be hind a truckload of,doctors. Although the " first with suppUes. We have {maintained- a regular service from (Florence since Monday mornine". -1-UU) rn THANKS. Kindly allow us space to extend our i most sincere thanks and appreciations ' for the manv kindnesses and expres sion* of sympathy rendered us during (the recent illness and deatn of our de j voted husband and father. Mrs. D. T. Fuller and Family. jlffftfBHTH'L IMMIUtH IUVU1H I Franklinton. July 2.?Tuesday at his j residence near here Mr. M. D. Wilder iemeitained abouLa hnnfired guests, in ?honor of his nephew, Supt. Lawrence {L. Wilder, recently returned from ov jerseas service. The day was ideaU land at three o'clock, the tables were pilM- nii vn th? lnwfr. under wide [spreading oaks. The barbecue was iprcpared by Mr. A. T. Mitchiner and W. G. Wilder, which insured its per fection . j_' A happy mingling or friends, neigh bors and kindred, with refreshing trip to the nearby pond, made as of the guests departing remarked. "The end of a perfect day." MR, A. J. P. HARRIS DEAD. Just before going to press yesterday afternoon Information was received of the death of Mr. A. J. P. Harris, of near Youngsville. Mr. "Pink" Har ris. as he was more familiarly known, was one of Franklin's most prosper ous and successful men. and w*&s one of its most popular citizens. H'e was S4 years of ag?> and leaves a number of children, among whom are Messrs. : Edgar and T. C. Harris. Mrs. J. P. Timborlake. Mrs. E. J. Cheatham, Miss Nannie Harris, Miss Marguerite Harris and Miss Elizabeth Harris, and 1 -a large family connection. For the past several years Mr. Har ris was in bad health., but in his ear lier years Ire was prominent in the public life of the county Tiavlng serv ed as chairman of the Hoard of Coun ty Commissioners. The funeral services will be lyld at [ the home this (Friday) morning, at half past ten o'clock. skrvk r:s at ?t. i'.vri/s simi.vy . JILY 6TH. j kov. X. Collin Hughes will have (regular services at St. Paul's church |Sunday morning ami evening. 3er Ivice. sermon autl administration of j t lie Holy Communion at 11 A. M.; and evening prayer at 6:30 p. M. The rector ana congregation cord i - j ally welcome visitors to all services. Mr. J C. Joyner, wV.o has t>eop vis iting Uis brothers near Sandy Creek, passed through town- ? Saturday en' route to his Hbnu* at Denton, Fla. Mf. W. W. Wwbb wept to Peters bur? Vr .. tli^ past week on business. AMONG ; tA'tiS SOME YOU KNOW AND SOME TOO DO SOT KNOW. '** Personal Items About Folk? and.. Their Friends Who Travel Here And There. Mr. B. B. Webb Is visiting frienda In Columbia, S. C. Mr. W. D. Egerton left Monday for a visit to New York. . Mrs. W. M. Ollmore, of Sanford, la a visitor to Louisburg. Mrs. F. A. RlfT left Sunday for Sal-* lsbnry to visit her people. V ' \ J ?1 Messrs. W. B. Cooke and O. C. Hill went to Raleigh Wednesday. Mrs. Leila. Moss of Henderson, la visiting Mrs. W. B. Joynor this week. Miss Ruth Oattls left yesterday to visit her aunt, Mrs. A. S. Floyd, of Norfolk, Va. ? . \ 1 '.<!? \ Mr. Geo. A. Cralle. who hasvJ>een on an extended visit to Virginia -1? returned home. \ Mr. and Mrs. G. F. cfrlffin, of Ral eigh, are on a visit to bis parents, Air. and Mrs. P? B. Griffin. I Mr. N. B. Tucker went to Golds boro the past week to accompany a 'patient to the State Hospital. Mr. James B. Brickel. of Greens boro. was a visitor to Louisburg this week, guest of his sister. Mrs. R. C Beck. Mr. James Garland and William Fos'er Hankins, of Kisslmmee, Fla^ are visiting their uncle, Mr. Joseph C. Jones, near town. Mr. O. Y. Yarboro went to Raleigh Monday to meet Mrs.. Yarboro, who was returning from a visit to her peo ple at Hertford. / Mrs. W. B. Cooke and Miss Annie Cooke went to Raleigh Tuesday to see 'Miss Bessie Cooke who was receiving treatment at Rex Hospital. I Miss Nannie Maye Hoi lings worth, Inol/Mfcmphis. Tenn.. and Mle??#uoy Fay I Driver, of Braden, Tenn., are visitors [at the bome of Mr. F, B. Freeman, I near town. I Misses Elizabeth Cowan and Mar iam Roberson, of AsheviUe, Elizabeth Cockrell, of Jacksonville, Fla., Fran cis Guess, of Denmark, S. C-, and Har riett Mayer, of Newberry are guests of Miss Mattie Allen this week. BASS-BEATY. Invitations as follow have been ] UlllU 1U iWWfc1 V* Mr. and Mrs. George G. Beaty" 4 request the honour of your presence at the marriage of tnelr daughter Mary Elizabeth 1 ? to Dr. William Roy Bass' i on Tuesday evening, the 8th of July mneTFerr trumi red and nineteen at six o'clock i? at t hp residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Allen " I number One South Person Street Raleigh, N. C. I At home, after the first of August, Louisburg. X. C. ? The bride is ono ol Raleigh's charm ing and accomplished young ladies, (who has a host of friends among whom I she is deservingly popular. The groom is Franklin County's ef ficient veterinarian, is a young man 'of ability and splendid busuiess qual ifications. His genial manner and pleasing "personality has made him popular among a host of friends and 1 acquaintance^. * CHURCH SERVICES. Rev. G. F.* Smith, who has just re turned from Columbus. Ohio, and en ?Joyed one of the finest trips of his life gave our the following information in regard to the Church services for the Methodist and Baptist churches for next Sunday. The Union services will be held at the Methodist Church on Sun-flay even ing at 7 o'clock for tiie Methodist and Baptist congregations. Rev. G. F. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church will preach. The regular morning services will be held at both churches as usual. Sunday School will be held at both churches at the usual hour. The pubkc is cordially invited to at tend these services. "MK. TAYLOR TO M> TO SPRIXU ?HOPE. Mr. G.* D. Taylor informs us that he has perfected arrangements to oper ate a tobacco sales w^rcheusq. , iu Spring Hope Uic coming season. He is ?1 lirae warehousemen and will bo <iuite an addition to that market; It is impossible to buy a firfqVKUthat is worth th4 prtco. .j/. *\' It sometimes comes to pass tfcatf a newljr married man is almost arf*fend of his wife as lie is of himself

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