NEW POLICY FORMS TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY Waiver of all future premiums; mul, in addition, "HTITI'Uffl.WMBWW Full amount of policy paid at death- without deduction of the income-payment s or of the unpaid premiums. Inclusion of this provision is optional with the insured. DOUBLE INDEMNITY Double the sum insured will be paid,in case of accidental death Inclusion of this provision is optional with the insured. LIFE INCOME A monthly, or quarterly, or half-yearly, or yearly income, for life, if desired,"instead of payment of the policy in a single sum. GENERAL PROVISIONS Dividends automatically used to buy fully-paid-for addition al insurance;or May be drawn in cash; or May be used to reduce current premiums; or May be left to accumulate at interest, subject to withdrawal by the insured. Choice of dividend use may be made at any time; no medical examination required. Post-mortem dividend in first year, if death occurs. Loan, cash surrender, paid-up insurance-extended insurance, after three years' premiums have been paid. And Loan at end of first or second year toward payment of an ac cruing premium. Interest not payable until maturity of loan. Loans may be paid off in sums as small as $10. Free from restrictions as to residence and travel. SHINING FIGURES Since it began business in 1843. The Mutual Life has paid I in death claims $63S,577, 01 o. The Mutual Life has paid in matured endownment? and annuities $210-399.361. The Mutual Life has paid in cash dividends to policy holders $290,990.90?. The Mutual Life's total) payments to policyholders have been $1.467.S20,S7$. The Mutual Life has paid] to and accumulated for its policyholders $283,$".531 more than it has received from them in premium*. A CARD TO THE PEOPLE OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. I agency for Vranklln County of those great Inilliin Remedies o( Dr. White Eagle. who In Loulsbnrg recently, de monstrated their unquestionable Tal ue as a curative of most of the ail ments affecting the human system. Of the hundreds of bottles that we hare sold and haTe been taken by as many people, we hare yet to hear of a single case that has not been benefit ted by Its nse, while many hate been al most mlracnlonsly cored of ftomach. liver and kidney troubles, also worms and tape worms. It has been our rnle nerer to recom mend any patent medicine to oar pat rons until we have known K to haTe been tried and proTen beteficlal as a medicine for suffering humanity, con sequently onr entire stock of medicin es Is composed of tke best that science, skill and reputable manufacturers can make. Now we offer yon .Dr. White Eagle's Senna-Tone and other reme dies. made from herbs, roots and barks fathered from the hunting grounds of the Indians of the West and from for. mulas used by their medicine men and women, who knew no chemicals or narcotics, consequently by their nse they Ure loafer than any other people on earth, Many of them living to be 100 to 130 years old and a few eren older. Oar Mr. G. L. Aycotk has been serv Ing you In the drug business for over twenty.flve years, whose aim has been and always will be t? sell yon to treat erery person honorably, and honestly, knowing well the nnchangable laws of nature that. "Whatsoever you sow, yon shall also reap: and whatever yon deal to your fellowman. It will be dealt back to you." With highest appreciation for your confidence we hope to see yon often, we remain / R. P. TAYLOR MANAGER RALFTGH DISTRICT luur irienil>, AYCOCK DRUG COMPANY. ? agg Men- heavy Overall* rf.'iO qnaMt?. L'" L. L. Spa I?land. yard wide at /. *1.K* at 1? l-2c yd SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS W6 have placed on exhibit in our store some of the big gest bargains ever offered you before. These big reductions are offered to make room for our fall and winter good that will soon be arriving. The reductions apply on all Spring and Summer goods including Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies ready to wear garments, Suits, Mens Clothing, Shirts, Under wear, Gents Furnishings, and Shoes for both men, women and children. We are offering you something great, as we will have to have the room. Now is your chance to save money, while our buyer is on the Northern Markets. Come. / > iT 5 / ? i!? ? s 2x I. J. DEITZ COMPANY "THE HOUSE THAT ALWAYS SELLS IT CHEAPER' r / z 5? j =' T s 7 't?. / h NT. Moils I'-.ilm Doneli nnd Kool Cloth Boy?? Suits nil trrnilo?. nT *? Is $15, now iU"o going ?t $C>0 Mens work Pnntn jrrflid errnde .. *1.19^ Don't let Dlarrhof4. Flux. Dysentery, Cholera Morlma. or such "Ret the START of