1>W. Wood's fRTON asm m Purple Top, Norfolk Globe and Seven Top Turnip Seed?all new seed, now on sale. Plant CRIMSON CLOVER at last work ing of corn and Cotton. 11 Call up Phopfe 327 when in want of any thing for breakfast, dinner and supper. We have/It,'and will get it to you quick. ,.YS. Jno. W. King To My Friends I take this method of announcing to yon ?nat I have associated with me Mr. "Wllmot Brown, apu have open ed a complete line of Heavy and Fajccv Groceries, Feeds and Feed Stuffs in the old Cilfy Market build ing on the corner of Xash and Spring Streets, where we will be glad to have you call tar see us. / A. W. PERRY JR, It is Trir TU T'OU lu sjui) ui iiut liif1 save. Everything may be alright with you today,Jbut what about to morrow, 5j 10, or 20 years from, now? -yi-TT^T TIFF rypppTrvrv-; OF 1^ M EX, COM PILED BY THE AMERICAN BANKERS' ASSOCIATION. AT AGE 22?100 men all strong and vigorous with good mental ami physical capacity. AT AGE 35?5 have died; 10 are wealthy; 10 are in.good circum stances; 40 have moderate means; '-',5 have saved nothintr. AT AGE 45?16 have died; 3 are wealthy; 65 are self-suppor'ing. but without resources: 10 are no longer self-supporting AT AGE 55?20 have died; 1 v?.-ry wealthy; 0 are in good circum stances; 46 are self-supporting, but without* means: :;?> are dependent on children, relatives or charity Mr support AT AGE 65?36 have died; 1 very wealthy; 3 are Wealthy; 6 self supporting by labor; 54 are dependent on children, relative? or charity for support. AT AGE 75?63 are dead; 60 of these left no estate; 3 ar?- wealthy; 34 are dependent upon children, relative's or charity for -;ip 'port; 95 per ceirt of these will not have sufficient mean- to defray funeral expenses. i OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US AND ADD A PART OF YOUR EARNINGS TO IT REGULARLY. Farmers National _ BANK Louisburg, N. C. Capital $50,000.00 ' Surplus $10,000.00 ALLEN President H. M. STOVALL, ( ashler. Under Kopervlslen ef f1?e Unliod State* (Government., and Member of the Federal Reserve System. THE EXPLANATION Nature placed the growth-pro moting vitamins" in the oil of the cod-fish?this explains why is so definite in its help to a child of any age. Latter-day science reveals that the "vitamins" are needful for normal growth. Sootl'm Emulsion will halp mny ohlld grow. Scott at bowiic. UloomfieM. N. J. 19-1 HOME DEMON STRATI O N 1)E. PAKTMEN'T. If you have not done so. get your canning supplies at once. It will re quire about four weeks to orde^from any distance now. as all firms are busy filling earlier orders. We have on hand a few thousand cans, for sale at cost. If you wish any, please write your Home Demon stration agent. A new supply of the North Carolina Canning and Preserving Bulletins has been received. We have also a few copies of the bulletin, "Farm Home Conveniences." A copy of either will be mailed to any person who is inter ested. The people of any community may have a demonstration, by notifying the agent in time for preparations to be made. Sixteen days in each month are filled with regular appointments. Dates cannot be set for pabllc demon-1 stratlons which conflict with the reg-' titar meetings. ? When you ask your agent to teach | you how to can tomatoes and squash j or any fruit or vegetable Tor that mat ter. do not leave three or four tubs of each. If your instructor.has to rush to save a large quantity of vegetables, you will fail to get some point neces- j sary for you to know, it is much bet ter to learn to can a few jars and to practice sealing tin cans until you are sure of your self, than to try to do all in one day. "Conveniences of a Modern Home" "Down in southwest Virginia, a far mer proudly pointed out the pipe which brought the water from a fine spring up the mountain to his very door. The faucet was placed not ten feet from the kitchen