ONLY ?1.6U FEB TEAR IN ADVANCE The Franklin Times AN ADTEBTISING JfttHt'M THAT BKINl.S BESCLTS A. F. Johnson, Editor JUwtfV- THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SBfcwrtptlOB J1JS0 P,r Tear 4 - - L0CISBDB6, H.C* FBJD AY, JIJM U? ???. - ' - :r -r.-"/- . ? , ? ' M AgJWiL-Htt'. '' 1 - ATOMS DH.E6SP TO BITES T. W, WATSOM BLANKET AUTHOBITT. KefnstH Tax Drawback?Several Re ports?J. P. Timberlake Glren Charge Louisburg Township Boad* ?F. B- McKinne, J. Y. Beasley and H. >V. Perry Appointed Boad Trus tees Loalsborg Township. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday with all members present. Alter ap proving the minutes of previous meet ings, business was transacted as fol lows: By unanimous vote the Board au thorized the County Tax Supervisor, Mr. T. W. Watson, to pay his assist ant a salary not to exceed the maxi mum allowed by law; and to employ what extra help he may deem neces sary. J. P. Timberlake was appointed to take charge of Louisburg Township Roads. J. R. Wiggins was allowed $4.00 per day as salary Superintendent Louisburg roads. A motion was lost to allow J. C. Matthews rebate on tax. Report of H. A. Kearney, Sheriff, was received and filed. Report of J. J. Holden, Superin tendent of County Home was received and filed. He reports 9 white and 9 colored inmatds. An appropriation of $150.00 was ir?.ade to the Pire Company. F. B. McKinne, J. Y. Beaaley and Hugh W. Perry were appointed Road 'IruUees for Louisburg Township, l v'.ded however that they carry out t.. >ntracts and assume the obliga tic? made and assumed by the Board of twunty Commissioners pertaining to said Louisburg township roads. The Sheriff and Register of Deeds were appointed a committee to wait upon the janitor and secure a prompt performance of his duties or his re signation. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, County Health Officer, was received and filed. Returns of Wood Special School election were received and canvassed. The election was declared carried. It was ordered that a note in the sum of $1.000.00 be executed in favor of Leonard and Holloway, payable Dec. 2. 1910, for 6 mules purchased for Louisburg Township Roads, be signed by J. P. Timberlake as Chair man and attested by S. C. Holden. Clerk to the Board, and that a note in the sum of $575.00 be executed in fa vor F. B. McKinne payable Dec. 2, 1919, for 2 mules for Louisburg Town ship Roads to be signed as above. Both of said notes to bear .date of June 2nd, 1919. The finance committee was instruc ted to borrow money* to defray c^r nj" *! , ?? a ? .n mm p In a joint session with the County Board of Education three men were placed in nomination for County Wel fare Agent. A vote was taken and resulted as follows: J. C. Jones 6. J.N. Harris 2, J. L. Palmer 1. Jones was declared elected. The following delegates were ap pointed to attend the Good Roads Con vention: F. B. McKinne, J. W. Win - ston, A. H. Vann. M. G. Gupton. G. M. Raynor, W. P. Wilson. G. S. Earp, J. M. Sykes, Henry Beddingfleld, F. W. Justice. The Board with the assistance of the Sheriff drew the jury for the Au gust term of court. An election was allowed in Cedar Rock School District to issue Bonds for $7,500.00 for the purpose of erect ing a school building. The returns of the Recorder's Court were received and canvassed. The vote stood For 309; Against 683. The court was defeated. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Monday, July 14th when they will meet as a Board of Equalization. THE MOBILE SCHOOL. The Mobile school for the Tar Riv er Associatfon will be held at Gard ners church July 21st to the 26th. This will be ono of the forty-two Mobile schools to be hold in the state. The Baptist people of this association and section of the state are fortunate to have this school of intensive tra'ning located so conveniently to them. They are more than fortunate to have the privilege of doing the work in tills school under such !q?ders as Revs. J. I". Teague. T. D. Collins. J. B. O'ur rin, J. GlsBlalock, H. B. Mines. J. \V Whitley and Dr. T. W. O'Kelley. who will compose the teaching fnrqp. Kvry church in this association should have some of their leading workers and tnaohers to attend this .school. We want to make the Tar Hi vet* mobile school a success in every particular: To do so we must have good a tendanoe front the churches. The church and community at Odrti ne rs ore preparing to entertain the pupils of this school to the bes* of i heir ability. We are looking for you. .