JURSE TALKS ON HOSPITAL WORK How She Keeps Herself In Prop er Condition To Discharge Her Duties. Those who minister to the sick must b* tUU'd for this work. They must have good nerves, patience and extreme gentleness to properly perform the du ties of a trained nurse. Mrs. Dora Smith a popular nurse at St. Luke's ments of a competent nurse and keeps herself in condition for her work. She Bays: "Indigestion and heart trouble im paired vat nervous system und caused me to become excited at' the least thing. A cup of coffee was like poi son to me and was surf to be follow 'ed by distressing heart trouble. I. could not properly digest any food and ? felt miserable at all times. I took' Peplac and now, I can orrn drink cof4 i fee without any nervousness. I feel much better and derive real pleasur? ! from my work. Peplac has made life i worth living for me." Peplac is sold and recommended in Louisburg at Scoggins Drug Store; Winston-Blanks Drug Co., YoungsYille T. E. Holding Wake Forest; and W. W. Parker at Henderson. Buy a bot tle today it has helped others and will do the same for you. TO OUR ADVERTISERS We want to urge our advertis ers to bring or send their copy In earlj, Let as have your copy before 10 A- M. on Wednesdays and If yon can get It to us on Tuesday?all the better. Noticc! THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FRANK LIN COUNTY WILL MEET IN THE COURT HOUSE ON MON DAY. JULY 14TH, 1919. AS AN EQUALIZATION BOARD TO HEAR COMPLAINTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS IN RE GARD TO TAX LISTS. By ORDER OF THE BOARD. J. P. TIMBERKAKE, CHAIRMAN. 8. C. HOLDER, . . CLERK. . ... T. W. Wood's CRIMSON CLOVER SEED Purple Top, Norfolk Globe and Seven Top Turnip Seed?all new seed, now on sale. Plant CRIMSON CLOVER at last work ing of corn and cotton. Call up Phone 327 when in want of any thing for breakfast, dinner and supper. We have it, and will get it to you quick. to Please Jno. W. King LNi8bcrK' Report ui the Condition of ^FARMERS >' ?;rs natiosaAbaxk *if , ,rVi ^t.niil gnjTif ii'.Vilu <w. ). taiaV-n, ? V ness on June 30, 1919^ RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $150,189.45 Customers' liability account of acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted by it 19.722.23 Total loiftfi 169,911.68 Notes and bills rediscounted 75.701.SO 94.209.38 U. S. Bonds'deposited to secure circulation 50.000.00 Liberty' Loan Bonds 3Vfc. 4 and 41? p c unpledged 1.150.00 Liberty Loan Bonds. 3^. 4 and 45* p. c.. pledg ed to secure State or other deposits or bills payable /. 00,150.00 31.300.00 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank ; 1,800.00 Furniture and fixtures 2.900.00 Lawful resnrw with Federal Reserve Bank .... .... 7.031.75 Cash in vault and net amt due from national bank* .... 15,064.99 Net amounts due from bank-, bankers and 'rnst com panies other than included in Items 13. 14 of 15 .. . . 25.0'? Check* on oth?*r banks in the same city or ta*vn as re porting bank 47>.;j Total of It.-ms 14. 15. 16. 17 and IS 22.600.0? on bank h located out.^? of city ^r lown of reporting bank and other cash items J. 3,52i 5 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer yid due from U S. Treasurer / TSOv.OO Reveffue" Stamap 17.1'? Total i S20S.S55.C6 P L ; LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in I $50,000.00 Surplus fund .... I 10,000.00 Undivided Profits (.... . 4,390.95 Less rurrem expnftc*. int. and raxef p;%i/l . . 165.25 4.225.70 Circulating? notes outstanding ^ 50,000.00 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding S6i.JC? Individual deposits subject TO chuCk .... ??9.42) 7*? Certificates of deposit riu<- {n less thai* < rtys 17.390 o J Total of demand deposits . 66.820 14 Pills payable 9,000.00 Lills payable with Federal Reserve R;*iik 17,945.00 Total . $20^,856.66 Total contingent liabilities 75,701.80 STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA?County of Franklin, ss: I, H. M. Stovall, Cashier of the above -named bank, do nolemn-ly swear that the above statement Is true to thr- brst of my knowledge and belief. H. M. STOVAlX, Cashier. k Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, 1919. M. S. CLIFTON. Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 18, 1'j20. Correct?Attest: K. K. ALLEN, P. B. GRIFFIN, W. K. MASSENBURO, directors. KEEP STRONG As an aid to robustness, thousands upon thousands use Scott's Emulsion as regular a? clock-work the year around. A rich tonic, Scott'*? 