aoor. "Thatis very fine," I said, "but why did you not have the pipe ten feet longer and place the faucet in the kitchen so your wife would not have to carry water at all and would not be exposed to the rain and wind and snow and heat while she did it?" He looked thoughtfully at the faucet for a minute before answering "No one ever thought of that. It can easily be done even yet." Too often no one thinks of the bur dens of the farmer's wife?she hleast of all. Yet what woman would not appreciate the joys of running wafer in her home, of gas or electricity for lighting. a safe and modern m- tliod of disposing of the sewerage,' a washing machine run by some poweer not her own. a vacuum cleaner, and something to cook on besides a wood devouring and ash-producing stove. Harness the swiftly flowing little stream, or install the gas or oil or electric engine to pump the water, to churn, the butter, to wash the clothes. tn Lui-ii the, svparator. to heat the iron, tOTlsW "UiJ llfl'Jiip. mill ILL the farm wife will be greatly lessened. It has been estimated that from a cent's to a cent and a hair s worth of electricity will operate? A 16 candle power lamp for 5 hours. A six-pound electric fiui iron for' 15 minutes: An electric washer long enough to wash 20 shirts. __ A pump long enough to rais^ iW gallons of water 100 fvet. A ^?parator 20 Siinm.-s. A i ui.iill r r.nniufv . ?Grace Townlev. Specialist in Home Economics. Virginia, published in The Progressive Farmer. You (iuard Airaln^t Bunrlnr*. lint What! About Rat*J Ra*s steals millions of dollars worth of, grain, chicki-ns. eggs, etc. Des troy property ato'l are a nulsaiv.-^ to i health. If you are troubled with rats, try RAT-SXAP. will sur-ly kill them?prevent odors. Cats or dogs wo:>'t touch it. C<toD'*s in cakes. Thro?* size-?. -oc\ 5i)(\ ?1.0o, Sold and guaranteed bv Allen Bros.. Louis hut k. N. C. .* \ "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Getv uine "Bay^r Tablets of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tab lets were sold by 4 Brooklyn manufac turer which later proved to be compos ed mainly of Talcum Powder, "liayer Tablets of Aspirin" the true, gr-nulne, American made and American owned Tablets are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then Insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and always buy them ii? the original Bayer package which contains proper directions and ['dosage. I Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of 'Salicylicacld. GLAD T0TEST1FY Says Watoga Lady, "Ai To What Cardui Has Done For Me, So Ai To Help Others." Watoga, W. Va ? Mrs. S W. GladweU, of this town, says: "When about 15 years of age, 1 suffered greatly ... Sometimes would go a month or/two, and I had terrible headache, backache, and bearing town pains, and would just drag and had no appetite. Twa ... it would last . . . two weeks and was so weakening, and my health JvaMtwfuL My motheivbought me a bottle of Cardui, tad T tegan to improve after taking the first Jtottle, so kept it up till I took three . .. I gained, and was well and strong, andr I owe it all to Cardui. I am marriedr now and have 3 children . .. Have nevtr had to have a doctor for female trouble, and Just resort to Cardui if 1 need a toaic. I am glad to testify ta what it has /done for me, so as to help others." If you arekervous or weak, have head aches, bacKBches, or any of the other ailments so common to women, why not jive Cardui a trial? Recommended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Begin taking Cardui today.' It may be the very medicine you need. NC-130 PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. PAUL /. CARTER Physician afad Surgeon ? Office in Cooke ife Speed Drug Co. ? Phone No. 87 FRANKLINTON, . : N. C. J. 0. SEWBLL, M. D. LonlsbrUT, V. 0 Oftlce In First National Bank Building *111 be at LouUourg regularly Day Phone 329 }Oght Phone 292-J DBTwTSTlioBToii Bye floeclallat Office In/Hotel Building Loulabuu. North Carolina B. ATWOO? 