-o ?lo not disappoint yourself by not coming. If possible notify yic write** not* Ki i ? r ihanlhc 19th, how many will jitt< ud service. AUTO ACCIDENT. A badly smashed Ford touring car and a badly damaged Essex automo bile, and injuries that proved very painful to Miss 111a May Ogburn is the result of an automobile accident which occurred at the crossing of Middle and Church Streets Friday afternoon when the cars driven by Mr. William Webb and Mr. W. T. Person ran to gether. From information received by us Mr. Person was going down Church Street at a fairly good speed while Mr. "Webb was crossing Church Street driving the Ford, when Mr. Person's car struck Mr. Webb's car almost midway forcing it back against an electric light post. Miss Ogburn was a passenger in the Ford and Was painfully injured by falling glass from ; the windshield and shock. Her many friends will be glad to know that she is much improved. It was a most myraculous happening that there was no loss of life as'the accident was a dangerous one, and must have hap pened from the drivers of the cars not paying the proper attention to the traffic in front of them. h UtANKLINTON. A very attractive Childrens Day program was rendered at the Metho dist Church last Sunday morning. June 29, in which forty-tour children j of the beginners and primary classes took part. The processional was led by two little tots. Louise Ford and Virginia Brown in a most pleasing manner. "Your Part" was very at tractively recited by little Sarah Dlx-j on Vann. Indeed the entire program of recitations, exercises, motion songs, choruses, hymns was interesting, in iii m nt iri?m ml i m ill, iinnrfairniii nriiinnqi ing the careful training given by Missel es 02a Cooke, Dieanor Vann and Ja-' nle Pearce, who are to be congratu- j lated. The church was decorated with im mense quantities of Shasta daisies in large vases ami jardinieres. At 2 P. M. these flowers were taken to the cemetery and placed upon the graves of former members of the Sunday School who only a few years ago as children or teachers were always ac tively interested in making Childrens Day a memorable day. On Thursday afternoon July 3 at 5:30 ice cream and cake were served on Mr. 'S. C. Vann's lawn to the for ty-four children who had given so much pleasure to others. At 6:15 au tomobiles were in readiness to take them for a drive which every child, with song ami laughter, greatly en Joyed . LIST OF JURORS. The following is a list of Jurors drawn for the regular August term of Franklin Superior Court, for the trial of Civil Cases, to convene on ^londay August 25th, 1919: FIRST WEEK. Dunns?John T. Avent. Harris?W. R. Rogers. S. T. Hol mes. Youngsville?D. W. Splvey. Haley Perry. Franklinton?W. R. Winston. Sandy Creek?B. L. Carroll, H. G. Breedlove, Preston rtreedlove, J. fc. Collins. Gold Mine?S. T. Leonard. CVdflr Rock?J. T. Fisher, T. II. Dickens. Loutsburg?H. C. Taylor, E. Odom. O. W. Perry* J. J. Driver. S. M. Phelps. SECOND WEEK. 4 Dunns?Alex Arnold. D. S. Alforcl. Harris?Win. R. Young. J M. Moore. C. V.. Floyd. Youngsville?M. D. Ladin. W. H. Hudson.4 Franklinton W. L AI lei*. R. M. Bunn. Sandy Cre^k?J. Foster, C. r. IuMoe. . , (?old Mine?Battle Wester. Cedar Rock?E. D. Patrish Louishurg?W. T. Iledgepeth. W | H. Holmes. J S. Howell, IV R. K White. J. M. Joyner. -0- , "Messrs. T. \\\ Watson nnil II. W |. Perry went to Henderson Tuesday. | 4M0NG THE VISITORS iOXE YOU KNOW AND SOME YOU DO N'OT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks and Their Friends Who Travel Here And There. Mr. F. B. McKinne visited Golro Tuesday. Chairman J. P. Timberlake spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Mr. K. P. Hill, of Raleigh, spent ruesday night in ILouisburg. Mr. aixl Mrs. J. M. Allen visfbsd Washington City this week. Mrs. D. T. Smith wick is visiting relatives at Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs. B. O. Myers, of Louisville, Ky., is vlstttog her father Mr. G. P. In Mlss Mildred Shearln Is visiting her ct.usin, Mrs. Ben W. Brown in Pdt ertburg, \a. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wlggs left this week for Richmond, Va., to spend several days. Miss Mattie Greenwood, of Pallstlne, Texas, is visiting at the home of Mr. P. A. Reavis. Mrs. Caddie V. Strickland is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Ben W. Brown ii> Petersburg, Va. Mrs. A. W. Person and children returned the past week from a visit to her people at Mlllikin, La. Dr. J. O. Newell accompanied Mrs. J. A. Spencer to Rex Hospital, Ral eigh. Saturday, where she will receive treatment. Mr. H. C. Taylor accompanied his son. Prof. W. R. Taylor, to Richmond Tuesday, who will receive treatment at a local hospital. Misses Elizabeth Reavis. Mary Y. Yarborough and Eleanor Yarborougb left the past week for Camp Farwell, Well's River, Vermont. Mr. Jake Freelaftder. who has been In Baltimore for the past twelve months, has returned to Louisburg and taken his old position at L. Wine & Co. Mr. aixl .Mrs. William Hawthorn?, of South Hill. Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Wav erlv Gill, and daughter Miss Emily, of Kenbridge. Va.. and Mrs. J. O. Bragg, of Lynchburg, Va.. were week-end vis itors at the home of Mr. W. W. Webb on Kenmore Ave. I Miss Mattie Allen accompanied by j her guests Misses Elizabeth Cowan Elizabeth Cockrell, of Jacksonville. Fla., Francis Guess, of Denmark. S. C.. and Harriet Mayer, of Newberry, spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Commissioners G. W. Ford and W. J. Cooper and Supt. O. C. Hill left Monday for Southport and other pla ces as a committee for the Town of Louisburg to inspect and investigate the actual practical experiences witlx the oil engine electric power plants. AUTOMOBILISTS. We are publishing" below a letter" handed us by Chief of Police D. C. High, concerning automobife licensos that is self explanatory, and all auto mobile owners are requested to abide by the law. Thte letter follows: Raleigh, N. C., July 8,-1919. Mr. D. C. High, Chief of Police, Louisburg, N. C. Dear Sir: In reply to your favor of the 5th inst. I beg to advise that automobile licen ses have been mailed out ror all par ties who sent application cards prop erly filled out, with remittances of sufficient amount. . Display numbers have been furnish ed for all passenger vehicles, and we have sufficient numbers on hand to supply all applicants during the en- j tire year. Our supply oc truck num bers has been exhausted, and it will t be several days before we can furnish ; all applicants with truck licenses. Wei have wired the factory lor a lot of! truck numbers, which should reach us ] within the next week or ten days. It j will, therefore, be necessary that you allow operation of trucks for a short j time. Cards authorizing the opera tion of trucks are furnished for appli-, cants to whom we are unable to sup- ? ply display numbers. With besi wishes. Yours very truly. J. BRYAN GRIMKS. Secretary of State. By F W. H It OWN". Corporation Clerk. i vim\m.i HYiMti < i i -Mi. S. F. Holden (Sive a . joyalilr hnrhecii^ dinner ?o a fruit' >f In* i'i nils ?Triiis horn* near l'r.ti Union on Friday. July 4tli. The . well prepared and eiij< m| by all wh??se pleasure it Wa- \r uvsent. President speaks IN NEW YORK CITY Governor Smith and Mayor Hylan Ac tive In Warm Welcome To Wilson. GREAT DEMONSTRATION ? IN CABNEGIE HALL Big Audience Arises ana Cheers Till' Bund Drowns Out Vocal Demonstra tlonj Got. Smith Says Ifs a Treaty ? "Worthy of The Honor and Dignity Of This Great Country." New York, July 8.?President Wil ton reached the West Twenty-third street ferry landing in Manhattan at 4:15 p. m. Hundreds of marines and sailors, their rifles at present arms, formed a lane through which he pass ed as be started for Carnegie Hall, preceded by an escort of mounted po } icemen. From the pier tn Hoboken, President Wilson and his party m ore d through Itteets lined with men, womeb and children, who