1 eitmam-iBiaPLUrM? tribute to the up-building of strength. Be tare that you bay Scott'a EmuUion. Scott at Bowoc. Bloom field, II. J. 19-3 DISABLED MEN PLEASED WITH VOCATIONAL TRAINING COIIWE Washington. D. C.. July 6.?No grouch can be detected in the attitude of disabled soldiers who are taking vocational training courses under the supervision of the Federal Board of Vocational Education, thus remaking themselves for new places in life. "Plenty of prospects ahead." writes one man with an arm wound. "With out this chaiire-I irtrald be up against it." writes another badly Injured young fellow. "All the ?tudenta are satisfied here," says a boy from a Middle Western college where*a num ber of re-educatiou students have been placed. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver und you lose a dajN work. There's no reason why a person | should take sickening, salivating cal omel when a few cents buys a large i bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone?a per] feet substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as J surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is per fectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury anil attacks your bones. Take a dose ofnasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Dod son's Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money is waiting for you. j DRY (LEANED. 1 A little four-year-old, who is most emphatically opposed to having her face washed, said to her grandmother the other day: "I am not going to wash my face any more." When askeri for an explanation, she said: "I've decided to have it dry cleaned." You (iuard A train s t Burglary But What A boat Rats! Rats steals millions of dollaTs worth of grain, chickens, eggs, etc. Des troy property and are a nuisance to health If you are troubled with rats, try RAT-SNAP. It will surely kill them?prevent^odors. Cats or dogs won't touch itA Comes In cakes. Threo sizes, 25c7 50c, $1.00. Sold a^d guaranteed by Allen Bros.. Louis ? | -? ian it _ ( ROW\ I'KISCE" jIakes THREAT OK SflCIDE Says *?! ill Decide,** And t hip "Allies Can Have Only My Dead' Body." Amsterdam. Saturday, July 5.?"The allies can only haw my dead body; I will myself decide on my life or death." the former German ('sown Prince is f|uotrd as having said. Fri day in discussing a possible d-mand for extradition. Thi* statement r?port?-(l by the Brit ish wireless service correspondent was said by ITTm to^have been made to 4..Dutch official who talks daily with th- former frown Prince. According to. this official Frederick Hofc?-nzollern is in excellent he.rlth. He takes motorcycle trips daily and fre'|U'?jyly .visits hoth th- rich and the poor 0:1 the Islani of Wlerin*e:i. -1 - o NOTHING HIT ( LI MATH. "What sort of a place i? it? "On- of those plac-s where the cli mate is all they've sot to brag about." "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN 'Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Only Aspirin Tabfets wfth the -*;iTcty "Bayier Cross" on them are genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." owned and made by Americans and proved safe by millions of people. Unknown quan titles of frautjtilent Aspirin Tablets were sold rec#r by a Brooklyn deal er which pr{*Ved ^o be composed most ly of Talcjilrn Powder. Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should always be asked Tor. Then look for the safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack age and on each tablet. Accept noth ing else! Proper directions and dos age in each Bayer package. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoac^ticacldester of Sallcyllcacid. i / TERRI3LY SWOLLEN Suffering Described A* Torture Relieved by Black-Draught. Rossville, Ga.? Mrs. Kate Lee Able, o! this place, writes: "My husband is an engineer, and once wiflle lifting, he in I? mi?w mm ? iiim w wwymF chinery, across the abdomen He was so sore be could not bear to press on himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 165 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., In two week#. He became constipated aid it looked like he would die. We had three different doctors, yet with all their/medicine, his bowels failed to act. He' would turn up a ten-cent bottle of caster oil, and drink It two or three days ia succession. Jie did this yet without result. We became desperate, he suffere<Tso. He was swol len terribly. He told me his Suffering toulJ only be descabed as torture. 1 sent and bought Thedford's Black Draught. 