jrou"! And k#*p ?pedal watch on the CHILDREN >U Mixture i safety for the family If promptly ujod in bowel trouble ?fner^enclea. At y*Mir dru* ?tore, price 35c. Keep It In tha house? ready. Thacheb Medicine Co. CkatliMiw, Tim,, U. S. A. FOE SALE BY SCOGGIN DRUG STORE EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified for administration* oq the estate of David T. Fuller, late of Franklin County, Nortn Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or either of them, on or before the 4th day of July, 1920. or this notice will. be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This July 4th. 1919. Mrs. Annfe JBT. Fuller. Executrix. W. W. Fuller. Co-executor. Wm. H. & Ttf>s. W. Rufftn. Attorneys 7-4-6t. SO SrDDEN, DEAR. After a brief twr> weeks' acquaint ance he invited her to go with him to a football match. As the players ap poared on the field he began to en large on their several merits. "There's Smith." he said; "he's a really fine forward; absolutely flrst rate! Then there's Jacsson. over there; he's really fine?going to be our best man in a few weeks!" "Ohr falter, will he?he do all right?" she lisped shyly. "This is so sudden, dear." "It Looked Like a Battlefield In Eur ope." Said Mr. C. I>on*ter "Was staying at ?'hotel In a small Pennsylvania town/ Early one morn ing I went to the stable to hire a ris and was shown ar pile of dead rats kill ed with RAT-SNAP, the night before. Looked like a battlefield in Europe." Three sizes. 25c. 50c. $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Allen Bros.. Louisburg.. N. C. ESPECIALLY SENSE OK HARMONY, "My wife doesn't sine any more." " Did she lose hi r voice?" "No; she found her senses." ACT QCICKLT. Do the richt thing at the right time Act quickly in time oi danger. In t?m?r ui kidney ?Ijtiai.e.'. Doan's | Kidney nil.* ar? mo-t elective. Plenty o; rVaiiki;*.iton~?\ i J<nce of their worm. >irs'. \V. a. -heli. Main St.. Franklintou. N. t .. ?a>?. "I used Dour.s Kidney Piils at tiiftVrent times for pains in my ba'ck and iiiey sure p rov. d their merit. At cue time, my back was so sore.- no mi" t or which wav I turned. I was in mis-.ry. 1 had I' tea'i w?-u:d split. Diify "spoils trou bed me and specks would dance in front of n.e. too. WKen ever any of t trese- aftrtClcr? came ah. l frard Dunn's Kidney Pills und ,hii, always fl'xed me up ali right. I wouTTin't be without Doar/s in the house." Price t>*K\ at all d<-a!era. Don't simply ask for a 'kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Hill??the same that Mrs. Mitchell had. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Mfgrs.. A lawyer doesn't know everything. a> thinks you think he <ioe*. Many a man who claims to be dis creet is only a coward. This Corn Will Peel Right Off! "Geta-It" Makes Conw Come Off The "Banana-Peel" "Way! Why have to flop on the floor, ?queeze yourself up like the letter Z , and with bulging eyes draw your face up Into a wrinkly knot while you gouge and pull at tho Quick of a tender corn? That's 2 or 3 Drop# Appliad In ? F?w Theri'i to Fuuini or Cuttin? "Gatflt" Alwtyi V/orkjf m the old. Kf way. "Gets-It" 41 th? modern^ painless, simple way. Lean over fcnd put two drops of i "Get*-I t" ofc the corn, put your storkiner fino *?hoc rlKht on attain, and the corn. Pain Is cased. "Gets-It' ? .has revolutionized the tr*?alm?*nt of corns. It never Irri tates the true flesh. You'll stop llmplnt? on the side of your Bhd<\ and do away with frrffiny salve?, bundling bandages. thick plasters and painful methods. Use "Gets-It"}* Its common sense. ? ?*V7ets-It." the guaranteed, money, b?.. ?ccorn-r?tnovcr. the only sure way, costs hut a trme at an? drujr store. MTdby E. Lawrcnce otCo.iChlcaKo.HL I Sold in Louisbur^ and recommoridcd as the wfn l?!'y hc*t corn rrmeTTy liy * f. u. pli:asaxts. TOBACCO FLUES OUR FLUE SHOP IS NOW RUNNING FULL TIME IN THE Farmers Union Warehouse AND WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON VERY SHORT NOTICE. WE USE ONLY THE BEST OPEN HEARTH STEEL AND EMPLOY EX PERIENCED WORKMEN AND GUAR ANTEE OUR FLUES TO FIT YOUR BARN. ~ , YOUR PATRONAGE IS GREATLY AP PRECIATED AND WE SUGGEST THAT YOU LET US HAVE YOUR OR DER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINT MENT. McKinne Bros. Co. Satisfaction Or Your Money Back Refrigerators The kind that saves your vege tables, milk, butter, etc., with less ice and the desired reliabil ity. They are not. high priced. Come and see them. You can't / afford to be without one. J. S. Wflliams / / FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Louisburg;, - - North Carolina

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