applauded him vigor pusly. In the President's car, besld tes Mrs. Wilson, were Vice-Admiral Cleaves and Major General Shanks. The automobile was entirely surroun ded by secret service men and detec tives. The roofs of all buildings along the line of march *ere kept clear. The ferry house was reached at 4 o'clock [and the President boarded the ferry i boat at Ithaca to cross the river to |New York. At Carnegie HalL President Wilson arrived at Carne gie Hall at 5:23 p. m. The President appeared on the stage at 5:37, while the band was playing "Over There." When Mr. Wilson came fnto view on the platform the audience, which pack e of cheers continued for-several minutes and was silenced only when the band swung into the strains of the National | anthem. While the band was playing. Majcr G. H. Scott, commander of the British dirigible. R-34, was introduced to the President, who shocK nands with him warmly and extended his congratula tions. I oovernor smith was introduced by b'ayoF Hylan as the--first speaker. (?overnor Welcome* l'resident. m .The governor, who was repeatedly I cheered, welcomed toe President as j the bearer of a p&ce treaty "woitfcy I of the honor, Uiguity and majesty oi this great country." ! "The "President rose to speak at 3:C?2. j IT h'- cheering began again and com in-J net! tor three minutes before, it was {stilled by thc bani playing "Yankee bocdle." ?President Wilson i.nd his party J v ft j iht Pennsylvania station for Wash ington on a special train at 6:4G p. in. j tonight. ? iiy ?cn?nr ijiinffm ? 1 The Preshtent arrired at-the"Hobo-j ken army pier, formerly the dock of i the Hamburg-Amct'ican line, aiioaly before 3 o'clock. The army trans port George Washington, on wh'cn lie | sailed from Brest was escorted up the | bay by the battleship PennsyIvama and more than a score of destroyers and smaller naval craft. Oi> the New Jersey shore, the state which flrst hon ored Mr. Wilson with a political of fice, were massed 10,000 school child ren who welcomed the chrer executive of the natiou with the strains of the national anthem. Through the lines of the children, all dressed in white, the President passed to the ferry which carried him to the Manhattan side of the river. He arrived in New Yore at 4:15 p. m. where he was greeted by the official reception committee headed by Gov ernor Smith and Mayor Hylan. From the ferry terminal to Carnegie Hall, a distance of about three miles, the Presidential party passed through streets lined with cheering thousands of men, women and children who thronged the sidewalks and filled every available window and roof top. TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Board of Town Commissioners met in regular session on Friday night with all members present. The fol lowing business was transacted after reading and approving the minutes of the past meeting. Reports of A. W. Alston. Clerk, wVre received and ordered riled. He reports collecting light rents $852.90, water rents 400.77. taxes' $2.2S6.47, Street assessment H. M. Stovall $7.50. Report of I). C. High. Chief of Po lice, was received and Hied. He re ports collecting costs $36.05. 1 : pool rooms $20.00. pressing tin/" ? - Standard Oi! Co. $10.00. Ed ikmei. no.00. An .account of Wm. H. and T. W.J. Ruff i n ordered not paid. Those vot-f Ing no. Ford. WilliatiHTft. Win-less and j Micks, voting y??s M.iloiv ?'oopr. A motion prevailed appointing K. II. Ma'one a committee lo se. the State Hoard of Health and l? ar i m hat *peoifieni?on': tliev want for putting I n sewi rage dlsp ?-:?! p!at>f. Upon ??!otloi; Mie eimual apprnprin-1 ion ;o th- Fi:*** ftrvpMjfJr wrm placed! it After nllovins ;i rnimbir of ;u*J ?onnt? t!?#? Hoard inline: i.t .1 r?? it^i>. \f ejru:.\r if. e>:?:#r. ? > V V L. KLINE 4 CO. ROBBED THIEF TAKES $648.00 IX MOXEY A>'I> CHECKS. Robber} T?ck Place Between 10 A. M. Sonda) And Xonday Morning;?No Cine Yet. Taking 1648.00 In money and checks and leaving a lot of stamps, Liberty Bonds and small change some time during Sunday or Sunday night and getting away without being caught Is the unfortunate circumstance at L>. Kline & Co. Mr. Kline informs us he wag in his store on Sunday morn ing about 10 o'clock and saw the mo ney in the safe. On Monday morn ing the safe had been opened and the money gone no sign? of entering the store were fn evidence, and It is thought that the last person who used the safe before the robbery left It un locked. Close watch Is being kept, but as yet', no clue, .bfts been found that will clfear itp Use mystery. ? P ?