1 made him take a big dose, and when tt begin to act he fainted, he was In snch misery, but he got relief and began to mend at once. He got well, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford's Blaek-OraughL" Thedford's BSack-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day's work. Try HI NC-131 PROFESSIONAL COLUMN C./( DR. PAUL C./CARTER Physician an<y Surgeon Office in Cooke & $pecd Drug CO. Phone No. 87 FRANKLINTON, : N. C. J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, N. 0 Office In First National Bank Building Will be at Loulsburg regularly Day Phone 329 ? Night Phone 292-J DE. W. B. MORTOfi Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Bntldlng Loulsburz. North Carolina 8. ATWOOD in!WILL. Attoraey-At-Law, i ^nlaburg Prankllnton Office in First National Badk Building General Practice DR. ABTHUB H TITES FLEKHIfi Snrfeoa DeatlsC Lonlaburg, North Carolina Office In Masonic Hall Building H. G. Perry H. H. Johnson DRS. PERRY & JOH>SO.\ Physicians Lnnlsbnrg. - .Jiorth Carolina ?Offices adjoining Ayfcock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night: Dr. Johnson 10, Dr. Perry 287. DR. J. E. MALONE. I/onlsburc. North Carolina ?ee In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DR. D. X. SJUTHWICK. Deatlst. bibtuii I. C. Office In the First National Bank naftiUiitsig nn Miln.ind Nnih Plfn W. M. PERSON. ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisburg, North Carobna Praatlce la all courts. Office on Main Street. fi. M. BEAM Attnrney-at Law y Lonlstmr^, >'. C. Offices over old Tai River Drug Co. Practice in all courts. H. Ruffln, Thos. W. Ruffln WM. H. & THOS. W. RCFFtV Attornejs-ai-Law louisburg, t North Carolina General practice both civil and crlm1 nal. In Franklin and adjoining coun lea, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. DR. 3. B. llAvIS Physician and Surgeon I.onIsb?rg, X. Or' formerly Interne St. AgneV*Hospltal Office next door to Durrell DavU Blacksmith Shop Day Phone 64 Xlglit Phone 335 e. B. White F.. H. Malone WHITE & MALONE LAWYERS Louisburg. North CaroHna General practice, settlement of ea ???? Funds Invested One member o( >? firm always in the oCce. NORMAN B. HEDGEPETH Attorney-At-Iaw Oer.'-ral Practice in All Courts Office in Masonic Hall Building Loiiislmrg, C. ' S. P. BIRT, M. D. Loulsburg. N. 0. * Offices over Scoggln's Drug Store. Hours 11 a. Jh. to; 1 p m., and 4 to Sp.m. , DR. W. R. BASS. Veterinarian Louisburg, N." C. Offices atH. F. Fuil?c's ?tables. Tel ephones?day No, 66., Night No. ?. All calls answered promptly. DR. H. M. BEAM Physician and Surgeon. WOOD, If. C. Offices at Wood Drug Co. drevt1! TasUleaa chill Took; mum vitality and rnertr by purl/rinl and ?a* richlni tka blood. Yon can toon feel lu Sue nath cntod. Invlforatiof El&rt. Price 60c OVER-ACIDITY cf the stomach ha? upset many a night's rest. If your stomach is add distuxbed, dissolve two or three Ki'MOIDS on the tongue before retiring and en foooneM of Ki-moid* guaranteed by SCOTT * BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION stegall/bbos. Buriti ? Lonlsb We have purchased the shop former' Iy occupied by Oscar Stegall and will run same at the dome stand, Zollle Wiiklns will be wjlh us, and satisfac tion and cleanliness shall be our mot to. Plenty of hot running water ..-id clean towels. Buy Your Tombstones, and Monuments From HENDERSON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS Hendansoo, N. <?. Save the high /ost of freight by buy ing from yi- Write for prices. J. B-rGEE. Profrletor. / REBUILDING RADIATORS WITH THE IDEAL CORES IS SAFE AND GUARANTEED. I HAVE IN STOCK GALVANIZE IRON, COPPER, TIN GUTTERING AND SPOUT. COME" TO SEE ME FOR THE BEST PRICES. E. A. ROGERS Suit Cases and Traveling Bags ? Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we sav ed in tb? buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and wegive you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these lines?you can make a great saving. W. E. White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. LOOK AHEAD \ Young man, do you ever stop to consider the future? the obligation imposed upon every self-respecting citi zen to provide happiness for his family? YOU CAN'T EXPECT TO PROVIDE HAPPINESS WITH AN EMPTY POCKET Begin to save NOW?deposit a dollar or two in this bank each week, and watch your account grow. / f i / / = The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina W. H. RUFFIN, President F. B. McKINNE Cashier

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