1TBWBU Attor?#J-At-Law. i-^uUburg / Frankllnton Office in First Jtational Bank Building General practice DR. ABTHCB STTO8 FIJSKIUfl" Sargeoft Deatlst LouUbnrg, North Carolina Office in Masonic Hall Building H. G. Perry H. H. Johnson DRS. PERRY & JOHNSON' Physicians LouUtourg, 'J North Carolina Offices adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Qoy 2&T; Night: Dr. Johnson 10, Dr/ Perry 28". D K. 1. eJ*A10XE. Loulsburg, North Carolina ?See In Aycock/Drug Store, Market Btreet, Office/ Practice Surgery and ionsultatlcn, DB. D. f. SMITH WICK. Deotlst ' Loulibmrf, H. C. Office In the First National Bank Building on >feln and. Nash StB. W. K FBBSOJ. ATTORNEY/AT-LAW Loulsbnrg, North CaroUua Practice In all coulu. Office on Main St/eet. - r;. M. UF^JI - Attorney-nf taw LonlsburgyN'. C. v unices over old Tqr"~Rlver Drug CO?" Practice in/all courts. H. KUClfi; Thus. W. Ilufflu WM. II. k TH09,.W. BCFFIN Attornejs<at-Law Loulsbnrg, : / Sorth Carolina General practice bpthcivll and crim inal, In Franklin >cd/adjoining coun ties. Supreme add federal Courts. Offices In FlrM National Bank Bi/ildng. DR. J. i. DAVIS in Physician and Surgeon I.oulsbdrjf, Jf.'C. formerly Intern^ St. Agnes Hospital Office next door to DUrrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Day Phone 64 >f!slit Phone 335 Z. B. While E. H. Malone WHITE A JKALONE LAWYERS Lonlsburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of st ates funds Invested. dne member of ?i? ftrm always In ihe office. ? i NORMAN B. H^IKIEPETH * Aflorney-Af-Lan Gem-rnl Practir-a in All Courts Office in Masonic Hall Building I.oulsharfr, N. C. ^ S. P. BCllT, M. 1?. Ivoulsbiirg, N. C. Offices over Scoggln's Drug Store. Hours 11 a. 3L to 1 p m., and 4 to 5 p. m. DB. W.4. BASS. YeWlnarlan" Loulstturg, N. C. . Offices at R. F. Fuller'B stables. Tel ephones?day No.;56, Night No. ?. All calls answered promptly. Dtt.lliM.BEAM Physician and Surgeon. WOOD, V. c. Offices at Wood Drug Co. QumTm Tastelesa chill Tonic , fe*tore? vitality and etjurgy by purlfylof sod aiv rlchlng th? blood. Yon c?n toon f^el it* Streuaih' ? nh-.s. invigorating Effcrt. Price 60t. .-j OVER-EATING ia tli? root of nearly ail jtfgestive evil?. If your digestion Ja weak or out o#4?ilt*ri bettor eafrfess and use the new aid/to TMtter digestion. Pleasant t^/tsike?Effective. Let Ki-moidm bilp straighten out your digestive troubles. : ?y ?cott a bowni ft? OF ecorrs EMULSION l?-lA STEGALL BROS. BnMi Loulshorij. S. C. We hare (torobased the shop former ly occupied wu^ur Stegail and will run same of theSmjje stand. Zollle Wilklns will be with uSxuuL satisfac tion and cleanliness shall be our mot to. Plabty of hot running water ?~id clean towels. Buy Your Tombstones i^ild Monuments Fron HENDERSO>~QRA5HTE &? MARBLE S Hendep^onT"! Save the high cost of freJffit by buy ing from us. Write for prices. J. B. GEE. Proprietor. REBUILDING RADIATORS WITH THE IDEAL CORES IS SAFE AND GUARANTEED. 1 HAVE IN STOCK GALVANIZE IRON, COPPER, TIN GUTTERING AND SPOUT. COME TO SEE ME fOR THE BEST PRICES. E. A. ROGERS Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we sav ed in tb? buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these lines?you can make a great saving. W. E. White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. LOOK AHEAD ^ } Young man, do you ever stop to consider the future? the obligation imposed upon every self-respecting citi zen to provide happiness for his family? YOU CAN'T EXPECT TO PROVIDE HAPPINESS WITH AN EMPTY POCKET Begin to save XO*W?deposit a dollar or two in this bank each week, and watch your account grow. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina W. H. RUFFIN, President F. B. McKINNE Cashier

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