# i ? ? ? * BACK IS WHITE HOCSE. * Washington, July 9.?(Wednes- ? ? day.)?President Wilson returned * ? to Washington at midnight after ? ? an absence of four months at the * ? Paris Peace Conference. He was ? ? accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. Miss ? ? Margaret Wilson, and by Vice * ? President Marshall and most of ? ? the members of his cabinet who * !? greeted him on his arrival today ? ? at New York. ? ? The Presidential party was ? ? greeted at the station by a crowd ? ? of several thousand persons who * ? had waited for several hours. Af- * ? ter brief welcoming cerjmouies, ? ' the President and Mrs. Wilson ? ? drove directly to the White .-ouse. * IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS Soldiers. Sailors and Marines, keep your Government Insurance. It is the bost thing ever offered to men in the service. It will pay you an in come during old age. if disabled. It is cheaper than any other insurance; ami it is better, because it has better benefits. You can have it all payable j in a lump sum at death if you desire, j You can borrow money on It if you are broke. You can convert it into en jdownment insurance which will pay I the whole $10,000 to you in cash in j your life time. If you have already dropped your in surance 1 will gladly slioxv you how to get it back. If you want to convert lit I will show you how. I will an [swer all questions about It and will j give you advice as to what to do with I it'. See me at once, and don't wait. | Of course I do not charge you any |thing at all to tell ypu all about your i insurance and will be glad to advise I yon ? _ WELDON D. EGERTOX. 1 IJUlimjplE. '!V. 'I^1 COTTON BLOOMS. The following persons brought in, cotton blooms the past week: Joe Evans, colored, near Justice,} July 4th. T. M. Chrismond. colored Louis- j burg. July 4th. Dick Skinner, colored. Louisburg, July 4ih. BRITISH TO BRINU TO TRIAL ~HI4*H GERMANS List Includes Rupprecht of Bavaria, Mackensen and Admiral Yon la pelle?.Many Offenses Charged. London. July 6.?The Germans the British, French and Belgians wish to put on trial include Prince Rup precht, of Bavaria, for deportations from Lille, Roubaix. Turcoing and other places; General von Mackensen. for thefts, incendiarism and executions in Rumania; von Buelow, for the burn ing of Anderne and shooting of 100 people; Baron von Der Lancen, head of the German political department in Brussels, who was concerned in the murder of Edith Cavill, and Captain Pryatt. Admiral von Capelle, for responsi-! bllity for U-boat outrages; Lieut. Wil- | helm Wernher. Commander Max Val- ( entiner and Commander von Forsttter. for sinking hospital ships; Major von Manteuffel. for the burning of Loti-i' vain; Major von Bulow for the des-' truction of Aerschot and'the execu- | tion of 150 civilians; Gen. .Olsen von '' Casscl. for cruelties at Doberitz; Lieutenant Rudiger for cruelties at Ruhlebon: Major von Corftz. for cru vies at Mudgeburg; the brothers XIe- ,^ r. the bullies of Holseflhlndon and i .iiust!:;il Camps. wlio ill-treated,' British prisoners; General von Teeny. :A for the summary execution of 112 in-'5 habitants <>t?Arl?:i; General von Os--1 irow Lirnai Sanders. for massacres Qf ' \rtneiiiaiis and Syrians; two brothers ? mined lloehling. who were arrested ? ?y 'he French ill Saar v./lley. ^ Vast i|tianiiiies of stolen maeliin? ry ; ?everis**, nearly ui> acre-?, were foun-!'1 n their possession.- ;?! Yr. I'llis Hatney. of Xorl'ulk, Was isitor . i lil.- iM'opi?. here "this wrok BOARD OF EpUCA- .. TON RE-ORGANIZES MB. T. H. DICKONS QUALIFIES. A. W. Perry, Chairman, E. L. Best, Superintendent, E. H. Malone, Attor ney, All Be-elected by Acclamation. The Board of Education ot Frank lin County met in regular session on Monday morning with all member* present except E, L. Green. Alter approving the minutes of previous meetings the Board transacted busi ness as follows: A. W. Perry, C. R. Sandling, J. C. Winston and T. H. Dickens were ap pointed a committee to meet at Gup ton's Saturday July 12th, 1919 at 1:30 o'clock to-investigate the advisabili ty of erecting a school building at that place. The committe* was -given po wer to dispose of the matter as It thinks best. The people of Math Rock district were given the privilege of moving; the present building or erecting a now one (free of cost to the county) to the forks of the Jeffreys and Perry Road. If a new building is to be erected-the Board will sell the old building to the highest bidder the. first Monday in Au gust. The Board asked the County Com missioners to order an election In ce dar Bock School District to provide a bond issue of $7,500.00 to erect a new school building. There belnj no further business the Board adjourned sine die. The new Board composed of Messrs. A. W. Perry, J. C. Winston, E. L. Green, C. R. Sandling and T. 6. Dickens, all being present except E. L. Green met and organized. Mes srs. A. W. Perry, Chalrinan, E. L. Best. Superintendent, and E. H. Ma lone, Attorney, were all re-elected by acclamation. The Board recessed for a short while to meet In Conference with County Commissioners for the purpose of electing a County Superintendent of Public Welfare. The conference re sulted In a ballot as follows: J. N. Harris 2 ,J. L. Palmer 1, Joe C. Jon es 6. Mr. Jones was declared elec ted. The Board then came to order and the revision of the School Committees was postponed until the first Monday in August. I The Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. GOVKKNMEXT TO RELEASE Sl'CAB 21,000,000 Pounds Held Bj War De partment To Be Sold To Public. / Washington, July S.?Saie of 21,000, 000 pounds of surplus sugac now held by the War Department, has been au thorized to be sold, it was announced ?rjliiliiri* inMinimuin- fHie. lu UP IIAW" by the United States Sugar Equaliza tion Board to cover the cost to the government. The only condition of i?ale wi|l be tluy: none of this stock may be exported. - . Investigation having shown that the principal shortage at present is in _ Sta'tes east of the Mississippi, efforts" will be made to find purchasers in that section. v The stocks comprise 14,000,000 pounds in storage at New Orleans and 7,000.000 pounds at San Francisco. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Little Miss Edith Kemp, daughter o t Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ?Kemp, near town, gave a most enjoyable party on last Saturday afternoon to about fifteen or twenty of her little friends in honor of her fifth birthday. The children enjoyed themselves at many games and riding a real donkey. There was something going, on with them all the while and the time passed all to quick ly. Refreshments iitfblualng Ice cream and cake were served to the great do light of the little ones ar;d was much enjoyed. The party on leaving wished the lit tle hostess many more happy returns of the occasion. H NFRAL OF MR. A. J. I'. HARRIS. The ?funeral services of the late Mr. A. J. P. Harris were held from his home near Youngsville on last Friday morning at 10;30 o'clock in the pres ence of one of the largest crowd? of friends and relatives seen on such an occasion in Franklin county in som? lime. The services were conducted by Revs. G. F. Smith/ pastor of the Me thodist church, of Louisburg, and C. L. Dowell. pastor of the Baptist church Df 'FrankliiMon. After the services in the home the ivmains were taken to the, family burying grounds near*by iiiui interred beside other near rela lives and w. jv laid to rest under a liug- bank of beautiful nower*. the sij lent, though beautiful, expression^ of love and admiration, of many friends i ml loved ones. Both nt tli? homo' md i?t the grave a choir sang several 'eleciious, favorites of iT:? d(< oase#r. Th. pall bearers were M. S. 1'ilf on. W H. Ruff in. F. I*. M?-Kin ne. fi::- IViker. C\ Kaves, IJ. IVaxiur. Mr. H. Merc Jim. of Tarb-:"Vhs i visitor to Louisburg yesterday.